QGJ doesn't fix the Poe Problem. W2G~


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    What? Just, what?? How is making a powerful character accessible to everyone a problem?

    I bought enough chromium packs to get myself a 6* QG, and I think this is a good move. It will close the gap between ftp players and payers a bit, and yes it will help people overcome Poe reliant squads easier.

    There was never any promise that the chromium only characters would stay that way. This is a sign that the game is still evolving, and that's a good thing. This post seems like someone whinging that they spent money expecting a character to be exclusive, and it no longer is.
  • Naecabon
    1243 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    Rutank wrote: »
    Artas wrote: »
    Well, soon we will hear the voice coming up "devs, please nerf QGJ" :)

    you won't believe the number of people that will. Literally when people realize 75% more dmg from ally assist, they'll start the qq'ing.



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  • CronozNL
    2869 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    @Naecabon more questions, thanks. Your statements are opinion based and apply to yourself, yet you say a majority thinks this or that. Keep it to yourself.


    - This is super abrupt with no prior warning to anyone at all, usually indicative of a knee **** reaction to an ongoing problem. (opinion and knee **** reaction? really, that's not helping

    - There's a content update right on the horizon this easily could have waited for. Why do it now? because you are not calling the shots but they are and thought they had to release it now

    - This angers A LOT of P2P players that considered QGJ their only real "edge" in paying for this game, so why bother angering a lot of people like that for no good reason? Clearly you'd think there'd be a reason for such a risk, right? we have no idea what reason indeed. You are filling in the blanks here for everyone (again). More people are happy with this than they are angry, that's a given.. The only one angering here is you and the followers that get convinced for some reason by your wall of text.

    "I'm not even going to touch on the absurdity of releasing QGJ" please do but again it's not up to you to decide and you are implying it was a mistake and that everyone agrees. Hence the "no need to explain" part.
    "CG yet again did something no one had any prior knowledge of and it made a lot of people angry, no real surprise on that one. My sympathies for anyone that bought packs to finish their 7* in recent days." I'm not angry and I bought Barriss which got nerfed in the same week. 40 bucks is for me probably the same as the thousands you spend. Also NoNemo and other spenders I talk to in Line are glad they can finish the character. Don't you think it would upset more people if they let moderate spenders sit around with an unfinished 4* QGJ?
    "Poe is still very much a problem."I agree btw!
    "PS EDIT: One week notice before this going live and you can argue an appropriate window of time ahead of the change would have led to people being more comfortable with this. As is, a ninja fix of QGJ in to the meta as a free character to everyone with the snap of fingers is the worst possible example to send to your spenders." CG/EA stated they don't want to announce everything beforehand, nor should we "expect" this. Also giving notice a week prior would mean you posting the same topic anyway but instead of now, one week earlier. Stating you wouldn't doesn't count cause you clearly have a problem with the QGJ toon being added for "free". Disregarding the time and gear it cost to upgrade him to max.

    All I asked is some minor reflection, now I did it for you :( If I send this to my boss as a statement/suggestion for my employer, I'll be fired instantly. Just saying. You have some valid points for sure but you state it in such a negative way it's hurting my eyes (and others seeing the backlash you get).

    439-259-888 I have a bad habit of editing my typo's after posting
  • Triqui
    2790 posts Member
    akositzke wrote: »
    Fabzorz wrote: »
    That IS NOT the argument here. I think moving all the toons to farmable locations eventually is very good for the game. But doing it without notice is very bad for the long term health of the game. If you were buying packs at 1pm looking for QGJ shards and suddenly he is free you would be a very sad panda, and probably stop spending money on the game. When people stop spending money.. well there is no more game. You guys all want to see Yoda and Grievous and RoTJ Luke? Well if no one is spending money than you won't.

    Prior notice would just leave people who bought packs just prior to the notice feeling left out.
    Not true, if you give prior notice with 1 month. People who just bought know they have a month of adventage (and everybody knows chars will be farmable at some point, what money buys you is time with a leg up). Those who haven't bought yet can decide if they want to spend, and how much. For example if I want Obi Wan and Lando, QGJ going F2P doesn't change my will to spend. But if the reason to buy is QGJ, it might do. Not giving notice will upset people who will stop or slow buying. Giving notice will reduce sells from people who has QGJ as their reason to purchase. CG has to pick which ones they lose
  • Triqui
    2790 posts Member
    Kaat wrote: »
    Kaat wrote: »
    I also do not see how having notice would have mattered to big spenders.

    Spenders playing the game for the collection aspect would stop spending earlier :)

    So if today they had just made the announcement that in a week or 2 it was happening, they would have stopped spending today? But instead it was just implemented with no notice, so they will stop spending... Today?
    A week is probably to short. A bit more, is different
    Early adopters would buy regardless, just like they buy 700$ smartphones that they know will drop price in three months.
    I never buy chromium, and this do not affect me, I just buy bundles I like, and energy refills. But I understand that if I had pulled the trigger yesterday and spent 200$ in chromium Packs to finish QGJ, I'd be upset
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    I dont think it was a bad decision. P2P players shouldnt have that kind of an edge in a game. If the top arena guy is QGJ and only P2P players can use it Its bad for the game. I think QGJ as a f2p is okay but yes still not resolve the problem of Poe.
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    So now we are debating about what we think the release date should be? This is EXACTLY why they don't do it and I can't blame them.
    Some want a month, some a week, some a year. There is no compromise and I understand why they would refrain from doing so.
    439-259-888 I have a bad habit of editing my typo's after posting
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    CronozNL wrote: »
    Stating you wouldn't doesn't count cause you clearly have a problem with the QGJ toon being added for "free".









  • StarSon
    7487 posts Member
    I just wanted to stop in to say that I don't understand the problem. I've spent <$20 (3 crystal subs) on the game, and really have very little problem with Poe teams in Arena or GW. Focus fire on him before he can taunt, and you can usually get him before he does anything, or quickly enough after a taunt that it doesn't matter.

    Personally, the more characters they make farmable, the happier I am. Based on the prices of their previous packs, I will almost never buy a character pack, and will only get lucky via Bronzium, or get someone through farming.
  • Triqui
    2790 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    It's a pity this thread has become a tooic about the introduction of QGJ as f2p and how to snnounce it. I feel we have lost the most important thing here: QGJ being free doesn't change the fact that "I tap a button and get 5 actions before you do" is way too powerful as a skill you can use at 143 speed .
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    Krey wrote: »
    While I do not consider myself biased by the amount of money I have/have not spent, I am a light spender with around $100 spent since launch. This is just and FYI so you know how my viewpoint might be influenced in spite of whether I think is has been or not.

    1. Putting Qui-Gon in the catena shard shop was a good thing. Putting any character shard in any shard shop is good as far as I am concerned because it gives people more options and this game desperately needs verity at the moment.
    2. This does not fix the Poe problem, especially since the real problem is about more than just Poe. He just exasperates the problem to the point where it gets dumb.
    3. My biggest problem was the complete lack of notification that SOME kind of update was coming and that there would be a short outage between 5:50 and 6:00 pm CST. You do not have to tell me what the update is all about, but if there is an interruption of service coming I would like to know about it a couple days in advance so that I can prepare for it. While a 10 minute outage is not much, if I am getting kicked out of a battle I have spent one of my daily battles on/spent energy on/(or worse) paid crystals for..that is just not right. It is not right and it is easily avoided with a little bit of planning, the time it takes to post in the Announcements section, and consideration for your customers.


    EA_Jesse apologized for the timing of the update push and said they would move it to a different spot that doesn't interfere with arena last minute battles...
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    Spamming memes now instead of replying? Well I think all has been said then. GL with your future endeavors/frustrations nevertheless!
    439-259-888 I have a bad habit of editing my typo's after posting
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    Triqui wrote: »
    pay2win wrote: »
    This is a great decision. Adding a Chromium only character every so often to F2P will keep them around. It's not like they aren't going to release a new OP character soon for the big spenders.

    It's a great business decision overall. Still do not affect Poe at all, and those who think it does, don't understand the problem.

    Change Poe's skill to "at 143 speed, enemy lose 25% turn meter so your whole team act first, and stun 1 random enemy, with no chance to resist. If QGJ is present, then it's not random, stun him." Do you think it's balanced?

    The Devs haven't given a reason for choosing QGJ over other chromiums. The person who created this thread just created a straw man so he could rant and push an agenda.
  • Krey
    341 posts Member
    murton09 wrote: »
    EA_Jesse apologized for the timing of the update push and said they would move it to a different spot that doesn't interfere with arena last minute battles...

    Ah. Cool. Would still like a downtime announcement, but at least they realize it was a problem. Thanks for letting me know. I missed his post.

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    Thank you! The point I was trying to make! But OP rather replies with memes now.

    439-259-888 I have a bad habit of editing my typo's after posting
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    pay2win wrote: »
    Triqui wrote: »
    pay2win wrote: »
    This is a great decision. Adding a Chromium only character every so often to F2P will keep them around. It's not like they aren't going to release a new OP character soon for the big spenders.

    It's a great business decision overall. Still do not affect Poe at all, and those who think it does, don't understand the problem.

    Change Poe's skill to "at 143 speed, enemy lose 25% turn meter so your whole team act first, and stun 1 random enemy, with no chance to resist. If QGJ is present, then it's not random, stun him." Do you think it's balanced?

    The Devs haven't given a reason for choosing QGJ over other chromiums. The person who created this thread just created a straw man so he could rant and push an agenda.

    As taken from the wiki page on the definition of "straw man argument"
    A straw man is a common form of argument and is an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent's argument, while actually refuting an argument which was not advanced by that opponent.

    There was no initial argument to begin with, so I'm not sure how voicing my opinion on what CG is doing with the QGJ thing can be taken as a straw man.

    I presented a timeline of events based on my observations and concluded on a theory of what's happening as a result of it. A lot of other people responding in this thread are pretty masterful at straw man arguments, though...

    Either way, what is with this word agenda lately? What agenda? Do you guys even have an agenda in mind? Can you tell me what my secret agenda was? What could I possibly be asking for besides what I clearly said was bothering me. Is my agenda to ask CG for more transparency? Is that even an agenda? How many times can I say agenda in this paragraph?
  • Options
    CronozNL wrote: »
    Thank you! The point I was trying to make! But OP rather replies with memes now.

    A meme (/ˈmiːm/ meem) is "an idea, behavior, or style that spreads from person to person within a culture".
  • Rheen
    269 posts Member
    Naecabon wrote: »
    Either way, what is with this word agenda lately? What agenda? Do you guys even have an agenda in mind?

    Is my agenda to ask CG for more transparency? Is that even an agenda?

    Your secret agenda for transparency sounds alright to me.

    But hey, what do I know...
    Guide to Beating Galactic War from Team Instinct
    TeamInstinct.net -- Community Site and Home to Team Instinct
  • CronozNL
    2869 posts Member
    edited January 2016

    A meme (/ˈmiːm/ meem)[1] is "an idea, behavior, or style that spreads from person to person within a culture".[2] A meme acts as a unit for carrying cultural ideas, symbols, or practices that can be transmitted from one mind to another through writing, speech, gestures, rituals, or other imitable phenomena with a mimicked theme (like a freaking picture = meme)


    noun ar·ro·gance

    an insulting way of thinking or behaving that comes from believing that you are better, smarter, or more important than other people

    439-259-888 I have a bad habit of editing my typo's after posting
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    Naecabon wrote: »
    Rutank wrote: »
    Artas wrote: »
    Well, soon we will hear the voice coming up "devs, please nerf QGJ" :)

    you won't believe the number of people that will. Literally when people realize 75% more dmg from ally assist, they'll start the qq'ing.




    I bow before you, you Sir have just won the internet.
  • Qeltar
    4326 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    I'm not "allowed" to call for anything to be nerfed or the harpies will descend. So maybe someone more enlightened can explain this for me.
    - Jinn's assist special guarantees an extra 75% damage for the ally, and can be used on any team. Most assists do less damage or have class restrictions, but his can be used with anyone. And yet it is on a 2 turn cooldown. Other assists have requirements for extra damage and/or only work on certain teams and/or have longer cooldowns.
    - This is combined with another special, also on a short cooldown, which allows you to strip a taunt and turn it into a massive offense boost for your entire team. This alone is incredibly powerful. People use Poggle just for the offense boost. There are few characters who can remove a taunt -- this would be good even just for that. But it also has an offense boost for the whole team.
    - He is super fast and ALSO has a chance to gain 30% turn meter every regular attack.
    That's not even getting into his leadership ability.
    So please explain to me: how is this balanced compared to other, similar characters? I'm not seeing it.
    If not for being a Jedi, he would have no weaknesses at all (his health is a bit low but he's not squishy), and the current anti-Jedi meta can't continue forever.
    Quit 7/14/16. Best of luck to all of you.
  • Naecabon
    1243 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    CronozNL wrote: »


    noun ar·ro·gance

    an insulting way of thinking or behaving that comes from believing that you are better, smarter, or more important than other people
    Beef Jerky is lean meat that has been trimmed of fat, cut into strips, and then dried to prevent spoilage. Normally, this drying includes the addition of salt, to prevent bacteria from developing on the meat before sufficient moisture has been removed.
  • Options
    Qeltar wrote: »
    I'm not "allowed" to call for anything to be nerfed or the harpies will descend. So maybe someone more enlightened can explain this for me.
    - Jinn's assist special guarantees an extra 75% damage for the ally, and can be used on any team. Most assists do less damage or have class restrictions, but his can be used with anyone. And yet it is on a 2 turn cooldown. Other assists have requirements for extra damage and/or only work on certain teams and/or have longer cooldowns.
    - This is combined with another special, also on a short cooldown, which allows you to strip a taunt and turn it into a massive offense boost for your entire team. This alone is incredibly powerful. People use Poggle just for the offense boost.
    - He is super fast and ALSO has a chance to gain 30% turn meter every regular attack.
    That's not even getting into his leadership ability.
    So please explain to me: how is this balanced compared to other, similar characters? I'm not seeing it.
    If not for being a Jedi, he would have no weaknesses at all (his health is a bit low but he's not squishy), and the current anti-Jedi meta can't continue forever.

    SURPRISE! QGJ is probably the most powerful character in the game, and at Rank 8 skills people are going to flip out. Like super duper flip out. Rank 8 base attack steals turn meter too. Rank 8 leader speed ability applies to your whole party. Rank 8 assist does 100% bonus damage. Rank 8 Offense Up lasts an additional turn.

    We weren't really there yet so we hadn't bothered lighting those torches and polishing those pitchforks yet. But don't worry, we made a separate closet with all of that in place just for him!
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    Has anyone tried the Cholula beef jerky?
    Really really good
  • Qeltar
    4326 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    Naecabon wrote: »

    Not to me, but this is why I am telling people to hold off before spending all their oranges on this guy until we see what the new update brings. I would not be surprised if he is nerfed. He deserves to be.
    And yes, his data-mined level 8 abilities are absolutely ludicrous. Wasn't even getting into that...
    Quit 7/14/16. Best of luck to all of you.
  • Nonemo
    1656 posts Member
    Well, I'm glad at least that we all agree that this game is so important to us that we actually withstand the presence of each other just so we can discuss it. At length. With people we consider to be ****. That's kind of impressive, when you think about it.
  • SlyGambit
    1246 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    Qeltar wrote: »
    Naecabon wrote: »

    Not to me, but this is why I am telling people to hold off before spending all their oranges on this guy until we see what the new update brings. I would not be surprised if he is nerfed. He deserves to be.
    And yes, his data-mined level 8 abilities are absolutely ludicrous. Wasn't even getting into that...

    There are a lot of data-mined level 8 abilities that hit ludicrous speed. There is little to no way that the majority stay in game as is given the current mechanics. We're 2+ months out from level 80 so not really sweating them.

    60 kinda broke the game. 70 definitely broke the game. 80 makes the game look like a Honda parked overnight in Jersey.
  • Options
    Naecabon wrote: »
    pay2win wrote: »
    Triqui wrote: »
    pay2win wrote: »
    This is a great decision. Adding a Chromium only character every so often to F2P will keep them around. It's not like they aren't going to release a new OP character soon for the big spenders.

    It's a great business decision overall. Still do not affect Poe at all, and those who think it does, don't understand the problem.

    Change Poe's skill to "at 143 speed, enemy lose 25% turn meter so your whole team act first, and stun 1 random enemy, with no chance to resist. If QGJ is present, then it's not random, stun him." Do you think it's balanced?

    The Devs haven't given a reason for choosing QGJ over other chromiums. The person who created this thread just created a straw man so he could rant and push an agenda.

    As taken from the wiki page on the definition of "straw man argument"
    A straw man is a common form of argument and is an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent's argument, while actually refuting an argument which was not advanced by that opponent.

    There was no initial argument to begin with, so I'm not sure how voicing my opinion on what CG is doing with the QGJ thing can be taken as a straw man.

    I presented a timeline of events based on my observations and concluded on a theory of what's happening as a result of it. A lot of other people responding in this thread are pretty masterful at straw man arguments, though...

    Either way, what is with this word agenda lately? What agenda? Do you guys even have an agenda in mind? Can you tell me what my secret agenda was? What could I possibly be asking for besides what I clearly said was bothering me. Is my agenda to ask CG for more transparency? Is that even an agenda? How many times can I say agenda in this paragraph?

    You misrepresenting CG's release of QGJ to Cantina Shipments as a shoddy way of countering Poe, is exactly what a straw man is. You created a fictional argument by assuming CGs actions were based on Poe.

    This isn't about transparency. Its pretty obvious you lost value on QGJ shards. If CG ever implement a tiered shard exchange based on rarity, QGJ becoming farmable is a bad thing for you.
  • Naecabon
    1243 posts Member
    edited January 2016

    If CG ever implement a tiered shard exchange based on rarity, QGJ becoming farmable is a bad thing for you.

    I'm 99.8% positive all shards will be treated equal.

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