Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


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    the developers screwed up big time with mods. they were forced upon us. they made things like GW which to most was already broken worse.

    I just dont understand how developers can be this ignorant. did ea hire monkeys to program?

    I think EA is approaching this from a counsel gaming / PC gaming perspective and applying the same principles and it's just the wrong approach. Now with the mods they're trying to nickel and dime us for everything. As if the gear and chromiums weren't enough, now mods and grinding characters you weren't previously interesting in having anyway just so you can do the challenges. Such a time-sync and money waste. They need to find rollback this change and find a consultant on mobile gaming development because it feels like they don't understand.
  • Catarra
    67 posts Member
    For the first time in months, I couldn't even make it past node 11 today. I always hit a strong team on node 6, which wipes out my squad that got me through nodes 1-5. Then I straggle along until node 9, waiting to bring my A team in until I have no choice. Usually node 12 rips me to shreds nowadays, I can complete it maybe 1 out of 3 days with being matched up with fulled geared and leveled toons. If that node 12 team has Rey and RG, then your goose is basically cooked since Rey one-shots a lot of my toons.

    This has gotten ridiculous. The devs did listen to our complaints about GW taking too long, so they tweaked it to make it go faster. Yay. Now I've had days where I've spent close to an hour just on node 12 trying to beat it and get those last precious credits.

    I know the most recent update notes said they have no plans to tinker with GW anymore, and that's pretty sad to hear. If you're not going to tinker with GW, then at least nerf Rey ASAP. Now that she's in the guild shipments, everybody's got her and she's a monster. It's become a really frustrating bloodbath.
    "They were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Naturally they became heroes." ~ Leia Organa
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    Yudoka wrote: »
    shampoo wrote: »
    GW is based off your highest powered arena team. So if you got a high power team then the system can't find anything higher/high enough for those last slots it fills in junk.

    He's gone to plaid and looped!

    I actually experienced the same thing last night. My first 10 fights were the new easier normal but the 11th was a total whale team with completely maxed out Rex, Sunpac, Leia, Rey, and Phasma. I thought the last battle would be just as nuts but I instead got a similar 3-star team. And no, my arena team's power isn't maxed out or highest on my server. I'm currently at just over 36k and have plenty of teams above that mark in the arena to face.

    Hi!!! I am facing the a similar issue. Getting teams maxed out at Gear level 11, level 80 with power levels of 8k. These teams usually turn up at node 6 and always in the last node. GW is supposed to be difficult to complete but not impossible. All my top guild members are also facing these Whales. It's impossible to defeat them as they One shot K.O. my characters with 30K damage. EA kindly fix this please
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    sorry, but the "tweak" mentioned, isn't accurately reflected in the "new" Galactic War. It ramps up to node 6, then drops a bit for the next few nodes, then is all top arena teams for over 4 nodes, finally ending at un-geared, lv80 characters.

    This is a "mobile" game. I was actually enjoying the 6/15 GW update, as I believe I had developed powerful characters through 8+ months of playing this game, to be able to run through it in a reasonable amount of time.

    It is not fun to fight arena teams over and over. Why couldn't you have each node offer "synergy" teams, or teams from the same race / type? That would have been a great way for players to see how each character functions? There is no "strategy" here that can be developed from a deep roster when all you fight is top teams that were created just for that - Top ranking in Arena.

    There is no "Galactic" in this war - just ridiculous double taunt arena teams.

    Totally agree with you. Get a few low level teams but towards the end getting fully maxed out whale teams which are impossible to beat. This is like Arena battles without the time limit and ranking, but with the top ranked players towards the end. Very erratic
  • Agurk
    4 posts Member
    Ea the Mods have destoyed the game and 90 percent Will agree!!! I understand Why many People have quit the game and i am going to join Them if you don't fix it!!!!!
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    Check this out for Node 12:







    Get used to this....

    Yeah, my pretty teams won't even dent 1 toon. I hate this update and hate GW even more now.
  • Faroer
    246 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    I am finishing gw now with only 2 retreats Mods help a lot if you use them the right way and also build your b c and d team with some planning. Don't despair! Good luck!
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    Faroer wrote: »
    I am finishing gw now with only 2 retreats Mods help a lot if you use them the right way and also build your b c and d team with some planning. Don't despair! Good luck!

    I beat it today because of my modded A team being able to mow down weaker opponents however I use that C/D team for nodes 1-5 and after 6 usually up until 9 now. However once everyone has mods it's going to be rough.....who intends to mod out their B/C/D teams especially if they aren't 6 or 7stars and not level 80?!?
  • Faroer
    246 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    cmjstota wrote: »
    Faroer wrote: »
    I am finishing gw now with only 2 retreats Mods help a lot if you use them the right way and also build your b c and d team with some planning. Don't despair! Good luck!

    I beat it today because of my modded A team being able to mow down weaker opponents however I use that C/D team for nodes 1-5 and after 6 usually up until 9 now. However once everyone has mods it's going to be rough.....who intends to mod out their B/C/D teams especially if they aren't 6 or 7stars and not level 80?!?

    Opposite! Do not mod your a team, whoa lol. Unless they change the match making algorithms ;)
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    Actually I was unsure if I wanted to comment on the GW disaster that has been implemented over the last few weeks, but after this patch I decide to first time post here.
    I originally had some constructive critism on improvement, but that is mood now as mods were introduced. GW atm is broken. Before it was problematic, but could have been healed taking some tweaks or actions.

    I don't think it will be addressed or even agnolished as a problem, but
    -if you base your matching algorithm is based on character/squad strength, then that value must roughly be a measurement of strength if you do have any intention of a fair matching system.

    So here is what happened today:
    I faced on node 12 an IG-100 Magma Guard.
    According to swgoh a fully geared, max stared, lvl80 would be at 7873 power with 23K health and 24k protection.
    That IG-100 Magma Guard wasn't fully geared so only around 7400 power, but he was fully modded leaving him with 32k health and 42k protection.

    Why is this a problem:
    With this example it is obvious beyond any doubt, that power is absolutely no longer a viable measure for anything. And any matching algorithm you base on this stat cannot ever yield even remotely balanced results. Unfortunately that also throws any reasonable tweaks on the existing algorithm out of the window.

    Now to vent of some steam: Thanks for not listening.

    And in the spirit of Donald Trump:
    EA-DEV-Team: "We'll build a Pay-Wall. Believe us we will build a Pay-Wall. You ask who is going to pay for this wall. We'll tell you: The F2P will pay for it. Believe us."
    Forum-F2P: "EA-Team we don't want that wall. We will not pay for that wall."
    EA-DEV-Team: "Dear F2P, that Pay-Wall just got 10 feet taller."
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    I just hit node 12 - full G10/11 7* L80 team, not a mod in sight throughout the entire GW, including node 12.

    Something changed?
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    I didn't hit full mods today like last night but there were a few on the final 2 nodes.
  • Mefi_ITA
    7 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    I just hit node 12 - full G10/11 7* L80 team, not a mod in sight throughout the entire GW, including node 12.

    Something changed?

    That depends on when you reset GW - if you reset just after the update (about 22 hrs ago?) You are getting team without mods because those where the team available just after the update.
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    With all respect and appreciation for this nice game so far. (spent about 500$) Since months my first GW i cannot complete. I just wanted to say f.... you! Check this out! Node 6!?!

  • Aniema
    602 posts Member
    I was expecting gws to be harder today because of all the doom and gloom posters saying how the world was gonna end and gws would be a nightmare. But nope, today i finished gws even faster than i would before the mod update. Squad power at 38k too.I only have 2 characters fully 5* modded. The rest of my team is in 2-4* mods. When i tell you i was on and off this game in an hour and 15 minutes..i surely was. The love this update. Using sim tickets to do challenges, making your character mod specific, gw giving more credits..this is a good update. The devs did great here. This game is getting better every update. I love it.
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    Mefi_ITA wrote: »
    I just hit node 12 - full G10/11 7* L80 team, not a mod in sight throughout the entire GW, including node 12.

    Something changed?

    That depends on when you reset GW - if you reset just after the update (about 22 hrs ago?) You are getting team without mods because those where the team available just after the update.

    That might be the case actually.

    Not looking forward to tomorrow then, haha.
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    I'm out.
  • Deww
    16 posts Member
    With all respect and appreciation for this nice game so far. (spent about 500$) Since months my first GW i cannot complete. I just wanted to say f.... you! Check this out! Node 6!?!

    Seriously I could not finish GW today because of a fully modded counter team today. My A team wiped without killing one. My b and c and d team killed anakin and that's it. This needs to be fixed. I've spent a lot of money probably like $700-$800. Won't spend a dime more when you make it mandatory to even complete a GW. When anakin basic attack does 17k followed up with sun fac alaya fives B2 led by anakin fully modded I'm not going to play.
  • Tavanh
    523 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    I won't be able to complete my GW for a month now thanks to having to face fully modded teams... -_-
  • rddavisjr
    2 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    The 11th and 12th GW battles have gotten out of hand. When I've hit the point where I know I can't win even when I have all of my toons and I'm cursing at the game, I start to wonder why am I even playing if it isn't fun anymore.

    Games like this should take me away from the stresses of life, not add to them.
  • Riggin12
    129 posts Member
    GW is ridiculous now. Nodes 9, 11 and 12 are all problematic. One factor may be the point ratings inadequately reflecting the power of mods. Regardless, this is indicative of bigger problems, all of which may contribute to the failure of the game--very sad.
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    Wasn't a larger collection supposed to help? You can't zerg down opponents's just not possible.
  • mriguy
    23 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    I am 115 for 115 on GWs. I am level 79, and today I will not finish the 12th battle. A team of 5 fully modded toons is staring at me, and I can't beat more than two of them. My goal to go 150 for 150 is over.
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    This is the first GW I could not complete in a long time. It's become so frustrating to play. Went through 8 teams and still couldn't complete it! That's supposed to be fun?!
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    Got wiped out on level 8..... Finished my 150GW yesterday.... I good time to retire.
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    Node 11 took out C and D GW squads before I could take them down. My A and B squads got absolutely destroyed on Node 12. Not only could I not take out a single toon of theirs, I couldn't even trigger his RG's taunt by taking someone to 50%.

    I checked the toons and they are modded to the gills. Rey was using her 2 swing attack to hit for 22k. QGJ's basic attack was hitting for almost 10K. I forget what Dooku and Phasma were doing but it almost didn't matter since everyone on the team had 3 to 5 star mods on top of 7* level 80 G9/10.

    My toons are L74-78, 7* G8 with my QGJ having a couple of 1* mods.

    My streak of GW completions now stops at 148...
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    Aniema wrote: »
    I was expecting gws to be harder today because of all the doom and gloom posters saying how the world was gonna end and gws would be a nightmare. But nope, today i finished gws even faster than i would before the mod update. Squad power at 38k too.I only have 2 characters fully 5* modded. The rest of my team is in 2-4* mods. When i tell you i was on and off this game in an hour and 15 minutes..i surely was. The love this update. Using sim tickets to do challenges, making your character mod specific, gw giving more credits..this is a good update. The devs did great here. This game is getting better every update. I love it.

    And how much money did you put into this? That is the issue, there are people with budgets and families and cannot afford to pay into a mobile game, and can only either pay very casually or completely f2p. These are the people that are having the issues in GW and cannot afford to just get 5* mods and still have yet to complete the enough of the mod battles to get to the hard ones so they can get the higher ones, since it is based on cantina energy, which was also a stupid move. Think before you speak, there are those like myself that want to enjoy the game and the GW is are ONLY real source of credits to lvl, star, and gear our toons. Now thanks to it being the way it is, that progression is all together stopped b/c we cannot complete it at all.
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    Miracle of miracles, I actually beat GW today! Trying not to get too excited, I'm sure it was just a fluke. Devs will probably read this and decide they need to make it harder again.
  • JPBrunel
    821 posts Member
    Please consider making changes to GW. Maybe you don't care what we think, but today was truly RIDICULOUSLY HARD. After grinding through the first 11 nodes, dying a lot and restarting a lot, I barely made it to node 12 with 2 depleted parties left at my disposal. This final battle was far from reasonable or fair. My arena team is about 34.5K. Well, in this final battle, the party I was facing was around 42K! Fully maxed out toons, fully modded out with tier 5 mods as well! I was almost able to get RG's shields down... Almost! Lol! That's it though, still 4 more toons at full strength. Needless to say, I didn't complete my GW today... Not happy about it! I know you want to make it more challenging, but can you PLEASE MAKE IT POSSIBLE at least? Here's a breakdown of what I faced:
    Old Ben (Leader) (of course!): around 8K power
    QGJ: 9093 power
    Rey: 8054 power
    Royal Guard: 8207 power
    Stormtrooper Han: 7916 power

    PLEASE TUNE GW, THIS WAS NOT EVEN POSSIBLE TODAY. Is that what you want, to make it impossible??

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