4/14 Update: General Comments Megathread


  • benacrow
    2700 posts Member
    Ackturi wrote: »
    I loved this game. A lot. Now Its hard to bring myself to play it. They need to admit they made a mistake here.

    It's more enjoyable to read complaints on forums than play right now.... should never be that way...

    And I'm not saying this is enjoyable at all.

    FN 2187, Mighty Chlorians (spelt with a lowercase l not a capital I): Heroic AAT Guide, The Gear Grind
  • Mota
    7 posts Member
    Quickest way to show disapproval is to simply stop playing. Trust me they know how many players log in and play hourly/daily. Stop playing and they will get the message. This update is horrible and we should, for lack of a better term, strike.
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    I really love how all the characters that I spent money on are less powerful! Booyah! Also, it's cool that battles I fought before and used to dominate now dominate me! EA really has a way of thanking their loyal customers! I salute them!
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    You guys just frustrate me sometimes
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    You just need to buy more chromiums
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    gregw76 wrote: »
    Holy crap. This new update absolutely sucks. Highest lvl attacker challenge can't even beat now. I ran it 4 times now i get wiped out. Can't even get thru a galactic war halfway with gear lvl 8s at lvl 73. Totally ruined the game. It sucks and is garbage. What the hell.

    I agree completely. "Protection" equals spend more money, cause everyone you face in GW has extra health. I lost to a team 6 lvls below me because they had "protection"

    They have completely ruined the game
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    I actually like the update. All of my characters get a turn now that Rey qgj and gs can't one shot 2/5 of them on the first round.
  • Noktarn
    401 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Hey, this is how I felt when they destroyed my maxed Droid team. Now I can play them again. Bench your Doookie's.
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    I actually like the update. All of my characters get a turn now that Rey qgj and gs can't one shot 2/5 of them on the first round.

    Wait till you play GW. Or the STR challenge
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    So the power balance of the game has been completely changed. Not "tweaked", fundamentally altered. I could go in to minute detail but others here have already done it better. Let me just say this: this morning the game was fun to play and I didn't regret spending money on it. Now I don't find myself having fun at all and I'm sorry I still have crystals I can't trade for cash because I don't feel like playing anymore. That means I won't spend more money. Less fun for us and less money for the company means this was a bad change for everyone.
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    Ghostdog wrote: »
    I really love how all the characters that I spent money on are less powerful! Booyah! Also, it's cool that battles I fought before and used to dominate now dominate me! EA really has a way of thanking their loyal customers! I salute them!

    I see wat u did there
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    Update destroyed this game! Healers are useless. Horrible job on this one ea. Not wasting anymore time with it Unistalling immediately.
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  • Naecabon
    1243 posts Member
    For every one of your guild mates that quits, two more new players shall download and start fresh.

    The hydra that is freemium gaming. Tell them to try KH:UX it's fun!
  • Big_Boss
    2326 posts Member
    Dario wrote: »
    How did qgj get hit the most? He still hits good and his skills are invaluable.

    Yeah but what I mean is that he is doing 1.5k less damage on on harmonious assault and Im not even maxed.....
    Mike76 wrote: »
    All characters hits are weak now. I can't even beat a tier 2 challenge now at lvl 60 and lvl 7 armor on 3 of those characters

    Yeah this is impossible
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    I actually like the update. All of my characters get a turn now that Rey qgj and gs can't one shot 2/5 of them on the first round.

    Wait till you play GW. Or the STR challenge

    Just finished tier iv twice.
  • Red5
    21 posts Member
    Red5 wrote: »
    Red5 wrote: »
    Red5 wrote: »
    If they drag you from your home and put a bullet in your head, then it will be communism.

    By your logic, Germany during World War II was communist then?

    Sure, whatever. Totalitarianism is totalitarianism. Call it whatever you like. Makes little difference to the boot on your neck or the bullet in your head.

    Totalitarianism is different than communism. It just happens that states that use communist economies use totalitarianism to keep order and control.

    Lol. Sure it is buddy. Sure it is.... Thanks for the history and econ lesson!

    This is a game. A free game at that. Play, don't play. There's no gun to anyone's head. Leave, don't leave. It doesn't matter.

    Hey I wasn't the one that introduced the "big and scary" words.

    Neither did I! I was simply commenting on another forum member's post where they referred to the treatment within this forum as 'communism' or 'communist'. To which I pointed out, it was not.

    I was not the originator of the topic.
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    This update is total bull. Challanges are impossible, the new protection makes galactic war take double the time to complete, as if it didn't take long already. Also, they nerfed everyone that is just stupid. Droid teams still almost one hit a guy like ig 86 with his assist and poggles buff takes away fortitude and half health then ig 88 does his AOE kills them. The only thing okay is the ability Matt event. But overall Update reeks and shouldn't have done it.
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  • Merrfc
    29 posts Member
    What business model tells EA to listen to the free 2 plays and make the pay to plays mad. This update is a terrible update, i spent a lot of money building 7* rey and others for them to be worthless. Either add protection OR nerf fast characters. There was no reason to do both.
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    Fk this game
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    I like the concept....BUT they really need to tone down the challenges, and God above they made Chewie and RG God mode toons. There is zero reason either of them should have so much protection.
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    It's more enjoyable to read complaints on forums than play right now.... should never be that way...

    And I'm not saying this is enjoyable at all.[/quote]

    The most accurate and appropriate post of the day. Thats too bad.

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    The arena is not the issue. Everything else is where it hurts. This update was made for forcing more strategy into an arena take down, rather than gw, dailies and challenges. But its way to early to tell run it for a week then have at it. Im not a whale(<$200 rotal spent, none since all of last month) but i play everyday. EA is greedy, we all know that. Dont spend and they'll listen.
  • Woodchamelion23
    21 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    The update fückíng sücks
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    everyone just play their RG, Bariss, Fives, GS and IG88...you know the big fives characters from Star Wars....
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    This game used to be about speed and power... What's gonna happen now is everyone is going to farm RG and Stormtrooper Han, mix in some healers and now nobody can beat them in under 5 minutes. THIS IS A GAME MEANT TO BE PLAYED ON A PHONE. It should be about speed and quickness. I don't want to stare at the screen for hours on in each day because every character now takes forever to kill. All my attacking toons are worthless. Thanks EA for showing us again why you were voted the worst company in America by the people 3 times in a row
  • Merrfc
    29 posts Member
    This seems like a decision made by someone whonhas never played this game. Who tested this and thought, this is perfect?
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