4/14 Update: General Comments Megathread


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    They had one job.
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    I was right.
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    Bump lol
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    New update is basically a huge healer nerf and needs to go straight into the trash. They also made ewok healer useless, as his fast heal was the only thing balancing his low hitpoints. Now galactic war never lets you fully heal and high damage characters are overpowered. Great job introducing a cool update then destroying the character dynamic.
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    Wow. I tried the updated game and I hate it. Aside from all the bugs, I feel all my progress was wasted. I worked so hard to get my characters strong. Now they are all weak while PC characters stay just as strong as they were before the update. This was the only game I liked so much that I was willing to pay for game boosts, but now feels like I paid for nothing. I wonder how I get my money back because now I now feel ripped off.
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    Also you can no longer see your opponents health at the top right because the character-dynamic-destroying healer nerf update is buggy and shows full health bars at all times uselessly.
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    Unoh wrote: »
    Wow, this is the worst update in a game I've ever seen.
    Everything takes double the time, most of challenges are quite harder... sorry, this update isn't for the players!

    Can you list some of the multiplayer games you've played? I can think of a ton of updates in gaming history that are far worse. Also, you didn't list any reasons that would justify calling this update "worst." All you said was "double time" which isn't a bad thing. And "harder" isn't bad either. Based on what you said, people can no longer successfully win battles on auto-combat. That's a good thing. If you liked auto-combat before, then this game is no longer for you.
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    I was really enjoying this game. Even started spending a little money. Then a little more. I was worried it could eventually become a problem. THIS UPDATE ENSURES THAT IT WILL NOT. I absolutely hate this update. In general, the various damage debuffs coupled with the defense buff of the protection stat seems like overkill. Protection seems unnecessary if you've debuffed many characters' damage. Debuffing characters' damage seems unnecessary if you've added the protection stat. Doing both is overkill.

    More specifically, I am furious about the Yoda debuffs (and others as well, but especially Yoda). As difficult as it was to get him, as big a deal as it was when he became available, as significant a character as he is in the Star Wars lore, how do you sleep at night after nerfing YODA and doing it so dramatically? Master stroke gets a 70% debuff? Really? It's not so masterful anymore. And the unstoppable force, at a third less strength, is fairly stoppable now. What has happened to Yoda is tragic and heartbreaking.

    Not to mention the ridiculous nerfs to other characters that people spend months of time farming. Mace Windu, for example, who was already far less powerful in the game than a Jedi who was second to none but Yoda himself ought to be.

    The protection stat is silly and superfluous. There was already an armor stat. Why not rebalance that instead of adding essentially a second armor stat?

    The protection stat effectively negates the entire healing mechanic. I have little need for Luminara now. If she heals, she only heals the probably one person who needs it, because the rest of the team is still - protected.

    Matches are too long now. The game has become tedious.

    The battlefield is too cluttered now with 3 bars over each character's head. It looks awful.

    Overall I think this update is disrespectful to the players. Please revert back.
  • Weezy34
    117 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    From what I've seen so far, this update has created a massive gap in characters.

    It has created a handful of characters that are supremely effective, and made a vast majority of characters unplayable.

    Example, Biggs
    Already a player who needed to be on the right team to be effective, but now, no matter what he maybe, maybe gets a turn before he's done. RP has taken a hit and FOTP is now worthless.

    How will there be any variety in this game, and why have so many characters when majority of them are completely useless now?
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    This update is the worst. I can't even beat the challenges anymore .it's like I'm back on level 20 again. Protection fine .OK . but making my players that I spent money on an many hours of game play weaker . No that's not what we wanted . don't even want to play anymore.
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    You really managed to ruin the game. GW is impossible since we lose the shield in the first couple nodes and each new nod is a fully shielded team. So where is the balance? I stopped at 3rd node, absolutely no point playing, I'd need 3-4 teams to finish. If I can't do GW then I get no credit. I get no credit I can't upgrade characters. If this stays like this you might as well close the curtains because it's not fun anymore it's actually quite aggravating. Hopefully you realize that this update is a huge fail.
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    Instead of adding some more difficult levels, lets punish people for months of work, way to ruin a great game EA. #updatesucks take this to Twitter maybe enough backlash will see a pullback
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    play store: the game now has 1 star
    and by the way: thats not an update its a gameplay change (and this gameplay change really sucks!!)
  • Zenbane
    46 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Crusader wrote: »
    Come on guys. You had a good game going. How about play testing a patch before you release it to the public? I know I'm done spending money. I've probably sunk good $80-ish in here. Not worth it. Game used to be fun. Not anymore. Time to move on unless this gets rolled back and/or fixed pretty darn quick.

    1) Calling protection dumb doesn't really explain anything. One can counter by saying, Protection is smart. Maybe provide some real details?

    2) Health bar colors change from green, to yellow, to red. Seems fairly straight forward and has not caused any confusion in combat as far as I can tell.

    3) Dodges seem to be finally working for characters with a high evade. The only reason it appears problematic is because combat has been slowed.

    4) The Challenges do in fact seem to be an issue. These will likely be resolved with another update or when the Gold gear is achieved.

    5) GW seems easier for some, harder for others. I beat it today much more easily than post update.
  • Weezy34
    117 posts Member
    Hey devs. Piling everyone's conversations into one thread is like turning on a hundred radio to all different channels and trying to listen to one song!

    How are we suppose to track specific conversations about specific issues with update? Just because a conversation is started about the update doesn't mean you should sweep it into whatever you want to call this garbage thread...

    You're as bad at running forums as you are at updating games...
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    I usually do not comment on the forum and I know it is early but I do not see why they had to screw up a good game. So far I hate it.
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    Weezy34 wrote: »
    Hey devs. Piling everyone's conversations into one thread is like turning on a hundred radio to all different channels and trying to listen to one song!

    How are we suppose to track specific conversations about specific issues with update? Just because a conversation is started about the update doesn't mean you should sweep it into whatever you want to call this garbage thread...

    You're as bad at running forums as you are at updating games...
    How old are you? I'm asking because you sound like someone in their 40's or 50's with the way you complain about a single communication medium. You do realize that with Hashtags and @ symbols, the entire Social Media world is able to funnel a single topic, right? It might not make sense if you're an older poster who is used to the good 'ol forum "tree" structure lol
  • Kabal
    62 posts Member
    Yeah, I don't know what they did to them, but I haven't been able to complete a single challenge on manual when I used to put it on auto and win every time. I'm hitting for 1-2k and they're one shotting me.
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    Have you tried galactic war? I just did and only made it to node 9. I was beating it every day easily. These changes aren't any good.
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    Nothing change on my end except defeating enemies longer lol
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    jet fuel can't melt steel beams
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    I hate the new update. What has been done to the health bars, and gimping my entire group, particularly yoda, QGJ, dooku has made me not even want to play anymore. The challenges are also insanely time consuming now. Lastly I haven't gotten a shard after 18 attempts. I hate all of it.
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    Hendel wrote: »
    I usually do not comment on the forum and I know it is early but I do not see why they had to screw up a good game. So far I hate it.

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    Zenbane wrote: »
    Weezy34 wrote: »
    Hey devs. Piling everyone's conversations into one thread is like turning on a hundred radio to all different channels and trying to listen to one song!

    How are we suppose to track specific conversations about specific issues with update? Just because a conversation is started about the update doesn't mean you should sweep it into whatever you want to call this garbage thread...

    You're as bad at running forums as you are at updating games...
    How old are you? I'm asking because you sound like someone in their 40's or 50's with the way you complain about a single communication medium. You do realize that with Hashtags and @ symbols, the entire Social Media world is able to funnel a single topic, right? It might not make sense if you're an older poster who is used to the good 'ol forum "tree" structure lol

    I don't think you understand what he was talking about.
  • Weezy34
    117 posts Member
    why would I sort through this mess of a thread with 700+ post with hashtags and @ when there is. Simple search bar I can type words in to? :D

    This isn't Twitter or Facebook.

    Plus, how does one search for something they don't necessarily know is in that mess? Maybe there is something had I seen a thread on I would have opened, but I wouldn't necessarily throw into the search bar or know to look for it?
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    Maybe they forgot to nerf the damage of this bug character?
  • Zenbane
    46 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Weezy34 wrote: »
    why would I sort through this mess of a thread with 700+ post with hashtags and @ when there is. Simple search bar I can type words in to? :D

    This isn't Twitter or Facebook.

    Plus, how does one search for something they don't necessarily know is in that mess? Maybe there is something had I seen a thread on I would have opened, but I wouldn't necessarily throw into the search bar or know to look for it?
    So you're saying it is easier to sort through 700+ threads with multiple posts instead of one thread with 700+ posts?

    The fact that this isn't Twitter or Facebook makes no difference as it pertains to the expectation of communication practices. That's why, for example, people can log in to YouTube with their Gmail account.

    It sounds to me like you're just complaining that a thread was deleted and you're trying to make it seem like the people who deleted it are "dumb." Unfortunately that's not the case. Although I'm sure a few folks will agree with you, I am only illustrating that your complaint doesn't really make sense to anyone paying attention and really thinking about the issue.
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    I have spent months on this game every day and now it is like I got knocked down a few pegs. I cannot defeat Tarkin and Verrs on the challenge and had a team that I developed that could lay them to waste. I am just upset that they decided to change things because of a vocal few and now we have to suffer.

    I hope there is something good with this update but I have yet to find it.
  • Rafini
    299 posts Member
    It was fun playing the matches before this update because this game didn't take ages to play. Doing GW now takes a significant amount more time. The strategy piece is fun but when rewards aren't amazing it's just a pain. I'm now playing something that takes longer for the same reward. Would I work longer hours and not get overtime?

    the omega mat is just a money grab again. Before it was 12 purple mats to upgrade to level 8 skill.. And then it changed to omega mats which were supposed to be unlock able at level 80 I think.. And now instead they're via this challenge which is also crystal driven.

    On the injustice and immortals iOS game boards I used to praise this game up and down and now I lump it in with those two games for money grabbiness and lack of fun because of extra work added. If you want to add extra work add equal reward. Also don't add "protection" in for non arena matches, what's the actual point? To teach us lessons?

  • Zetto
    178 posts Member
    This thread is gonna be deleted soon. So vent while you can. But yeah, I agree that this new update UNbalanced the game and is a total SNAFU.
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