4/14 Update: General Comments Megathread


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    I hate the update. Hate it big time. The game is completely different. My characters are about 10x weaker. Protection? So stupid. Probably not gonna play it anymore. Its back to reading kindle on the train for me. To tell u the truth i was addicted to this game when i got a bad flu for like whole month of february 2016 and i was stuck at home every day after work. Played it every day since. Sooo good. Like a giant chocolate bar to a 6 year old. After this latest update, i can finally go back to normal social life cause im not gonna play this game anymore. Thanks EA for ruinning this game so that i can go back to a more productive life. Just in time for spring 2016! Screw video games, its a waste of time and money any way.
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    So this new update literally ruined the game for me. EA needs to remove armor from the game or figure out better balancing. This game shouldn't go from being fun(5star) one day to making me get frustrated every battle(pve or pvp) and now giving it a 1star rating. Just my opinion!

    Me and my buddies at work that started playing the week it came out are all quiting thanks to this btw, thanks EA for another fantastic product, Billy Mays would be proud!
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    Before this new upgrade I could finish all the challenges and sometimes even galaxy, but now I can't finish challenges and of course I can't finish Galaxy.
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    Keep checking the forums. There's already a thread about the challenges. I'm sure as some new strategies are figured out, more help will be posted.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Keep checking the forums. There's already a thread about the challenges. I'm sure as some new strategies are figured out, more help will be posted.

    The problem is those are DAILY. Most don't want a huge challenge on a daily grind you do 5 times
  • ElGuapu
    190 posts Member
    Is this the softlaunch for Bernie Sanders?
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    My time has no more HP and they don't attack with the same damage that was before the upgrade... Chuiwe is suicide if use his skill for threat because he dosn't have enoght HP to support the attacks.. this is so bad... I can't believe the game stands like this.. it was so good before this **** upgrade.... hated it!!
  • Maraxus
    821 posts Member
    Use your brain and start playing instead of running in auto and collecting things as anyone could do.

    all challenges are still very feasible, same goes for GW...

    you just have to think more than before...

    stop playing tic tac toe... now play chess!
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    These developers must be from a galaxy far far away and really not know their audience because they just ruined a good thing. This new game play sucks!!! All my money, time, and effort down the drain. Protection sucks, my 7* characters are worthless in the challenges and they got the health bar of a freaking baby, and I just bought the Ewok pack thinking this will be awesome.....man, time for a new game. And Yoda which took so much to get is now the Yoda from Return of the Jedi which was dying and as weak as an old goat. Thanks EA....

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    I find it funny that all the negative feedback from this update and nobody from ea has said anything. Thanks for ripping us all off. You're a disgrace to the star wars name.

    I'm pretty sure that the Star Wars name is still trying to recover from the prequels. What Anakin and Jar Jar did to the Star Wars franchise may never be remedied; and this game is a step in the right direction.

    The fact that no major statements have been made by EA is probably due to the lack of constructive feedback they've received. Having 100 people shouting "you suck" isn't constructive; nor is it meaningful since angry online activity is far too common. Just look at any YouTube video comment section.

    If EA has proven anything, it is that they will make the best decisions possible based on actionable feedback and concrete facts. It's much more beneficial and rewarding to be a part of that process as opposed to being just another blurb of white noise, na' mean?
  • ElGuapu
    190 posts Member
    First they came for your PL, then they came for my FOTFP, now they've come for everyone but the Ewoks!
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    Zenbane wrote: »
    I find it funny that all the negative feedback from this update and nobody from ea has said anything. Thanks for ripping us all off. You're a disgrace to the star wars name.

    I'm pretty sure that the Star Wars name is still trying to recover from the prequels. What Anakin and Jar Jar did to the Star Wars franchise may never be remedied; and this game is a step in the right direction.

    The fact that no major statements have been made by EA is probably due to the lack of constructive feedback they've received. Having 100 people shouting "you suck" isn't constructive; nor is it meaningful since angry online activity is far too common. Just look at any YouTube video comment section.

    If EA has proven anything, it is that they will make the best decisions possible based on actionable feedback and concrete facts. It's much more beneficial and rewarding to be a part of that process as opposed to being just another blurb of white noise, na' mean?
    The fact of the matter is 100 people shouting you suck should tell them they made a mistake. Revert it and try again
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    Forgot to mention, I registered to the forum, just so that I can pile on to this thread....it sucks so bad, it made me get off my lazy behind and type something in this forum....I guess that's the bright side to all this.
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    ElGuapu wrote: »
    Is this the softlaunch for Bernie Sanders?

    I don't know why you're dissing Bernie, he'll be good for immigrants like you!
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    Zenbane wrote: »
    I find it funny that all the negative feedback from this update and nobody from ea has said anything. Thanks for ripping us all off. You're a disgrace to the star wars name.

    I'm pretty sure that the Star Wars name is still trying to recover from the prequels. What Anakin and Jar Jar did to the Star Wars franchise may never be remedied; and this game is a step in the right direction.

    The fact that no major statements have been made by EA is probably due to the lack of constructive feedback they've received. Having 100 people shouting "you suck" isn't constructive; nor is it meaningful since angry online activity is far too common. Just look at any YouTube video comment section.

    If EA has proven anything, it is that they will make the best decisions possible based on actionable feedback and concrete facts. It's much more beneficial and rewarding to be a part of that process as opposed to being just another blurb of white noise, na' mean?
    The fact of the matter is 100 people shouting you suck should tell them they made a mistake. Revert it and try again

    Like I said, refer to any Comment section of any YouTube video to see just how fascinated people are with their ability to say "You suck" on the Internet. It doesn't prove anything and should rightfully be ignored. It makes much more business sense to listen to 10 people providing well thought out rationale instead of 100 internet personalities hate posting.
  • ElGuapu
    190 posts Member
    Seems like a handful of crybabies are responsible for a few people at EA ruining a game and probably getting fired.
    333 posts Member
    We are all beta testers aka lab rats. Some even pay huge money to become one.
  • scuba
    14196 posts Member
    What makes you think that? it is not like we are not at version 1 at least... Oh wait v0.3.17
  • ElGuapu
    190 posts Member
    It's probably a good thing for all of us...we can get our lives back...
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    Garbage of an update, been playing since day 1, been grinding since day 1, feels like all my hard work for nothing, can't complete top tier gears now...so I can play tier 2 and never be able to get the fifty or so gear elements required to up my best characters, can't make past thru half of galaxy when I just finally was able to beat it...why? $$$. Protection bars are a crock of poop, can't even heal them, seven star characters being destroyed no problem, squad arena battles are frustrating and too long, horrible update, was absolutely addicted, grinded all day just to be thrown back 3 months of work...please revert these changes
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    So here's my whining thread, but please read through til the end. I offer some solid concrete solutions to not only replace this update, but also an idea to rebalance it and use this update as a template for a series of game improvements rather then nurf's.

    So I guess I'll start with my most hated part of this patch....Protection...... ???? Call it what it really is.. A Nurf across the board.
    Call it a Removal of 25% of all heroes health and giving high level heroes 5% of it back as a so called shield that cannot be healed and won't regenerate once it's gone.

    I'm level 67 and I finally became able to beat some of the higher level battles to farm shards for Baress Offee. Then the very next day they drop this garbage on me? I feel like I'm back to level 20.
    Can't beat any of the challenges I have farmed daily for over a month.
    Half of the characters I have spent all of this time and money upgrading are now completely worthless (Captain Phasma, every healing character in the game, Asajj Ventress, list goes on and on).

    Scrap everything about this garbage update and give us our game back!

    If you want to make changes to the game, try listening to the people that play the game and give them what they have been asking for, like more time in arena battles. Not some random idea that some suit in a board room decided to implement randomly out of thin air

    Updates should give more playability! Not less... Why backtrack and make challenges that people have farmed for months nearly impossible.. Adjust the level requirement of the existsting ones, and then add new harder ones! That's how you rally a game into the future.

    The good news is it's not too late. But you MUST act quickly. Either completely retract this update and work on some kind of content patch to release very soon to compensate for this disaster. Or fix this everything about this update, such as add a protection shield ON TOP of a heroes max health, not instead of a large percentage of their health.

    Horrible update, and I won't spend a nickel on crystals until they fix it.
    Please Devs, make me proud. Do the right thing here for your player base!
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    So yes as @Barrok says I'm skeptical of change. Goes with my nature. I was skeptical seeing the changes listed.

    So what we have:

    A great event to get mats, omega and a decent chunk of creds. The refresh is not costly. It offers those of us who are bigger spenders a chance to go above and beyond to get ahead(I love the F2P, but us bigger spendeders should have some persk) This events caters to all.

    Protection has been added. While mine was bugged in GW, I imagine it will be set on reset, so I'll reserve GW opinion until later. In arena though I noticed my matches were far longer, and required a bit more strategy in attack. My top 10 now has 5 different leads. 5 Dooku, my QGJ, Poggle, Sid, Ani. I've seen different comps already. I busted Phasma out to test. Heck I benched Dooku for now to test.

    No 1 hko. Rey(before I benched Dooku) popped him, normally that is a death blow, not tonight.

    So EA/CG especially @EA_Jesse and @CG_JohnSalera as far as our complaints on arena being cookie cutter and all about speed and 1hko you listened and addressed IMO. I found arena(albiet limited in only 7 matches) to be much more fun mow that I'm not 1hko everyone and being 1hko myself. I love having to really think about the attacks.

    Challenges are no longer just a breeze. Sure they are still easy, but I like having to really pound away on GMT and GV to ice them.

    Charity. I know I'm NOT for platform specific events. I'm happy for the Ewok one, but I say the same as I did on the droid. It is not fair to Android users we got content they did not. It was always the content for me. The Packs offered(while I did not really need) I bought due to the charity of it, so awesome job there.

    It is too early to fully say how I like this update, however after doing 1 of each challenge, however in what I've tested so far I must say I do like it. I was really counting on this month to be good for the game. I've been frustrated some. I think though the game is going in the right direction from what I saw tonight.

    So again, bravo so far. I know the hate is flowing. Wanted to send some love. I'm sure I may get flamed here, but oh well.
  • Olle
    501 posts Member
    Arena is way better. There's no question there in my mind.
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    Every update I look foward too! Why do so many people freak out!? No matter the changes it is progress! On no somebody got nerfed or buffed... "GW is just sooooo challenging I have to use more than one team" "why was it changed" "oh no I can't sim through challenges anymore.... I quit" cmon guys lol these are people on the other end as well giving us an app on a friggan phone for us to play any **** time we reach into our **** pockets! Cut em some slack! Can't wait for things to foward. Oh and by the way "I am a top 10 in arena for my server" like every other person lol jk. This forum rocks and respect all the peeps who are always lurking or post. Learned much I have from you all.
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    It seems that the overwhelming majority dislikes/hates the update. People are creating accounts just to let you know how betrayed they feel before quitting. This update may very well cost you a large portion of your customer base. Please revert back
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    ErokEwok wrote: »
    Every update I look foward too! Why do so many people freak out!? No matter the changes it is progress! On no somebody got nerfed or buffed... "GW is just sooooo challenging I have to use more than one team" "why was it changed" "oh no I can't sim through challenges anymore.... I quit" cmon guys lol these are people on the other end as well giving us an app on a friggan phone for us to play any **** time we reach into our **** pockets! Cut em some slack! Can't wait for things to foward. Oh and by the way "I am a top 10 in arena for my server" like every other person lol jk. This forum rocks and respect all the peeps who are always lurking or post. Learned much I have from you all.

    Sure they reduced health a great deal and gave only the highest gear lvl players a very small protection shield that makes healers usless do the math GARBAGE UPDATE! They forgot to nerf enemy health or attacks my lvl 71 toons get killed by lvl 49 enemies in cantina battles that have 5 times my health bar but go ahead pat them on the back for what an AWESOME job they did while your at it why don't you dump a bunch of money into the game bend over and let those money grabbing Aholes know how much you love it with no lube
  • ElGuapu
    190 posts Member
    ElGuapu wrote: »
    Is this the softlaunch for Bernie Sanders?

    I don't know why you're dissing Bernie, he'll be good for immigrants like you!

    Lol...Vaders_Underwear, do you even know what a plethora is?
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    Today is beyond frustrating on the pvp. Count dooku needs to be nerfed. Second, the A.I is cheating more often. At this rate, I'll have to leave the game or wait months before I play again.
  • Ashevinator
    2 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    This isn't an update, it has ruined every aspect of the game I enjoyed and wasted time on. Everything up to this point was okay and at least workable but nah I'm out. To think that I actually spent money on an app I used to enjoy and now "strongly dislike" because the stupidity and decision to ignore the fans and player (majority), it's messed up big time. Fix it or I'm out, and know that I'm not the only one. Knuckleheads. Jaysus.
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