4/14 Update: General Comments Megathread


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    Savageop wrote: »
    Haters gonna hate go ea go update is magnificent

    Well, not magnificent.. but good
    English mistakes will appear very regularly in my sentences!
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    CG, there is time to salvage this. Your players hate you right now. Admit you made a mistake. Roll it back. Try again.

    Lol. Dude. Take the night off from the game and the board. Use whatever it is you use to unwind. Go find a chick at the bar. You're going to have a coronary infarction at this rate.

    I've spent over 200 dollars on this. I love this game. They've effectively killed it. At least they taught me to not spend on freemium games again
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    So basically, EA didn't screw your characters over so you're happy. Welcome to the minority lmao.
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    Agreed. I like this game, and want to continue liking this game, so please listen!
  • RU486
    1686 posts Member
    Lemme get this straight: you, the OP, the guy who says that the game will be gone in a month... isn't really quitting?!?

    I'm shocked!!
    (Sarcasm implied.)
    Where at all did I say I was quitting? I said the game will be done

  • Fantazy
    553 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    nah it didnt break it. I enjoy the longer fights now.
    ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ ︵ DOE
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    I'm very curious as to how EA will respond to all the negativity around the update, I'm at least sticking around for raids to kick in.

    i have no idea what they were thinking, making this game boring slow and focused on few toons only.
    while all tthe others got nerfed, there are some who got HUGE bugged, and now most toons aren't playable.
    its NOT fun, to farm rey like crazy and waste money and stuff, and then after an update, tofind out she do basically no damage. "meta" changed... this is game changed.
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    I don't think it's worth complaining about until you give it a week, personally. And I also like it so far, so... i think people are more likely to complain than be happy, so the ratio makes sense to me. Plus, the forum is a TOXIC environment. Can we go back to talking about the actual game?
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    Wow you guys are terrible. The attacker challenge is fun now, only if your past 70 but with the cap raised lv80 is how you should judge the update. Of course you will struggle at lv 60 lol you need to grind to catch up to the rest of us who have been at it longer. You're sad you can't auto through GW? You're level was too low to begin with and you're GW was easier, even pre-update when you hit 70 barris+JC could never let you auto through GW lmao. You guys need to give the update a chance and realize it will all seem more balanced when you're at 80.
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    PotatoMan wrote: »
    Agreed. I like this game, and want to continue liking this game, so please listen!

    Exactly! I really want to keep playing. But I'm not enjoying it now
  • Yudoka
    1274 posts Member
    The health amount is the same (the visual bar just looks different). It's the challenges that became way harder.
    They groaned, they stirred, they all uprose, Nor spoke, nor moved their eyes; It had been strange, even in a dream, To have seen those dead men rise.
  • Phlebotomy_Jones
    439 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    It's ridiculous to me, and I've got a pretty good roster.

    Absolutely unfair to my kid, who is really dismayed.

    Key demographic totally lost to this Star Wars game.

    Way to squash a Star Wars fan guys.
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    So basically, EA didn't screw your characters over so you're happy. Welcome to the minority lmao.

    well.. it's only right seeing as i was screwed over in the last update!
    utekineir wrote: »
    no one must have rg on your server

    and actually a lot do, i just go for the other teams instead, my top 10 varies with their characters

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    Fine with the update and love the thread merging. I love playing the game, but really dislike the board because there's certain people here who seem to do nothing but complain loudly about pretty much every single thing that is or isn't changed in the game and we don't need a separate thread for each of them.
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    Hate to say it but I think Dooku is even stronger now. Whole team gets O Up at some point during battle due to all dodge chances
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    The game already is done. It dropped straight off the charts (at least on iOS but that's really the only mobile platform that matters sales wise) while other new apps like Clash Royale keep climbing and gaining new players. They had a chance to salvage this game and create goodwill with new players but they blew it HARD. Now the game will only be composed of people who feel chained to it because of how much time or money they spent
  • LeoRavus
    1165 posts Member
    I know one thing. I'll never download another "F2P" game after this, ever. I didn't plan on spending any money on this but I did. Not a fortune but too much.

    I'm changing my early review to one star and warning everyone to stay away. Now that I've invested I feel like I have to keep going. I'll give it a little time but I don't think much can be done to progress at this rate.

    Whatever progression is supposed to be in the first place.
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    Protections and defense were great ideas. Nerfing the damage in addition to? Awful.
  • Eaywen
    422 posts Member
    Fotp lost a third of his damage...
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    I'm on team "feeling positive about the update". Plus, none of us truly know how it has affected the game until we've spent a lot of time exploring how different synergies and match ups change in the new set up
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    LeoRavus wrote: »
    I know one thing. I'll never download another "F2P" game after this, ever. I didn't plan on spending any money on this but I did. Not a fortune but too much.

    I'm changing my early review to one star and warning everyone to stay away. Now that I've invested I feel like I have to keep going. I'll give it a little time but I don't think much can be done to progress at this rate.

    Whatever progression is supposed to be in the first place.

    Same. I feel invested in it, but will not spend another cent. They've broken it
  • Ouchie
    1233 posts Member
    You might like this

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    Massive nerf for all...AI got overpowered.
    EmpereurDuNord - QC force
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    Hate to say it but I think Dooku is even stronger now. Whole team gets O Up at some point during battle due to all dodge chances

    I kinda see your point, lumi beat me bad because of all the dodge but luckily shes a little mushy but dooku wasnt too much of a problem for me seeing as i counter him with kylo
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    I'm happy with it as well :smile:
  • medetec
    1571 posts Member
    I ... Actually really like the update. Battles are a lot more tactical rather than a mass of ohko's. I'm having a lot of fun actually using skills and managing cool downs that I never had time to do when matched were decided in a handful of attacks.
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    Guess I should be grateful. I spent about a few hundred on this game because I had fun building up my doods. I played it as a neat little single player with some fun PvP elements. Now the game feels tedious and overly complicated. I enjoyed finishing the dailies and would have to find time to finish everything. Now I think I'll just gradually stop playing altogether.

    I definitely won't be investing any more $$$ in the game. Wish I could get my time back. The money. Meh. That's on me. But I am upset that I invested so much time into a game that I really won't enjoy as much any longer.

    Who knows? I'd like to keep going but it seems pointless. I'm only now finding out about guilds and think the investment of my time might be better spent elsewhere. Shame as I do have a pretty decent collection/account
  • Advan
    14 posts Member
    I don't know why you think this is whining? I have agreed damage was too high and was glad to see they were doing something to to fix it, however based on what I've seen and everyone else's experiences it feels like the correction went to far the other way. Instead of finding a good middle ground where fast characters did less damage, slow did more and armor meant something we now have 40k hp stun walls to deal with. And I own one of those stun walls. It means battles are going to be long and tedious not fun. Are you ready for 12 battles of galactic war with no protection bubble for the last 9 or so fights? Better have a deep roster
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    A little soon to tell, but I do find it much more balanced. In that regard it was a definite success. It brings in a LOT more characters which can be part of a decent team. If you're a fan of a particular character and haven't been able to use him/her because he/she was not viable, you can now most likely use that toon.

    I'm excited that it's moved more toward a "strategy" game when building your team, rather than simply rewarding who has 5 of the best ~8 characters (consisting of 1 of 2 viable meta leaders, 3 of 5 viable high damage attackers, and 1 of 2 viable taunters) maxed out.

    I'm nervous about GW tomorrow, the challenges, and that anyone can beat anyone in arena. It wouldn't surprise me to see that they've moved P2P dominance out of arena and into GW/challenges. It might take a long time for F2P players to build a bench to beat a harder GW and harder challenges, while spenders can use their bench to beat those and then use their favorite toons to play arena (winner determined by crystal spending on refreshes).

    Any major change like this is bound to upset a lot of people who worked on (focusing resources) on nerfed toons - there was no way to do a major balance without making a lot of people angry. But I'm optimistic that after a couple weeks of adjustment I will like this update.
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