Galactic War - Post ALL Comments Here ***MEGATHREAD*** (GW Threads all Merged here)


  • Saraleb
    2070 posts Member
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    I thought you meant laughably easy, came here to agree.

    Moving on.

  • sying
    982 posts Member
    I came here fully expecting another GW rant (and it more or less is) but his is one thing I can get behind. I hate seeing Ben lead in GW. I know he matches will last twice as long. The only good thing is all my toons' specials will be reset. Other than that those matches add too much time to GW. I've got better things to do than to watch the other team dodge over and over again when it should be, and still is a cake walk.
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    Agree. GW is horrible.
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    It takes me 15 min to do it everyday that's only one minute and 30 seconds a node. I like it how it is.
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    Not sure what the hell happened, but I was getting those easy node 12s. Now it's freaking impossible to beat 11 & 12 since both maxed and almost always RG/Rey/QGJ (throw in an JKA, Sun Fac somewhere) on the nodes. I don't foresee beating GW again if this craptastic matchmaking continues. My arena team is 38632 and obviously hasn't gone down, so I guess they 'fixed' node 12 for some people to make it impossible? I don't run maxed mods, so I'm guessing they just decided to punish those who aren't spending money on mods?
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    So let me see if I understand. I get rewarded for completing Galactic wars and to get the good rewards I have to complete hundreds of them. Updates were made and in the last couple months and I have been able to complete only 1 or 2 because it is so hard. I get wanting to make it hard or a challenge but nearly impossible? And then dangling rewards out there that I will NEVER be able to reach (unless I live like 200 years). Galactic wars are a joke now. I hate fighting them because I come away from the game frustrated and angry. Isn't a game supposed to be entertaining and fun?
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    I seem to have turned a corner with GW, I've actually beat it the last 5 days. It's still hard, and a few nodes really test me, but I am winning. I can't say for sure what it is, I'm certainly not at the 'magic' 38/39k power level for my top 5 toons... And I'm not saying it's fun, it's still frustrating a lot of the time. But I guess what I am saying is, there is a way to get past the bad times (I've been there), you just have to keep trying.

    But hey, this is a game! If it's not fun, don't do it. Try something else. I've quite many games cos they just weren't fun any more.

    Welcome to Stage 5! Congratulations, you made it. I'm starting to find there may be a Stage 7 involved here ... will report back when sure.

    The day after I posted this, worst GW is a long time... Node 9 was an insane max health mod team. Frankly I don't care enough right now to try all that hard with it. After a few attempts and retreats I just threw in some suicide teams. There's just no telling what will happen next, one GW is good the next is terrible. This is the first time I haven't beaten node 11 since... Well, as long as I can remember.

    So after the 5 wins in a row, I get 3 losses is a row. Who knows what will happen tomorrow... However the match up is calculated, it sucks. GW makes me angry. This is a game! It's meant to be fun. GW is anything but.
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    "’s meant to be hard!
    You forgot to consider if it's meant to be fun.

    I created an account just to weigh in on this mess (although 135 pages in and no improvements makes me feel as though this is a catch-all vent thread to be ignored).

    Pre-tuning, I had completed 103 GWs. Since the "improvements" - 14
    ... a place in the game where your entire collection can be brought to bear. Potentially every character can help you succeed.
    Interesting - my collection has been growing as usual, more and more toons are hitting level 80 and I'm still only finishing GW 1/6 of the time.
    ... Provide a “war of attrition” where health is persisted as you progressed in battles.
    Good thinking - you do recall that you split health and gear into two separate bars and that, by the time we hit node 12 (or 11, or 9, or 6 for some people), our gear has been depleted while the AI has brand-spanking new gear and health bars.
    ... Provide a place where there’s an ever-evolving set of challenges in terms of which characters / parties / builds can be most effective.
    This assumes that we're working with a roster of every character in the game. At level 80. Gear 10. Max-modded. There is no "evolving" - it seems as though the devs show up for work grumpy and cheer themselves by devising the best f***-you team. The final node teams would consistently place first each day in the arena. My top team is effectively a suicide-squad who, if I'm very fortunate, might peel the armour off of more than one opponent before they're wiped.
    There were several goals of that change, and we have been monitoring in-game data and player feedback on the change.
    Clearly not.
    While we view that tuning update as generally successful...
    I'm curious - by what metrics are you measuring success? Player disapproval? The statistic that only 13% of players are capable of beating it on a daily basis?

    Ok - so you've raised the rewards. Good on ya. Sadly, it now takes about 6 million credits to bring a toon up from 0 to 80 and have them sufficiently modded (I can't begin to estimate the energy sink in trying to gear them up). With the addition of mods, it now takes even longer to make a toon competitive. What internal meeting logic determined that in addition to the extra features and events and extra time everything takes, players would appreciate a massive daily grind?

    Pre "tuning" it was still challenging (except for the bugs that had high-end players facing 4-star toons in the final node) and could be done in a reasonable amount of time. I mentioned that my roster is growing and improving. I perpetually finish top 10 in guild raids which earns me a whopping 2~6 mats of one or two useful types (though I still need 50 to craft anything). The "exciting limited time offer" of the Galactic Gear pack earns a *chance* of getting 12 pieces of useful materials, but its so watered-down with useless gear that the odds of getting gear which I have between 400~700 already can't justify the 600 crystal cost (how about some variety in the daily challenges - hint, hint).

    So here's where we're at:
    - Regardless of how much money was put into the game, the devs decided to split gear and health into separate bars.
    - pre-mod release, all toons were nerfed (a month and a half in, working on mod sets, my arena team is still 1000 points lower than it was). This is known as bait and switch and I'm sure Google Play would be happy to refund my money.
    - for whatever reason, GW needed tuning to make it more challenging. Rather than incremental tuning the devs seem to have decided to jump the shark - all level 80, gear 10, max 5* mods. The lowest powered AI toon in the final node very seldom has a power rating lower than my highest toon.

    I used to get through GW in about an hour total (including retreats and team selection). Currently it takes about triple that with the added bonus of pure rage accompanying the second half. My solution is to send in my C team off the start and hit auto-play. B-team for nodes 6 and 9, A-team for nodes 11 and 12. Auto-play all the way except for the final two nodes. I still can't finish try as I might, but I can be finished with GW (meaning all toons are wiped) in 45 minutes and play other games that haven't decided to phase out "fun". The frustration is cut to a minimum.

    Thanks for the vent thread, even if no reasonable action gets taken.

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    Galactic War is so tedious and annoying. At the last node, opponents Rey can kill my whole A team and B team before I even get a shot off. That is not very balanced.
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    not sure if anyone else if having this, but since the update, although Galactic war is still usually hard for me, especially the last few nodes, these last 3 days, the 12th node in GW has been crazy easy. Lately it has been easier than my first node. I've been running into toons with about 4 bars of health an no protection and I can usually one shot all of them on the 12th node. I'm not complaining, I actually enjoy it more because the 12th node usually takes me the longest to finish, but I've been talking to my guild mates and it doesn't seem like this has happened to any of them. Anyone else notice this? btw, I am lvl 80 and have been playing this game since release, f2p.
  • Naw
    969 posts Member
    Brawler53 wrote: »
    not sure if anyone else if having this,

    No, just you.
    Anyone else notice this?

    Still no one else.
  • Aniema
    602 posts Member
    You don't have to clear all 12 nodes to get credits. Just accept the fact that you have a horrible roster, squad, gear etc. use the credits you gain to build a better roster already.

    Finishing Gws everyday is for people that have strong rosters and squads. Not for mediocre players with mediocre squads. Like I said even if you only get to node still made I don't really see what's the problem with Gws.
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    Naw wrote: »
    Brawler53 wrote: »
    not sure if anyone else if having this,

    No, just you.
    Anyone else notice this?

    Still no one else.

    Yes, many of us!!!! Many many many of us
  • djvita
    1684 posts Member
    I used 6 chars today,
    that is my node 12
    other one was anakin who died on node 9....
  • Boo
    4134 posts Member
    HateGW wrote: »
    I'm strongly with Dorian. GW is supposed to be hard I get it. That being said my life is starting to revolve around it and generally ruins the game for me with its fully maxed out 11 and 12 nodes.

    I spend far too much of my day figuring out 11 just so I can blow literally every reserve team i have attempting to weaken 12 ( most teams are lucky to get more than 2 single hits ((not turns)) before wipe, many don't get a single hit but I keep trying). Again I get it's supposed to be hard, but this is far beyond hard and every single day I contemplate quitting as this is the only phone game I play anyways.

    I have much more fun and rewarding things to do in life than slog a couple hours into GW every day. I'll post again when I finally hit rock bottom and realize my life shouldn't revolve around this terrible phone game.

    Good luck to everyone else out there miserable because the game is stacked against you.

    Absolutely - I agree 100%!! This is my only phone game too, lol and GW is bringing it down BIG time.
  • Boo
    4134 posts Member
    djvita wrote: »
    Vita promises, Vita delivers!

    This was my easiest GW since the tuning in June? I could get used to this!

    Well its nice you get easy teams and easy GW - most of us don't, so lap it up.
  • EventineElessedil
    6171 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    NicWester wrote: »
    I feel like Power isn't calculated correctly. Granted, none of us know how the Galactic War matchmaking works no matter how many theories we throw out there or how many "A dev cryptically mentioned this on Reddit six months ago" lines get used.

    But my last node today is Qui-Gon, Anakin, Royal Guard, Rey, and Stormtrooper Han, all gear 11 and 10, all fully modded. Their total combined Power is 40,666. The Power of my Arena team is 35,365 and the Power of my top 5 characters is 35,913, so whatever theoretical metric you want to pretend you know is the One True Matchmaking Metric, I'm only somewhere between 14.1% and 11.7% apart from my final opponent.

    My Top 5 is partially modded and all Gear 9, my Arena team is fully modded and a mix of 8 and 9. Anyway, the point being that there's no way I can be expected to compete with that squad, but on paper they're only about 10-15% better than me.

    @NicWester "Last Node" = N12, correct? 40666/35913 = 113.2%, which is pretty close to what I calculated back in July. My highest N12 was 112.6% of my Top5. So you're right in there. I've been tracking this on-and-off when I have time for it. GW scaling is very consistently tracking my Top5, even though I don't use them all in Arena. Here's what my last recorded run looked like:ubgSlAT.png
    I agree with you, what you have described is a tough battle. It might take you a few high level squads to bring down. Which is what is intended. So you probably need to build up more squads. You will eventually beat it.
  • Boo
    4134 posts Member
    strerd wrote: »
    "’s meant to be hard!
    You forgot to consider if it's meant to be fun.

    I created an account just to weigh in on this mess (although 135 pages in and no improvements makes me feel as though this is a catch-all vent thread to be ignored).

    Pre-tuning, I had completed 103 GWs. Since the "improvements" - 14
    ... a place in the game where your entire collection can be brought to bear. Potentially every character can help you succeed.
    Interesting - my collection has been growing as usual, more and more toons are hitting level 80 and I'm still only finishing GW 1/6 of the time.
    ... Provide a “war of attrition” where health is persisted as you progressed in battles.
    Good thinking - you do recall that you split health and gear into two separate bars and that, by the time we hit node 12 (or 11, or 9, or 6 for some people), our gear has been depleted while the AI has brand-spanking new gear and health bars.
    ... Provide a place where there’s an ever-evolving set of challenges in terms of which characters / parties / builds can be most effective.
    This assumes that we're working with a roster of every character in the game. At level 80. Gear 10. Max-modded. There is no "evolving" - it seems as though the devs show up for work grumpy and cheer themselves by devising the best f***-you team. The final node teams would consistently place first each day in the arena. My top team is effectively a suicide-squad who, if I'm very fortunate, might peel the armour off of more than one opponent before they're wiped.
    There were several goals of that change, and we have been monitoring in-game data and player feedback on the change.
    Clearly not.
    While we view that tuning update as generally successful...
    I'm curious - by what metrics are you measuring success? Player disapproval? The statistic that only 13% of players are capable of beating it on a daily basis?

    Ok - so you've raised the rewards. Good on ya. Sadly, it now takes about 6 million credits to bring a toon up from 0 to 80 and have them sufficiently modded (I can't begin to estimate the energy sink in trying to gear them up). With the addition of mods, it now takes even longer to make a toon competitive. What internal meeting logic determined that in addition to the extra features and events and extra time everything takes, players would appreciate a massive daily grind?

    Pre "tuning" it was still challenging (except for the bugs that had high-end players facing 4-star toons in the final node) and could be done in a reasonable amount of time. I mentioned that my roster is growing and improving. I perpetually finish top 10 in guild raids which earns me a whopping 2~6 mats of one or two useful types (though I still need 50 to craft anything). The "exciting limited time offer" of the Galactic Gear pack earns a *chance* of getting 12 pieces of useful materials, but its so watered-down with useless gear that the odds of getting gear which I have between 400~700 already can't justify the 600 crystal cost (how about some variety in the daily challenges - hint, hint).

    So here's where we're at:
    - Regardless of how much money was put into the game, the devs decided to split gear and health into separate bars.
    - pre-mod release, all toons were nerfed (a month and a half in, working on mod sets, my arena team is still 1000 points lower than it was). This is known as bait and switch and I'm sure Google Play would be happy to refund my money.
    - for whatever reason, GW needed tuning to make it more challenging. Rather than incremental tuning the devs seem to have decided to jump the shark - all level 80, gear 10, max 5* mods. The lowest powered AI toon in the final node very seldom has a power rating lower than my highest toon.

    I used to get through GW in about an hour total (including retreats and team selection). Currently it takes about triple that with the added bonus of pure rage accompanying the second half. My solution is to send in my C team off the start and hit auto-play. B-team for nodes 6 and 9, A-team for nodes 11 and 12. Auto-play all the way except for the final two nodes. I still can't finish try as I might, but I can be finished with GW (meaning all toons are wiped) in 45 minutes and play other games that haven't decided to phase out "fun". The frustration is cut to a minimum.

    Thanks for the vent thread, even if no reasonable action gets taken.

    Wow - what a post, with solid points. I like the way you have quoted the dev's points of GW and how those points are clearly not working.

    Excellent post my friend - I still live in hope that eventually the dev's ears will open and GW will be fixed - but its a long shot.
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    @EA_Jesse Kindly remove node 12 from Galactic War. It is unwinnable, therefore useless. You guys have failed miserably in your shoddy programming skills. You will be much better off if you outsource to India where they have the best programmers in the world. They actually take the time to learn proper programming techniques.
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    strerd wrote: »
    - pre-mod release, all toons were nerfed (a month and a half in, working on mod sets, my arena team is still 1000 points lower than it was). This is known as bait and switch and I'm sure Google Play would be happy to refund my money.

    This "nerf" you refer to happened with the mod update. They accidentally bugged how armor ratings factor into power calculations. This was fixed in a subsequent update at the beginning of August. You can see it in this chart of my squad power. Most obvious in the Empire and Nightsister traces, you may notice how the power stepped down and then popped back up.XKlLzzT.png
  • Goldy
    254 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    I know a lot of people are number crunching re the easy nodes 11 & 12, so thought this may help.

    Yesterday the highest 'power' team that I had won an arena match with (which is what I believe your opponent is based on?) was 41,058. I got a really hard N9, a nearly (and often was) impossible N11 and then the ultra easy N12.

    Today my highest power went to 41,104 and I now get easy N11 & 12, so the magic number seems to be somewhere in between these 2 numbers.

    I'm not gloating re the easy nodes, I do think GW difficulty should be toned down a bit so the majority of players can benefit, just putting the numbers out so it might help those looking at them.
    Post edited by Goldy on
  • djvita
    1684 posts Member
    Well for anyone struggling, best course of action is to increase squad power
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    Even in the rare time that I complete GW, I'm still mad because it takes me nearly 2 hours. Total waste of my time, but I need the credits. So I can either play GW and get upset or I can avoid it and be upset because I can never improve my characters. That's a lose-lose. I'd rather a win-win. Like 2 difficulties of GW or something. Give us a version we can auto through in 15-20 minutes for reduced reward. Or SOMETHING.

    And it's not just about the credits, it's about the GW coins. I'm missing out because lately my node 6 has been the toughest node, which leaves me in a REALLY bad spot for nodes 9 and 11. I have the green 3* team at node 12 so it's really frustrating that I can't always get there and take advantage of the cake walk. But my node 6 is out of this world. It's usually tougher than the #1 arena squad on my shard.
    "No reward is worth this!" - Han Solo
  • Boo
    4134 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Even in the rare time that I complete GW, I'm still mad because it takes me nearly 2 hours. Total waste of my time, but I need the credits. So I can either play GW and get upset or I can avoid it and be upset because I can never improve my characters. That's a lose-lose. I'd rather a win-win. Like 2 difficulties of GW or something. Give us a version we can auto through in 15-20 minutes for reduced reward. Or SOMETHING.

    And it's not just about the credits, it's about the GW coins. I'm missing out because lately my node 6 has been the toughest node, which leaves me in a REALLY bad spot for nodes 9 and 11. I have the green 3* team at node 12 so it's really frustrating that I can't always get there and take advantage of the cake walk. But my node 6 is out of this world. It's usually tougher than the #1 arena squad on my shard.

    I hear you about the GW coins - I manage to get to node 12 and have at least 2 teams left that just get decimated on that insanely difficult/impossible node 12 team.

    I too (like everyone else) struggle for credits - but also the GW currency. I depend on those to buy shards I can trade at the shard shop (especially for Vader shards - and I was working on GG, but I think I can forget that, because I'm not getting enough GW coins anymore).

    Also Its now that much harder to level up toons available in GW shipments. I was getting 3 purchases a day - now I am getting only 2. If this goes on all year - that is easy math: 365 GW purchases I am missing out on (that's 1,825 shards) - let alone the extra credits, droids and shards available on that last reward chest in GW.

    The longer this goes on the bigger the compensation EA is gonna have to put out to all of us. Because this thread is so everyone can moan and complain about GW in one place - and the Dev's just ignore this thread.

    We need to make multiple threads/posts so the Devs get sick of seeing this over and over again rather than just ignoring this one megathread.
  • Nagje
    13 posts Member
    So glad to see that the devs have listened to all the players here and have fixed the issue. /sarcasm off.

    Why not reset our chars every 24 hours? That way we can either restart or keep trying till the end.

    Fixing this gw nonsense isnt difficult...just some time and energy. Which will be repaid cause ppl will spend more time in game and thus spend more euros.

    Atm ppl dont spend money cause its a waste. Got a guild of 50 players...all say that and are thus f2p players. Losing a lot of money there EA.
  • Vader666
    5 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    lol this is so sad :D I've written an E-Mail to the Support...the technicians answer was, that he hates this problem too but unfortunately he's only responsible for the technical stuff and thinks like this can only be discussed in this forum. There's no help, we're lost...stop playing this game...stop supporting EA
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    @EA_Jesse kindly stop monitoring and posting to the forums. you will be ignored in kind.
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    What is up with the GW's and Dodge/deflect? I swear I have rounds where they evade 5-6 attacks in a row. Today in Round 1 I was evaded 5 times in a row by level 58 characters when I'm level 80 with level 8/9 gear on all toons.

    In my round 11 fight the opponent evaded my first 6 attacks. I restart the round and attack different characters and get the same results no matter who I try and attack... evade evade evade. I understand the Lumeria/Dokku leader abilities, but I've run Lumeria as lead and am lucky if I get 6 dodges over 12 rounds. There is a serious rng issue with the GW opponents vs players.
  • Goldy
    254 posts Member
    If you're level 80 and getting level 58 opponents on N1 I'd stop complaining ;)

    I'm level 80 and ALL toons I face on any node are 70+...
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