Reyia's Droids Helpline


  • Hawk7915
    73 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    I adore droids (mostly HK-47). I have a 7* Poggle, 6* IG-86, and 6* Geonosian Soldier and an HK-47 that's on his way to 5*. I am hoping to try droids soon, replacing my "random good stuff" team of 7* Sid, 7* Lumi, 5* Poe Dameron, and the aforementioned Poggle and GS. My questions:

    - I have a 5*, max gear Poe and a nearly 4* Royal Guard. Who is better as a fast taunt for the squad?
    - I haven't even started IG-88. How good is he? Necessary to use the team in PvP?
    - Is IG-100 even worth considering for a droids team?

    Thanks in advance Reyia!
  • Reyia
    1171 posts Member
    Went twice against a 88 lead, Poggle, Poe, GS and 86. Sid lead, Poggle, Kylo, Dooku and 88. Got wiped. Then Sid lead, 88, Dooku, Kylo and Poe. Wiped again.

    Guess I'll need a high DPS, speed team. Gotta gear up Rey and QGJ fast... If only GS was farmable at a higher node.

    @Azraelrulez Those AOE teams buffed by Poggle are deadly, aren't they? That was the meta before the speed one. Damage meta lead by Poe. So people had to farm Poe and rely on a coin toss who starts first.

    With a QGJ team they are too easy to beat nowadays. I play a QGJ lead team in my main and I usually kill droid teams without a single casualty.

    I recommend everyone to farm GS at the beginning as it's the first node in cantina and he's a well rounded character who can fit in practically any team composition. Many guild members went back to farm him on my recommendation. He's worth the cantina tokens and ability mats loss from not farming higher nodes.
  • Reyia
    1171 posts Member
    Dempsey wrote: »

    What is your opinion on a Jawa/Droid team if Jawa Engineer is ever released?

    Reading the datamined info on Jawa Engineer, he seems like he could be a serious threat with Droids and Jawas.

    Crunch Time - +9 speed for each living Droid and Jawa ally. 4 allies × 9 = 36. His speed at max gear is 144. 144 + 36 = 180. He will be one of the first, if not the first to take his turn.

    Recalibrate - Critical chance up all allies, Jawas and Droids gain 40% turn meter. He can potentially allow Droids and Jawas to all go first with critical chance up.

    All information cam be found here:


    When Jawa Engineer is released we would see more droid/Jawa teams. He's be fast, one of the first to move. At the start of the match use recalibrate. All droids/Jawas gain 40% turn meter. That's massive damage in the first turn. With 2-3 enemies dead in that turn the battle would be decided already. So potentially we can see a rise in AOE Poggle teams.
  • Reyia
    1171 posts Member
    Eilar wrote: »

    I'm on a relatively new shard, i think it started end of Jan, and I started playing several days into feb. I'm able to break into top 30 with

    HK 4* G7 (L) (want to replace him with poggle when available)
    IG 86 4* G7
    IG 88 4* G7 (few more days until 5 star from shipments)
    Geo Soldier 6* G7
    Poe 4* G7 (about 5 days from 5*)

    Poggle is in the works, still a few days out from unlocking him. I'm currently level 58 and many in the top 50 are between 58 and 63. My team power is ~16.6k, most people around me are between 17.5k and 19k.

    Now that you know my setup, a few questions.

    1) For the next week or so, should I keep trying to sneak into higher scoring positions right before rewards and risk getting unmanageable GWs? or sit comfortably around the 30s and hope my GWs continue to be challenging but doable? up until the last few days I've been clearing all of my GWs no problem, but when I got into the 20s, twice in the last week they have been unbeatable (9+ levels higher).

    2) After poggle comes in, do I need to immediately keep starring him? or can I go to other areas like finish my lumi to 7*, or IG shipments to speed up 86's stars?

    3) After Geo soldier is 7 stars, probably in a week or so, should I go for IG-86 in cantina nodes? Or look into the Bariss route to help with difficult GW in the future if they come up?

    This is a really loaded post with questions, but I love the game and I love droids but I want to make sure I'm going in an alright direction. I'm trying to get my team arena ready but also not gimp the rest of my account for GW runs, etc.

    Lastly, I enjoy that you have a droid account because hopefully you can share some of your farming routes and help guide my next choices.

    Thanks and I appreciate any advice!!!


    Welcome to the forum! I see that this is your first post and I'm honored that you made an account just to ask me some questions.

    Good job in breaking the top 30! Don't worry about the team power, a droid team will naturally have less power than a general team and with low power you will get easier GW match ups. At level 58 I was able to easily win versus team of 2k+ more power. Use energy to farm gear and concentrate on starring up your heroes. Do 50, 50, 100, 100 energy refreshes and 100, 200 cantina refreshes. That would advance you further efficiently without a huge cost.

    1) I would recommend you stay around 30s as GW rewards are more relevant to you in your current situation as you need credits to level your heroes and ability mats to upgrade your hero abilities. If you can complete GW on most days then you can level and upgrade your squad to the max. You can always get better ranks later on. If you get better rank now your GW will get harder and the loss of credits and ability mats would be a big blow to you.

    2) Poggle is viable at 4/5*. I can see that your IGs are very low stars. I suggest getting IG86 to 7* first. Support characters are okay at 4/5* but attackers need to be at maximum stars to do the most damage. Finish Poggle first so you can see how he works in a team then do IG86 asap. After he's done then start working on Lumi.

    3) Bariss is at node 6-A and won't open till level 69 is reached. After you finish GS u can do 4E in cantina to help 7* IG86 faster. After that you can farm 3A to star up your JC. He's invaluable in GW.

    Use energy to farm gear for your main squad. If the mats locations for the gear aren't open, three star them asap so that you can SIM for those mats. So basically energy is for gearing, shards are to be farmed through cantina, cantina credits, arena tokens, and GW war tokens. Buy all the gear in the shipments every six hours and complete all challenges every day. Don't spend 150 crystals buying 3 shards in shipments. Bring Poe to gear VIII as fast as you can as he reaches max speed of 142 at that gear level.

    Good luck!!
  • Reyia
    1171 posts Member
    Hawk7915 wrote: »
    I adore droids (mostly HK-47). I have a 7* Poggle, 6* IG-86, and 6* Geonosian Soldier and an HK-47 that's on his way to 5*. I am hoping to try droids soon, replacing my "random good stuff" team of 7* Sid, 7* Lumi, 5* Poe Dameron, and the aforementioned Poggle and GS. My questions:

    - I have a 5*, max gear Poe and a nearly 4* Royal Guard. Who is better as a fast taunt for the squad?
    - I haven't even started IG-88. How good is he? Necessary to use the team in PvP?
    - Is IG-100 even worth considering for a droids team?

    Thanks in advance Reyia!

    Royal Guard taunts whenever another squad member is below 50% health so in that way he is 'fast' that is he doesn't waste a turn to get the taunt up. I use Poe in my team for enemy turn meter reduction and expose to rapidly do great damage in a turn. I have a 2* RG and haven't had a chance to really test him.

    IG88 can do massive damage in a turn and with enough crits and attack a second time. The only problem is he's very squishy and susceptible to QGJ one hit assist kill. With Poggle buff IG88 can single handedly wipe 3+ enemies at once.

    I heard from others that IG100 is still very weak, even after buff from patch. So he's not worth a space in the main squad. You would do better with Poe/RG instead of IG100.
  • Options
    My poggle lead, 88, 86, geo, Poe team turned out pretty well in arena. Remained at rank 6 for defense. Pretty confident that I can take the rank 1 spot today again if the other guy on my server failed to snipe me. :p
  • Wibble
    78 posts Member
    Just one point on Eilar's questions - the dev from reddit admitted that Arena rank doesn't affect GW matchmaking after all - it's based on your highest ever Arena squad power (another reason to use droids!). So I wouldn't be afraid of going higher in the ranks.

    My defence experiment, putting Sid in for Lumi in my Poggle (L), IG-86, GS, Dooku, Lumi team, seems to have worked decently. 10th down to 23rd after yesterday's 1st down to 36th (by this time of day) debacle. What is it about Sid that's so offputting? He's really not all that. Having said that Lumi is useless against any team including Dooku, so maybe Lumi was the problem.
  • DV_27
    967 posts Member
    Hi @Tony167 so I got to use your 7* grevious a couple of times in some cantina battles. He was pretty good I think, low HP obviously without other droids but he hits well enough. Managed to get a 12k crit from him with the qgj assist. And the animations for him are the best
  • Tony167
    231 posts Member
    @DV_27 nice! Glad you got to use him. I agree they did a great job on the animations. He's fun to use in my opinion. Little slow, and like you said the low hp. But eventually I think there's gonna be a place for him.
  • Pagyno
    107 posts Member
    Sorry but this game has one mistake. You cannot play against human only playing against computer. And its huge advantage.... Droid team plus anybody is easy cake...
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    Borrowed a maxxed Grievous for a challenge and he kicked butt in this comp.

    Ally Code: 945-699-762
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    I'm back to trying different things....I lose too much ground with my classic droid team. Going back to Sid lead, 86, RP, GS, and either Poe or QG. Still don't have HK, but only so many arena creds to go around
  • Reyia
    1171 posts Member
    Jaden_Zen wrote: »
    My poggle lead, 88, 86, geo, Poe team turned out pretty well in arena. Remained at rank 6 for defense. Pretty confident that I can take the rank 1 spot today again if the other guy on my server failed to snipe me. :p

    @Jaden_Zen That's great to hear! No teams are unbeatable especially with AI controlling them, with our offensive droid teams we can easily exterminate two or more heroes in one turn. How about you snipe him next time ;-)
  • fberbert
    593 posts Member
    Is Grievous any good? I unlocked him and I have the exact number of shard shop coins to make him 7 stars. Is there any competitive formation viable around Grievous?
    Mestre Fábio - My YouTube Channel - My SwGOH profile - Brazilian player? Come to play with us, AAT heroic, contact me
  • Reyia
    1171 posts Member
    Wibble wrote: »
    Just one point on Eilar's questions - the dev from reddit admitted that Arena rank doesn't affect GW matchmaking after all - it's based on your highest ever Arena squad power (another reason to use droids!). So I wouldn't be afraid of going higher in the ranks.

    My defence experiment, putting Sid in for Lumi in my Poggle (L), IG-86, GS, Dooku, Lumi team, seems to have worked decently. 10th down to 23rd after yesterday's 1st down to 36th (by this time of day) debacle. What is it about Sid that's so offputting? He's really not all that. Having said that Lumi is useless against any team including Dooku, so maybe Lumi was the problem.

    @Wibble Yes droids have less power rating but are deadly! With less power even at max geared 7* those who use droid teams for arena gets easier GW matches.

    Sid is fast and could have helped a lot with heal immunity debuff plus damage to all though his AOE. And he gains health when other members die.

    With lots of one shot kill characters your Lumi couldn't have helped much but with enough damage you could have killed the other team faster.

    Speed damage meta it is now and not a healing one.
  • Wibble
    78 posts Member
    It seems some of the whale teams are in reach now, but droid on droid is still defeating me. The old HK, IG-86, IG-88, Po, Po combo still destroys me. I need a new GW shipment target, and I'm wondering how much trouble Datcha gives to droids. I have Eeth 7-starred as well, but while he has anti-droid skills, he seems underwhelming. How tricky are these two to face?
  • Reyia
    1171 posts Member
    I have never fought an anti droid team on my droid account myself but I did on my main. They had Datcha, Jawa, Poggle, Poe, and GS. With my QGJ lead team it was very easy for me to kill them before they had a chance. Datcha would be worth it IMO and with the future release of Jawa engineer there will be more Jawa/Droid synergies.
  • Triqui
    2790 posts Member
    fberbert wrote: »
    Is Grievous any good? I unlocked him and I have the exact number of shard shop coins to make him 7 stars. Is there any competitive formation viable around Grievous?

    We don't know yet. Not a lot of them lying around, some people is testing him but nothing conclusiva yet. He looks proposing but we don't know for sure.

    There is something weird with him. Without droids he is too squishy. With Droids he is tougher, but the ability to make other char to taunt for him is not good for other droids, which are squishy themselves
  • Pooket
    46 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Hello droidies!

    I need some advice. I just got poggle to 7* so I now have lumi and ig86 at 7*

    What should I do with my GW shipments now?.

    FYI I don't have phasma - is it worth investing in her?

    I have the other droids and GS, po, Sid and Daka at high levels

    Was wondering about spending on datcha, I have him at 4* as this charcter dropped early for me in the game. But may hold off and see if/when the engineer appears if it is farmable. A chromium only charcter is no use to me and so the whole droid/jawa synergy may not be an option.

    Answers on a postcard please...
  • Options
    Pooket wrote: »
    Hello droidies!

    I need some advice. I just got poggle to 7* so I now have lumi and ig86 at 7*

    What should I do with my GW shipments now?.

    FYI I don't have phasma - is it worth investing in her?

    I have the other droids and GS, pro, Sid and Daka at high levels

    Was wondering about spending on datcha, I have him at 4* as this charcter dropped early for me in the game. But may hold off and see if/when the engineer appears if it is farmable. A chromium only charcter is no use to me and so the whole droid/jawa synergy may not be an option.

    Answers on a postcard please...

    Honestly I would just pick one and go. I think there are hidden gems in GW shipment...Datcha is one of them. RP and tusken raider are others. Im farming enough Biggs shards to 7* him when ships drop. Datcha is probably next. Tusken Raider interests me for his high health and assist call, but not enough tuskens to really form a team with him and urururrururuwhatever.
  • Pooket
    46 posts Member
    Honestly I would just pick one and go. I think there are hidden gems in GW shipment...Datcha is one of them. RP and tusken raider are others. Im farming enough Biggs shards to 7* him when ships drop. Datcha is probably next. Tusken Raider interests me for his high health and assist call, but not enough tuskens to really form a team with him and urururrururuwhatever.

    Ships dropping? Would you care to elaborate on that? Just a hunch or have you heard something from the droid spy network?
  • DV_27
    967 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Pooket wrote: »
    Honestly I would just pick one and go. I think there are hidden gems in GW shipment...Datcha is one of them. RP and tusken raider are others. Im farming enough Biggs shards to 7* him when ships drop. Datcha is probably next. Tusken Raider interests me for his high health and assist call, but not enough tuskens to really form a team with him and urururrururuwhatever.

    Ships dropping? Would you care to elaborate on that? Just a hunch or have you heard something from the droid spy network?
    We don't know when but it will happen, on your home screen In game, behind the GW table and to the right of it there's a table which we can't play yet but the shapes are of the falcon and slave Ships.
    Biggs description also says 'built in ship synergies'
  • Options
    I'M thinking about getting a droid from Arena Tokens i have 30 tokens left to max my Sid, what droid should i get? Im hoping to use one to help on GW with high damage. I was thinking about Hk-47 for his revive any advise?
  • Peanut
    87 posts Member
    Need a droid clan/guild
  • Reyia
    1171 posts Member
    fberbert wrote: »
    Is Grievous any good? I unlocked him and I have the exact number of shard shop coins to make him 7 stars. Is there any competitive formation viable around Grievous?

    You can ask @Tony167 as he owns a 7*GG and currently in top 3 arena in his shard.
  • Options
    I'M thinking about getting a droid from Arena Tokens i have 30 tokens left to max my Sid, what droid should i get? Im hoping to use one to help on GW with high damage. I was thinking about Hk-47 for his revive any advise?

    His revive isn't anything spectacular. If you want a damage dealer go with 88 or 86. There are probably better options unless you're planning to go full droid-rage.

    They're both squishy and therefore not necessarily a go-to for GW, but they can help.

    GW, in my experience/opinion is all about healers. I run JC, Lumi, and Daka personally.
  • Reyia
    1171 posts Member
    Pooket wrote: »
    Hello droidies!

    I need some advice. I just got poggle to 7* so I now have lumi and ig86 at 7*

    What should I do with my GW shipments now?.

    FYI I don't have phasma - is it worth investing in her?

    I have the other droids and GS, po, Sid and Daka at high levels

    Was wondering about spending on datcha, I have him at 4* as this charcter dropped early for me in the game. But may hold off and see if/when the engineer appears if it is farmable. A chromium only charcter is no use to me and so the whole droid/jawa synergy may not be an option.

    Answers on a postcard please...


    Phasma is definitely worth investing. She's my first 7* in my main account and she's still in use in my arena team consisting of QGJ leadership. I finish top 2 in arena in main every day. Usually holds defense well and I don't drop below 10, so do farm her.

    A typical match starts with my QGJ doing a harmonious assault. GS attacks, my Poe taunts, then I use Victory March from Phasma to gain 50% turn meter and Advantage. Battle is decided already.

    Now put Daka in team and people will be intimidated and will be attacking your team less often as she keeps reviving under AI control plus revives fallen allies.

    So farm Phasma first then decide on Datcha waiting on farm-ability of engineer.
  • Options
    Reyia wrote: »
    fberbert wrote: »
    Is Grievous any good? I unlocked him and I have the exact number of shard shop coins to make him 7 stars. Is there any competitive formation viable around Grievous?

    You can ask @Tony167 as he owns a 7*GG and currently in top 3 arena in his shard.

    Hey @Tony167, which is your formation? Thanks.
    Mestre Fábio - My YouTube Channel - My SwGOH profile - Brazilian player? Come to play with us, AAT heroic, contact me
  • Reyia
    1171 posts Member
    I'M thinking about getting a droid from Arena Tokens i have 30 tokens left to max my Sid, what droid should i get? Im hoping to use one to help on GW with high damage. I was thinking about Hk-47 for his revive any advise?

    For high damage u can't go past IG88. With Poggle buff and with Sid AOE you are looking at 9-10k AOE crit damage as IG88 deals 15% more damage for each enemy suffering a negative status effect.
  • Options
    Reyia wrote: »
    I'M thinking about getting a droid from Arena Tokens i have 30 tokens left to max my Sid, what droid should i get? Im hoping to use one to help on GW with high damage. I was thinking about Hk-47 for his revive any advise?

    For high damage u can't go past IG88. With Poggle buff and with Sid AOE you are looking at 9-10k AOE crit damage as IG88 deals 15% more damage for each enemy suffering a negative status effect.

    Thanks i think i give him ago, the droids appeal more to me than any others in arena.
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