Replay malak event. It gives shards [MERGE]


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    So, if its not a bug; i assume that the general anakin shards will be available then next time that event rolls around. If they are going to give away shards in malak replay event, then why the **** am i saving GET for my crappy 5 star general anakin if i can just wait for the shards
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    Moechenche wrote: »
    50k GET1 coins for everyone that has 7* malak needs to be given

    Time is a factor there. Should people who had an advantage for x months in arena / GA by having a 7* Malak be rewarded with a full refund of GET on top of that?
    Legend#6873 | YouTube |
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    This seems like what most of the forum was asking for. We got relief on malek in order to help focus for gas. I think they should leave this bug and implement it for the gas event so people can use more get1 for gear.
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    Have the devs commented on this yet or are they still in hiding?
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    Yes I did say you should stay out the conversation after you told me stuff first. It’s only human to reply. But all is forgiven. I harbor no ill will toward you or anyone else here on this beautiful Friday morning.

    I will leave my posts unedited as you have instructed. 3.2 million GP is definitely a roster you should feel proud of.

    It most certainly is. ;)

  • Azza
    245 posts Member
    There not in the office yet
  • Darth_Flaccid
    34 posts Member
    edited October 2019
    I definitely got him to 7* from this “bug.” Then hurried to G13 him and relic him so they can’t reduce him back to 6* if this was all an accidental bug. Hopefully that works lol 🤷‍♂️

    Edit: So apparently there is a hot fix coming? I did this event for fun and after completing one of the events I realized you got more shards. So of course I did the second part to get another 75. I didn’t realize this was a bug until I came to the forums, but by that time I had G12 and G13 him and also relic’d him. How are they are to remove the shards now? Don’t punish us for your mistake CG. Ridiculous.
    Post edited by Darth_Flaccid on
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    Apparently hot fix pending. To remove shards gained. But how do they adress the guys who 7starred and g12d for example?
  • dudeitsmeross69
    124 posts Member
    edited October 2019
    Apparently hot fix pending. To remove shards gained. But how do they adress the guys who 7starred and g12d for example?

    I can’t tell if hotfix is to remove shards gained or just remove future folks from getting shards
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    miketo wrote: »
    Player A takes malak to 7 stars using 57000 GET1 tokens. Receives 150 malak shards in the debacle, so receives about 2300 shard currency for gear.

    Player B unlocks Malak to 7 stars using a combination of GET1 currency and a portion of the 150 shards from the debacle. They receive shard shop currency as well.

    At this time, both player A and player B are now hoarding for GAS. Player A is likely slightly ahead in this endeavor. What has to be pointed out though is that player B has been brought a lot closer to player A in progress. Those that are Player A, like myself, probably feel a bit cheated. However, I can accept it for what it is.

    Here is the solution though. Every iteration of the malak event continues to reward 150 shards. Now player A and B continue to get shard shop currency to help alleviate the gear crunch. Player C who has only unlocked Malak to 5 stars this appearance can now use their GET1 currency for gear knowing they will get 7 stars the next time around.

    Now the best part. Apply the same 150 shard reward to the GAS event. Or, maybe if it is too generous give out 25 shards per phase for a total of 75 or 100 shards if you include phase 3 or not. Phase 3 gives you the toons would be why you may want to exclude it.

    But only give the shards for GAS on the second time it returns to try to keep everything consistent.
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    They have just ruined so many things already and now they are doing it again.
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    I hope it was intended but they should have announced it. I feel bad for anyone scrambling to get him up to par the last month or so. I think overall this works well going forward though. If you choose to hoard and can beat events, you get these on the first try. Otherwise you have to wait till the time after you've finally unlocked them to max out. I'd be surprised if they ever put another char in here though after this mess.
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    I agree completely. My Malak was at 95/100 and was set to be 7* tonight. Now I’m out all those GET and it’s going to take half a year to make my General Skywalker useable. Some sort of compensation is needed
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    Yeah it's going to leave a very sour taste in many mouths today..
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    ShaeVizla wrote: »
    So, if its not a bug; i assume that the general anakin shards will be available then next time that event rolls around. If they are going to give away shards in malak replay event, then why the **** am i saving GET for my crappy 5 star general anakin if i can just wait for the shards

    Because this is the third time the Malak event has come around, so you'll have to wait 8 months before the GAS event would give out shards, if they intend to keep everything consistent.
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    Apparently hot fix pending. To remove shards gained. But how do they adress the guys who 7starred and g12d for example?

    I can’t tell if hotfix is to remove shards gained or just remove future folks from getting shards

    Nvm... I see they edited they’re post to say from accounts too.
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    @CG_SBCrumb please clarify for us. Also, it is not an exploit, it is a bug. Naming it an exploit implies that the players are doing something to cause this to happen. They did not. CG did.
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    How would they remove shards if you already spent them? I converted all the extra shards in shard shop and bought/equipped gear already.
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    Its been confirmed by cg its an error..a hotfix is pending. Why they dont pull the event already is beyond me
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    So now they say they will remove the shards. What about anyone tht added gear to him is it gonna remove tht n gove it back to them or the ppl tht got all shard shop currency an then spent it on gear is it gonna remove all the gear they bought as well. So many things they will need to fix to reset it back to way accounts was before event opened.
  • andreacesa00
    260 posts Member
    edited October 2019
    I brought it to 7*with this issue. How could we know that it was an issue? The event has runned for 9 hours, I have waited To see if that was a bug. I don't think that's fair... you shouldn't remove shards, this isn't our fault
    Do or don't there is no try
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    I mean, people may have taken him to G13, put relics on, sliced mods to 6* for him... the rabbit hole is deep
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    I agree, an exploit is essentially the same as a cheat. Far be it from me to ever intentionally cheat. I replayed it today and was rather stunned to obtain shards, I don’t want to be in line for some kind of punishment I didn’t intentionally risk. Just take my shards, give back the credits I spent to promote Malak, and we’re good.
  • Nauros
    5429 posts Member
    ShaeVizla wrote: »
    How would they remove shards if you already spent them? I converted all the extra shards in shard shop and bought/equipped gear already.

    Curious about that too. Hope that they don't remove shards from my 7* Malak instead of the ones I converted, but it's CG so anything is possible.
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    So what if you paid money. Are they going to refund that too?
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    How are you going to compensate for people that invested resources into him?
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    @CG_SBCrumb What about people that used extra shard for shard store currency and people that 7* and geared up their Malak. What will happen with the gear and such ?
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