4/14 Update: General Comments Megathread


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    The change to advantage are broken!
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    This is an absolutely horrendous update. All healers are nerfed ("protection" can't be healed back) so all health of each character is massively lower. The damage done by characters that a lot of us worked extremely hard to get (like Yoda) are greatly diminished. The challenges above tier 2 are impossible as the AI characters like Veers and Tarkin have the same health bars/levels as the game used to have. There is no way to know if "protection" is being reduced on an opponent. There wasn't any rebalancing apparently - just an update to screw over the actual players of the game. Why not improve healers for the Dark Side? Why not add better characters? Seriously, undo this ridiculous update. This is disappointing for those of us that have been grinding away and spending money foolishly apparently as the developers think destroying the best aspects of gameplay somehow "improve" the game. Disastrous. Way to ruin the game, developers.
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    These people are dictators they don't listen to the fans they think that they know best
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    I did the challenge without any problems. The only thing is I can't sim it anymore, but besides that it's doable. Stop crying and try harder
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    I love this game. (Loved) I spend money on this game. (spent) this update has screwed over all of us that have enjoyed playing and went ahead and spent the already too high prices to keep on enjoying it.
  • Gankak
    226 posts Member
    Uriakatos wrote: »
    How dare you ask for your money back. This isnt satire. Im being serious. Dont be ridiculous. On what grounds can you even make such a demand? On the grounds that the game changed? News flash, online games get updated ALL THE TIME and you dont get a right to ask for money back because you didnt like the update. Its not your product, you dont get to decide what happens to the game.
    Dont like it, dont play

    Being sold a bill of goods and then changing the very fabric of the game is being lied too. This isn't WOW or Elder Scrolls Online. This **** isn't even considered online because Arena is basically psuedo PvP. So put down your EA defender shield and admit they screwed the pooch.
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    Dan8975 wrote: »
    The really dumb thing is droids were untouched and were almost as bad in some cases.

    Blasphemy! Leave my babies alone!!
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    numore wrote: »
    I did the challenge without any problems. The only thing is I can't sim it anymore, but besides that it's doable. Stop crying and try harder

    I call **** and Troll. I nuked the challenge before the change to advantage. Now I have lost 9 out of 10 times, the one time I got lucky with critical.
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    Gankak wrote: »
    Uriakatos wrote: »
    How dare you ask for your money back. This isnt satire. Im being serious. Dont be ridiculous. On what grounds can you even make such a demand? On the grounds that the game changed? News flash, online games get updated ALL THE TIME and you dont get a right to ask for money back because you didnt like the update. Its not your product, you dont get to decide what happens to the game.
    Dont like it, dont play

    Being sold a bill of goods and then changing the very fabric of the game is being lied too. This isn't WOW or Elder Scrolls Online. This **** isn't even considered online because Arena is basically psuedo PvP. So put down your EA defender shield and admit they screwed the pooch.

    Thank you
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    Imho, the toons that need the most shards to unlock should be stronger by default...
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    hey "if it ain't broken don't fix it"
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    Red5 wrote: »
    Red5 wrote: »
    If they drag you from your home and put a bullet in your head, then it will be communism.

    By your logic, Germany during World War II was communist then?

    Sure, whatever. Totalitarianism is totalitarianism. Call it whatever you like. Makes little difference to the boot on your neck or the bullet in your head.

    Totalitarianism is different than communism. It just happens that states that use communist economies use totalitarianism to keep order and control.
  • Zemon
    26 posts Member
    WOW! EA has done an incredible job turning a good fun game into one of the most obvious money grubbing schemes ever. This update is a joke. It's like it was made by the same people who think everyone should get to come in first place. It's nice that you spent all that time and money building your toons but we just can't have a 5* level 60 Rey beating the snot out of a 7* level 70 Count Dooku. I hope no one else spent a lot of time farming those 50 hair dryers and the rest of the **** because as of this update none of it matters. You might as well be using a 1* Storm Trooper because they all hit the same. Kinda makes buying all those purple crack stones kinda pointless. As for the Ewok challenge of all the possible battle scenarios from the Star Wars universe that's what you come up with??? But what do I really expect from a company that makes a Star Wars game and doesn't even give Luke Skywalker a light saber. What a waste of time.

    +1 on this especially the end
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    These people will burn in hell for taking advantage of a majority of the population and not caring whatsoever
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    How did this thread survive the thread purge?
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    I think this update was hurried by the upcoming guild raids. This should have been released in parts. This is just too many changes all at once.
    The game does need these changes for the longevity though. If the devs wanted to add any future characters they would have needed to add speed and turn meter gains to be even considered useful.
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    Holy crap. This new update absolutely sucks. Highest lvl attacker challenge can't even beat now. I ran it 4 times now i get wiped out. Can't even get thru a galactic war halfway with gear lvl 8s at lvl 73. Totally ruined the game. It sucks and is garbage. What the hell.
  • Red5
    21 posts Member
    Red5 wrote: »
    Red5 wrote: »
    If they drag you from your home and put a bullet in your head, then it will be communism.

    By your logic, Germany during World War II was communist then?

    Sure, whatever. Totalitarianism is totalitarianism. Call it whatever you like. Makes little difference to the boot on your neck or the bullet in your head.

    Totalitarianism is different than communism. It just happens that states that use communist economies use totalitarianism to keep order and control.

    Lol. Sure it is buddy. Sure it is.... Thanks for the history and econ lesson!

    This is a game. A free game at that. Play, don't play. There's no gun to anyone's head. Leave, don't leave. It doesn't matter.
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    I don't generally post about updates. Some are good, some are bad. But I also don't usually put money into games. This update made certain important aspects of the game unplayable, such as the challenges. Gear collection already keeps getting harder and harder. Now we can't even get the free stuff. I think I'll seek a refund too.
  • Aere
    11 posts Member
    I'm quitting. This patch may be an improvement to the game but that should have happened in a beta prior to release. Don't punish the player base for your ineptitude at game design. EA just broke every character I spent the last three months grinding and leveling. EA always did make crappy games from great ideas. Figures this one would go the same way...
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    I am so frustrated with this update. I can't beat the challenges now. I worked hard to get to where I am. This blows.
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    No one has even had the chance to properly test the update. This is unnecessarily early and negative :/ I hope the mods close this.

    I play this game everyday and now the squad that I have spent quite a bit of money and time can no longer beat the challenges that were easy for me.......I feel really ripped off!
  • Chewieforlife
    356 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    I just dont understand the logic behind making PvE battles like the challenges, cantina, LS/DS that we all cleared in the past much much more difficult now. Others have already posted about nodes they 3 starred levels ago now being almost unbeatable.

    definitely feels like they overtuned the missions
  • Robert
    150 posts Member
    I really thought I'd prefer longer battles but I was wrong. It already took a lot of time to get everything done each day.
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    Red5 wrote: »
    Red5 wrote: »
    Red5 wrote: »
    If they drag you from your home and put a bullet in your head, then it will be communism.

    By your logic, Germany during World War II was communist then?

    Sure, whatever. Totalitarianism is totalitarianism. Call it whatever you like. Makes little difference to the boot on your neck or the bullet in your head.

    Totalitarianism is different than communism. It just happens that states that use communist economies use totalitarianism to keep order and control.

    Lol. Sure it is buddy. Sure it is.... Thanks for the history and econ lesson!

    This is a game. A free game at that. Play, don't play. There's no gun to anyone's head. Leave, don't leave. It doesn't matter.

    Hey I wasn't the one that introduced the "big and scary" words.
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    I do not like the changes at all. Your health that can be restored via heal went down. Its harder to die which was needed but could have been achieved by health up, defense up, and or offense down. The gear challenges went from to easy to to hard. Now you have to level to many characters. This wouldn't be so bad if the ability mats, credits,and gear needed for this were easier to come by. Lastly live pvp would make game better.
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    Really disappointed. For the life of me I don't know why they wouldnt trial this with some active players to get their opinions before just throwing this garbage out there.

    I'm not spending one dime on this game until it's fixed. Gearing up is near impossible in the challenges. Hit Tarkin with everything I had and didn't come close. I've farmed these stupid Jedi for months and am finally ready for the 7*Yoda event and I'm willing to bet it's going to be impossible.

    I'll give it maybe a month and if this isn't fixed I'm pretty much done I guess. Again , really disappointed with it early.
  • Ackturi
    379 posts Member
    I loved this game. A lot. Now Its hard to bring myself to play it. They need to admit they made a mistake here.

    It's more enjoyable to read complaints on forums than play right now.... should never be that way...

    And I'm not saying this is enjoyable at all.
  • Kiroz
    10 posts Member
    So I go from just being able to complete GW on my alt account to not getting past node 6 now. I payed some serious attention to the "regen" of protection and it was laughable. It's worse than the slight health regen we get. If you are going to roll out a new feature please check and see if it's actually a good thing.

    The speed mets had to stop. But it's now swung in the opposite direction. I have 5's. I've had him forever now. I was counting on him being a beast in this new protection matters meta. However I can't possibly imagine what it's like to face that guy now.

    GW seems like you want us to focus on making several teams. Ok. Makes tons of sense. Arena we focus on one team with maybe a sub or two for certain comps. But when you make the gearing of each character so ungodly it makes it beyond enjoyable.

    I'm an old school gamer. Loved D&D. Played WOW for 9 years now. I think one of the great aspects of these types of games is the gearing and leveling of our toons. But this game has placed an artificial barrier not so we can stop and smell the roses but for the developers to catch up. There is absolutely no reason for this protection mechanic. It's lazy. You could have adjusted the damage and health pools but instead you've created another artificial barrier.

    GW is silly now. Either remove protection from it entirely, increase the "regen" to something above the .0001% it is now or introduce the characters you've already designed that refill protection. As developers you've taken the cheap way out. We all wanted new content, but we wanted smart innovative workable content. You chose cheap.

    This update is lacking in any sort of way a basic grasp of game design. No game should be super easy. No game should give away the loot without some effort. You however due to a complete la k of planning have made it impossible for any real development of our characters. Lazy does not equal good.
  • Llewella
    400 posts Member
    edited April 2016

    most toons now unplayable, unlike before update.
    Pre-update was balanced, you just couldn't use tactics and assemble the right team.
    after update cant use attackers, healers or buffers.
    only debuffers and tanks. i dont like it, you can **** please.

    Sorry my lineups are fine and I have a valid point. In what world Is Heros getting one shot balanced? Most toons are now unplayable? Vs yesterday when every team in the top 20 ran the same 6 or 7 Heros...

    The game needed to have the stats and abilities adjusted and I'm sorry it's made you rage and cry but the overall health of the game is more important then how it effected your team.

    I don't agree with how they blanced it tho. Protection meter seems out of place. Adjusting personal stats and abilities damage gradually seemed like a better solution.

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