Replay malak event. It gives shards [MERGE]


  • JZ95
    167 posts Member
    Gamorrean wrote: »
    JZ95 wrote: »
    Gamorrean wrote: »
    JZ95 wrote: »
    Gascharack wrote: »
    Calm down guys. The GET isn’t lost. Bacause if the investment we were able to play high ranks and get high rewards in arena and GA and TB and TW...

    so if you say the GET is lost, you didn’t play the game right the last months. Ja, it’s a big surprise to take another 150 shards but it isn’t lost at all. And no one saved the GET without getting Malak to 7 stars, fall deep in arena and only wait for a meta shift which is far away...

    If you had him 7* for a while then yes you don't deserve a refund on anything. If you unlocked him second time and you purchased most of the shards towards 7 stars or recently completed the grind then I think a refund is in order.

    I'm just think it's a little hypocritical to see people who have had Malak at 7 stars gear 13 for ages acting like they are being wronged and deserve refunds of their tokens, because if they could turn back the clock knowing that this would happen, they would still end up spending the tokens for the competitive advantage Malak offered for so long, they wouldn't just wait all these months, sitting on a 5 star gear 11 Malak. So spare us with the drama please!

    You talk like we are all whales?

    As a ftp, If I knew I could wait for malak to return again to get the rest I would not waste 58k GET tokens.

    Well depends on whether you got him the first time or the second. If you are f2p then you must have went deep in your hoarded stash to get him, so what you're saying is that you would have just sat on him at 5 stars and never used the token waiting for the third time the event came around? Really after you went through all that trouble unlocking him the first time?

    If you unlocked him the second time then perhaps you need read my previous comments because I said it very clearly that second time unlocks are very different than first time unlocks, some people just got him to 7 stars a few days or weeks ago and yeah in those cases I'm not against a refund.

    First of all, I got him second time around.
    We knew the ONLY way to 7* malak was with GET tokens.

    So while farming OR for DRs return I began to save GET tokens too.

    Should I really be punished for that? For not using the currency they forced us to waste on him?

    I know we don’t know if this really is a bug or not, but no matter what it feels like a punch to the face

    I clearly said multiple times already that you fall in the category who should get a refund.
    Well I’m sure this is the first time CG actually listened to the forums. People where complaining that GAS required GET1 so easy fix to all the complainers was to eliminate a GET1 required toon by making shards available

    And now different people will complain. You can't get around that, we (the community) definitely come off as always **** about something, but that's just because of the disconnect that exists between those who feel like they can pay for permanent advantages and those who realize that money buys you a temporary advantage that people should eventually be able to catch up to.
    evoluza wrote: »
    JZ95 wrote: »
    Ephran wrote: »
    Holy cow people, stop acting like this was intentional. It's obviously a bug, act like adults and give them a chance to fix it before you start accusing them of screwing you over intentionally.

    You don't know that for a fact, nobody other the devs know if this is bugged or just how they decided to roll with this type of event. They have emphasized a lot on the fact that this is an epic confrontation event, not a legendary, not a hero's journey. It makes sense to lock it behind a paywall first, give people the choice to commit their GET if they want the benefits of the character at 7 stars, then give the same opportunity to the second time unlock and then make it free the third time.

    Changes like that get announced, but don't happen naturally. It's a bug for the last time and you still exploited it with full knowledge. Now but your pants back on and act like a normal person

    I disagree, they don't have to announce anything. I would certainly prefer that they did but they don't always do and you know that. I saw the event, I participated, end of story. I was happy to be able to replay it, I got bonus shards, sweet, not my fault.
    By the way you sound like you only recently finished farming him, but something tells me you've had him at gear 13 for months
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    The amount of gear you could have got from 76k in guild token currency vs the 2200 shard store converted Malek shards is HUGE!!!

    Anyone that spent guild tokens to buy Malek shards should be really upset. Sadly it’s a game and we shouldn’t let games upset us so much with so much other real life things that worthy of being upset about.

    I’ve said this before and I still mean it: whoever is in charge of the decision making at CG is doing a horrible horrible job. It’s almost like they’ve hired some young 20something straight out of college that has 0 experience in the gaming industry field.

    76k guild tokens vs 2200 shard currency is a big big difference in the amount of gear a lot of players got screwed out of.

    CG you keep punishing players for the choices we make!!! No wonder why people are quitting left and right. You deserve whatever backlash comes in the future!

    It's 68400 for the whole Malak. 57000 for the 150 shards this is all about and these amount 2250 shardstorecurrency.
    Get your facts straight!

    Well excuse me for forgetting how many guild tokens I spent to get him the was months ago.

    Since you got the numbers correct: 57000 guild tokens vs 2250 shipment tokens is still a huge difference in the amount of gear that could have been bought instead of being spent on males shards!!

    You are hereby excused!

    Better? This your account??

    If so it’s probably best to stay out of the conversation.

    If it isn’t well then you’ll just have to excuse me again.

    lol why?
    Because you are all this and that?
    Because you are a big spender or started ealier with the game than others?
    Thin ice my friend.. very thin.

    Why? Because you obviously don’t understand how this effects me and many other players. That’s why.

    If you didn’t get malek the first time then you don’t understand the amount of gear we missed out on because we used guild currency on shards instead. I don’t come on these forums much, but one thing I don’t do is get into a conversation with someone when I don’t understand what they went through.

    I didn’t post your roster to show a “I’m better than you” scenario....if that’s how you took it, well I don’t know what else to say.

    Like I said, it’s probably best to stay out of the conversation, but that’s just me.

    I'm still thinking you are pretty full of it.

    One could say, that since you got Malak the first time - you got your GET's worth of it. (I don't, but some people say so).
    I got Malak the 2nd time, had a decent amount of GET saved up (which also hindered me on buying loads of gear) and guess what, I was really close to 7* this morning.
    Not just you got screwed by this. I am more than willing to accept a refund for the GET I spend UP to 150 shards worth. The rest I gladly payed.

    So if this is not you trying to measure DingDong's than you should still try to imagine that you are not the only one (or group of players who started 2016 instead of 2018, etc) who is affected.
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    I guess I’ll post this here since the customer service line in garbage and won’t let me. How convenient that it won’t work currently.

    The fact that people are able to 7* their Darth Malak from doing the event several times is really disheartening. I spent Guild Event tokens for 3 months to 7* my Malak after unlocking him the first time. I want every single one of those tokens back. I don’t expect I will get my wish, as the last ticket I filed with your garbage customer service was never even responded to, but I will try nonetheless. If I don’t get a response I will simply have all the money I’ve spent on this game refunded to me from Apple, as you obviously don’t care about the integrity of the game, and I will encourage the thousands of others I have contact with in this game to do the same. Get your act together, this is ridiculous.
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    The angry whales are angry!!!
    I've even been wanting them to give a handout to new players for a long time. Like a free BH, NS or FO 7* team pack for anyone under 1 mil GP. I feel from these forums that would enrage people soo much. This is almost like a perfect social experiment explaining the 1% mentality.
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    I don't have Malak, but I think I'm gonna have to agree with you. Doesn't seem right to me...
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    Prepare for this to be deleted, mine was and I barely even mentioned refund. They can silence us, doesn’t make us wrong. Your bang on the money here
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    If they roll it back... well I hope everyone has a bunker to get into!
    The player base will revolt, and CG will feel the wrath like never before. (and still not care, so whatever...)
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    I fully expect this to disappear, lol. That’s Ok, I’ll still demand a refund.
  • TVF
    36766 posts Member
    Prepare for this to be deleted, mine was and I barely even mentioned refund. They can silence us, doesn’t make us wrong. Your bang on the money here

    It gets merged, not deleted.
    I need a new message here.
  • JZ95
    167 posts Member
    evoluza wrote: »
    JZ95 wrote: »
    Gamorrean wrote: »
    JZ95 wrote: »
    Gamorrean wrote: »
    JZ95 wrote: »
    Gascharack wrote: »
    Calm down guys. The GET isn’t lost. Bacause if the investment we were able to play high ranks and get high rewards in arena and GA and TB and TW...

    so if you say the GET is lost, you didn’t play the game right the last months. Ja, it’s a big surprise to take another 150 shards but it isn’t lost at all. And no one saved the GET without getting Malak to 7 stars, fall deep in arena and only wait for a meta shift which is far away...

    If you had him 7* for a while then yes you don't deserve a refund on anything. If you unlocked him second time and you purchased most of the shards towards 7 stars or recently completed the grind then I think a refund is in order.

    I'm just think it's a little hypocritical to see people who have had Malak at 7 stars gear 13 for ages acting like they are being wronged and deserve refunds of their tokens, because if they could turn back the clock knowing that this would happen, they would still end up spending the tokens for the competitive advantage Malak offered for so long, they wouldn't just wait all these months, sitting on a 5 star gear 11 Malak. So spare us with the drama please!

    You talk like we are all whales?

    As a ftp, If I knew I could wait for malak to return again to get the rest I would not waste 58k GET tokens.

    Well depends on whether you got him the first time or the second. If you are f2p then you must have went deep in your hoarded stash to get him, so what you're saying is that you would have just sat on him at 5 stars and never used the token waiting for the third time the event came around? Really after you went through all that trouble unlocking him the first time?

    If you unlocked him the second time then perhaps you need read my previous comments because I said it very clearly that second time unlocks are very different than first time unlocks, some people just got him to 7 stars a few days or weeks ago and yeah in those cases I'm not against a refund.

    First of all, I got him second time around.
    We knew the ONLY way to 7* malak was with GET tokens.

    So while farming OR for DRs return I began to save GET tokens too.

    Should I really be punished for that? For not using the currency they forced us to waste on him?

    I know we don’t know if this really is a bug or not, but no matter what it feels like a punch to the face

    I clearly said multiple times already that you fall in the category who should get a refund.
    Well I’m sure this is the first time CG actually listened to the forums. People where complaining that GAS required GET1 so easy fix to all the complainers was to eliminate a GET1 required toon by making shards available

    And now different people will complain. You can't get around that, we (the community) definitely come off as always **** about something, but that's just because of the disconnect that exists between those who feel like they can pay for permanent advantages and those who realize that money buys you a temporary advantage that people should eventually be able to catch up to.
    evoluza wrote: »
    JZ95 wrote: »
    Ephran wrote: »
    Holy cow people, stop acting like this was intentional. It's obviously a bug, act like adults and give them a chance to fix it before you start accusing them of screwing you over intentionally.

    You don't know that for a fact, nobody other the devs know if this is bugged or just how they decided to roll with this type of event. They have emphasized a lot on the fact that this is an epic confrontation event, not a legendary, not a hero's journey. It makes sense to lock it behind a paywall first, give people the choice to commit their GET if they want the benefits of the character at 7 stars, then give the same opportunity to the second time unlock and then make it free the third time.

    Changes like that get announced, but don't happen naturally. It's a bug for the last time and you still exploited it with full knowledge. Now but your pants back on and act like a normal person

    I disagree, they don't have to announce anything. I would certainly prefer that they did but they don't always do and you know that. I saw the event, I participated, end of story. I was happy to be able to replay it, I got bonus shards, sweet, not my fault.
    By the way you sound like you only recently finished farming him, but something tells me you've had him at gear 13 for months

    Mine is g13 since a long time.
    Focused farming and beating the event, then investing loads of get1.
    Change that make absolutely no sense in any perspective.
    And every major change gets announced. 150 extra shard for an OP toon are part of that.

    So you've had a gear 13 Malak for a "long time". If you could go back when you unlocked him at 5 stars and you knew that on his 3rd appearance he would give out the rest of the shards but that wouldn't happen for months, would you have left him at gear 11, 5 stars or would you still commit those tokens to take him to g12+5 and eventually gear 13 and relic whatever?

    Because I'm 100% confident that you'd still make the same choice regardless of how things played out months later. You got big value out of those GET in the form of arena payouts, Grand arena advantage as well as even extra raid damage for the sith raid.

    Most people starred hermit and wampa who never even made the meta (except hermit for a brief time) and we had to start at 0 shards too, just for some raid damage.
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    Can't read ALL of it. What's the deal? Should we claim GET refund or shard shop currency is all they have for us? :D
  • Pieeater420
    232 posts Member
    edited October 2019
    Reading these comments has been hilarious. Probably the funniest ones ive read is the ppl sayin tht anyone who unlocked him 1st or 2nd time around would have not spent gets to get him to 7* if they knew tht a year later in his 3rd return they could max him for free. Cmon man how dumb do u think we are. Ppl would not wait. If they can max their malak before anyone else n have tht advantage for a year then they will spend those gets to do so. Especially since at his release there was nuthin else to buy for most players but gear with them an ppl have other ways to get the gear so yes ppl would had still used gets to max him. To say otherwise is just pure stupidity or your just full of doodoos. If tht was the case then ppl would not buy char shards in shipments to get a char maxxed quicker they would just wait till tht char is put in node. An yes some ppl wait but others tht want tht early advantage will always spend whtever it is they need to spend to get tht advantage. So dont say everyone tht got him first time would been happy with a 5* malak for the nxt year till they could get him free.
  • JZ95
    167 posts Member
    Reading these comments has been hilarious. Probably the funniest ones ive read is the ppl sayin tht anyone who unlocked him 1st or 2nd time around would have not spent gets to get him to 7* if they knew tht a year later in his 3rd return they could max him for free. Cmon man how dumb do u think we are. Ppl would not wait. If they can max their malak before anyone else n have tht advantage for a year then they will spend those gets to do so. Especially since at his release there was nuthin else to buy for most players but gear with them an ppl have other ways to get the gear so yes ppl would had still used gets to max him. To say otherwise is just pure stupidity or your just full of doodoos. If tht was the case then ppl would not buy char shards in shipments to get a char maxxed quicker they would just wait till tht char is put in node. An yes some ppl wait but others tht want tht early advantage will always spend whtever it is they need to spend to get tht advantage. So dont say everyone tht got him first time would been happy with a 5* malak for the nxt year till they could get him free.

    Preach brother, that's exactly what I've been saving this entire time. I definitely see the frustration with some people who only very recently got him him to 6-7 stars and they feel like if they had the info they would have just waited a bit longer and I believe that obviously. I wouldn't have bought 85 shards myself if knew it too, but I don't even care at this point. But those who have had him gear 13 for months they can't complain, you're absolutely right they'd spend those tokens in a heartbeat.
  • Dmitry_M81
    459 posts Member
    edited October 2019
    On one hand - I had advantage having (first event) Malak 7* g12 and then g13 with relics.
    On the other hand - it feels like 2k shard shop currency is not even close to equal to 150 Malak's shards ppl getting for free (glad for them, many of my guild-mates have 7* now).

    CG, how about some GET currency for those who has had 7* Malak already?..
  • Options
    Reading these comments has been hilarious. Probably the funniest ones ive read is the ppl sayin tht anyone who unlocked him 1st or 2nd time around would have not spent gets to get him to 7* if they knew tht a year later in his 3rd return they could max him for free. Cmon man how dumb do u think we are. Ppl would not wait. If they can max their malak before anyone else n have tht advantage for a year then they will spend those gets to do so. Especially since at his release there was nuthin else to buy for most players but gear with them an ppl have other ways to get the gear so yes ppl would had still used gets to max him. To say otherwise is just pure stupidity or your just full of doodoos. If tht was the case then ppl would not buy char shards in shipments to get a char maxxed quicker they would just wait till tht char is put in node. An yes some ppl wait but others tht want tht early advantage will always spend whtever it is they need to spend to get tht advantage. So dont say everyone tht got him first time would been happy with a 5* malak for the nxt year till they could get him free.

  • GJO
    172 posts Member
    Nice move from CG.

  • Cs99
    146 posts Member
    Lol i love it. There's nothing cg can do at this point that isn't going to **** a bunch of people off.
  • TVF
    36766 posts Member
    Cs99 wrote: »
    Lol i love it. There's nothing cg can do at this point that isn't going to **** a bunch of people off.

    It is by far my favorite thing about the forums.
    I need a new message here.
  • JZ95
    167 posts Member
    evoluza wrote: »
    JZ95 wrote: »
    evoluza wrote: »
    JZ95 wrote: »
    Gamorrean wrote: »
    JZ95 wrote: »
    Gamorrean wrote: »
    JZ95 wrote: »
    Gascharack wrote: »
    Calm down guys. The GET isn’t lost. Bacause if the investment we were able to play high ranks and get high rewards in arena and GA and TB and TW...

    so if you say the GET is lost, you didn’t play the game right the last months. Ja, it’s a big surprise to take another 150 shards but it isn’t lost at all. And no one saved the GET without getting Malak to 7 stars, fall deep in arena and only wait for a meta shift which is far away...

    If you had him 7* for a while then yes you don't deserve a refund on anything. If you unlocked him second time and you purchased most of the shards towards 7 stars or recently completed the grind then I think a refund is in order.

    I'm just think it's a little hypocritical to see people who have had Malak at 7 stars gear 13 for ages acting like they are being wronged and deserve refunds of their tokens, because if they could turn back the clock knowing that this would happen, they would still end up spending the tokens for the competitive advantage Malak offered for so long, they wouldn't just wait all these months, sitting on a 5 star gear 11 Malak. So spare us with the drama please!

    You talk like we are all whales?

    As a ftp, If I knew I could wait for malak to return again to get the rest I would not waste 58k GET tokens.

    Well depends on whether you got him the first time or the second. If you are f2p then you must have went deep in your hoarded stash to get him, so what you're saying is that you would have just sat on him at 5 stars and never used the token waiting for the third time the event came around? Really after you went through all that trouble unlocking him the first time?

    If you unlocked him the second time then perhaps you need read my previous comments because I said it very clearly that second time unlocks are very different than first time unlocks, some people just got him to 7 stars a few days or weeks ago and yeah in those cases I'm not against a refund.

    First of all, I got him second time around.
    We knew the ONLY way to 7* malak was with GET tokens.

    So while farming OR for DRs return I began to save GET tokens too.

    Should I really be punished for that? For not using the currency they forced us to waste on him?

    I know we don’t know if this really is a bug or not, but no matter what it feels like a punch to the face

    I clearly said multiple times already that you fall in the category who should get a refund.
    Well I’m sure this is the first time CG actually listened to the forums. People where complaining that GAS required GET1 so easy fix to all the complainers was to eliminate a GET1 required toon by making shards available

    And now different people will complain. You can't get around that, we (the community) definitely come off as always **** about something, but that's just because of the disconnect that exists between those who feel like they can pay for permanent advantages and those who realize that money buys you a temporary advantage that people should eventually be able to catch up to.
    evoluza wrote: »
    JZ95 wrote: »
    Ephran wrote: »
    Holy cow people, stop acting like this was intentional. It's obviously a bug, act like adults and give them a chance to fix it before you start accusing them of screwing you over intentionally.

    You don't know that for a fact, nobody other the devs know if this is bugged or just how they decided to roll with this type of event. They have emphasized a lot on the fact that this is an epic confrontation event, not a legendary, not a hero's journey. It makes sense to lock it behind a paywall first, give people the choice to commit their GET if they want the benefits of the character at 7 stars, then give the same opportunity to the second time unlock and then make it free the third time.

    Changes like that get announced, but don't happen naturally. It's a bug for the last time and you still exploited it with full knowledge. Now but your pants back on and act like a normal person

    I disagree, they don't have to announce anything. I would certainly prefer that they did but they don't always do and you know that. I saw the event, I participated, end of story. I was happy to be able to replay it, I got bonus shards, sweet, not my fault.
    By the way you sound like you only recently finished farming him, but something tells me you've had him at gear 13 for months

    Mine is g13 since a long time.
    Focused farming and beating the event, then investing loads of get1.
    Change that make absolutely no sense in any perspective.
    And every major change gets announced. 150 extra shard for an OP toon are part of that.

    So you've had a gear 13 Malak for a "long time". If you could go back when you unlocked him at 5 stars and you knew that on his 3rd appearance he would give out the rest of the shards but that wouldn't happen for months, would you have left him at gear 11, 5 stars or would you still commit those tokens to take him to g12+5 and eventually gear 13 and relic whatever?

    Because I'm 100% confident that you'd still make the same choice regardless of how things played out months later. You got big value out of those GET in the form of arena payouts, Grand arena advantage as well as even extra raid damage for the sith raid.

    Most people starred hermit and wampa who never even made the meta (except hermit for a brief time) and we had to start at 0 shards too, just for some raid damage.

    I would do and everyone else will do the same. Don't expect freeloader shards for exploiting bugs to stay.

    Well buddy, idk about freeloader, I was farming Malak too. You just want things to be a certain way, it's not your game, it's CG's, so they will be done their way. The thing is, you have a very unrealistic expectation of how long a paid advantage should last. Malak has counters now, GAS makes him useless, people should not have to go through the same hoops you did in order to get him all these months later. CG did for once the right thing.
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    Reading these comments has been hilarious. Probably the funniest ones ive read is the ppl sayin tht anyone who unlocked him 1st or 2nd time around would have not spent gets to get him to 7* if they knew tht a year later in his 3rd return they could max him for free. Cmon man how dumb do u think we are. Ppl would not wait. If they can max their malak before anyone else n have tht advantage for a year then they will spend those gets to do so. Especially since at his release there was nuthin else to buy for most players but gear with them an ppl have other ways to get the gear so yes ppl would had still used gets to max him. To say otherwise is just pure stupidity or your just full of doodoos. If tht was the case then ppl would not buy char shards in shipments to get a char maxxed quicker they would just wait till tht char is put in node. An yes some ppl wait but others tht want tht early advantage will always spend whtever it is they need to spend to get tht advantage. So dont say everyone tht got him first time would been happy with a 5* malak for the nxt year till they could get him free.

    Sorry, but this is so wrong. Our guild held a vote two month ago to abandon the successfull GEO TBs just in order to push Malak for all but 2 Guildies. We did 2 months of Hoth instead of Geo which ended this monday.

    Be sure that we would have continued doing our GEO TB and not have spent any GET1 on Malak if we had known, that we would get him 3 days later for free. Stop beeing such arrogant fellow....
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    icanectc wrote: »
    Just another thing cg won't comment on...

    It's just now 7 am. This is what I'm talking about, calm down, act like an adult and let them get to work before you accuse them of not responding.
  • APX_919
    2468 posts Member
    Those complaining about how the shards are being given now, I present to you the Zombie/Spirit event. Initially this was the only way to get them barring buying the Marquee packs. Eventually this was changed to them showing up on nodes. Should those that bought packs complain? They merely got them earlier. Those that waited still had to wait.
    "Everything is proceeding as I have foreseen...mostly"
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    It's P2W game ..
    You paid to have your Malak 7 stars faster..
    Or reimburse your cx for getting 1st on your arena shard for at least 3 months because you had him earliy ...
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    Obviously it affects players that got him the 2nd time around, I’m not disputing that nor was I trying to. I got him the first time around and yes I got to use the full benefit of him(but that still doesn’t change the fact that I used up almost 70k in guild currency), plus I put in the time and money to get my toons geared to complete the event. Basically I’m saying I payed my dues to do that. I shouldnt be penalized nor should anyone that got him the 2nd time.

    Anyone that spent guild currency on shards got screwed over on what could have been spent on gear instead.

    I wouldn’t put too much faith on CG fixing this by using the “R” word. Many players today got a good 2-3 month jump in advancement on Malek. Some will think it’s fair....others not so much. I don’t see how CG could even make this right or see them even trying to. I wouldn’t be surprised if they just ignored this post.

    As for you thinking I’m still full of it....well that’s you. I don’t care what people I’ll never cross paths with in life care or think about me.

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    Obviously it affects players that got him the 2nd time around, I’m not disputing that nor was I trying to. I got him the first time around and yes I got to use the full benefit of him(but that still doesn’t change the fact that I used up almost 70k in guild currency), plus I put in the time and money to get my toons geared to complete the event. Basically I’m saying I payed my dues to do that. I shouldnt be penalized nor should anyone that got him the 2nd time.

    Anyone that spent guild currency on shards got screwed over on what could have been spent on gear instead.

    I wouldn’t put too much faith on CG fixing this by using the “R” word. Many players today got a good 2-3 month jump in advancement on Malek. Some will think it’s fair....others not so much. I don’t see how CG could even make this right or see them even trying to. I wouldn’t be surprised if they just ignored this post.

    Then why the hostility if there is no issue? You are weird.

    As for you thinking I’m still full of it....well that’s you. I don’t care what people I’ll never cross paths with in life care or think about me.

    Now, isn't that good for you!
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