4/14 Update: General Comments Megathread


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    LaLiam wrote: »
    The only people staying on the forum right now are the ones that are too busy complaining than to make better squad comps.

    Think outside the box, stop whining

    Now, this is just arrogant. I'd be happy to come up with new strategies if you give me back the money and time I spent to develop my characters based on the meta that's been destroyed. Resources spent that way shouldn't be made moot overnight, that's just either bad design, or outright dishonest.
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    Garbage update.
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    Ok, the update has obviously touched a nerve with many players, me included. I see a couple issues.

    1. Obviously this is a major change, and most of the characters we've had to farm to succeed in the game have been rendered useless or close too it. Example, if we wanted yoda we had to farm Jedi, now a month later, many of those Jedi are irrelevant, possibly even yoda himself. So many players feel this is an attempt to provoke spenders, who have maxed out teams that work, to have to re-focus (i.e. Spend more money) on other characters. True or not that's how it feels.

    Why alienate over half of your customer base? Instead doesn't it make better sense to "update" the game by adding options to the weaker characters allowing them to compete without down-grading the stronger ones? All this update does is change the balance of power to a new group of characters which somebody will figure out and then everybody else will copy, putting us exactly where we are now.

    2. This is my biggest issue, I just don't have "more" time to devote to this game. Honestly, I didn't have the time to devote to it before, but I felt like I was getting somewhere, so I found the time and spent the money. Events are harder and "takes more time", GW is harder and "takes more time", arena is harder and "takes more time"...

    So I sit here at lvl 74 with 18 7* characters all at lvl 8 or 9 gear and don't feel I have the right make-up to compete. I just don't have the desire to retool. So tomorrow will be the first day since October I won't be opening the game. I'm going to check the forum from time to time to see if they rolled the update back or made a change that doesn't completely devalue the large investment (time and money) I made in this game.

    I'm not mad, actually I'm somewhat relieved.
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    I'm telling you..... Someone developed a GREAT game... EA bought the rights and have spiraled it downwards,,,,,

    They tell you to go to the forums, the forums are as close to 100% negative as you can get and they just sit there patting themselves on the back like they just did something good.

    How can they really think this good???????!

    Who at EA played this and stouthearted this is great lets go live???

    I would seriously be embarrassed to admit it....

    This is the worst yet.....

    Who would want to spend money on this garbage now.

    I almost bought the ewok paks.

    I am really glad I didn't. Unless they change this quickly.... I don't think I can take it anymore.

    Reward your loyal customers with this junk.... Why even bother?

    Just sit there and collect your money... I would have kept spending a little money... Crystal subscriptions at least......

    I don't even know if I will be able to bring myself to play the game tomorrow....

    Congrats EA... You did it... I didn't think even you could mess up this bad!

  • Toonny
    109 posts Member

    The trick is keep at least a debuff on them.
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    I am not going to be super critical of the changes I like the phasma update with advantage but lowering the others I do not agree with.
    Protection is also not a very good update to stop ohko they should higher the health in galactic war you have to eliminate protection on every level once when yours is gone you don't recoup it it makes it nigh on impossible to win it every day.
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    A month ago everybody was crying about a meta where speed teams literally wiped others in 30 secs.. "We want more strategy, diversity..." this update brings us that. Battles last a lot more, speed no longer is a game breaking stat, and tons of unused toons could be viable. The only proble here is that people hate changes. Cause changes requiere adaptation, and that means time.
    Now everything is messed up, theres not a clear meta, nor team comps. So pls stop this cry, and go search, investigaré and enjoy diversity and strategy!
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    My biggest issue right now is the amount of time these battles take. More time spent in a battle is not a substitute for content. The protection seems unnecessary. By retooling damage and health, you could create a similar effect without the visual confusion of another bar for each character on the screen. This is a mobile game, simplicity should be at the forefront of the design. And if you ever have Yoda after he grants BM to others, the screen is practically unreadable.

    The speed and ove were fine. I'm okay with decreasing and increasing character damage and health to make more toons viable.

    Overall, the additional time needed to complete the same events is not something I appreciate. I'm not about to rage quit, but my playing time will have to decrease. My spending will have to decrease as well because I can't complete things as quickly.

    For me, the real test will be tomorrow's GW. I am gravely concerned of the time commitment required for that now. And quite frankly, that may push me to reconsider whether or not I make any additional investment.
  • LordZiciox
    1 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Maskarii wrote: »
    Do you like the new Changes

    When are they removing "protección stat"?
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    And this is why I want a refund.
  • Zenbane
    46 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Jotakai wrote: »
    A month ago everybody was crying about a meta where speed teams literally wiped others in 30 secs.. "We want more strategy, diversity..." this update brings us that. Battles last a lot more, speed no longer is a game breaking stat, and tons of unused toons could be viable. The only proble here is that people hate changes. Cause changes requiere adaptation, and that means time.
    Now everything is messed up, theres not a clear meta, nor team comps. So pls stop this cry, and go search, investigaré and enjoy diversity and strategy!
    Completely agree. New strategies are required and this update made it so that the general button mash approach no longer guarantees victory. I think that for every unhappy gamer who truly quits (as opposed to still playing while posting about quitting) there will be the gain of a new gamer who enjoys strategy.

    The update gives the game a much needed overhaul. It was becoming far too easy to play through just about every battle without even looking at the screen. Typically only the Healers challenge, GW, and Arena required player attention, but now victory will come easier for those players who have chosen diversity (e.g., more than just the 5 cookie cutter builds), group dynamic, and long-term planning.

    It isn't very everyone, and that's a might good thing I say! :-)
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    Toonny wrote: »

    The trick is keep at least a debuff on them.

    I will definitely try that but i don't expect much of a difference.
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    this totally ruined the game for me i used to be able to do some high up challenges but now its so hard to do damage and you have less health i get crushed in levels i used to easily beat its way too hard now and i was having issues with its difficulty before now i cant do anything
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    As a business owner and father of three kids I've never really had time to play many games. After finding this game, I loved it because I could hop in an out real quick and it didn't take too much time unless I wanted it to. At this point, I can't even beat the STR challenge and I have level all 73 7* players. I don't want to have to be on my phone all day long in order to "keep up" at the top. I've been ranked in top 50 on server for last two months and this may have push me away from the game completely.
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    Jedi32259 wrote: »
    As a business owner and father of three kids I've never really had time to play many games. After finding this game, I loved it because I could hop in an out real quick and it didn't take too much time unless I wanted it to. At this point, I can't even beat the STR challenge and I have level all 73 7* players. I don't want to have to be on my phone all day long in order to "keep up" at the top. I've been ranked in top 50 on server for last two months and this may have push me away from the game completely.

    Bye Felicia!
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    Before changing the challenge mode, did developers even try it with the updates? I'm honestly at a loss on Tier IV strength. 70-72 Sid, Lumi, Kylo, 86, and Anakin. 3-7*, 1-6*, 1-5*, all at least G8. I've been autoplaying this since unlocking it and now it appears impossible. Has anyone been able to beat it?
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    This update is all bad...
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    Maskarii wrote: »
    KAULI wrote: »
    They deleted my rate the game post.
    That says everything.
    I wont ever spend a penny on this game, good work guys

    same up here :D bud hey that's how EA works and until they don't respect us some whales will buy nothing for a time..great move.. its all about respect...

    I'm probably guilty of being a whale. Seem to get crystals about once a fortnight. That was a very difficult thing for me to justify - but I really enjoyed the game and so I thought, you know what - I'll treat myself and have some fun. Not now. This whale is now a sardine.

    After the protection bar "upgrade" and health bar down grade I just feel cheated. The developers seem to think they own the game. But it's the players who own it and they have just killed all the joy in the game.

    I really didn't mind a long health bar. At least you could see the progress in your hits. But now it's like even critical blows have little effect. It also looks like Lvl 40/50 toons have the same health level as Lvl 70+. This is just insane.

    Also, when a toon dodges an attack it makes the attacker look really stupid as they hit fresh air. Really bad game play. Whoever thought that was a good idea needs to be given a good talking to.

    In general so much has changed with no actual improvement to the game and NO NEW CONTENT. Massive fail.
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    We wanted it to be less easy, now it's not. We wanted it to balance, now it is. No more cookie cutter teams. Time to work on all characters. Stop whining and start playing.
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    Not exactly sure what's going on here. I spent 500 dollars on crystals to open packs a week ago whend i found this game on the ap store. I got a little over half the characters. I still had to farm the ones I really wanted. Qgj, luminara, count ****, and sidius. I still don't have savage , 5s, rey, anakin, luke, or obi wan. I was progressing through game nicely. Made it up to number 1 a few times on the squad challenge. Apparently it so new to android people are barely past level 50 right now. I'm at level 52. I could almost make it through galactic battles even though I'm fighting teams of toons from players who (don't exist on my server) were 10-15 levels higher than me towards the end. Which was rough. Today I reset my galactic battles and lost 2 of my star players in the first battle. **** is going on? I used to one shot the first battle with regular attacks? Second battle has a daka toon. She ressed one of the other teams dead players every single turn. With 2 healers on their squad needless to say my whole team wiped on second battle. ??? I would kill a healer right after they healed someone then daka would rezz them and they would get another free turn with no cool downs and just heal every one again. Daka is a god now. Or so I thought. I chalked it up to bad luck and went to find a squad battle. People I used to chew up and spit out are no thrashing me with comp control??? I finished #1 2 of last 3 days on my server. Now I'm outside the top 15???? What the hell did you guys do????? Once again thinking maybe just a bad day I went to fight strength challenge. I used to auto battle strength 2 challenge which is best one I have available to me atm. Now each one of the bosses has 50k hit points and eventually they just rain down aoe death from above every turn till I'm dead???? Then I start reading the forums cause I'm literally stuck, I can't beat anything that I haven't already opened and have tickets to auto defeat it, to find out you guys did this on purpose? This patch was supposed to make my team stronger and now I'm getting destroyed in every single battle I click on? Just so you are aware, blatantly cheating like giving every boss 3 times their hps and doubling the speed of every computer controlled toon in the game so they attack twice to your once while increasing their damage and nerfing mine into nothingness to make a game "harder" is NOT GOOD PROGRAMMING. It's just blatant cheating. I thought data was awesome, veers and tarkin are God's in that level 2 strength challenge of yours.

    In short. I can't for one second believe you guys actually tested this patch out before launching it. I can't speak for the end game guys cause I'm only level 52 but you've lost your minds if you think I'm spending another dime on a game where you just changed the entire game at your whim a week after I start playing it. I've a good mind to back charge you for the money I spent because this POS you have here isn't the game I spent money on. If this patch isn't gone by the time I log in tomorrow you've lost a paying customer. I could only imagine how the free to play guys are feeling right now. Holy moly what a collasal mistake.

    This has got to be the worst patch I've ever seen implemented on a game that was working fine before hand. Unbelievable.

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    Jedi32259 wrote: »
    As a business owner and father of three kids I've never really had time to play many games. After finding this game, I loved it because I could hop in an out real quick and it didn't take too much time unless I wanted it to. At this point, I can't even beat the STR challenge and I have level all 73 7* players. I don't want to have to be on my phone all day long in order to "keep up" at the top. I've been ranked in top 50 on server for last two months and this may have push me away from the game completely.
    i get it man, I don't understand how much time they think people have.
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    The update is complete trash. Protection is just synonymous with irritation in this game, and you guys probably thought you were doing a great job adding this stat but it's just terrible. And squad arena battles are just a nuisance now. I mean come on, you remove 100 arena tokens daily now, but make an excuse that you can earn 100 more by completing activities?! Are you freaking kidding me?! The health bars are now WAY out of proportion, they are incredibly misrepresenting of you character's health; BRING THE OLD HEALTH BAR BACK! And to top it all off, challenge bosses are now even more DIFFICULT to defeat. Great update, guys (sarcasm applied).

    How does it feel to know that this game is just no longer fun?
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    I have been playing since December
    I have lurked on this forum for 4 months, daily

    It has been a great game and I left Clash of Clans to come spend my money here(about $225)
    and with its imperfections, it has still been a wonderful time

    -The patch has made this an entirely different game, much more than an adjustment
    -I was able to complete the level IV challenge and now I cannot even complete the level III
    -The protection bar is just absurdly terrible, how did they greenlight it?
    -The timer in arena, terrible
    -Tanks are gods now, completely changing the dynamic of everything we have strived for

    and just like that, my desire to play has vanished

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    I don't care for the update thus far but this game is the best(favorite) StarWars app and I'll give it, it's day in court.
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    The dodge rate has gone up as well, which is really annoying. Who wants to play a game in which you are swiping at thin air half the time?
  • Merrfc
    29 posts Member
    I shouldn't have to start over because they over correct. I built based on a strategy and i am sorry that a well-thought strategy made me difficult to beat, but i spent way too much money to be forced to start over.
  • Onetime7979
    1012 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    I bet you did not even try longer then 5 mins I tell you that, I have played the Highest level of challenges for me and used auto battle what is the problem? go level up or go to a lower Tier.
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    So before the update I easily defeated everyone in the tier iv attackers challenge and now I can't even finish the challenge. Something is screwed up. My Kylo Ren 5 star is stronger than my 7 star Darth sidious with both having gear level 8. Is anyone else having these problems?
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    Enoughforu wrote: »
    I agree with everyones frustration with the update! I play this game everyday and spent probably an above average amount of money promoting my teams. Now I'm at level 72 and can't win a challenge. What was the reasoning behind the changes? These updates took all the fun out of the game. Please back out the updates and restore the games as it was.

    Yes, I have also spent lots of money trying to make things easier and now all that money is a big waste since I can't even beat the last tier of the challenges anymore, ****? Thanks EA, please fire the guy who decided to implement this patch.
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    Reminding me how I felt wen Sony redesigned and gutted the galaxies world with the NGE. This is making me want to scrap the game guys, sorry to say. Harder when it was very well made to begin with. I'm sure there was enough money being spent on it already not to have changed this like it was changed.

    Have to make a decision now.
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