4/14 Update: General Comments Megathread


  • Abyss
    1651 posts Member
    LeoRavus wrote: »
    I know one thing. I'll never download another "F2P" game after this, ever. I didn't plan on spending any money on this but I did. Not a fortune but too much.

    I'm changing my early review to one star and warning everyone to stay away. Now that I've invested I feel like I have to keep going. I'll give it a little time but I don't think much can be done to progress at this rate.

    Whatever progression is supposed to be in the first place.

    Same. I feel invested in it, but will not spend another cent. They've broken it

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    utekineir wrote: »
    no one must have rg on your server

    and actually a lot do, i just go for the other teams instead, my top 10 varies with their characters

    That's about to change. Fair warning.
    I am Darth Spartacus
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    Savageop wrote: »
    Haters gonna hate go ea go update is magnificent

    Can you please explain what do you think it's "magnificent" about it?
    In general, an update that makes it so that multiple characters one player paid and spent time to develop might now be severely nerfed is not a good update. A good update would balance things out without running the risk that some players might end up getting advantages out of nowhere, while others basically see their money and time stolen from them. Some people might indeed have gotten lucky, but the players who are more likely to be entirely satisfied are either players who started since just a few weeks or less, therefore didn't invest too much in the game yet, or players who have ALL the characters maxed out, so they can pick and choose the ones that work better under the revised system.
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    Who want to play a board game maybe D&D? Hmmm ....I just took an Adivan and I feel fine.;)
  • SidiousIsPikachu
    771 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Catarra wrote: »
    I liked everything until I found out the health/protection "balancing" update just nerfed all my attackers. That is a pathetic move and needs to go.

    dont forget that the healers are useless also
    Al_Tiz wrote: »
    Wow you guys are terrible. The attacker challenge is fun now, only if your past 70 but with the cap raised lv80 is how you should judge the update. Of course you will struggle at lv 60 lol you need to grind to catch up to the rest of us who have been at it longer. You're sad you can't auto through GW? You're level was too low to begin with and you're GW was easier, even pre-update when you hit 70 barris+JC could never let you auto through GW lmao. You guys need to give the update a chance and realize it will all seem more balanced when you're at 80.

    Fun ? lol. and what will seem balacne when im 80 ?
    they made most of the toons UNPLAYABLE. attackers, healers, fast toons.. all of those - waste of farm and money.
    My old ben and RG is enough to make 5 people look worse than JarJar binks.
    debuffers and tanks is the game now, and i dont know what you like about it.
    the update removed any fun i had from the game.
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    @President_Scroob Genuine question: how have they "killed" the game? Not trolling just want your opinion.
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    Just look at the poll...we hate this update...I hate I spent all my crystals getting yoda 7 star for no reason because Im not going to use him.
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    Hell no. Cannot complete challenges that were previously beatable. GW is impossible to beat now. So yeah no!!
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    The mega-thread seems to have just disappeared, so I'll post this again:

    This update is ridiculous to me, and I have a pretty good, mostly FTP roster.

    Absolutely crushing to my kid, she's very upset. It's not just the extra layer of complexity, but the difficulty of the challenges too.

    A key demographic lost with this update, I'm afraid.

    Way to crush a young Star Wars fan guys.
  • LaLiam
    1589 posts Member
    The only people staying on the forum right now are the ones that are too busy complaining than to make better squad comps.

    Think outside the box, stop whining
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    utekineir wrote: »
    no one must have rg on your server

    and actually a lot do, i just go for the other teams instead, my top 10 varies with their characters

    That's about to change. Fair warning.

    you're definitely right my friend. Although, i see it as some what of a challenge, i don't completely love it, but i'm a fan of the balance
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    @President_Scroob Genuine question: how have they "killed" the game? Not trolling just want your opinion.

    1) The STR challenge. Its a precursor to the others. They will be brutal and long.
    2) Sweeping nerfs to pretty much all characters
    3) GW, protection being gone after node 4 or 5 and all AI have full

    So basically, everything that was already a grind, but an enjoyable one, has been increased AND made harder while we've been nerrfed
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    Pacdiggity wrote: »
    I don't think it's worth complaining about until you give it a week, personally. And I also like it so far, so... i think people are more likely to complain than be happy, so the ratio makes sense to me. Plus, the forum is a TOXIC environment. Can we go back to talking about the actual game?

    This! :)
    I have 99 problems but a Sith ain't one...
  • Baldo
    2863 posts Member
    KAULI wrote: »
    They deleted my rate the game post.
    That says everything.
    I wont ever spend a penny on this game, good work guys

    @KAULI Worst game update of all time! What they've done to the game is completely uncalled for.
  • J0K3R
    2286 posts Member
    Umm, are the guilds out yet?
    May the force be with you. It shall free you.
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    LaLiam wrote: »
    The only people staying on the forum right now are the ones that are too busy complaining than to make better squad comps.

    Think outside the box, stop whining

    Arena, I like the changes. Thats the one good thing. Everything else makes me want to quit
  • Heisen
    364 posts Member
    While I'm glad matches are longer, I was expecting much more tuning based on speed like they said they would do. It's basically the same thing, with dps like Rey hitting like a truck while hiding behind RG. Only thing is that it now takes 2-3 min instead of 1.
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    Is it just me but doesn't it seem like our characters have less life and do less damage. Or is it just me? This protection add on to me is just an excuse to make or characters less affective. What do you all think
  • Yogi
    907 posts Member

    You obviously haven't read a thing on the forums.
  • Baldo
    2863 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Kumagoro42 wrote: »
    Savageop wrote: »
    Haters gonna hate go ea go update is magnificent

    Can you please explain what do you think it's "magnificent" about it?
    In general, an update that makes it so that multiple characters one player paid and spent time to develop might now be severely nerfed is not a good update. A good update would balance things out without running the risk that some players might end up getting advantages out of nowhere, while others basically see their money and time stolen from them. Some people might indeed have gotten lucky, but the players who are more likely to be entirely satisfied are either players who started since just a few weeks or less, therefore didn't invest too much in the game yet, or players who have ALL the characters maxed out, so they can pick and choose the ones that work better under the revised system.

    100% @Kumagoro42
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    Seems there are alot of speed/Evade meta cry babies..
  • Arube
    1026 posts Member
    For one with so many posts, you'd think you would be more involved in the forums.
    The significance of Critical-Utopian Socialism and Communism bears an inverse relation to historical development.
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    It's funny people are complaining about people's complaining and thinking it's the higher ground...lmao
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    I liked being able to auto my dailies and have a pretty linear fight, they nerfed charactors that did not need a nerf like anakin and obiwan? few others, and Dooku was already weakish power wise. now hes nerfed more yeah hes fast but he barely hit for 1300 at the top end.Consular debuff made no sense as well. I dont want my fight to take 9 hours against royal guard chaff
  • J0K3R
    2286 posts Member
    I appologize. I was busy last few hours. I expected guilds. :/
    May the force be with you. It shall free you.
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    The like the idea of protection... But with the healers only being able to heal HP... I feel like this feature isn't being used effectively. I'd rather you just raise everyone's HP an appropriate amount. Then at least they can be healed.
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    No... This is a game. Why was it turned into a chore? I shouldn't be frustrated playing against a computer. Not when it's an auto loss... If strategy had been implemented, great. Now it's a wipefest.
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    Don't know yet. Will take a few days to figure out if I'm a fan or not.
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    How did this thread not get deleted? *smh* moderator favoritism strikes again
  • LaLiam
    1589 posts Member
    LaLiam wrote: »
    The only people staying on the forum right now are the ones that are too busy complaining than to make better squad comps.

    Think outside the box, stop whining

    Arena, I like the changes. Thats the one good thing. Everything else makes me want to quit

    C'mon, it's better than the Dooku or QG meta, matches take longer and you now have to plan more carefully. Give it time
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