The Apple Vs. Android exclusive offers comments and questions *** MEGATHREAD***


  • Ktulu
    80 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    Androids got a free biggs.

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    Yes, iOS users got a free Wedge, a toon that had been farmable for many months and who many have maxed already. And Android got a free Biggs, which also had been farmable since a long time ago. Neither platofrm got an advantage there.
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    It is not fair
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    crzydroid wrote: »
    Apple users got a free Wedge.

    No, most Apple users got a bunch of shard shop currency because Wedge was maxed already.
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    crzydroid wrote: »
    Apple users got a free Wedge.

    And android users got a free Biggs AND shoretrooper/scarif rebel pathfinder shards
  • 420
    107 posts Member
    Monsterstl wrote: »
    crzydroid wrote: »
    Apple users got a free Wedge.

    And android users got a free shoretrooper/scarif rebel pathfinder shards

    Android user here... never got free shards of those toons. Only got a crystal purchasable card
  • crzydroid
    7364 posts Moderator
    My point is that Wedge by himself is much better than Biggs, and isn't as farmable. Before ships, Wedge was only in a late stage 6 cantina node, whereas Biggs was in GW, an earlier cantina node, a hard node, and constantly drops from bronziums. So newer players are not as likely to have him. So it was maybe a way of balancing the trade. Although from the standpoint of older players, I guess shard shop currency is shard shop currency.

    At any rate, I agree that if Apple users don't get ANY exclusives, that would suck. Maybe iOS will end up with the Rogue One Empire toons.

    Btw, I got 10 shards each of pathfinder and shoretrooper. I'm still five shards away from unlocking shoretrooper.
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    How quickly is the Poe forgotten....
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Seku
    575 posts Member
    This should be addressed. It's totally unfair. We all still play the same game, doesn't matter if it's played on an Android or an iPhone or iPad.
    It's unfair to give people an advantage based on something like that, just make it fair and give the same event to the other users or something different at least like possibly another new Rogue One character, there's still lots (Pao, Bodhi Rook, Saw Gererra)
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    As an Android user, I would gladly trade what I got in exchange for a Wedge. GW farming is easier than Cantina node farming, and I already had everyone I wanted in GW, including a 7* Biggs, a long time ago.

    So you really got the better deal on iOS.
  • 420
    107 posts Member
    gufu21 wrote: »
    As an Android user, I would gladly trade what I got in exchange for a Wedge. GW farming is easier than Cantina node farming, and I already had everyone I wanted in GW, including a 7* Biggs, a long time ago.

    So you really got the better deal on iOS.
    +1 to this
  • scuba
    14105 posts Member
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    So Android gets a new character coming from the new movie while Apple got Wedge. Android also got Biggs as well. This is giving an unfair advantage to Android players which is stupid as hell.
  • 420
    107 posts Member
    We could go all day on this.. once jobs dieded... crapple stopped being a parallel contender and became a follower with weak **** updates
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    So Android gets a new character coming from the new movie while Apple got Wedge. Android also got Biggs as well. This is giving an unfair advantage to Android players which is **** as hell.

    IOS got poe when TFA was released.
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    420 wrote: »
    We could go all day on this.. once jobs dieded... crapple stopped being a parallel contender and became a follower with weak **** updates

    You are blaming Apple for not bribing EA?

    "Dieded" tells us all we need to know.
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    Get over it.

    It happens all the time.
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    Android users also get a special device that feeds off the tears of Apple users to increase our troll values. And let me just say that it is working marvellously.
  • 420
    107 posts Member
    You are blaming Apple for not bribing EA?

    "Dieded" tells us all we need to know.
    not really blaming them. Just dont like them. And if I were a fan then yes I would blame them. The money they throw at ea could be considered advertisement but they just dont see it that way I guess... oh and yea and choice of sarcastic word tells you nada pal. Sorry.

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    Android got a free Biggs with his ship, free shore/rebel pathfinder shards and now the exclusive character of K2SO a new character from the new movie.
    IOS got a free wedge and his ship even though most of us already had wedge....
    I was fine at first with the few exclusives for Android but give them a new character from the movie and only them thats down right unfair.
  • 420
    107 posts Member
    Somebody call the wambulance
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    I agree with this

    I almost wanna go over to EA/CG and force them to put out the palpatine event for iOS only because I'm so mad right now
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    So Android gets a new character coming from the new movie while Apple got Wedge. Android also got Biggs as well. This is giving an unfair advantage to Android players which is **** as hell.

    IOS got poe when TFA was released.

    I was not there back then plus the game was much smaller so it really did not matter much. The game is huge now there should be no exclusive when it comes to giving out characters.
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    420 wrote: »
    Somebody call the wambulance

    Im guessing you have an android phone.
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    balme ios google paid for exclusives ios didn't
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    We will see what my EP and my TFP think about this new toon. I have a feeling they will like it...
    ... They will like placing shock/buff immunity on him so he never taunts and won't counter as much.

    Still bummed about android getting all this stuff and iOS being left in the dust tho

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    Yes, this sucks for iOS users.

    Yes, this isn't the first time.

    There is an out for Apple though, one befitting a corporation like theirs. Special iOS Empire Event with Director Krennic.
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    You just posted in another thread about the same subject and immediately make a new thread with the same subject. Is a few shards really a game-breaker? Honestly I'm sick of rebels anyway.
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    Starbuck wrote: »
    Yes, iOS users got a free Wedge, a toon that had been farmable for many months and who many have maxed already. And Android got a free Biggs, which also had been farmable since a long time ago. Neither platofrm got an advantage there.

    Cantina and galactic war shipment .. It's a big difference. There are so many to farm in cantina.. Well.. I had both maxed, but there are still many who haven't. Don't put everyone in one jar because many got them.
    I remember the ewok event where only iOS got the chance to get some ewoks.
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    it's same stuff with microsoft and sony one pays for exclusives that the other brand doesn't get for a period of time or not at all you think ea would make that move without money involved
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