Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


  • JoseIrimia
    446 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Not more for the rich, more for those that really can't use it. Part of the problem is some players have beaten all nodes, in light and dark, normal and hard. Arena is boring since they sit in the top rankings, and GW is broken in their favor. They are bored out of their minds and not spending. So, they (CG) faced with falling revenues and losing google play rankings almost daily (2 points in a few days) need to get back where they were. So they make the game more difficult and call it challenging.

    This dance is called "balance" CG was advertising a job opening for a "balance expert". It has since expired, it is unknown if it was filled. See balance is a myth, often sought after rarely achieved. What is achieved is an acceptable compromise. Scientific debates aside, balance in these or any game is virtually impossible in my opinion. Why? Some players pour over every aspect of the game, they make lists and spreadsheets, they spend every waking minute learning every nuance and search for patterns until they can beat the game in their sleep. Others have lives, families, obligations, so they play casually, a few hours a week. So, with this in mind, how can you balance the game to suit both types of players? Answer, you can't. So you go after those willing to spend and cater to them. This is the current mindset for mobile games. Make a game, get it working, push it out. Start on another so you have a fallback when the current game fails. Rinse and repeat until your name is no longer trusted, close shop, reopen under a new name and start all over. Capitalism at it's finest.

    There are many interesting points you raise here, and mostly I agree with you. The way the company is directed to is disaster. The problem is that a contract from disney is way too good and in the future, no matter the new name of CG/EA big companies are going to be aware. EA have a reputation and is not getting better.

    In this forum, many people is proposing ideas, good ones, that could potentially work in many aspects, such as balancing toons (some have been fixed, like mace, ahsoka, anakin), fix rewards in raids, new content, or even how to fix GW (in terms of rewards, power of the squads you face based in the player rooster, rather than arena squad and position). However 95% of those ideas are falling into deft ears or are plainly ignored.

    Those, if properly addressed could make a way better game and long lasting maximizing earning in medium-long term. However, management only pay attention to short term benefits and most likely that will kill the game, as you pointed, in a short time. The solutions are here.

    Just let me put an example: in NFL or NBA the best teams get more rewards because they play more games, more audience... But the worse teams also get better positions in the draft so they can come back and compete. Apply/Adapt this highly successful and capitalistic way into the game may (instead of more riches for the rich) help all the players have feeling of progression and keep the competitivity and interest for a wide range of players, casual and highly involved. Big spenders and f2p/causal spenders.
    Post edited by JoseIrimia on
  • Kell87
    2 posts Member
    How come the last battle of my GW has players that are gear level 11 when that doesn't even exist there throwing teams at me that are impossible to beat every character on the team is over 8000 power
  • Jedi_Yoda
    928 posts Member
    evanbio wrote: »
    The devs have said they want this to be difficult. I think we need to accept that the days of running a single squad through GW are over.

    NOT what DEVS said at all they SAID they want to you to use a variety of characters to complete the nodes and NOT merely use one squad, so its working as intended.

    GW is only unbalanced because they BUFF the teams its not just about being above squad power those teams get extra buffs and synergy... I faced this similar squad myself and I have a good arena team (37K power, ALL G10 except 1) and I STILL only made a dent in that squad.. that's ridiculous. Like the OP said wasting 2 or 3 squads when its still insurmountable = not fun and want to quit playing.

  • ioniancat21
    2091 posts Member
    For EA and CG, it's much better this way. Players will spend more resources overall to complete it and the chances of them spending money to get out of a hole is higher, Cash Grab 101 guys....
  • Jedi_Yoda
    928 posts Member
    Yudoka wrote: »
    See, you just need stronger guys and then the 12th battle will just be the easy 3* one. I'm not kidding. If you can get the combined power of your top 5 guys (you don't actually need to use them anywhere) to 37k or more, the system will give you an easy last battle. It's like becoming rich and famous and being comped by businesses.

    Not sure who told you this but this is completely FALSE
  • ioniancat21
    2091 posts Member
    Ya'll just need to spend more money, that's the issue.......LOL
  • Toukai
    1822 posts Member
    Jedi_Yoda wrote: »
    Yudoka wrote: »
    See, you just need stronger guys and then the 12th battle will just be the easy 3* one. I'm not kidding. If you can get the combined power of your top 5 guys (you don't actually need to use them anywhere) to 37k or more, the system will give you an easy last battle. It's like becoming rich and famous and being comped by businesses.

    Not sure who told you this but this is completely FALSE

    It's not false. Some users who have 37-38k power teams are getting 3-4* teams. Not all, but some. While @Yudoka is stating it as a guarentee, it most certainly *could* happen. Most likely it *wont* happen though.
  • Saraleb
    2070 posts Member
    Apart from struggles earlier this week i can finish without issues

    Last two battles are DEFO harder but not impossible.. just means as opposed to 1 teaming the whole thing strategy and your bench comes into play which i believe was the point of gw...

    33k arena... appreciate gw changes dependant on that so my experience is prob not everyones
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    Kell87 wrote: »
    How come the last battle of my GW has players that are gear level 11 when that doesn't even exist there throwing teams at me that are impossible to beat every character on the team is over 8000 power
    Some characters (ie Qui-Gon) can get level 11 gear.
  • Toukai
    1822 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    33k is not going to make it hard. 35k is the tipping point it seems. At that point, you'll get nothing but anakin led Sun Fac + clone teams.

    It takes an entire squad to just kill ONE of their 5 tanks.

    For the last 5 days my final team has been Anakin, Aayla, 5s, RG, Sun Fac.

    It takes minimum 3 teams to beat (for me as f2p), and today it took 4 due to bad rng on my end. Had the 4th team failed, I doubt I would have completed.
  • Nobody
    225 posts Member
    I was beating GW quite often, now I can't because of node 12. I am facing teams that way over match me. A challenge means I should have a chance to win. It is now impossible. At the rate gear drops I may be able to beat node 12 in a year or two.. Thanks
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    JoseIrimia wrote: »
    Not more for the rich, more for those that really can't use it. Part of the problem is some players have beaten all nodes, in light and dark, normal and hard. Arena is boring since they sit in the top rankings, and GW is broken in their favor. They are bored out of their minds and not spending. So, they (CG) faced with falling revenues and losing google play rankings almost daily (2 points in a few days) need to get back where they were. So they make the game more difficult and call it challenging.

    This dance is called "balance" CG was advertising a job opening for a "balance expert". It has since expired, it is unknown if it was filled. See balance is a myth, often sought after rarely achieved. What is achieved is an acceptable compromise. Scientific debates aside, balance in these or any game is virtually impossible in my opinion. Why? Some players pour over every aspect of the game, they make lists and spreadsheets, they spend every waking minute learning every nuance and search for patterns until they can beat the game in their sleep. Others have lives, families, obligations, so they play casually, a few hours a week. So, with this in mind, how can you balance the game to suit both types of players? Answer, you can't. So you go after those willing to spend and cater to them. This is the current mindset for mobile games. Make a game, get it working, push it out. Start on another so you have a fallback when the current game fails. Rinse and repeat until your name is no longer trusted, close shop, reopen under a new name and start all over. Capitalism at it's finest.

    There are many interesting points you raise here, and mostly I agree with you. The way the company is directed to is disaster. The problem is that a contract from disney is way too good and in the future, no matter the new name of CG/EA big companies are going to be aware. EA have a reputation and is not getting better.

    In this forum, many people is proposing ideas, good ones, that could potentially work in many aspects, such as balancing toons (some have been fixed, like mace, ahsoka, anakin), fix rewards in raids, new content, or even how to fix GW (in terms of rewards, power of the squads you face based in the player rooster, rather than arena squad and position). However 95% of those ideas are falling into deft ears or are plainly ignored.

    Those, if properly addressed could make a way better game and long lasting maximizing earning in medium-long term. However, management only pay attention to short term benefits and most likely that will kill the game, as you pointed, in a short time. The solutions are here.

    Just let me put an example: in NFL or NBA the best teams get more rewards because they play more games, more audience... But the worse teams also get better positions in the draft so they can come back and compete. Apply/Adapt this highly successful and capitalistic way into the game may (instead of more riches for the rich) help all the players have feeling of progression and keep the competitivity and interest for a wide range of players, casual and highly involved. Big spenders and f2p/causal spenders.

    +1 Well said :)

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    Once again GW has left me defeated and wondering why i keep coming back for more. I'm not sure why I keep playing, that's why I've been taking my mobile device with me to visit a couples therapist. He says that I'm stuck in an abusive relationship and must break the cycle on my own. After each time the devs tweak the game, update it and introduce catastrophic issues, I let them know how much they hurt me and cause frustration and anger. I know i should just walk away, but then they give me shiny gifts and rewards and promise to fix it and promise that it wont happen again. I am getting stronger though, yesterday the light saber sound went off on my phone letting me know my free 45 energy was ready to claim, and I waited a full hour before I broke down and accepted it, so there is still hope.

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    I'm off to visit Tyria (MMO I play) and hang with some fun people doing whatever we want.

    Time for everyone to do something else.

  • Dagobond
    134 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    My main issue with the Galactic War is that it is a daily activity, a guild activity and a main source of in-game resources if a player can finish it. Why then do they make it very difficult for players who don't have completely geared up characters and massive rosters? The devs need to revert to the June 15th level of difficulty and find some other activity to make difficult; one that is not so vital to a player's advancement in the game.
  • Yudoka
    1274 posts Member
    Toukai wrote: »
    Jedi_Yoda wrote: »
    Yudoka wrote: »
    See, you just need stronger guys and then the 12th battle will just be the easy 3* one. I'm not kidding. If you can get the combined power of your top 5 guys (you don't actually need to use them anywhere) to 37k or more, the system will give you an easy last battle. It's like becoming rich and famous and being comped by businesses.

    Not sure who told you this but this is completely FALSE

    It's not false. Some users who have 37-38k power teams are getting 3-4* teams. Not all, but some. While @Yudoka is stating it as a guarentee, it most certainly *could* happen. Most likely it *wont* happen though.

    As of the patch the other night, this has been fixed. Everyone is now getting the nutty 12th. I got to face a 40k team. yay!
    They groaned, they stirred, they all uprose, Nor spoke, nor moved their eyes; It had been strange, even in a dream, To have seen those dead men rise.
  • herbert79
    73 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    JRA wrote: »
    Sandybard wrote: »
    I don't mind the changes too much. I used to run the whole thing with one squad and it was easy. Very rarely did I even lose one toon, let alone not finish all nodes. Now, things start to get tougher after the first few nodes. I think it's node 6 that suddenly becomes challenging. I may lose a toon or two there. After that, it seems to get a little easier again until node 11. If I make it past that, node 12 finishes me off more often than not. I think I've completed GW once or twice since the update. That's fine. If it's not challenging, they might as well just give the loot away to us simply for logging in. There's no point in even having the thing if everyone just plows their way through it in 10 minutes. Like anything else worth having, it's gotta be worked for.
    Challenge is what challenges are for, or raids, or arena. GW has been the required daily farming that people spent weeks or months getting to a point that they could beat daily without worry. It's how we get a bit of credits so we can build up toons to do actual challenges. It's farming. Daily farming and nothing more. That's the game people paid for, and spent months on. If they want to make bare minimum required daily farming so difficult that it takes hours daily, or people can't finish it at all then people will rage quit, or stop spending. The last 55 pages prove that. If they want to challenge us, add new stuff. Don't take things away.

    Exactly!!! +1

    GW is the meat and potatoes of this game. It's really the only reliable means to get credits and toons fast and it's become so tedious and hard that I'm considering quitting because of it.
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    Finnien wrote: »
    I think the devs don't understand how tedious running GW in its current state is. They're going to lose customers to burnout. More and more if it doesn't change. My guild already hates the GW guild activity day. The longer it goes on, the more frustrating and tedious it will become, the less fun people will have, the more people will quit. If they don't do somwthing to change GW soon, they will regret it, because the people who quit will be very unlikely to ever return.

    Agreed, I'm definitely considering quitting because of GW. Just not worth the two hour grind. I give them a week and if it's not fixed, I'm out. Unfortunately there are many like me in my guild who are frustrated. Two other quit a few days ago already.
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    Is fascinating how many comments in this thread come from new users in the forum (only 1 or 2 posts). Is another indicative of how badly received are the GW changes, so people is compelled to open an account in the forums to express themselves.
    Yet, management is not listening, ignoring and disrespecting costumers and the whole community.
  • JP30
    3 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Insanely difficult now. Can't get past Node 11 with two teams of Lvl 7 with 8/9 gear. Getting wiped and only taking out one maybe two opposing characters. Time to move on. Glad I only wasted time and not money.
    Post edited by GummyBearKing268 on
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    Sadly they just don't CARE. I imagine them all sat around calling us every name under the sun. Not sure they'd be doing that if half the forum had their direct dial office number and they were getting called out all day long on this rubbish GW update.
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    GW is super easy now. Stop whining and complaining.


    iN DarthJarJar | Team Instinct Δ
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    You can't beat GW nightly with 1 or 2 teams. Given that you need five teams for Raids, multiple teams to participate in Events (droids, rebels, jedi, empire, scoundrels, ewoks, etc), the game is encouraging all of us to diversify our bench instead of building one strong team for Arena. You can't expect to play the game successfully with one or two teams. It's that simple.

    I have five teams - Droids, Ewoks, Nightsisters, Tuskens, and a random smattering of Jedi, Sith and Scoundrels - and beat GW every night with no issue. Faced a team almost identical to the one OP posted an image of last night, and defeated them with no problems. It did take multiple squads - one to take out Sun Fac, the next to take out QGJ - after that, I was able to clean up Rex, Ani and the third toon with my Arena squad.

    Build multiple teams. It'll allow you to beat GW nightly with no issues, participate in more Events, and achieve higher scores in Raids.

    iN DarthJarJar | Team Instinct Δ
  • Toukai
    1822 posts Member
    Yudoka wrote: »
    Toukai wrote: »
    Jedi_Yoda wrote: »
    Yudoka wrote: »
    See, you just need stronger guys and then the 12th battle will just be the easy 3* one. I'm not kidding. If you can get the combined power of your top 5 guys (you don't actually need to use them anywhere) to 37k or more, the system will give you an easy last battle. It's like becoming rich and famous and being comped by businesses.

    Not sure who told you this but this is completely FALSE

    It's not false. Some users who have 37-38k power teams are getting 3-4* teams. Not all, but some. While @Yudoka is stating it as a guarentee, it most certainly *could* happen. Most likely it *wont* happen though.

    As of the patch the other night, this has been fixed. Everyone is now getting the nutty 12th. I got to face a 40k team. yay!

    Yea man, it's absolutely brutal.

    I keep saying it, but 5 days of Anakin, Aayla, RG, 5s, Sun Fac? That is not in anyway, shape, or form a type of "fun."

    It takes me my A game PvP team to bring down just ONE of them. My B-team to get one more + maybe another to 50%, and a third team to try and finish everyone off since the heaviest hitters should be dead.

    Today, it took 4 teams... my 4th team is literally just all the side character's i have moderately geared and 7*'d so if they died, I would have been hosed.
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    If you get a hard node 12, you'll likely need a deep roster to consistently allow you to beat GW.

    A) 4 strong suicide squads (roughly 6*/65/g7 or higher) that can really soak up most of opposing teams special hits for nodes 6,9,11,12.
    B) A strong B team that can kill one or two opposing toons from the ridiculously strong node 12 team.
    C) A very strong A team (34K+ power), that can kill node 11 and finish full health and beat the remaining 3-4 toons in node 12 that your B team left alive.
  • Kronusz
    18 posts Member
    Finally I am frustrated enough to add on to this thread. Ironically GW was one of my favorite aspects of the game until recently and now it has me on the verge of uninstalling. . . so you have to think, what is the point of GW?

    if it is to provide a challenge for people who are fully geared with a large roster then sure you can make it hard BUT could you really make it hard enough for them? And even if you could what rewards would they be doing it for? It seems you made raids as a way to attract those players and so you should leave GW as a farmable and work on a new raid.

    if it is to provide resources to people growing their rosters with a "war of attrition" that odes not take too much time (as you aid in your recent post) you should be aiming for a higher end medium difficulty the whole way through not just an impassable block at the back end. By the time I have a team I can clear GW with I wont "need" to do it for credits and shards anymore so what is the point?

    if it is to provide a "squeeze" to encourage more people to spend money (as a few people have suggested in this thread) your change is also a bad idea!!! people spend money when they are having fun , people find new games when the challenge seems unreachable.

    The root of the problem here is how you decided what a good challenge is. . . if you are going to base it off our pvp team you should base it off of what we face in PVP as well. I am top 5 on my board daily but I have been stuck in GW for the last few days scratching my head. since I have only been playing for a few months I dont have a deep roster of geared toons AND I would not develop toons just for GW; I develop toons for raids and use GW to get resources to help my raid teams. . .

    in closing fix it before I uninstall!
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    My last two nodes are always low level grey teams. Yep, GW is broken. It's too difficult for those with lower arena power and super easy for those with higher power. Seems like they just can't get it right no matter how many times they change it.
  • Sparky83
    11 posts Member
    I don't get everyone moaning...... It's clearly meant to be hard...... What is the issue, it's designed to make you use your whole squad, not just 2 teams...
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    Sparky83 wrote: »
    I don't get everyone moaning...... It's clearly meant to be hard...... What is the issue, it's designed to make you use your whole squad, not just 2 teams...

    Then why isn't it hard for me? My last 2 nodes are grey teams, low stars and no gear. It is apparently more difficult the lower your arena power.. how does that make sense? It is obviously broken and should be fixed. Everyone should be able to complete their GW.
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