Possible solution to Poe.


  • l3end3r
    895 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    CronozNL wrote: »
    What's the fun in playing another 6 months to see this be repeated all the time. My 4th battle after the first 3 I posted. Same opponent, my Asajj didn't survive to do the AoE. Would love her survive at least 1 round:


    Not really my point. Obviously if u use the same team against that team, you'll get the same results. My point is we are all going to collect more and more 7* characters and uncover new synergies. If you aren't using a good team synergy, that doesn't mean the game is broken. With that said, Ventress is bugged and needs to be fixed. Bugs are a whole different story.

    Anyway, if you want to use Ventress, maybe make her leader of a nightsisters team and then she'll have the speed to get her attacks off. Or think of another way to protect her.

    Nerfing characters isn't the solution. If my squad has really good synergy, they'll seem OP, when the characters might just be average individually.

    If, after most of the possible team combinations have been tried out by many different players and one combo is still ridiculously outperforming the other combinations, then maybe it's time for some adjustments. For now, enjoy the game and make some adjustments for your future lineup :)
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    I no understand why no kill poe excuse engrish
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    I hope the devs fix this I want to have an all sith team but unfortunately this game is forcing us to build a team around some op characters.
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    Qeltar wrote: »
    I also think it should be possible to resist a taunt. Taunting is too strong, and too "all or nothing" in general. If you think about it, it's not really a buff, they just implemented it that way. They could change taunt from a positive effect on the taunter to a debuff on each enemy that can be resisted. It would still have a use but it wouldn't be able to tie up your entire team every time guaranteed. There's nothing else in the game that can do that.
    They probably won't do this, though.

    Rey would hate this.
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    If the devs listen too closely to these forums, every toon in the game will end up getting hit with the nerf bat. That'll make everyone happy. Oh wait, no it won't. As soon as there is a nerf on ANY character more people will complain (didn't we already go through this **** with Barriss?), and rightfully so. There are other solutions.
    #1 you can already beat Poe with existing toons. It has been done, plenty of times by plenty of people. Figure it out and stop whining.
    #2 the game is nowhere close to end game. It is FAR too early to be nerfing characters (ahem..Barriss again). How about we wait till we are at least at the **** level cap (which still won't be true endgame) before making snap decisions just because we lost a match and cried to ourselves in the corner.
    #3 Star Wars is HUGE. There are plenty more characters coming. There will be counters for everything. The options are open for this. A bit of patience will go a long way.
    #4 there are a considerable number of characters that have been claimed as OP or needing a nerf. If ANY of it were true, there wouldn't be so many claims about so many characters. If half the characters are OP, the truth must be that they simply aren't. Today its Poe. A while ago it was Barriss. Soon it will be Genosian Soldier. And so on. Just stop it. You all sound ridiculous.
    #5 there are even MORE characters than mentioned in my previous point that are severely UNDERPOWERED. This is a much bigger issue and is affecting strategic options far more than any one good character is. Crap units need buffs (some need a complete overhaul). This alone could fix a lot of these nonsense "OP" claims just the same way new units can. Give us more options for countering specific toons/builds, and there will be more options, more diversity, and less moaning (last one is a maybe, let's be honest).

    In any case, and whichever option, for crying out loud, no more nerfs. Nerfs are bad for EVERYONE, and only lead to more complaining. It is not that hard to see.
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    #1 you can already beat Poe with existing toons. It has been done, plenty of times by plenty of people. Figure it out and stop whining.
    How? I haven't seen anyone give a strategy that doesn't require winning the coin flip at the beginning of the game to see who goes first. Being a higher level doesn't count because that isn't a game balance issue (stronger characters always have an advantage) and there's a level cap. Once you get to that cap there's nothing you can do.

    Saying that they will add characters or change something is the same as saying they'll nerf Poe. The issue is there's a strategy that is guaranteed to work if you win a coin flip. That strategy all centers around Poe. If that changes when new characters come out then the strategy will weaken and the "nerf" will have occurred.

    IMO the developers have done a great job of making changes that balance the game so far. They also don't appear to be ****, so they'll be able to tell the difference between a valid complaint and whining. I believe it's unreasonable to think they'll make a bunch of terrible decisions about changing things based on forum posts. This does appear to be a genuine game balance issue (the RNG decides the winner), so my guess is there's a good chance it will be addressed no matter what people say on here either way.
  • Aeris
    29 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    I have been losing in arena since many people in arena are using Poe while I didn't want to jump on the bandwagon.
    (I was very dissapointed that this game seem to me to become less and less of strategy and more and more of a single character or a handful of characters. Thus I felt that all the days, weeks and month I have spent in farming characters other than First Order, Resistance, Poggle and Geosoldier are wasted and cost me daily arena rank reward, which is unfair.)

    I don't know how many of you can relate but any advice on how to beat Poe-team without Poe would be greatly appreciated. (All I have in mind is using FOTP to kill opponent Poe, but what if opponent also has FOTP or other glass cannons or worse-Poggle buffing them up.)

    Post edited by Aeris on
  • Tak
    352 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    I beat Poe teams without using a Poe lots. Having said that it's very very hard to recover if they get 5-8 attacks in before you get one.

    The best team I've found for it is phasma led,daka,dooku,lumi and kylo.

    It sounds semi run of the mill team but it works quite well. More often than not for some reason the AI hits kylo which is great for you!

    Pop your lumi heal asap and your phasma aoe slow first turn. If Poe is not near death don't hit him with daka pop your Rez/heal instead.

    Spam outrage even if it's not below 75% health it still Crits for 7k.

    First turn it's usually kind of gimmicky, if your dooku goes first try to stun a high dps like qui-gon or fotp, I've found that to be far more effective than trying to stun Poe.

    It's all kind of a mess but one thing I notice for sure is if daka gets a revive you should win the game
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    Aeris wrote: »
    I have been losing in arena since many people in arena are using Poe while I didn't want to jump on the bandwagon.
    (I was very dissapointed that this game seem to me to become less and less of strategy and more and more of a single character or a handful of characters. Thus I felt that all the days, weeks and month I have spent in farming characters other than First Order, Resistance, Poggle and Geosoldier are wasted and cost me daily arena rank reward, which is unfair.)

    I don't know how many of you can relate but any advice on how to beat Poe without Poe would be greatly appreciated. (All I have in mind is using FOTP to kill opponent Poe, but what if opponent also has FOTP or other glass cannons or worse-Poggle buffing them up.)

    It's not about Poe. it's about Poe+DPS.

    The only way to beat Poe is having QGJ.
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    I've beaten plenty of Poe teams but sometimes it just comes down to lucky RNG.

    I run a Phasma led Sid Daka Kylo Lumi squad. About to go 7* on Daka and Kylo which might help improve the odds. Pretty sure there's going to be some sort of Re-balancing in the next update though.
    The speed, taunt, turn meter and resistance all in one guy is too much since it leads to homogenized mirror teams and a lack of diversity plus battles come down to a coin toss.
    Ally Code: 945-699-762
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    xJazzx wrote: »
    Aeris wrote: »
    I have been losing in arena since many people in arena are using Poe while I didn't want to jump on the bandwagon.
    (I was very dissapointed that this game seem to me to become less and less of strategy and more and more of a single character or a handful of characters. Thus I felt that all the days, weeks and month I have spent in farming characters other than First Order, Resistance, Poggle and Geosoldier are wasted and cost me daily arena rank reward, which is unfair.)

    I don't know how many of you can relate but any advice on how to beat Poe without Poe would be greatly appreciated. (All I have in mind is using FOTP to kill opponent Poe, but what if opponent also has FOTP or other glass cannons or worse-Poggle buffing them up.)

    It's not about Poe. it's about Poe+DPS.

    The only way to beat Poe is having QGJ.

    I slaughter Poe teams and I refuse to use Poe. I don't use QGJ either. Phasma lead, FOTP, Leia, GS and Rey. Game over.
  • Jaxs
    49 posts Member
    I would like some suggestions for my team please? I will list some players that I have and their stats.

    I am currently level 57. I usually stay around 20-50 rank every week in PvP (Arena)

    lvl 57 Capt Phasma Gear 6, 4*, lvl 57 Grand Moff Tarkin Gear 6, 4*, lvl 57 HK-47 Gear 6, 4*, lvl 57 Kylo Ren Gear 6, 4*, lvl 57 Poe Gear 7, 4*, lvl 57 Rey Gear 6, 4*, lvl 57 Talia Gear 6, 4*, lvl 56 Asajj Ventress Gear 7, 5*, lvl 56 Darth Sidious Gear 7, 5*, (30 shards from 6*) lvl 56 Jedi Consular Gear 7, 5*, lvl 56 Barriss Offee Gear 6, 4*, lvl 56 Luminara Gear 6, 4* (half way to 5*)

    ok players I have but need some work :

    Princess Leia, QGJ, GS, Finn, Mace, Ahsoka, Chewie, IG-88, Jedi KG, Jawa, IG-86, FOTP, Kit Fisto, Eeth Koth, RG, Greedo, IG-100, Clone SGT, CUP, NS INit, Ewok scout, Snowtrooper, Biggs, HRS, Stormtrooper, Ewok Elder, NS Acolyte, Resit Troop, Ugnaught,

    I been reading a lot of these posts and I would like to farm for Poggle. What do you all think? I really do not have a team per say. I mix and match to see what works and what does not. So any advice will be greatly appreciated thank you.

  • Qeltar
    4326 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    I too refuse to jump on the Poe bandwagon and beat him regularly. This is usually a combination of luck, technique I have developed, and lack of team synergy. Many people are just taking random teams and sticking him in there, and while he always increases your chance of losing because he is overpowered, he's only an instant "game over" in the correct setup: high single-target DPS (Leia, FOTP, etc.) On those teams, I lose unless I get very lucky. But the random Poe/Phasma/Sid/GS/Lumi team is very beatable.
    My team against him is my basic Arena team: Phasma, Dooku, Daka, Asajj and Luminara. The goal is simple: survive the initial onslaught one way or another, then pick off the enemies one at a time.
    If Poe gets his taunt off, I usually have to use Daka to heal because it will take too long to get to Lumi. Then I hope Lumi isn't ability-blocked, and toss her heal. And then the fight really begins.
    Asajj, bugs and slowness and all, can turn around any fight with an enemy Poggle or Phasma by turning their team buff into a massive heal for you. I've seen it go up to 6k on each team member. Basically, if the timing works out, you will win. Assuming it isn't resisted.
    I have also stripped Poe's taunt using Asajj, though this is rare.
    I whittle them down and then hit them with Asajj's AoE as well. I can get three AoEs out of her in a fight if I am lucky and time it well.
    In the meantime, use Dooku to tie up their Lumi/JC or take down other targets. Use Daka to stun any dangerous enemy teammates.
    You'll lose a lot but it's fun when you win.
    I hope they don't change Asajj's debuff to heal only her. That ability is all that justifies her slot given how slow she is.
    Quit 7/14/16. Best of luck to all of you.
  • Aeris
    29 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    Tak wrote: »
    I beat Poe teams without using a Poe lots. Having said that it's very very hard to recover if they get 5-8 attacks in before you get one.

    The best team I've found for it is phasma led,daka,dooku,lumi and kylo.

    It sounds semi run of the mill team but it works quite well. More often than not for some reason the AI hits kylo which is great for you!

    Pop your lumi heal asap and your phasma aoe slow first turn. If Poe is not near death don't hit him with daka pop your Rez/heal instead.

    Spam outrage even if it's not below 75% health it still Crits for 7k.

    First turn it's usually kind of gimmicky, if your dooku goes first try to stun a high dps like qui-gon or fotp, I've found that to be far more effective than trying to stun Poe.

    It's all kind of a mess but one thing I notice for sure is if daka gets a revive you should win the game

    Thank you for your very detailed and thoughtful advice.
    Your advice is very practical also since it utilizes characters that are all farmable.
    It is amazing to know how Kylo works well in beating Poe-team, how dooku's stun disables high dps, especially how Daka's revive may guarantee winning the game.
    I am impressed because your advice are very useful overall yet one has to try to find out.

    I've beaten plenty of Poe teams but sometimes it just comes down to lucky RNG.

    I run a Phasma led Sid Daka Kylo Lumi squad. About to go 7* on Daka and Kylo which might help improve the odds. Pretty sure there's going to be some sort of Re-balancing in the next update though.
    The speed, taunt, turn meter and resistance all in one guy is too much since it leads to homogenized mirror teams and a lack of diversity plus battles come down to a coin toss.

    Thanks for your advice in defeating Poe-team, which also interestingly has almost same team composition to that of Tak's suggestion where the only difference is that you use Sid whereas Tak suggests using Dooku.
    I agree with you 100 percent that there has been a lack of diversity in team composition which I hope could be replenished in next update.
    xJazzx wrote: »
    Aeris wrote: »
    I have been losing in arena since many people in arena are using Poe while I didn't want to jump on the bandwagon.
    (I was very dissapointed that this game seem to me to become less and less of strategy and more and more of a single character or a handful of characters. Thus I felt that all the days, weeks and month I have spent in farming characters other than First Order, Resistance, Poggle and Geosoldier are wasted and cost me daily arena rank reward, which is unfair.)

    I don't know how many of you can relate but any advice on how to beat Poe without Poe would be greatly appreciated. (All I have in mind is using FOTP to kill opponent Poe, but what if opponent also has FOTP or other glass cannons or worse-Poggle buffing them up.)

    It's not about Poe. it's about Poe+DPS.

    The only way to beat Poe is having QGJ.

    I slaughter Poe teams and I refuse to use Poe. I don't use QGJ either. Phasma lead, FOTP, Leia, GS and Rey. Game over.

    Thanks for your advice.
    It is amazing to know how team with both maximum damage output and high speed such as yours is a solution to defeating Poe-team; however, unfortunately, Leia is not farmable.
    Qeltar wrote: »
    I too refuse to jump on the Poe bandwagon and beat him regularly. This is usually a combination of luck, technique I have developed, and lack of team synergy. Many people are just taking random teams and sticking him in there, and while he always increases your chance of losing because he is overpowered, he's only an instant "game over" in the correct setup: high single-target DPS (Leia, FOTP, etc.) On those teams, I lose unless I get very lucky. But the random Poe/Phasma/Sid/GS/Lumi team is very beatable.
    My team against him is my basic Arena team: Phasma, Dooku, Daka, Asajj and Luminara.The goal is simple: survive the initial onslaught one way or another, then pick off the enemies one at a time.
    If Poe gets his taunt off, I usually have to use Daka to heal because it will take too long to get to Lumi. Then I hope Lumi isn't ability-blocked, and toss her heal. And then the fight really begins.
    Asajj, bugs and slowness and all, can turn around any fight with an enemy Poggle or Phasma by turning their team buff into a massive heal for you. I've seen it go up to 6k on each team member. Basically, if the timing works out, you will win. Assuming it isn't resisted.
    I have also stripped Poe's taunt using Asajj, though this is rare.
    I whittle them down and then hit them with Asajj's AoE as well. I can get three AoEs out of her in a fight if I am lucky and time it well.
    In the meantime, use Dooku to tie up their Lumi/JC or take down other targets. Use Daka to stun any dangerous enemy teammates.
    You'll lose a lot but it's fun when you win.
    I hope they don't change Asajj's debuff to heal only her. That ability is all that justifies her slot given how slow she is.

    Thanks a lot for sharing your advice on defeating Poe-team.
    It is knowledgeable to know that Poe-team with the correct set up(high single target dps such as Leia, FOTP,etc.) is almost unbeatable.
    It is amazing to know Asajj's debuff could be very useful in fighting Poe-team that has Phasma or Poggle.
    However, interestingly, the team setup you use is almost same to that of Tak's suggestion where the only difference is that you use Assaj whereas he uses Kylo.

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    I think it's well established that Poe is a little too strong for the current meta. I prefer slight tweaks rather the straight nerfs. How about creating a third ability and removing the taunt of off resistance bravado and combinding the taunt with Poes tenacity buff and self heal. So then your choice is to taunt and have high chance to resist or debuff the enemy with expose and minus turn meter
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    That doesn't make sense to me since the issue today is the combination of his high speed and his ability to reduce the turn meter of the opponent squad.

    His actual taunt and the expose ability doesn't seem to cause any complaints.

    Better to just strip the turn meter from his taunt and instead add turn meter reduction to his normal attack (against the 1 toon he attacks). Or just make turn meter reduction resistible.
  • Aeris
    29 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    Jaxs wrote: »
    I would like some suggestions for my team please? I will list some players that I have and their stats.

    I am currently level 57. I usually stay around 20-50 rank every week in PvP (Arena)

    lvl 57 Capt Phasma Gear 6, 4*, lvl 57 Grand Moff Tarkin Gear 6, 4*, lvl 57 HK-47 Gear 6, 4*, lvl 57 Kylo Ren Gear 6, 4*, lvl 57 Poe Gear 7, 4*, lvl 57 Rey Gear 6, 4*, lvl 57 Talia Gear 6, 4*, lvl 56 Asajj Ventress Gear 7, 5*, lvl 56 Darth Sidious Gear 7, 5*, (30 shards from 6*) lvl 56 Jedi Consular Gear 7, 5*, lvl 56 Barriss Offee Gear 6, 4*, lvl 56 Luminara Gear 6, 4* (half way to 5*)

    ok players I have but need some work :

    Princess Leia, QGJ, GS, Finn, Mace, Ahsoka, Chewie, IG-88, Jedi KG, Jawa, IG-86, FOTP, Kit Fisto, Eeth Koth, RG, Greedo, IG-100, Clone SGT, CUP, NS INit, Ewok scout, Snowtrooper, Biggs, HRS, Stormtrooper, Ewok Elder, NS Acolyte, Resit Troop, Ugnaught,

    I been reading a lot of these posts and I would like to farm for Poggle. What do you all think? I really do not have a team per say. I mix and match to see what works and what does not. So any advice will be greatly appreciated thank you.

    Your question does not relate directly to the topic of this post, but I can see how eagerly you need some advice for a competent team setup.
    In general, I think First Order, Resistance, Poggle, Geosoldier are the most powerful character types and characters.
    Furthermore, because healer is necessary in galatic war, I suggest staring and leveling up one or some of your healers including Luminara(Luminara is powerful healing characters because she is not only good at healing, but also good at attacking.).
    Please don't reply to this post with further question that is off the topic of this post; however, you may use the search bar in the top right of this forum page to search for related information which you may need or you may open up a new topic.
    Here is a link that provides a compact view of abilities of all characters and approximation of stats of many characters at their current maximum star and level in case you are not aware: http://www.swgohcantina.com/
    I hope I am being helpful.

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    I just use the appoepiate character to beat that team. It usually works. :)
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    Well there a couple reasons 1 removing tenacity as a passive makes it so Poe can be stunned more reliablely. Also I would be in favor of remover 1 speed from him to remove him from the top bracket. Also without the taunt you can still kill his glass cannon characters.
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    SlyGambit wrote: »
    That doesn't make sense to me since the issue today is the combination of his high speed and his ability to reduce the turn meter of the opponent squad.

    His actual taunt and the expose ability doesn't seem to cause any complaints.

    Better to just strip the turn meter from his taunt and instead add turn meter reduction to his normal attack (against the 1 toon he attacks). Or just make turn meter reduction resistible.

    said everything, and we can't rely on a lucky stun to win
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    I'd prefer they just took away his taunt so that I can at least attempt to kill some opposition toons before they wipe half of my team out.
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    Poe honestly isn't OP. He amplifies the performance of the high-spectrum speed units that also happen to boast single-action takeouts of full health units (FOTP, Geo. Soldier, QGJ, Rey, Leia, etc...) and also further compounds the effect of Phasma's leader ability due to high speed teams getting a multitude of attacks per turn of their opponents.

    Even without Poe present, teams composed of these units still wreak havoc, they just don't all get to go simultaneously in the first round. This simple truth alone is proof that Poe isn't the true source of the problem.

    Inversely, if Poe is present in a team that doesn't boast any of the aforementioned characters, that team isn't anywhere near likely to be considered "unbeatable". If Poe were "OP", this wouldn't be true, either.

    So... Poe is fine, IMO. It's the extreme damage capability of certain characters (characters that often boast remarkable speed in addition to survivability) that is the ultimate cause of the problem. Poe just further magnifies their over-performance.

    Does Poe boast OP survivability? No. Particularly if you focus-fire him with units that don't have debuffs attached.

    Does Poe boast OP damage capabilities? No. In fact, his damage output is almost laughable.

    Does Poe debuff all foes consistently every turn? No. His taunt's expose is a gamble at best; the turn-meter reduction of his taunt has a long enough cool-down you wouldn't likely see it a 2nd time. His basic attack's debuff chance is 40% unless the target has a debuff present, so it's "inconsistent" at best.

    Does Poe's presence make any team composition "unbeatable"? No.

    Does Poe's presence on a team composed of the truly "OP" units make it nearly "unbeatable"? Yes. Certainly makes for a harder fight.

    So, by logic, Poe himself is fine. Balance the over-performing characters to deal damage proportionate to their speed/stats/survivability and Poe is fine. Or... Nerf Poe, and still suffer from their over-performances.

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    Welcome to the forum.

    I am sorry you are having difficulties with Poe. There are a lot of "well established" ways to beat him.
  • Triqui
    2790 posts Member
    Easiest way is to Jump in the Bandwagon. I'm waiting to see the next patch before doing so. Probably will unlock him after nerf
  • reizse
    1447 posts Member
    my win rate is 50/50 against the typical Poe + 2 spd, phasma and poggle.

    my team is phasma, foo, sthan, lumi and dooku
    if Poe goes first, it's a crap shoot and tough to win. usually I'll have to pop lumi's heal and pray that they don't one shot (and they do).

    if my dooku goes first, I stun their next action dps. Poe normally goes next and they get their shots in. then it's up to lumi's heals and sthan generating enough turn meter to overwhelm them with attacks. the reason I use foo is for his turn meter reduction on poe so my team gains more turn meter back. he can be replaced with kylo or someone else if you want to try and soak up the damage before hitting back
    mighty chlorians
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    BentWookie wrote: »
    Welcome to the forum.

    I am sorry you are having difficulties with Poe. There are a lot of "well established" ways to beat him.

    50/50, at best, is ''well established''? lol, Poe is the problem for many reasons, my 2 cents is that having Poe makes the AI a little less bad then it is because you're stuck hitting him for 2 turn so whatever bad decisions the AI makes end up not to matter anymore because you're stuck hitting a high speed tank from the beginning of the fight until you're stuck with 2/3 half health characters once the taunt is over.
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    Tanks protect characters from damage, that is what they *should* do. The bigger problem is that all the other tanks are useless; they don't tank, and it is compounded by the fact that damage is very large as compared to health pools and healing in the game.

    Poe is fine, leave him alone. People haven't even reached level 70 yet and they are complaining. Barriss was nerfed and it wasn't justified. People would rather have the developers solve the problem for them than trying to figure out the solution to the problem in the first place. It is exactly the folks that are complaining to nerf Poe because they were too late to correctly identify that he is a critical part of the meta. If the developers nerf Poe, it will be to reward those slow to identify Poe as a good character and penalize those who correctly identified him as a critical part of the meta.
  • JohnnyMakeBelieve
    204 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    DarthRomeo wrote: »
    Tanks protect characters from damage, that is what they *should* do. The bigger problem is that all the other tanks are useless; they don't tank, and it is compounded by the fact that damage is very large as compared to health pools and healing in the game.

    Poe is fine, leave him alone. People haven't even reached level 70 yet and they are complaining. Barriss was nerfed and it wasn't justified. People would rather have the developers solve the problem for them than trying to figure out the solution to the problem in the first place. It is exactly the folks that are complaining to nerf Poe because they were too late to correctly identify that he is a critical part of the meta. If the developers nerf Poe, it will be to reward those slow to identify Poe as a good character and penalize those who correctly identified him as a critical part of the meta.

    That's exactly why he is a problem, I'm not saying nerf him to the ground, but why would his taunt ability be both Stormtrooper Han's abilities in one and even better them both combined with all around higher stats?

    I don't think he's the only part of the problem, but when it comes down to it watch all the high end game players that both run him, whoever's Poe goes first is who wins the match, AI or not. This game isn't about a coin flip when it comes down to competition but what it was meant to be and that is synergy. Something has to be down to either Poe or speed so that the competitive part of the game goes back to being competition and not 50/50 luck
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