4/14 Update: General Comments Megathread


  • Zetto
    178 posts Member
    Absolute and total SNAFU. This was my first and only mobile game, so thanks GC, you confirmed my suspicions and I will be staying away from mobile gaming. PC/consoles is where the gaming is at, mobiles is not, it's total money grab and nothing but frustration.
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    Nothing change on my end except defeating enemies longer lol

    how did you beat Veers challenge.
  • Juff
    24 posts Member
    Wow I have a team of 4 7* jedi and a 6 star yoda all at 73 and 74 and I can't finish the last normal light side battle.
  • Rafini
    299 posts Member
    Yeah even the bounty hunter challenge is oddly hard now. I almost got killed with a level 73 team 7 stars and gear level 8 in the first round against those dumb robots. The fun part of this game was getting levelled up to be able to actually win those battles. If they keep making them ridiculous and time consuming then what's the point. Eventually it will be impossible to win them if you don't put a crazy amount of hours a day into this game just to maybe win.
  • Rafini
    299 posts Member
    I'll play mlb the show 16 on hard mode if I want to feel like wasting 2 hours in a single match
  • FhernalKeze
    7 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Once you have Jedi Masters and Sith Lords fighting the AI. Now you have a bunch of younglins facing monsters with training swords.

    Where is all the time, money and effort put on the game during months???
  • ElGuapu
    190 posts Member
    jet fuel can't melt steel beams

  • Eleiem
    334 posts Member
    I'm loving the changes.
    Specially GW, it brings back the old days with the other retreat mechanism. GW is now fun, more challenging, and it has strategy. That's what I want.
    And the arena where we now have much more options than the high-DPS/high-speed is great. And that comes from a top2 for the last month and a half.
    Thanks Devs for an awesome update!
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    Upgrade gear for free? I'm out of credits yet I can still upgrade gear. Wt**** this update is crap
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    Hendel wrote: »
    I have spent months on this game every day and now it is like I got knocked down a few pegs. I cannot defeat Tarkin and Verrs on the challenge and had a team that I developed that could lay them to waste. I am just upset that they decided to change things because of a vocal few and now we have to suffer.

    I hope there is something good with this update but I have yet to find it.

    The same happened to me. Even with all my 7 stars, 73 lv, and all geared (til possible) characters, I couldn't beat those monsters. My IG-86 now is destroyed by Imperial Officials.
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    Crusader wrote: »
    Today's patch broke a whole lot of stuff with the game. The whole thing felt like a 6 year old stole dad's keys to the liquor cabinet, got wasted, and hit Enter. Seriously. It's like no one tested any of this even as a joke.

    1. Simple - portrait tracker of targetted enemy does not do what it's supposed to.

    2. The protection/shield feature you put in was something that literally no one requested ever. It's like the quote "Sexy Prius" - said no one ever. Same thing here. The whole idea of shield is just stupid. I actually am all for not dying in 2 hits (we've all had games against QGJ and Dooku teams that leaves my 5 player team to 4 even before I get any say in this), but the implementation is just not working. Increase the health points coefficient per level or gear tier or whatever, but protection is just dumb.

    3. The health bars. Who thought the design of these is nice or even works? Can't tell how much health a toon has. Also it seems to be progressively stacked i.e. the first 2/3s of the health bar barely move. Then the last third can be taken out by a main attack from a low damage dealer character. Just complete clusterfu**.

    4. Dodges, dodges everywhere! Since patch the amount of dodge in the game seems to have gone through the roof. Example - my last Arena match I ran out of time on the 5 minutes. That NEVER happens. NEVER! I always have good 3 minutes left on timer. 2 minutes left if the team had like Daka, Sid, Lumi, JC + on the team and everything went to **** on RNG. This last game I had 5 characters left, and my 5 minutes were up while the opposing person had 1 character at full health and 1 was at about 25%. I was going to win this without a doubt, but I needed 2 more minutes. Dodge, after dodge, after dodge, after dodge. On both my team and theirs. Now I don't know, maybe you want Arena games to take 10 minutes (I personally think 3 mins is perfect). But if you want them to be 10 minutes you need to remove the timer limit.

    5. Challenges are broken now (or at least the STR gear one today). I have a team that doesTier IV challenge (lvl 72) on autoplay before the patch. After the patch I could not beat it even if I sold my soul to the devil. I tried like 10 times - can't even kill ONE of the 2 Stage 3 bosses. I went one tier down - to Tier III challenge - I couldn't even do THAT on autoplay. That is 10 levels lower than my current level and with Tier VIII gear and 6 and 7 star characters. Something is seriously broken.

    6. Galactic War is a clusterf*** again. The patch hit when I was on node 9. There's no way in hell to compete this now. We had this problem about a month ago or so. Are we there again? Where GW is basically unwinnable unless you get the nod from God, and every single RNG plays in your favor and it happens once every 3 months?

    Come on guys. You had a good game going. How about play testing a patch before you release it to the public? I know I'm done spending money. I've probably sunk good $80-ish in here. Not worth it. Game used to be fun. Not anymore. Time to move on unless this gets rolled back and/or fixed pretty darn quick.

    You put in about 80ish dollars, hell I put in 800ish dollars and this is the thanks we get an don't ever think that your going to beat the GW again unless you have about 50 toons all at level 80 with 7*s, level 8 or higher gear, and all the abilitys maxed out
  • ElGuapu
    190 posts Member
    Hendel wrote: »
    I have spent months on this game every day and now it is like I got knocked down a few pegs. I cannot defeat Tarkin and Verrs on the challenge and had a team that I developed that could lay them to waste. I am just upset that they decided to change things because of a vocal few and now we have to suffer.

    I hope there is something good with this update but I have yet to find it.
    At least they'll know what a real stuffed suggestion box looks like. It was prolly the same crybabies who had my FOTFP nerfed which I paid and worked my **** off for way back when...I bounced back though with "cookie cutter" droid Poe team that they prolly don't like either...working my way to Lobot wth delusions of grandeur for Grievous in the next year...dunno now, except these threads are becoming as entertaining and addictive as the game ever was.
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    I absolutely HATE this update now... Everything is horribly hard now.. Not challenging but just frustrating... I can't even do GW in peace now it's just a beast fest from the other side . I give up . If I get to 80 and it still feels like this I gotta over think how much I play this... Or how much I spend..
  • ElGuapu
    190 posts Member
    Eleiem wrote: »
    I'm loving the changes.
    Specially GW, it brings back the old days with the other retreat mechanism. GW is now fun, more challenging, and it has strategy. That's what I want.
    And the arena where we now have much more options than the high-DPS/high-speed is great. And that comes from a top2 for the last month and a half.
    Thanks Devs for an awesome update!
    If the old retreat function is back that's one saving grace....in my rage I didn't check that...I gave them a piece of my mind on that go round, but never heard back....
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    Why do you guys change the game so much, it not getting better with each update but progressively worse.
    Such a waste of a once great game.
  • Pstyle
    14 posts Member
    Ruined my favorite game.
  • Pete
    1 posts Member
    Total crap. Makes me wonder why I've wasted so much time playing this game. F'n sucks. Not happy.
  • ElGuapu
    190 posts Member
    ElGuapu wrote: »
    Eleiem wrote: »
    I'm loving the changes.
    Specially GW, it brings back the old days with the other retreat mechanism. GW is now fun, more challenging, and it has strategy. That's what I want.
    And the arena where we now have much more options than the high-DPS/high-speed is great. And that comes from a top2 for the last month and a half.
    Thanks Devs for an awesome update!
    If the old retreat function is back that's one saving grace....in my rage I didn't check that...I gave them a piece of my mind on that go round, but never heard back....
    Nope...I must have misunderstood...still the same boring **** retreat and reset and replay...
  • Kosar
    84 posts Member
    I'm not mad, this is just wildly disappointing... Been playing since the first week of December, seen all the changes, wanted more of a challenge, was annoyed sometimes by the one shotting of some fights...but...

    When it comes down to it, simply making fights take 5 to 10 times longer than they used to isn't a challenge in anything but patience. It's not frustrating, it's just boring. I never used auto, I won GW every night but it was never a walk in the park, I have a deep roster and am one of only 3 or 4 top 20 arena teams on my server that isn't a copy cat team that I like playing weird with occasionally...

    But playing this long and doing what I've done was because the length of time it takes to, say, get 7* Rey (3 months) was ok because the game play itself was fast and I didn't have to think too long on any given day because this was a speedy little fun time waster....

    I've invested money and time already, and the gear grinds are longer now but that's manageable because that's what a game is. But now my usual 2 hour of game play each day just took me 2 hours to do 25% of what I used to do... That's too much. Too much time, too much boredom, too many more times hitting buttons I was already hitting too much... This was a mobile time waster, if I wanted to commit mmo time to it, I'd be on my pc for the new time involved.

    I saw someone say that if the game had started this way, no one would think twice about it... Which is true, but I wouldn't have played a game this slow for almost 5 months... I might've lasted 5 hours, which is about what I lasted today...

    Shut this thread down or merge it or whatever. It's fine. There is enough anger in these forums every change, and this time isn't any different, but considering we haven't see a complete change in almost every mechanic like this one did, I think everyone has valid opinions regarding this becoming a competely different game than the one we invested in... literally in this case, it changed overnight. If the mechanics were aimed at getting us to spend more money (like the gear changes), there's no complaint. You can't buy crystals to make the actually game play faster, and that's where this game just fell apart imo.
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    I have to say I'm normally one for change - but this is absolute tripe.

    I have reasonably high ranking characters where I can normally complete the challenges and so on with relative inattention, as others have commented I have to drop several tiers now to even get close to completing them.

    The armour stuff is complete bollocks.

    People who say the update is good - are you playing a different game to me?

    It's not fun anymore I'm almost tempted to not play it. I will continue to give it a go - but I am not hopeful.

    This is just another sneaky way of making it harder so that you spend money on the game.

    Fortunately I completed round 7 for the light/dark side already, I tried to do them again since the update, and I cannot complete the higher levels. Thank goodness for sim tickets eh?

    I generally like the game - it's free after all - but this is a complete disaster for an update./
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    I have never wanted to cheat so bad
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    Hi all. I'm new to the forum and have been playing the game only a couple of months or so, so please bear with me if I step in it occasionally...I come by my ignorance honestly.

    I was doing well enough with the game that I actually started to spend a little money on it. I hadn't gotten any of my characters to 7* yet, but I do have a couple of 6*. Cue the update. I do like the protection for Gear Level VII and up. I feel like I have a bit of breathing room to build them up level or star wise. What I don't like is the health of every one of my characters seemed to take a major hit, so protection isn't that cool an addition. Battles I could win yesterday, I'm getting my butt handed to me now. Kind of demoralizing.

    So, if I'm losing challenges I used to win, it stands to reason that I'm not even coming close to getting the new challenge won (the one to prepare us for guilds). I'm open to any suggestions right now. I loved this game yesterday. Today I absolutely hate it. And as of now, no way will I participate in a guild unless it levels the playing field back to where it was. It was difficult enough, but doable. Now it's ridiculously difficult. No way do I throw dollars to that.

    Thanks for allowing me my rant. Hopefully enough folks complain and some adjustments get made. I'm not opposed to a difficult game, just one that is reasonably difficult.
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    Having played many different types of these sorts of squad based type "free"meium games, I'm quite familiar with the M.O.

    This game started out good. After a few months it hasn't done anything to even make me want to spend a single dime on it. I could overlook how my 5 Jedi/Sith could potentially lose a fight to the combined might of Greedo, Imperial Officer, Mob Enforcer, Ewok Elder, and Jar Jar Binks. I could overlook the fact that the biggest SW hero, a guy named Luke, was reduced to a dude with a rifle. I even slogged thru the pain of grinding every achievement to unlock SWs most ruthless villain.... DARTH VADER.... only to have him trounced by the combined might of the previously mentioned 5 SW nobodies. I was still getting a good mix of 2 to 3 star chars that made the difference in battles. THEN.... I hit "the wall".....

    The worst of the worst summary is as follows:

    1. Mission Timers - I mean, really? Why not just let the players play what we want to play when we want to play it?
    2. Character diversity - I would estimate that 85% of the player base is playing with the same 12 characters. Most of these are the easily farmable ones from GW and SA. It lends for a fantastically repetitive experience.
    3. Availability of Shards - 1/2 per day from the LightDark Battles = months of farming a 7 star. Zzzzz..... wake me when its over. Cantina Shards? Slightly better with much duller characters at low levels. Reference #2
    4. Gear - Over-complicated item build structures result in many wasted finger taps. Similar drop rate between differing energy costs. Inconsequential gear, as most of your ability to hit hard depends on your star rating. See #2.
    5. Challenges (Post Update) - Unapologetic grinds with no purpose other than to trade time for items. I used to be OK with them, but post update it seems like the "attackers" node is sooo broken.
    6. Events - Fantastically lame and inconsequential unless you somehow farmed and trained that one particular char they pulled out of their butts. Devs: "Ah! We developed this whole event - BUT - you don't have Ewok Elder so........ yeah.... sorry." Ref #2
    7. The Sham shop - Before I was going to make chromium card purchases with real cash. However, I was smart and patient and saved all my earned purple crystals until I could buy the 8 pack+free char. I am.... SO .... glad I never spent real cash. 12 shards and I got a few of those coveted 2 to 3 star char bumps... and some really great (NOT) freebie chars. No surprise, I didn't even get that Ewok elder that I needed. I'm not going to waste my money on a roll of your "random" dice. Play straight with me. 50 shards of a char I like for 15 dollars? I'd likely bite. 15 bux for a shot at 12 shards of someone of your choosing? Pass. Ref #2

    Suggestions to fix these 7 problems? I'm sure they have all been repeated in these forums. I won't waste the time. In 3 short words: MARVEL FUTURE FIGHT.

    For the moment, this game is teetering on the edge of deletion. The latest update isn't helping with the gross negligence of including the MUCH needed Dooku nerf.

    For now.... ROCK ON mob enforcer. ROCK ON first order cafeteria worker. ROCK ON Gungan Medic. ROCK ON Eeth Koth (Didn't Sidious kill him in like, 2 seconds in the movie?)

    You are the real Star Wars Heroes.
  • Seknos
    306 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    The idea of rebalancing the game and bring more strategy and diversity was good.
    The execution of it was poor.
    Adding protection, adjusting defense and nerfing damage at the same time was definitely too much.

    The nerf on Yoda, a character very difficult to obtain was excessive.

    His basic attack nerf is correct.
    His masterstroke does for me around 700 less damage (1,7k before, 1k now), the grand master yoda now does baby ewok damage.
    His unstoppable force move was doing correct damage, now it is doing just a little bit more than his basic attack. If the idea was to give him 2 basic attacks one having a long cooldown, that is a success.

    The grind in this game is really hard a lot harder than in other similar games, but we do accept it because we love star wars and we love this game.

    The big issue with this update is that it gives us the impression that time, effort and money invested in this game do not matter very much. That one day an update can make it all irrelevant.

    On a positive note the omega challenge is a good addition and the advantage change is good.

    Arena battles, Galactic war and Challenges are all more difficult they do consume more of our time and give the same rewards as before. Increasing those rewards would have been a good idea.
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    I was hoping that if you had any protection left it would goto zero for the incoming attack, but wouldn't go into your health. Also I was hoping excessive healing would go into the protection meter.
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    This update is horrible, the shields are the worst addition to the game since the new keycard battles, alongside that I can't win a single arena fight as it ends in a draw because the timer is done, challenges take 10 minutes(if the droids don't demolish you), The Earth Day event is good but the rest of the additions are useless and irritating. PLEASE REMOVE SHIELDS!
  • Rafini
    299 posts Member
    Yeah I'm out. It was fun but the time needed to do this is too much now. Everything comes down to advantage of spending money whereas before it helped but wasn't entirely necessary (I spent maybe 10 dollars total).

    Now ironically enough even the whales can't put infinite money into this game to gain an advantage because it's turned into a stupid game. You can't win the simplest challenges anymore, and even if a whale put enough money in to get to level 80, they'd need to put infinite more in to get omega mat refreshes to level up to stand a chance.

    It was fun before when whales had an advantage of getting things a little quicker and I was always playing some form of catch up, but now it's not actually a fun game and at the rate of "upgrades" to this game, no one will EVER have a position of power ever.
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    MosDefJeff wrote: »
    My biggest issue right now is the amount of time these battles take. More time spent in a battle is not a substitute for content. The protection seems unnecessary. By retooling damage and health, you could create a similar effect without the visual confusion of another bar for each character on the screen. This is a mobile game, simplicity should be at the forefront of the design. And if you ever have Yoda after he grants BM to others, the screen is practically unreadable.

    The speed and ove were fine. I'm okay with decreasing and increasing character damage and health to make more toons viable.

    Overall, the additional time needed to complete the same events is not something I appreciate. I'm not about to rage quit, but my playing time will have to decrease. My spending will have to decrease as well because I can't complete things as quickly.

    For me, the real test will be tomorrow's GW. I am gravely concerned of the time commitment required for that now. And quite frankly, that may push me to reconsider whether or not I make any additional investment.

    + 1
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    SWGOH is now only 2 stars on the Apple iStore.
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    The lack of communication is a problem. They post one thing and do something totally different. I would rather they not post at all. It seems all they wanted to do was slow the game down. This is a mobile game. If I wanted to take all day to do needless crap then I would play an open world console or PC game. And nerfing characters that were already bad makes little to no sense at all. I see an exodus of players coming. I will try to stick around to see guilds implemented but it is getting real hard to justify the direction this game is headed towards.
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