Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


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    I just got to node 9 and faced a team of all level 74 characters when I am level 80. Doesn't seem that bad, right? Ya, it wouldn't be if mods hadn't totally ruined it.

    Every one of their characters has nearly full level 15 mods. Their lowest hp character has more than most TANKS before mods were introduced. I am facing Rey and a GS with over 20k hp AND the ability to one shot all of my characters. I just sent my best two teams at them and couldn't even get past their protection, let alone kill a character.

    If this crap doesn't get fixed FAST (like in the next day), I am done. This game has always been a rip off cash grab with some poor design decisions, but these mods are the absolute worst.
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    Let us all unite, and by a show of consumer strenght, I second what team iNstict proposed and urge all players to do same: DO NOT SPEND A DIME MORE IN THIS GAME UNLESS THE GW AND MODS MECHANICS ARE FIXED.
    To sum up our requests, as consumers:
    - Need a better algorithm to create opponent squads, to reflect a true challenge based on remaining roster alive by node, taking into account all gear, level, stars, mods that are ACTUALLY USED IN/BY OUR CHARACTERS. Adaptive, please, if it is not too much to ask from you.
    - Fix the mod drop rates, value per cantina energy, character upgrade ability so that it doesn't become futile to go for other forms of upgrade such as shards, level, and gear.
    - Increase the fill rate of the cantina energy or create a new exchange currency altogether for mods, you at EA must have figured out that there are now hundreds of variants for characters, and seveal tenths of them, to be actually playable at 139 max energy units per day.

    If you do not acknowledge we will continue our support to boicot efforts until EA gets down to a ludicrous number of active players, which will make your jobs, well, unnecessary.

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    Nodes 11 and 12 had teams that had 5-6K more power than mine. How is that fair? My B squad couldn't even make a dent.
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    Haven't complained much on forums about GW. I get that it is suppose to be a grind, not happy about it but understand that is what the devs want. I understand I won't always complete it, and many times have burned my bench on the last node only to have 4 left standing and me rocking back and forth crying in the corner.

    However, today I am a bit upset. On node six I had to burn half my bench for a lvl 80 meta team. I was using less then my A team to save them. Then node 10 I run into a droid team that all character are 72-74. They beat my A team with 2 left standing. I was able to use what was left of my bench to finish it with 1 toon left. Then node 11 is a lvl 80 dooku lead meta team and I fear what 12 would've been if I was able to finish.

    I think it is bad that mods give such a boost to lower level toons that a lvl 80 team with mods (not fully leveled or 58, but modded at least).

    I'm not fully against mods or calling for them to be reverted as I know Devs won't, period. I think how they were introduced and now a reduced drop rate is horrible though.

    Add to that the 0 communication we've had since last night and the new things they didn't tell us about in any patch notes. This is why 1* is what this game has gotten from me in app store.
  • BeWary
    368 posts Member
    To feed the fire a little more, I'd also like to request a re-tuning of the GW difficulty. It is too hard facing 4+ mod-maxed squads when most of us only have mods on our arena teams.
  • Pleblo
    52 posts Member
    Please Devs i beg of you i don't want to keep spending an hour a day on GW i need coins. Also Node 12 please tone this down. Today Maxed out Anakin with all 4 star mods. Maxed out Rex with 1 star mods, Maxed out Fives with some 4 and 5 mods, Maxed out QGJ with star mods and maxed out Rey with a couple 4-5 mods and some lower ones. Even with mods i don't even stand a chance against 90% of these teams. This team might have been beatable if they didn't have mods. I spent two teams just getting anakins protection gone couldn't even touch Rey she was one shoting everyone of my team.
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    Nie chcę mi się pisać po angielsku bo nie było by to tak barwne może jakaś ciota z ea zna polski albo ktoś niech spróbuje to przetłumaczyć. Pierdolone debile jak zaczyna coś w miarę fajnie wyglądać to zawsze musicie coś spierdolić. Wymyślacie kurwy na siłę tylko żeby kasę doić. Nowe mody i GW w dupę sobie wsadźcie palanty. Nigdy nie zapłaciłem prawdziwej kasy i nigdy nie zapłacę za gre na komórkę możecie sobie na siłę wymyślać niestworzone rzeczy. Dość, że trzeba zbierać po kilkadziesiąt części do gearu to teraz jeszcze to samo do modów. Następne co będzie wzmocnienie broni albo coś. Debile z ea.
  • Daddyl
    46 posts Member
    The new galactic war is a raging pain. The dodge rate of AI is unacceptable. I'm experiencing 60% dodges against my attacks. Give m a break.
  • Daddyl
    46 posts Member
    ****. Your tuning to gw is a failure. U all suck
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    last node impossible to finish.. pls adjust, extra credits are not useful if we cannot complete GW like we use to.
    "Consider that a divorce"
    - Douglas Quaid
  • Apoc
    172 posts Member
    Stinks that after all the complaints about GW. There's so much they could do to help ease the pain and yet they send out Jesse to give us the middle finger. Really would they would devise a plan and think about how the masses will feel. I know you can't please al players, but for goodness sakes. You can easily appeal to at least half. Not only appeal to 5%.
  • CalEl21
    8 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Simple fix to GW, shorter, more rewards,and against not all gear 11 7* mod 6 toons... Then the whole world would not be as mad at you all
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    Oh! I get it now. If I spend even more money on this game, I'll be able to enjoy it again after I mod all of my characters with the best stuff that I can afford so that the last 3 nodes of GW aren't completely impossible.
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    with the mods gw has become impossible, i have to go through 25 toons just to get past the 6th fight, this is completly stupid. I get there needs to be a challenge but making it impossible with the mods now is ridiculus. This is one reason why i will not be spending any more money on this game.
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    GW way too hard and involved again. You can hit a modded team that pwns you even before you get a turn. not really fair to have to change mods depending on the team you face...
    4 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    So, I tried to read as much as I could. I get that I will probably not get read by Devs, but I wanted to post my frustration anyways.

    They can look at my account. Plenty spent on a game that I used to love and hope to love again. I don't pay to be on top, I pay to keep energy going moderately or to get shard packs (I am a completionist in games and want everything). I enjoy collecting and achieving, not necessarily being the best, because I can't compete against rich people. To clarify, I don't care about people who want to pay thousands to have or be the best.

    My frustration is that GW is always lopsided. Before the mods and now after the mods even worse. Algorithms or however the GW battles are assigned is broken or made to try and force the pocketbook open in frustration.

    I have 2 mods equipped, yet my last battle node I played against a fully modded Rey and Luminara in the mix. Suffice it to say I went through 20 toons and I was only able to take 1 of their 5 man team down. How is it fair play when you are a small to medium buyer of gems compared to someone who spends thousands. I am not complaining about P2Winners, they help keep EA funded and the game rolling with updates. I don't care about them being on top of the Raid boards. I don't care about the PVP ranks.

    What I do care is that a portion of type game that should be able to be properly balanced and was moderately before the update is down right impossible now. I have been upset about earlier updates, but this recent breaking of GW has brought me to actually post and not just read in the forums.

    I hate getting my hopes up about a new game, play it from nearly the beggining (pretty sure I started in the first month of release), and all of a sudden an update comes along that punches me in the groin.

    I will continue to play for a week or so, but If I can't complete GW's anymore, I feel that I won't want to continue supporting a game that keeps the balancing issue a major problem. It might be time to give up on this game, and it might not be for me. That will have to be seen, but I hope that Dev's see my post and others like it.

    I have plenty of PS4 games piling up from ignoring them. I won't sweat quitting, but I don't want to. I would love to keep playing Galaxy, but again, please fix the balancing issue. That is my chief complaint.

    This is not a threat to quit, this is an explanation or feedback on why I would or will. When stores stop getting customers, they need to know why. This is my feedback.

    Edit- Changed my mind - game deleted. EA, follow UbiSoft's example:

    Assassin's Creed - Amazing game. Then they decided bring in two teams (like COD did) and push a game a year. 1 team would produce a game one year, the second the following year. Well, you found out real quick which was the better game producing team. So, after releasing a game with multiple major flaws and listening to it's fan base, Ubisoft stepped back and said "Stop with a game per year!"

    Now I eagerly anticipate a beautiful return of that franchise. EA, listen to your forums. These people are not here because they love posting all day. They are here to help give you valuable ideas/feedback/constructive criticism.

    I know my small amount of spending will not hurt you with my leaving, but it satisfies me, and that is what matters. Not only has this made me delete a game I LOVED to play, stopped me from adding some revenue to you, but it will also serve as a good reminder to not trust EA as a company in any future games I play. I will definitely never spend money on a mobile game from EA again, no matter how much I want to.
    Post edited by TWIST3D on
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    I ended seventh today in arena. Granted, many whales might have left. But still 7th. I can't get past node 6. I have a fairly decent roster size. I can run rebel teams, empire teams. Up until the patch I could do gw. Haven't been able to since.
  • ATSpain
    152 posts Member
    Why not just cut the level count in have and make protection heal-able in GW. Keep the levels that give gems and then with protection being heal-able we could survive the new mods. Time is cut in half and people can win again. Also, redistribute the same rewards to the half level system so we don't feel mistreated and such. Hopefully y'all read this as I think it could work!
  • Faff2D2
    253 posts Member
    Hey EA, hire me to be a beta tester so this stuff gets looked at before going live... It feels like it's all just 'hey, let's throw a bunch of numbers in and add a % sign and call it an update'

    After this, you actually want to work for EA.

    Watch out for this guy, ;)
  • Rumpelstilzchen
    1754 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Proper Beta testers must be screened, sign NDA's etc. You would not believe what you agree not to do. You cannot even admit to being a tester. BTDT.. lol (NOT for EA/CG)
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    "Hey, do 75% of players think Galactic Wars is too hard and the rewards aren't enough and it takes too long to complete? Well you're in luck, because we increased the rewards slightly but also made the nodes 10 times harder than before so now it'll take even LONGER to complete! See? We totally listen to your feedback!"

  • Martianski
    193 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    2200 posts totally ignored. And counting.
  • ZarLatho
    690 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Until mods the 11th node[*] was difficult, but with 2 or 3 teams I could knock it out. Now, no. My entire roster – a dozen 7s, a half-dozen 6s, some other sad **** – slaughtered before I could slay 3 enemies.

    Oh, and I precrafted sixteen mk5 15s. Not enough!

    Edit: [*] I have one of those weird tables where the 12th node is a bunch of 3* G2 lvl 80 freaks.
  • Asuran
    13 posts Member
    Detrimis wrote: »
    "Hey, do 75% of players think Galactic Wars is too hard and the rewards aren't enough and it takes too long to complete? Well you're in luck, because we increased the rewards slightly but also made the nodes 10 times harder than before so now it'll take even LONGER to complete! See? We totally listen to your feedback!"

    Do you work for EA? Cause this sounds somewhat like something they'd say :p

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    Alexone wrote: »
    So you modded your arena team at least with lvl 15 tier 5 mods and you still have trouble in gw? And thank you!

    If you would read your own words, you would notice what kind of nonsense they are.

    But keep on posting. Your posts are way more fun than node 11 at GW.
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    Nodes 6, 9, 11 and 12 are full Mk5 mod teams. I can barely get to node 12 but then my A,B and C-teams are busted. Node 12 is impossible.

    Thanks a lot for Precraft 2.0!
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    Man i just have to face the same team over and over again in gw Royal Guard with Rey and dooku and its game over XD
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    Can you please fix galactic war and to some extent arena... A lot of these teams are maxed out and overpowered and it is getting really frustrating... Randomise teams yourselves, but fix this please. And increase the drop rates for mods please and remove them from the already expensive and hard to get cantina energy. Thanks for nothng probably, but here is hoping... Nice game, don't ruin it!
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    I gotta agree with the complainers. Galactic War is just stupid now. I've finished it before, and could routinely get to the last node or so before the update and now I can't get past node 4 or so. When level 80, 7 star squads are getting absolutely massacred by level 56 squads, there's something severely wrong. That's ridiculous. Arena is just as bad. My last Arena battle started off with the AI team taking 9 turns, I got 2, then they took 8. It's insanity. I'm down 2 players right off the bat. And then there's the lack of damage inflicted by my level 80 7 stars against the AI squads. It's supremely unfair, frustrating, and not fun. Can something be done about this?
  • DarthFunk
    7 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    The **** in the above post was ****, not anything vulgar.
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