4/14 Update: General Comments Megathread


  • TheDocotr
    46 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    well they really EA'd This update...

    It's so bad there is no word in the English language to describe it...

    I suggest we start using "EA'd it", when you historically botch something....
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    Health bar change should have been implemented at a later date (maybe when cap was raised to 90/100) Challenge changes are terrible. Lvl 72 can't be cleared with a full geared 73 team non auto (attacker challenge) :/ protection change only prolonged a fight with some minor changes like RG auto taunt. Not happy with the update. Only fun thing added was the Omega event. Rest sucks :(( desire to play the game nearly gone lol
  • Jed1johnson
    18 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    SithCount wrote: »
    They ruined the game. Now in GW when the prot bar is gone, it doesn't come back. Predictable. But the consequence is that even when the HP bar is full, they are actually permanently at half health. So the characters die really fast in GW now.

    That was really uncalled for guys.

  • Wood13
    1 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    So, just wanted to let the powers that be know I will no longer be playing this game. I have spent over 5 months building characters and teams to use for all the different situations that have been introduced in the previous updates, only to have the main characters I have worked so hard to obtain knocked down in power to make it "fair" for those who don't have them. The Galactic War is now a joke due to these armor bars that I can't refresh, I had a hard enough time with them before. The missions are harder than ever, some unfinishable for who knows what reason. I have grinded countless hours, spent quite a few dollars, only to have the whims of the weaker players heeded. I don't understand the thought process. Good luck in the future, and thanks for a great game while it lasted.
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    Keldanor wrote: »
    This update is AWESOME and was needed for the following reasons:

    -experimenting new combos in Arena to try to find the new meta, if there is any. At first it seems like the meta didn't change at all, the fights being just longer. But it is because everyone is still using the same team in arena. But I know there are now new options and synergies to be used. People expected drastic changes, like Rey being nerfed to oblivion and Savage Opress being the new OP toon. It wasn't the case (which is a good thing), all those toons can be used in new team and combos.

    -GW: the developpers always stated that GW was supposed to be hard and that you weren't expected to finish it everyday. Now we have an interesting GW forcing me to switch toons and replace the dead one.

    -challenge: sorry but for me a challenge that I can finish on auto while brushing my teeth before heading to my office is anything but a real challenge. The new difficulty forced me to elaborate a new strategy to beat the challenges and actually makes me pay attention to what I am doing or who I am targeting.

    Disclaimer: I am not a F2P and I am the kind of player who enjoy challenging games. I understand that not everybody is like me and that people may enjoy a different way of playing. I am just voicing my opinion.
    So, kudo to the dev, you have a satisfied whale with this update

    Now that some time has passed, I've peeled myself off the ceiling and do agree with a lot of this. However, I would say that I don't feel we were adequately prepared for the changes. It seems like all we were told about was "balancing" and the addition of Protection. It sounded so simple. Perhaps if the changes had been a little more detailed and we had been forewarned that it would likely lead to changing metas and things of that sort, the anger wouldn't be so palpable. Making challenges more difficult is one thing. Going into a challenge I used to complete easily and seeing my team demolished, leaving me with the feeling that the characters I'd worked so hard (and spent $ on) to buff had now been nerfed and become useless, was a completely different thing. It felt like a slap in the face that came out of left field. If it had been explained to us that the balancing was going to lead to other changes in the game, I would have been more prepared for it.
    "They were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Naturally they became heroes." ~ Leia Organa
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    I noticed the same thing. I hare this update. Basically because I have been a loyal player since the game started, I am now be held back from advancing because I reached a higher level.'

    Anyone have any suggestions for a new game we can play?
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    Do not like the update. Characters are instantly 15 levels weaker, health levels are not equal to same level opponents. Unable to beat stages I beat 4 weeks ago. Don't like the new protection bar. What happened to kiss theory. This update makes me not want to play. And you messed with fotp yet again. Quit messing with things that work just fine. Should have just added harder levels 10,11,12,13,14.etc or is that too simple.
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    I can already tell you, I don't like this update just from the 2 fights I've had, I hate it enough I'm thinking of deleting the app.
  • Fantazy
    553 posts Member
    Ive tried some arena compositions and me prediction is that the pre-update meta won't shift for the following reasons:

    Assist units are still "OP" with RG in the team. So don't expect dooku, QGJ, GS and RG to go away. The fights are longer, and the assists come back every other turn. I'm happy for the change, but I was hoping QGJ and GS would disappear from the meta with it. Not gonna happen.
    ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ ︵ DOE
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    Place your vote in the Poll at the home page for the forums, I'm sure they will look at that and realize how bad this update is.
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    Place your vote in the Poll at the home page for the forums, I'm sure they will look at that and realize how bad this update is.

    CG has never admitted to a mistake and corrected it. See Barriss and the credit events. This won't change, they are too arrogant
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    CollinF wrote: »
    Let me start off by saying I am not angry or mad right now, but concerned. The fact that this game calls nerfs and balancing changes "updates" is appalling to me. Fixes to the game aren't updates, they're just fixes. What I want to know is when are we going to get a me game mode that is (hopefully) fun for us to play. 5 months of GW,SA, sim tickets and auto play is getting boring fast.

    I said almost the exact same thing in the ewok thread. Hardly no content at all with this game...just fixes, balances, new scenery...puh-lease.

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    I find it funny that all the negative feedback from this update and nobody from ea has said anything. Thanks for ripping us all off. You're a disgrace to the star wars name.
  • Kallis
    34 posts Member
    TheDocotr wrote: »
    well they really EA'd This update...

    It's so bad there is no word in the English language to describe it...

    I suggest we start using "EA'd it", when you historically botch something....

    I like it. "EA'd it." Well played.
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    This update was as bad as the Walking dead finale
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    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Keldanor wrote: »
    This update is AWESOME and was needed for the following reasons:

    -experimenting new combos in Arena to try to find the new meta, if there is any. At first it seems like the meta didn't change at all, the fights being just longer. But it is because everyone is still using the same team in arena. But I know there are now new options and synergies to be used. People expected drastic changes, like Rey being nerfed to oblivion and Savage Opress being the new OP toon. It wasn't the case (which is a good thing), all those toons can be used in new team and combos.

    -GW: the developpers always stated that GW was supposed to be hard and that you weren't expected to finish it everyday. Now we have an interesting GW forcing me to switch toons and replace the dead one.

    -challenge: sorry but for me a challenge that I can finish on auto while brushing my teeth before heading to my office is anything but a real challenge. The new difficulty forced me to elaborate a new strategy to beat the challenges and actually makes me pay attention to what I am doing or who I am targeting.

    Disclaimer: I am not a F2P and I am the kind of player who enjoy challenging games. I understand that not everybody is like me and that people may enjoy a different way of playing. I am just voicing my opinion.
    So, kudo to the dev, you have a satisfied whale with this update

    Wow. I agree with a whale and member of TI. Qeltar is calling for patience in another thread. Clearly something is wrong. Jesus must be coming back or something. ;)

    Yeah this must be a sign haha. I just hope both of us don't get burnt to death by the angry mob :)
    Member of Team Instinct
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    Check "Updates for today - 4/14/2016" Forum game ruined!
  • CEG9876
    355 posts Member
    Personally I think all the changes are dumb. Reason being: I, like many of you have played this game for 4+ months. We played to the pros, and cons of the game. So to come in and **** all that we've done is like making a painting for 4+ month just to have someone say sry the colors were all one big typo. Why would you do that? Okay now more points less personal feelings.

    I played the STR Gear Challenge 3 times today on auto (which is a crappy player anyway) and beat it, came back after the update barely made it over half way. I have a geo soldier,(gear lvl 9, six stars) sidius,(gear lvl 8, 7 stars) IG-86,(gear lvl 8, 7 stars) Luminara,(gear lvl 8, 7 stars) and Consular(gear lvl 8, 6 stars). My squad power is 28k (ish). I fought a 25k (ish) squad. And lost twice.
    My geo soldier could do 10k damage combined attack with critical damage on both. I did a 5k damage with critical damage.

    I hate the new way. I loved the old life meter much better. If you think that I'm wrong please let me show me what Im doing wrong. That being said I despise the update so does my whole family (who plays the game).

    I love this game and I don't want to erase it. Partly because it's an interesting game, partly because I love star wars. I have gone through many games (marvel: contest of champions, marvel: future fight, Jurassic world, Avengers assemble 2, star wars: worlds at conflict) and no game has compared to this game.

    So in summary I love the game.
    I hate the update with all of its content.
    And EA please fix it.
    That is all Galaxar out.
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    I have rushed my game so i can do tier IV challenge for better items, then the update hits, so back to doing tier II, oh this game is so fun. Ppl are questioning whether the game will be here few years, well considering it takes 3-4 months to 7* a char + 3-4 months to gear them, well you have your answer. The game will be here, but i won't
  • CEG9876
    355 posts Member
    For the record I didn't use profanity.
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    I just realized how long all the other challenges are going to take now. All this update did was increase grind and make it harder to grind
  • Mo_liza
    786 posts Member
    The mods will close down for asterisks. Better edit.
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    I also joined just to leave negative feedback. More detailed frustration left in previous post.
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    It's slowly growing on me, only because I have a decent amount of characters. However I am taking a beating on challenges. Can't do top tier anymore. Glad my Mace is maxed : )

    Suggestion to Devs since you are currently updated. Now that we are acquiring more and more characters, can you update the character filter to represent character types? Example would be their description: Jedi, tank, scoundrel, healer, empire, ewok... Something to allow us to see our "likeness" teams more easily.

    Right now I have four Ewoks, but they are all over when I break down my light side characters.

    Or another idea is a check/compare method, where you can click on 5 toons to see what your status is on the team you are building. That may be better than a filter.
  • CEG9876
    355 posts Member
    I don't know how or I would. thank you though for understanding what I meant.
  • Alukai
    29 posts Member
    I don't like this update so far. The protection feels like they just took health and moved it to protection. So now we have health that we can't even heal back. Some of my top guys are getting thrashed.
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    Anyone know the email address to the EA complaint department I have some not nice language to use.
  • Nina412
    1 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    It's **** that protection means they decreased the health bars of characters I spent a lot of time and money to build. This game was **** near perfect until now.
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    Wow. After playing for an hour with the new rules, Game went from fun to really cruddy. The last 2 months of strategy to build a team is down the drain. Do I start over or find a different strategy game? FOTP is worthless now. Even my beloved Ugnaught is bad... Why Ugnaught, Why??? All my servers teams in the arena now have GS, RG, Dooku and QGJ. So boring battling the same team... I might as well follow suit Seeing the met didn't seem to get hurt by the update.
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    They just erased 6 weeks worth of work. Hate this update. I thought improvements were supposed to make things better.
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