4/14 Update: General Comments Megathread


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    I couldn't really care about the meta and who got buffed. It's the **** time it takes to finish a match, almost twice as long. I'm not even attempting my GW tonight. It was a chore before and makes me sick thinking of doing it now.
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    It was sold as
    1. New protection stat - help with OHKO and keep toons alive to make the battles interesting
    2. Player rework - advantage changes made some too powerful so damage output and defense was adjusted
    3. Synergy focused - we need to think about the synergy now

    All that is cool. If all you do is the Arena. It's like the other aspects of GW, daily challenges, LS/DS missions weren't even considered. That's where the complaining is coming from. I don't think I've seen one complaint about this update as it relates to the arena. Apparently, that's where 99% of the focus is. THAT is the bulk of the dissatisfaction it would seem.
    Evil will always triumph, because good is dumb!
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    LaLiam wrote: »
    LaLiam wrote: »
    The only people staying on the forum right now are the ones that are too busy complaining than to make better squad comps.

    Think outside the box, stop whining

    Arena, I like the changes. Thats the one good thing. Everything else makes me want to quit

    C'mon, it's better than the Dooku or QG meta, matches take longer and you now have to plan more carefully. Give it time

    No its not. Not by a long shot. I'm not talking about arena. i said I LIKE arena. But when applied to the rest of the game, its BAD
  • djlott
    469 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    I like the update. Sorry guys but my extended bench now has viable use. There will still be a Meta somewhere but right now I see a lot of folks trying to use the same meta teams and getting wiped out because the HP / Power has been dramatically shifted. I like that my Greedo gets a shot off against GS. I like that ST Han actually gets a chance to use his Taunt. I like that Lumi gets a chance to heal and FOO gets a turn anytime. It puts a lot of strategy in play for me so I'm a fan so far.

    I'm also F2P and get the frustrations of those that heavily invested and now have to change strategies. But as a F2P player that did NOT go straight for the meta team, I am having more fun with more toons.
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    Its a Crap update. The protection add on gives our characters less life that can't be regained. Plus is it just me or are our attacks less effective?
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    RU486 wrote: »
    Unfortunately with this major overhaul and not bothering to listen to the PEOPLE THAT ACTUALLY PLAY THE GAME and that enjoyed it, the game will be gone.

    Glad I stopped putting money in to it once I saw they dont care about what the customers are saying and just trying to find new ways to gouge the customers more, constantly changing the METAs instead of balancing the characters is all that was needed, have fun farming your tanks for the next few weeks its just going to get changed to something else to help line their pockets lol.

    1 + we are out means 2 f2p and 6 p2p..like I said to Bent... great Job EA
  • J7000
    2059 posts Member
    This is what happens when the devs listen to turtles.
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    Yeah protection cannot be healed; tried and only after you lose it can you use healing but you die much more quickly than before against the AI...meaning ds or ls battles etc.
    EmpereurDuNord - QC force
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    Thankfully, things that have been changed before can be changed again. Hopefully the Devs will see all the unpleasant reactions and do some re-balancing. I was lucky enough to dig myself into the 50 bracket in arenas before the changes went live (and, somehow, stayed there), and I'm looking forward to tomorrow with curiosity and trepidation.

    Definitely killed my desire to spend any more $$ on the game (aside from the charity package, because Ewoks are the pandas of Star Wars and that cracks me up).
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    Okay so obviously "beta testers" didn't do their job properly. And seeing almost everyone's top 20 toons turn to mush is a bad thing imo
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    LoganRen wrote: »
    Seems there are alot of speed/Evade meta cry babies..

    @LoganRen Babies... Babies everywhere...
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    I used to love this game but you turned something great into something terrible and if you won't downgrade it back to how it was then i want my money back
  • Arube
    1026 posts Member
    The significance of Critical-Utopian Socialism and Communism bears an inverse relation to historical development.
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    You sent your money into the deep dark vast empty space of EA pockets. It's gone bro
  • LaLiam
    1589 posts Member
    This Is pure rage. Think about squad comps that could work now, you were told to prepare
  • Decay
    112 posts Member
    Game is unplayable. Mechanism is unexpalined. Yoda was already weaker for what he should be and became even weaker
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    EA takes great games and franchises and messes them all up.
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    Thought this was a place to share our opinions and Idea's about the game whether it's good or bad? Has Capital games and EA gone communist? Iron fist has been raised you'll all bow to the power that is SWGOH!
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    LaLiam wrote: »
    This Is pure rage. Think about squad comps that could work now, you were told to prepare

    In vague, roundabout way that was easily misinterpreted
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    GW is even easier now, couldnt give two toots about Arena, havent done the challenges yet nor regular missions so only time will tell.
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    Anyone else a bit upset about the changes or just me?
    1 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    The new changes with healthbar are not good... All of a,sudden Im unable to complete my daily quest on level Ive been doing it on for weeks... All of sudden i have to go for a lower tier even though my "team" is maxed out and level 72
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    I like the idea of what the devs are trying to do I just don't think their execution is done well. I think for the long term an adjustment is/was needed across the board, but I think tactically doing a few characters or abilities at a time was the appropriate way to take it. I'm going to guess it was done in this manner because of the upcoming guild raids, but doing it all like this is just chaotic.
    It would have been nice to test out the changes as they were coming out in small doses. Now you have people all up in arms because of these massive sweeping changes. I really hate the yoda changes the most because those required a lot of farming for most people and now he is not worth much. The most surprising nerf is ugnaught though because everyone was saying "ugnaught is op" lol. I know there will be tweeks and I'm curious about where characters will line up when it is all said and done.
    I'm not quitting and I don't think this update is the end of the world. I just wish the execution was a little more thought out.
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    The really dumb thing is droids were untouched and were almost as bad in some cases.
  • Arube
    1026 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    It never was, we have been under a Dictatorship ever since BentWookiee took over EA, you can blame him.
    The significance of Critical-Utopian Socialism and Communism bears an inverse relation to historical development.
  • Llewella
    400 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Yoda is stronger then ever right now and if you don't think so play against him. The longer matches gives him way more opportunities to use his utilities. You all are wrong about him.
    Post edited by Llewella on
  • Zemon
    26 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Like the protection factor and relevant tanks of update. I didn't expect the gold mats! And continue to tollarate the gear items. But I wish it wasn't just a huge nerfing spree. Still testing everything but GS is flat out wrong and Savage=rage, what about his actual red carpet bro. I'm sure some dooku hate will vanish but I think it might be replaced with Phasma phobia. Really worried about GW tomorrow with the whole healers/Jedis might not be your friends anymore But hey looking forward to the next update, but seriously devs need to read and concider everyone's opinions and get a consensus, right!(maybe you devs over there should let the shards of every denomination be freely accessible) fo real fo real.
  • LeoRavus
    1165 posts Member
    Express your feelings in a review of the game and let the amount of stars reflect them. I did.
  • Gankak
    226 posts Member
    You can get some refunded through the Play store or ITunes. I did something similar with another game that lied to the player base on the forums.
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    Go to reddit haha
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