Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


  • Pyramidshawn
    871 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Keep Fun Sac stunned and burn down Rex first, then go after Sac or Qui-Gon. I tend to go after Sac with the first team since I know they're going down anyway, just keep hitting him and try to keep him immobilized. With next team, go after Qui-Gon. Anakin and Aayla are your last targets.

    Anakin will have butt ***** his entire team by that time
    Post edited by Vampire_X on
  • Fid
    121 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    After last nights/this morning's rollout and a restart GW wasn't so horrid. D-team to 5, A-team for 6, C-team 7-8, A-team for 9, C-team & B-team for 10, B-team & A-team for 11, joke 12. About 45-60 min, < 6 restarts.

    I don't know if it was part of the rollout/bug fix or just luck but this, for me, is much closer to how it should be. Hard but not brutal 6, hard but not max 9, near max but beatable "final" 11. The teams also seemed slightly less repetitive, fewer (but still several) Dooku/Ben/Phasma leading various combos of Rey, RG, QGJ, STH, GS, Sidious.

    If this is another tweak, great! If not, at least it was a brief reprieve from the slog. Either way, detailed communication on this issue would be greatly welcomed, for that matter even just a tactic acknowledgement would be nice.
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    First off, Do NOT merge this thread without any feedback please! I have played this game for months and know how to do gw. I pretty much have myself a deap bench at the cost of upping top 10 to do GW. Today, I couldn't do it for first time in months. Got to 12, no deaths, then my ENTIRE roster was wiped before my eyes. So, as a Customer, who has bright in many friends to this game, let me ask the dev team....
    1. What are you doing about it?
    2. What is the time frame we will have it fixed?

    It's pretty clear the last few updates were either very bugged or no well recieved, and this started with the GW update.
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    Finished it and got my rewards ok. Pretty unenjoyable experience. But that is another topic.
  • Cometheloser
    944 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Seems fine no problems here
  • TrojanX
    13 posts Member
    The old GW I would lose one character .. Now I lose maybe 5 or 6 .. Still pretty simple.
  • Finnien
    24 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    I think the devs don't understand how tedious running GW in its current state is. They're going to lose customers to burnout. More and more if it doesn't change. My guild already hates the GW guild activity day. The longer it goes on, the more frustrating and tedious it will become, the less fun people will have, the more people will quit. If they don't do somwthing to change GW soon, they will regret it, because the people who quit will be very unlikely to ever return.
  • TrojanX
    13 posts Member
    But it does take a little more strategy as to the order of characters to attack on level 12
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    Ran into my first GW buzz saw today. Ouch!
  • Mynd
    233 posts Member
    Fid wrote: »
    About 45-60 min, < 6 restarts.

    I don't think we should have to spend this much time on GW every day. I also don't find this fun, nor should a giant hero pool be required to beat GW. That's just my opinion though.
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    I'm so angry about GW that I could break a carrot in half.
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    FN2199 wrote: »
    Curious but how many toons have died before you reached this node?

    All of them, and not a single enemy taken out.

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    Tacitus16 wrote: »
    First off, Do NOT merge this thread without any feedback please! I have played this game for months and know how to do gw. I pretty much have myself a deap bench at the cost of upping top 10 to do GW. Today, I couldn't do it for first time in months. Got to 12, no deaths, then my ENTIRE roster was wiped before my eyes. So, as a Customer, who has bright in many friends to this game, let me ask the dev team....
    1. What are you doing about it?
    2. What is the time frame we will have it fixed?

    It's pretty clear the last few updates were either very bugged or no well recieved, and this started with the GW update.

    This is EXACTLY WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT. This is exactly what is happening to me. This why I said, it has become, literally, impossible for me to defeat out of the clear blue sky. That's clearly indicates the devs have done something wrong. Very very very wrong.
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    [ img ][ /img ]
    There you go.
    Proud and Belgian officer of [DTA] BIER DTA | official Lando Calrissian fanboy KappaPride
  • EventineElessedil
    6171 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Keep Fun Sac stunned and burn down Rex first, then go after Sac or Qui-Gon. I tend to go after Sac with the first team since I know they're going down anyway, just keep hitting him and try to keep him immobilized. With next team, go after Qui-Gon. Anakin and Aayla are your last targets.

    Anakin will have butt ***** his entire team by that time

    Rex goes down pretty fast. One round ought to do it, and you should be able to finish before losing everybody. Qui-Gon is usually pretty soft, but at XI he has a large health pool. Still softer than the other guys, though. So hit him in the Sac with RG for the stun, burn up Rex, and if it seems like a possibility to do serious damage to Qui-Gon, do it; otherwise just keep pounding the Sac. Once you get Rex/SF or Rex/QGJ out of the way, it gets more manageable ... with a couple more squads.
    Toukai wrote: »
    Keep Fun Sac stunned and burn down Rex first, then go after Sac or Qui-Gon. I tend to go after Sac with the first team since I know they're going down anyway, just keep hitting him and try to keep him immobilized. With next team, go after Qui-Gon. Anakin and Aayla are your last targets. Bring a taunter when attacking Aayla. Chewie might be good for a damage sponge.

    Man, the fact you have to just accept it takes a team to bring down SF does not fill me with comfort :)

    It usually takes me 2-4 squads to finish the 12th node. I've started saving my taunts (St Han) for that round because I know I'll need the protection for the attackers. If both RG and St Han make it to node 12, I feel pretty good about my chances of clearing. Put them in separate squads for best effect. Sometimes RG doesn't make it to 12 because I used him in 11 ... like today. Then it usually takes more squads. Yesterday's 40k opponent only took 2 squads!
    Post edited by Vampire_X on
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    I'm definitely considering uninstalling this game because of GW. Spending more than an hour on a small part of a mobile game is absolutely ridiculous. I think I'm going to give it a week and if GW isn't fixed then I'm out. I'm no whale but I've probably spent a couple of hundred on the game.
  • Lattimer
    31 posts Member
    I want to be clear in that what this GW issue did was cause me to reevaluate how much time I was spending on the game. I was already spending a quite a bit of time throughout the day and on at each refresh but this issue caused my daily time spent to grow by an hour and not only would it take that amount of time minimum, I often couldn't complete the GW so it would create a lot of frustration because completion of GW is important to progression in this game for reasons outlined throughout this thread.

    So, I guess I should thank wallet does, cus I'm taking a break and going another direction with my time and money. I'll definitely check back at a later time and see if it is worth it.
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    The tuning is ridiculous. I can't beat the last few matches of GCW, because I get placed against ridiculously OP'd teams. I don't mind a challenge, but come back on this isn't fun and makes me want to throw my phone.
  • Serya
    334 posts Member
    Wow no chance I'm reading all of these posts but basically it looks like they reverted back to the GW that takes an hour to beat.

    I really don't know why this is so hard to figure out....
  • JRA
    336 posts Member
    Serya wrote: »
    Wow no chance I'm reading all of these posts but basically it looks like they reverted back to the GW that takes an hour to beat.

    I really don't know why this is so hard to figure out....
    This version is much harder than the chore we had prior to 6/15. At least for me it is. It was fun for 2 weeks before they ruined it.

    I already gave them a 1 star review. I'm going to look into the refund request. This is not the game I started months ago.

  • Forar
    94 posts Member
    I placed a review on the app store that I felt expressed my frustration and warned potential players what might await them if they try the game.

    Not to 'punish' the devs, but because I feel this is an awful direction for a game to go, and felt a warning was worth putting out there.
  • Toukai
    1822 posts Member
    Keep Fun Sac stunned and burn down Rex first, then go after Sac or Qui-Gon. I tend to go after Sac with the first team since I know they're going down anyway, just keep hitting him and try to keep him immobilized. With next team, go after Qui-Gon. Anakin and Aayla are your last targets.

    Anakin will have butt **** his entire team by that time

    Rex goes down pretty fast. One round ought to do it, and you should be able to finish before losing everybody. Qui-Gon is usually pretty soft, but at XI he has a large health pool. Still softer than the other guys, though. So hit him in the Sac with RG for the stun, burn up Rex, and if it seems like a possibility to do serious damage to Qui-Gon, do it; otherwise just keep pounding the Sac. Once you get Rex/SF or Rex/QGJ out of the way, it gets more manageable ... with a couple more squads.
    Toukai wrote: »
    Keep Fun Sac stunned and burn down Rex first, then go after Sac or Qui-Gon. I tend to go after Sac with the first team since I know they're going down anyway, just keep hitting him and try to keep him immobilized. With next team, go after Qui-Gon. Anakin and Aayla are your last targets. Bring a taunter when attacking Aayla. Chewie might be good for a damage sponge.

    Man, the fact you have to just accept it takes a team to bring down SF does not fill me with comfort :)

    It usually takes me 2-4 squads to finish the 12th node. I've started saving my taunts (St Han) for that round because I know I'll need the protection for the attackers. If both RG and St Han make it to node 12, I feel pretty good about my chances of clearing. Put them in separate squads for best effect. Sometimes RG doesn't make it to 12 because I used him in 11 ... like today. Then it usually takes more squads. Yesterday's 40k opponent only took 2 squads!

    I feel ya man. I have 3 PvP teams. I run Bariss, Phasma, Rey, QGJ, GS up to around node 10. At 10 I swap to PvP: Dooku, RG, Rey, QGJ, GS.

    Node 11 is where the pain train starts and if i make it to node 12, I only hope whatever is left with A-team #1 can be defeated by g8 droids (poggle, no JE), then g7-8 rebels (aa, leia, biggs, whoever else i have left).

    If it has Anakin as lead, my Dooku can usually keep him perma cc'd while I work on a tank. Unfortunatly, the sheer HP of those teams means by the time I am done bringing down ONE of them, i have lost 2-3 people in the process.

    Yesterday I ran ig88 as leader when it was down to SF + 5s just so I could put like 8 dots on SF. Seemed to be better than an HK lead :(
  • Saraleb
    2070 posts Member
    My experience.. goes back to a couple months ago where as opposed to 1 teaming all of GW i have to bring out the bench (most of it as well) takes a lot of effort and prob more it should considering reward
  • Fid
    121 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Mynd wrote: »
    Fid wrote: »
    About 45-60 min, < 6 restarts.

    I don't think we should have to spend this much time on GW every day. I also don't find this fun, nor should a giant hero pool be required to beat GW. That's just my opinion though.

    Oh I'm with ya, but after the 90+ minute, headache inducing, 12+ restart runs, the trail of butchered teams, and non-existent opponent variation that has led to today, this was better. Granted I'm grasping at straws, but still better.

    And definitely, without a roster deep enough to have a reasonable D-team plus bench, I doubt I'd have made it past node 9 and certainly not 11. So clearly not all is well with GW. I still say CG, if you're listening, an adaptive algorithm that monitors and adjusts nodes based on the state of each players available roster going into each battle would go a long way to balancing GW for everyone. And if that's what you're doing keep working on it >.>
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    After some time away today, I feel however my feelings seemed justified at the time, I am not privvy to all the reasons for the changes etc. And as such I wish to withdraw my accusation. For all I know, they were directed to make said changes and had no recourse but to comply. In my time playing CG games I have had good experiences and shared some fun talks with those behind them. I regret my choice of words.

    Hopefully this all serves a higher purpose. I won't lie and say I like the changes, they are taking the fun out of a game I really enjoyed. I wish someone at CG could explain how they help and how they needed to be made. How all this anger and the resulting mistrust is worth it.

    At any rate, hope it's worth it.

  • PugVader
    438 posts Member
    Last battle? More like nodes 6, 9, 11 and 12 for me.
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    Galactic Wars are getting absurd. On top of what's stated above, yesterday, the game seemed to just declare my whole party dead after the first node. And I didn't lose anyone in the battle. Seriously, dev team, do your regression testing please.
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    I like Galactic War and always get upset when I see posts with titles like this but this example really does make GW seem broken.
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    Yudoka wrote: »
    See, you just need stronger guys and then the 12th battle will just be the easy 3* one. I'm not kidding. If you can get the combined power of your top 5 guys (you don't actually need to use them anywhere) to 37k or more, the system will give you an easy last battle. It's like becoming rich and famous and being comped by businesses.

    He isn't kidding. 4 out of 5 days it was like that for me. And I have the screen shots to prove it. If I could ever figure out how to post them here I will. However its not like that makes GW super easy. Usually my GW starts with 7* gear 8 and level 77 on node 1. This steadily progresses until I get to the 4th or 5th node. On these I have fully maxed toons. I'm talking 7* gear 10&11, level 80 toons. Full Omega's on ALL abilities. Then it eases node by node, until the next to last node. Then its back to fully 100% maxed toons. And lastly I will get 3 and 4 star, level 80 toons.
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