Mod Update and Stuck in a Mod Tutorial: A Really Mega Thread, Dude.


  • shampoo
    442 posts Member
    Uh oh, now they're getting "serious" I'm glad they were just messing around before but at least they admit to not really testing anything lol
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    Harmonica wrote: »
    In reply to this dev post:


    So you guys launch a new patch, people spend real $$$$$ and tons of stocked up credits on your new mod system. Then the forums rage because there is no natural progression from raid gear to mods. Was this fully tested out by you guys/gals? Why are the players your QA department? So these changes will probably bone those who spent money and credits on patch day. Or at least, the purchases made within the first 24ish hours of the patch launch didn't get the same value as those a few days after...

    Seriously, get beta testers going forward, because I am tired of this:



    Completely agree with this.
  • pac0naut
    3236 posts Member
    What I faced in Arena just now:

    82,409 H+P RG
    105,836 H+P Fives
    132,441 H+P Sun Fac

    Who on EARTH thought this was a good idea?
    Meanwhile, down on the farm....
  • Cuzzins
    345 posts Member
    Or put some thought into the characters and only allow mods that will mildly help a specific one or two elements. Rather than allowing all mods for everyone - make it class based or maybe certain mods give bigger benefits to certain classes but negligible benefits to others
  • DarkDiggler
    372 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    So is EA gonna reimburse me for my crystals and credits I've spent on these mods or is Apple? 350 crystals in my inbox is not gonna cover it this time.

    Edit: And before you guys come up with your next great game breaking update, could you please just stop and fix the characters that have bugs.
    If I see one more **** attacking a Jedi with a blaster pistol, then I'll kill them myself!
  • pac0naut
    3236 posts Member
    So is EA gonna reimburse me for my crystals and credits I've spent on these mods or is Apple? 350 crystals in my inbox is not gonna cover it this time.

    350 ain't going to come CLOSE to covering it. Not even CLOSE.
    Meanwhile, down on the farm....
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    pac0naut wrote: »
    What I faced in Arena just now:

    82,409 H+P RG
    105,836 H+P Fives
    132,441 H+P Sun Fac

    Who on EARTH thought this was a good idea?

    You know you're in trouble when your Rey uses Leverage on their Rey and their Rey still has 50% protection. LOL
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    Any changes they make at this point is going to screw one someone.

    1) they make it so you can no longer get 5* mods for now, but those that have them get to keep them. This screws everyone that didn't spend a bunch of effort/crystals/money in the first 24 hours.

    2) they make mods of any type easier to get or mods weaker in any way and they screw everyone that has spent that effort/crystals/money in the first 24 hours.
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    Between credits I had stored and purchased through packs I've spent about 3 million credits. I've also spent 1,400 crystals on refreshes for Cantina and buying credit packs which went right into mods. Plus the time obviously. I completely get the desire to fix the mods, but EA/CG has to also recognize the enormous resources people have already put in.
  • pac0naut
    3236 posts Member
    pac0naut wrote: »
    What I faced in Arena just now:

    82,409 H+P RG
    105,836 H+P Fives
    132,441 H+P Sun Fac

    Who on EARTH thought this was a good idea?

    You know you're in trouble when your Rey uses Leverage on their Rey and their Rey still has 50% protection. LOL

    I beat it with barely any mods, but I literally had to auto it from the point where I defeated his Rey and Phasma. And Phasma had like 80k on her?!?!?! WTH man?!?!? This makes the protection update look like a raindrop in the ocean of tears....
    Meanwhile, down on the farm....
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    They are going to loose players no doubt about it. Even i just unistalled
  • Doga
    808 posts Member
    Here, let's make everything op, what you don't like it, we're working on taking it back.
    PS: thanks for the hundreds of thousands of dollars everyone spend today working out the mod system.
  • RogueHS
    148 posts Member
    You guys can't patch the game without testing it. We are not beta testers, we are (were) paying customers.
  • ImperialTaco
    121 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    pac0naut wrote: »
    What I faced in Arena just now:

    82,409 H+P RG
    105,836 H+P Fives
    132,441 H+P Sun Fac

    Who on EARTH thought this was a good idea?

    A fricking unintelligent person thought of it. As much as I enjoying see my STH with 57k protection and 36k hp, I realize that it should NOT be that way. It totally shows how screwed up this system is. If this is what it's come down to my question is: why the **** did I ever buy that overpriced gear in the shop? And now there's a possibility that I just wasted more credits and crystals on these POS mods.
  • masters
    235 posts Member
    I don't care how much anyone put into their mods. They have the stats off by a factor of ten, among other issues. They need to bring those stats down to 10% of what they are.
  • ukdfink
    148 posts Member
    Anyone remeber comical ali?
  • Hellcat
    319 posts Member
    This is what would happen if you let these developers make a racing game:
    "See, there isn't much diversity in our game. Everybody is driving the same Nissan GTR and Porsche."
    "So what do you suggest?"
    "Let them modify their cars."
    "That's interesting. You mean like allowing them to buy new gear boxes or maybe add turbo chargers or switch to carbon fiber top that sort of things?"
    "No. I am thinking about rocket boosters. You know the ones they stick on a shuttle and blast it into space?"
  • Doga
    808 posts Member
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    Talking with EA got my friend ALOT of compensation.
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    Yudoka wrote: »
    Certera wrote: »
    I've played countless games that have gone through gear/character mod updates, and the only ones that have been successful were the ones that implemented positive/negative mod systems. For instance... you want a super high damage Rey that can one-hit hulk smash? You can do that, but her speed is going to go down proportionally. You want an RG with enough life and protection to fill the screen? You can do that, but his tenacity is going to be so low that every negative status effect rocks his world.

    Mod systems like the one implemented here work great if you're playing a single player game and you want the thrill of godmode. They do not work in community games against other players. Period. Many other games have tried and failed.

    If the goal as stated is to get people to customize their characters, a system like the one we just got will never work. Games that reward optimization that way will ever see rampant customization. That's why we have the meta teams we do now. This system hasn't changed that. Everyone is putting the same hp and protection mods on RG, and everyone is putting the same damage mods on Rey. If you want to see people running very different squads, give us a system that has real consequences to the mod choices we make. You'd achieve your goal and have much happier players in the process.

    Or just pair down all the stats to a tenth of where they are now. +4% crit is a good set bonus. +40% is busted. +8% Protection is good. Plus +80% is busted.
    Are you talking about MAX SET VALUES? If so, 1/10 of the current stats would be too low thus making acquiring mods less of an incentive to pursue ESPECIALLY with the fact that it costs precious Cantina Energy AND tons of credit to upgrade.

    +8% Protection after spending tons of credits is not as good as you think. Let's say a toon has 20,000 Protection, and then installs the maxed Protection +8% mod, here's the results:

    Protection Increase: 20,000 --> 21,600

    ^: The amount is too insignificant to justify the cost of getting the mod(s) up to a measly 8%. I'd say DOUBLE your suggested 1/10th percentages, and we'd having something more enticing.

    As a stubborn F2P, after the mods tutorial, even I began to consider breaking my oath. The mods bring great incentive (although puts the concept of 'balance' to the test), and thus more people would be inclined to spend money on crystals to get through the Mod Table nodes and obtain the best possible mods. This works for CG because whales are expected to be the first to dish out tons of cash for this.
  • masters
    235 posts Member
    Hellcat wrote: »
    This is what would happen if you let these developers make a racing game:
    "See, there isn't much diversity in our game. Everybody is driving the same Nissan GTR and Porsche."
    "So what do you suggest?"
    "Let them modify their cars."
    "That's interesting. You mean like allowing them to buy new gear boxes or maybe add turbo chargers or switch to carbon fiber top that sort of things?"
    "No. I am thinking about rocket boosters. You know the ones they stick on a shuttle and blast it into space?"

    I keep thinking of wile coyote with the acme rocket on his back and roller skates on his feet.
  • opu120
    211 posts Member
    Sounds like I'm in the minority here, but I really like the mods development. Pretty cool that instead of automatically gearing up toons as dictated (put stun cuffs here for offense, put a scanner there for potency), we get to be strategic and prioritize who gets what. Honestly I was getting bored with this game, but to me, mods add more complexity. Sure it's annoying that we spent so much time and money on raid gear which is now weak by comparison, but some inflation of abilities is inevitable in a game like this, right? And yes there are crazy health stats, but there are also crazy damage stats so I feel like it's mostly proportional, just placing more emphasis on strategy as opposed to who can buy the most gear. Just my two cents, totally get it if you disagree.
  • Doga
    808 posts Member
    I am more disappointed that they need to undo a mess they created then stand behind it. Of course we were upset, but we'd have gotten over it and adapted; taking it back is like going back on your word; now you've lost our trust as well.
  • pac0naut
    3236 posts Member
    Mods could have been a contender. Want a ohko Rey Rey? Gonna lose speed. Want a faster Rey? Gonna lose a bit of power. Want your Rey to have tenacity? Gonna a lose a bit of critical damage chance.

    Seriously, mods like this would take a while to find out the balance of the game. The way they are now, it's nitrous on a 93 Geo Metro and 4 wheel drive on a Ferrari. Things just ain't supposed to be like this. I said I'd give it a chance, but the game is definitely fubar right now.
    Meanwhile, down on the farm....
  • SpeedRacer
    1037 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    RogueHS wrote: »
    You guys can't patch the game without testing it. We are not beta testers, we are (were) paying customers.
    Sorry to disappoint u pal, but WE ARE THE BETA TESTERS!!!

    And it has been this way since the beginning!!

    I spend so much time and credits to upgrade my toons just trying to be competitive at the new arena plus crazy hard GW. Guess what, now they apologize ( thank u guys for testing the new mods) and will release some sort of fix where there's no fix. But don't worry u will receive...50 crystals...

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    Hey Everyone,

    Before we get too deep in this, we know there is a bug where players can get stuck doing the Mod Tutorial if you force-quit the game while in the middle of the tutorial. A fix for this is going out shortly (read: in a few hours or less). If you are encountering this issue, just unequip the Mod while in the tutorial process. This should get you back on track :smile:

    Now about Mods:

    I want to let you know that we are acutely aware of all of your feedback and concerns regarding the balance of the game. We are looking in to these concerns right now, and as such, we have all hands on deck working on two updates right now.

    The first update, which should go out today, will be the first of two changes related to the Mods system. While today’s update won’t directly affect Mods themselves, it will reduce how many insignificant Mods you can receive and will ideally let you focus on getting the Mods you need with the substats that are important to the characters you’re upgrading.

    The second update will actually affect the balance of the Mods themselves and how they impact your time invested in leveling your favorite characters. This one, unfortunately, is taking a little bit longer to prepare for release, so I do not have an ETA for when it will go out. The primary reason this one is taking longer is due to the fact that it is undergoing serious testing to ensure that there are no outlying anomalies (e.g. OH NO, UNDERWORLD POLICE IS NOW OP!). I know that this is frustrating, but please understand, we need to make sure we hammer on this one a little bit more.

    I am in the process of crafting a more in-depth message on what exactly all the changes are and how they will affect you. I expect to have that up later today/tonight, but it was important to at least let you know that we hear you, we’ve identified some issues, and we’re working full-steam to correct them!

    Today’s update will include all of the stuff from yesterday’s patch notes including the new characters (Chief Nebit, Jawa Scavenger, and Commander Cody) we showcased earlier.

    Thank you so much for your patience.

    Can you at least take the title if your threads serious? Why's it gotta be a joke? Not very professional imo
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    I'm also in the minority. Not sure what all the fuss is about. Pretty much anything out there has an effective counter with some mod strategy. there isn't a great balance right now because not everyone is using the mods correctly or at all and a bunch of folks loaded a ton of crystals into energy refreshes and have maxed level 5 mods on every toon. I just faced a highly modded Rey in GW and my modded fives brought her down pretty quickly. I agree it could get better but quitting over this is like divorcing your wife because you don't like the way she brushes her teeth.
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    pac0naut wrote: »
    pac0naut wrote: »
    What I faced in Arena just now:

    82,409 H+P RG
    105,836 H+P Fives
    132,441 H+P Sun Fac

    Who on EARTH thought this was a good idea?

    You know you're in trouble when your Rey uses Leverage on their Rey and their Rey still has 50% protection. LOL

    I beat it with barely any mods, but I literally had to auto it from the point where I defeated his Rey and Phasma. And Phasma had like 80k on her?!?!?! WTH man?!?!? This makes the protection update look like a raindrop in the ocean of tears....

    So you beat a heavily modded squad with barely any mods on your team? So is the update really that big of a deal then?
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    Sfortune wrote: »
    I'm also in the minority. Not sure what all the fuss is about. Pretty much anything out there has an effective counter with some mod strategy. there isn't a great balance right now because not everyone is using the mods correctly or at all and a bunch of folks loaded a ton of crystals into energy refreshes and have maxed level 5 mods on every toon. I just faced a highly modded Rey in GW and my modded fives brought her down pretty quickly. I agree it could get better but quitting over this is like divorcing your wife because you don't like the way she brushes her teeth.

    It's been 9 months... This is where we are at man wake up
  • pac0naut
    3236 posts Member
    Womp_Womp wrote: »
    pac0naut wrote: »
    pac0naut wrote: »
    What I faced in Arena just now:

    82,409 H+P RG
    105,836 H+P Fives
    132,441 H+P Sun Fac

    Who on EARTH thought this was a good idea?

    You know you're in trouble when your Rey uses Leverage on their Rey and their Rey still has 50% protection. LOL

    I beat it with barely any mods, but I literally had to auto it from the point where I defeated his Rey and Phasma. And Phasma had like 80k on her?!?!?! WTH man?!?!? This makes the protection update look like a raindrop in the ocean of tears....

    So you beat a heavily modded squad with barely any mods on your team? So is the update really that big of a deal then?

    Sorry, my Rey is modded as well as my qgj. My tanks and Phasma aren't really.
    Meanwhile, down on the farm....
This discussion has been closed.