New Raid First Reactions Thread [Discussion]



  • ShaolinPunk
    3486 posts Moderator
    edited March 2018
    I need to do whatever I want to do....wait no.... I mean.... ANYWAY.

    In the Details tab, you'll see for DN his awesome new "Lord of Hunger": Each turn he gets 3% protection back for each BUFFED enemy (that's your squad), AND if he hits one of your guys who already has Defense Down, they lose 25% Protection and he GAINS that much on his protection bar (the purple overlap in the battle screen). So, he's making protection regenerate very quickly. Gotta keep the pressure on.
    **Please tag me (@ShaolinPunk) if you need assistance.** My Collection. . My Poll.. Ally Code: 332-622-913 Discord: shaolin_punk#2107
  • Liath
    5140 posts Member
    I think the thing about Visas was just the GCs’ own speculation. What do you mean by “JTR suicide bombing”?
  • JaggedJ
    1352 posts Member
    It's interesting but i can see myself getting very bored very quickly with how tedious it is.

    They've done a good job of blocking just about everything that it's just a case of chip away, enrage, die. Chip away, enrage, die.

    The only difference is what damage teams are able to post during that process.

    HAAT had its flaws but it had 4 distinct levels with 4 distinct challenges. I'm yet to be convinced it will be the case here.
  • Edward
    651 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    I need to do whatever I want to do....wait no.... I mean.... ANYWAY.

    In the Details tab, you'll see for DN his awesome new "Lord of Hunger": Each turn he gets 3% protection back for each BUFFED enemy (that's your squad), AND if he hits one of your guys who already has Defense Down, they lose 25% Protection and he GAINS that much on his protection bar (the purple overlap in the battle screen). So, he's making protection regenerate very quickly. Gotta keep the pressure on.

    He seems to read too much similar posts so that specific message was not for you. So according to you and him, nothing changed before and after roaster refresh, I still use similar five teams, 1.7m damage now became 0.3m damage?
  • Skywalker_Vader1
    336 posts Member
    edited March 2018
    I really hate to complain but I am. All the hype, hoping for this fun new raid and it’s just stupid hard. Way to much HP, turn meter and debuffs do nothing. All gear 12 teams and doing maybe 200 k damage. Its ridiculous. Two days and I am already auto fighting and not caring. I do not know why they cannot just make something fun.
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    People have different ideas of fun.
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    Not fun at all, 2 days to beat 1st wave, awards are not worth the time n effort.
  • AnnerDoon
    1353 posts Member
    Perhaps you should consider doing a lower tier?
  • swgohfan29
    1147 posts Member
    have you ever heard of read the abilities and strategizing? i ve heard good things about it.
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    We abandoned T6 and went all the way back to T1. We beat it in around an hour (same amount of time it takes for haat).
    P1, P2 & P3 were enjoyable. Minus the bloated health. And the weird shield mechanic for Nihilus.
    P4 however felt messy. And a bit disappointing. I won't spoil it for anyone, but lets just say it felt... familiar...
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    Those who are defending the Devs for the new "challenge"... please stop defending them.
    Phase 1 has 200.000.000 health PLUS CRAZY PROTECTION GAIN... what are we talking about? This is the first of FOUR phases... it's madness.
  • Aluxtu
    420 posts Member
    People need to read phase descriptions. He gets a lot of bonus protection if you aren't playing it smart. Nihlus lead with sith and he gets no bonus protection. Read his abilities
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