4/14 Update: General Comments Megathread


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    lol @ FEEL

    If it's true that the game updates will provide better rewards for people who spend real $$$ then I'm okay with that. Maybe they should just start charging for everything in the game to filter out the people who whine about not being able to auto-victory.
  • ilyanor
    310 posts Member
    I'mm trying to give a consistent review of the update:
    1- Galactic Wars: The issue about Protection was foresighted by many users.. People under lev 70 won't never complete their wars. I can (at lev 74 with 11 chars at lev70 and 6 at 74), but it takes much more time, something like an hour.. i don't have find it fun.
    2- Arena: the combination of the 2 changes you have done (Protection and Damage reduction) have created a potential monster.. I said potential. Royal Guard, Dooku and Daka togheter + 2 dps can be a devastating team. The problem is in RG, she can me the best tank in the story of the game. Too much hp and no internal coll down on his passive.
    3- Challenges: i've been able to auto the Agi Challenge. I'm worried about Mace's challenge. in the end i think it will be a waste of time and resources..
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    Initial reaction on latest update:
    Most healers, particularly Jedi Consular, now crippled.
    Because healing doesn't affect Protection, tanks are harder to heal -- there's a smaller window of time when they can be healed (ie healing has to wait until after Protection has been eliminated, but before they're dead). Heals that used to restore significant chunks of the tank's lifebar now can only affect a significantly smaller amount of the tank's total health pool.
    Jedi Consular's heals now border on useless. The game text states that "each ally recovers Health equal to [a percentage] of Jedi Consular's Max Health." Jedi Consular now has nearly half the Max Health as before the 4/14 update, effectively halving his already-low (but frequent) heal ability.
    Similarly, any healer that restores a percentage of a hero's Max Health is also significantly less effective at their primary role because every character's Max Health has been lowered.
    I used to be able to heal my team back into decent shape before starting round 3, but no longer -- once Protection is gone, that's "health" that can never be regained.
    I'll try different team compositions, but I feel that offensive teams with a damage-interceptor (like Clone Wars Chewbacca or Royal Guard) will now rule the roost.
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    I don't get you folks...

    Until now, you had to do the same battles every day and ended up either victorious or not. And you made progress, now everyone is thrown back by a lot, but the game itself did not change.

    Don't get me wrong, there is need for quite a lot of fine-tuning for this update, but otherwise it hasn't really changed. Do all the stuff you did till now, and you will progress. Honestly, what is the fun in auto-battle?

    All those whiners about "you ruined my game, I´ll leave now". Really, something became harder than you thought, now you'll go? Come on, thats ****. (Here I'd like to opt for a toon called ****!)

    @Developers - please look into the following issues!

    - GW is really hard to complete (I had only minor problems until now) but protection makes it unbalanced
    - Challenges became a pain in the butt. Strength and Int, are not really completable atm. maybe they are a bit bugged.
    - I too think that you have overdone the balancing, now you pushed it into the other direction (RG is the new Dooku) somewhere in the middle would be much more favourable.
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    Sparrow wrote: »
    @CG_JohnSalera First off I wanted to say thank you for addressing those of us on the forums , it really is nice to know we are being heard.

    I also agree with most of what you said, it makes sense, and something had to be done to the speed meta or it would have crushed the game as time went on, you are 100% correct. And I really dont have anything negative to say about any of that. I want to see how it all works out and go from there.

    I do have two negative comments though.

    1) Galactic War, while I have not yet done it myself as id cleared it pre-update, I will say that the ball was dropped on this. many people had trouble with this before, and the addition of protection just makes GW harder than it was. Everyone could see it coming, yet it was basically ignored in the update. The simplest fix i can think of would be to have protection completely regenerate between battles. that removes the added difficulty of fighting squads with protection after the third node or so and having none of your own. It even makes things a bit easier for those times when one toon is low on health, they will now have a protection buffer so you can heal them.

    2) the challenges, lets call a spade a spade, its a gear grind, you leather rinse repeat 15 times per week to get the gear you need to play the game. There is absolutely no variety in the challenges, and because of that they ARE NOT FUN. no one likes doing the exact same thing over and over again. but before we could just farm up the right toons and hit auto and it was done in a short period. Now it takes twice as long, you have to manually play it, and you still may not win with a well developed squad........

    What was your end game here? what was your idea? you want people to play more, but its got to be fun, all you succeeded in doing here is taking something that was already a chore, albeit a light one cause of auto play, and made it repetitive work....

    If you want to fix the challenges, dial back the difficulty to what it was, and at least make it an easy chore, OR remove the first two encounters (they are time wasting fluff anyway) and dial back the difficulty a little. you dont want people to auto it, then remove the auto, dont make it feel like the yoda event that you have to win 15 times per week (hell im assuming 45 times per week cause i dont expect the others to be better)

    And just one final comment, i have no idea what the tank challenge will be like, but I am assuming like me most people have half farmed a bunch of tanks just for that challenge, i know most of mine are sitting in the mid 50's at 3-4 stars just for the tank challenge. and while the new meta seems to be making them relevant again, if i have to farm them all up to 7* level 70+ to have a hope of beating the challenge...... well i will probably throw int he towel at that point as im not sure i will want to spend the next 2 months doing that, for some gear materials....

    I agree with this post completely. The OP said my thoughts exactly. I play this game to have fun and do the challenges quickly before I go to work. What it comes down to is this - I no longer have the time or wish to spend the time to play the game to the extent that I want to. I've been playing since 4 days after launch, but all you've succeeded in doing with this update is making me quit.
  • The6000pesoman
    10 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    All im going to say is i dont like 2 things, that i did 3 arena battles and ran out of time on each, all of the challenges aren't that much more difficult, but they take so much longer and feel like a chore. And the protection system puts you in more of a disadvantage in galactic war where they have it and all their specials and protection so we at a bad health disadvantage and we have to use our specials and cant stack for beginning of round or we will be going into next battle with even less health. Made gw take sooooooo long. May give up cuz i cant do stuff on break at work cuz it takes 2 long
  • Code
    1 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    winning Galaxy Wars after the update will be very tough after the update and the protective shield will disappear for us , opponents will have them fully active
  • NightwingTR
    169 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Congrats! Ea or CG u messed up this game?!?!?!?! I want my credits back ! I want back my spent time !!! This is not Balance this is Genocide to F2Players
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    7D ds mission goes impossible now, clone sergeant move way faster than before.
    Wondering why kill by dot can be rollback back then while this fraud update can't.
    Way to go dev's
    the cake is a lie
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    I agree with many of the comments. the time it takes to play arena and all the events has significantly made this game a lot less attractive. all of my arenas timed out so far, and i was winning. due to length of battles GW was hardest for me to complete and some of the gear challenges i don't even bother with. I don't have the time, now its worse.
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    NDSnyder wrote: »
    I don't get you folks...

    All those whiners about "you ruined my game, I´ll leave now". Really, something became harder than you thought, now you'll go?

    No, it's not that it became "harder".
    To win GW, you need a broad variety of characters at high levels. To obtain these, you have to farm a lot.
    Or pay real money.
    I did both. But I concentrated on characters I like in the SW-Universe - which aren't necessarily the ones EA created as "strong" characters. Take a look at Stormtrooper-Han Solo. He burned Greedo mercyless to the ground in the movies. What can he do in GoH? He can throw a soft cushion at Count Dooku. All shards farmed for nothing...
    I lost most of GWs and Arena-fights. My Top-5 are all 7*/VII-characters, Lvl 73.
    For GW, I brought severall characters to lvl 70, ading three more 7*-characters (8 7*-characters is not that bad, I suppose). That would also give me more options in the Arena.

    Now my overall-team is in good condition, and I hoped to win my 6th GW in the near future. Instead EA decided that we need Level 80 now, and we would need todays update.
    Which means that my 6th GW-win will happen sometimes in 2017, I suppose. And that I will continue to lose Arena-fights against weaker teams.
    This is not challenging, it is frustrating. Is being frustrated fun? No, it's not (for me).
    Will I leave? After 150 € I spent?! No. I will play on, but without fun. If this is, what EA's aimed at? Besides aiming at my purse, hoping that my frustration grows so big that I will spend real money. No, I will not do this any more.
    Sorry, EA, no more money from me.

  • Maxxx80
    2 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    What a disastrous update!
    I want my money back!

    Too bad about the whole time invested.
    The game is death for me.
  • Londo
    16 posts Member
    I will give the update a few days. On the face of it, I actually like that it is more challenging and you have to think of your team composition more.

    1. GW. Yep, its harder. Being the main source of credit income, this is the one that has probably frustrated the user the most. But it is doable. I only have about 8 maxed characters, and used 6 to get through. I have Barriss but lost her half way, and still got through. Retreat is your friend. Yes it takes longer, but as its the part of this I actually enjoy, its OK.

    2. Challenges. Yep, definitely harder. This is a tough one. For a normal battle (LS/DS/Cantina) if you three star it, you get to sim (or auto) previous missions. I can still auto the credit challenge, but had to play the attacker one. I don't mind playing if the reward was better (e.g maybe credits, like 30k to 50k depending on tier - and gear obviously)

    3. Arena. Way too early to tell. I had dropped out of top 50, and have poor tanks (Chewie was the hardest to kill in GW by the way), and without a DPS most fights against tanks end up in a draw thanks to the timer.

    The update will take a bit of getting used to, but I think the mindshift from speed and one shifting to diversity will be better in the long run. My two cents.
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    This update is terrible. All the time and effort I've spent playing this game feels wasted now with all my characters being significantly weakened. I have lost the desire to play anymore. Fantastic work as always EA.
  • DarthZaius
    10 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Rate the game 1 star on your app store.

    They'll listen, especially with the WWF event going. It's an Editor's Choice game right now and these issues need to be addressed.

    The speed of this game is now ridiculous. It was tedious before but having the game on Auto-Play and just knowing when to chime in was almost comforting in a way. Now the game demands precision for the same rewards, if not less, than were offered before.

    I would have expected (preferred): new challenges updating with player level, new character challenges, themed challenges (Jedi, Nightsister, Ewok, Rebel, etc.), new arena environments, new materials to equip new abilities, new character skins, higher gold payouts, weekly challenges, more Shipment choices,

    Or maybe now: An ability to restore protection bars for some characters?

    Much to do, when balance to the force is attempted.
  • Nauros
    5429 posts Member
    At first, I entered the arena with my QGJ led Jedi and was all "****, this update sucks!"
    Then I changed my leader to Yoda and it was pretty sweet. So overall, good job on getting rid of speed ruling everything, although I am a bit afraid that speed leaders will now be completely useless.
    What is much worse is GW and challenges, without refreshing protection we get significant disadvantage after the first battle. Some characters should have been released or revamped to refill protection.
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    Regarding the update I feel it is going to the right direction. I believe it requires some tuning (there it comes a positive feedback to the developers) but generally I like it.


    Before the update I was finishing the GW with one team and autoing the last 3 battles. I was finishing it very quickly without any problem.
    After the update I also finished it but is was a little more hard. I didn't like the fact that the heroes did not "rest" (replenish anything while sitting at the bench but I believe this is something to be fixed). I managed to finish it , only had problem at fight 11. It took me more time and defenetely more effort. I had to think.....

    Before the update challenges was like something I had to do. An obligation. Open the challenge and autoing it.
    After the update I realised that autoing sis not work anymore :( I had to play the game :( in order to finish the challenge. After I stopped autoing it and kept my cds for the boss at the end , with a little strategy also , challenges where done. It took me again a little more time and also I had to think again ..... pfffff

    Arena is much more interesting since I can now use different characters and I believe that the arena scenario will change since before you just had to put dooku as leader and enjoy :)

    In general I believe the game after the update requires from you to play it instead of just hitting the sim/auto button and get the loot. I am sure there are plenty of slot machine games out there to just press a button and wait for your loot. SW is not like this...... and I like it even more now.

    I believe the next few weeks with some tuning and with the start of guild wars the game will be even more competitive and fun :)

    p.s. I am a f2p player started December. My roster is decent and all the above are feasible without spending any big money to the game. It requires some time though , If you started the game 1 month ago do not expect to have the same results without spending or without having a decent patience.....
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    I kind of like the update (haven't done GW yet though) but challenges suck. They are not harder, I still do the same as before but it TAKES AGES. Bye bye challenges during lunch break. Fix that and I will be happy.

    PS: Shaking meta is a good thing and I am glad one shot GS is gone.
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    Just wanted to weigh in because this was a huge change to the way the game is played. Firstly, I think it's great that the devs are as involved in updating and adding content to the game as they are. Thanks for continuing to keep the game fresh, competitive, and rewarding.

    I mostly love the changes you have made. Arena battles feel like much more of a "battle", rather than just a massacre one way or the other based on who's dooku stun went off or who's Poe went first, etc. I find them much more fun to play because each attack or ability decision is more tactical. I personally have had no issues with time being a problem like I used to at low level, but if other people are then extending the timer might be helpful.

    Regular and challenge battles do seem markedly harder, but not impossible. That seems okay from what I have tested so far, but we haven't seen the full cycle of challenged yet. Since it IS a mobile game that people play on the go, if a significant portion of the player base finds that long challenges aren't fun or viable, maybe adding *s and aim ticket options for challenges you have 3*ed would not be a bad idea.

    My only real issue with the new content is galactic war. I just don't think the new additions balance well over so many battles. Unlike in normal battles, there is virtually no way people's protection will survive many battles to slowly restore after each battle, especially since it can't be healed. I managed to make it to the 11th battle today, which I can deal with. My real concern is that players just reaching the levels where they are encountering teams with protection will not be able to advance, and galactic war tokens are a BIG part of developing your first solid team in the mid game. Some possible suggestions would be:
    1. don't use protection stat in galactic war
    2. Have all characters fully refresh protection between each battle
    3. Or give everyone 400 galactic war tokens in the daily activities so lower level players can still build up.

    As a final note, I have tried to look at the update through objective, unbiased eyes, but so you know where my biases might be: I am a mostly f2p player who occasionally drops some money and has been playing on and off since January and seriously since mid February. I have a mediocre Jedi team and a pretty good Jedi team, just hit 70 two days ago, and took 3rd on my server today.

    Thanks for all the hard work guys! You have built a very engrossing, enjoyable game.
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    I guess the game is heading in a right direction, I think, given a few more balancing (Jedi Consular is pretty useless now). Despite that, the direction the game is heading is not the one I want. Until now, I was very happy with the lenghts of the fight. Nothing was over 5 minutes and each time I had a break, during the day, I pushed the buttons for my daily tasks and I really enjoy it.

    Not anymore. The challanges are impossible for me to complete now (I wasted 20 minutes trying to beat Savage challange with no success, because I guess the speeds have changed and my healer is almost skipped turn), and everything takes a huge time to complete.

    I think the game is much more challenging now, which is good, but a game it suposed to be fun. It shouldn't be impossible for dailies to be completed for lower level players, and the time invested to complete all the dailies is raised to hours. Personally, I can't really spend that much time in the game, now required over two hours per day. 1 hour per day was OK, but now... No way.

    Thank you for freeing me from it. :)

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    It was bad enough when the key battles event disappeared and took fiscal solvency with it, but it seems that all this update has done is make the game take ridiculously long to play. Protection,s main effect is to interfere with healing rythm and diminish the value of healers altogether, while the silly omega mats challenge is just cruel-- making it so you need Kylo Ren to kill Han Solo is something only a Trekkie would do. If the intent was to make spending cash an absolute necessity, that worked; getting people to put their money into the game as it is now is another matter altogether.

    What the game needs is an adjustment to experience, credits, materials, and gear so that the rewards and costs are in line with the twice-increased level cap.
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    Well i've read a few pages but i thought i'd chime in on this. I don't really post on here. I've spent plenty of time and money on this game and really enjoy it. The patch , specfically the protection feature is just not good. GW is just annoyingly difficult now, i have a full 7 star lvl 72 team and after the first few battles they now have no protection which you can't get back. It means you have to swap the toons out for others which is just irritating. The end game focus is on pvp, i need the money from GW but don't make it harder for me. It's just boring. The protection system itself not only seems wholely indequeate in the challenges (where on the top difficulty Cad Bane one shots 4 characters dead, 4 turns in a row... and GW you have to change your characters out a lot more often making the whole thing longer and even more of a grind.

    As for Pvp which now takes a lot longer, which would be fine, but it looks to me like the characters haven't scaled up properly. Poggle used to be so much stronger than he is now, IG-88 is a lot more squishy than he used to be.

    Really dissapointed in the update and the other cooler features which your bringing it have been tarnished. I for one will not be spendign anymore money on this until this stuff is sorted out.
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    NDSnyder wrote: »
    I don't get you folks...

    Until now, you had to do the same battles every day and ended up either victorious or not. And you made progress, now everyone is thrown back by a lot, but the game itself did not change.

    Don't get me wrong, there is need for quite a lot of fine-tuning for this update, but otherwise it hasn't really changed. Do all the stuff you did till now, and you will progress. Honestly, what is the fun in auto-battle?

    All those whiners about "you ruined my game, I´ll leave now". Really, something became harder than you thought, now you'll go? Come on, thats ****. (Here I'd like to opt for a toon called ****!)

    @Developers - please look into the following issues!

    - GW is really hard to complete (I had only minor problems until now) but protection makes it unbalanced
    - Challenges became a pain in the butt. Strength and Int, are not really completable atm. maybe they are a bit bugged.
    - I too think that you have overdone the balancing, now you pushed it into the other direction (RG is the new Dooku) somewhere in the middle would be much more favourable.

    Youre missing the point. The end game isn't about challenges or GW or regular battles, it's just pvp. So all the other stuff you're doing is just for grinding. It's less fun than it ever was, just takes up more time in your day and a lot less rewarding.
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    This game ios just gross now......but all those in top 5 of arena who have been playing the game longer than anyone else that already has a full roster of 7* tanks wins.....they can just put 5 tanks out and not worry about ever dropping in the ladder rankings.

    This has crippled some of the biggest names in the star wars universe and made them less relevant than absolute no bodies.....if you are going to do this crap let it at least be the named characters that is needed.

    And everyone should report bugs/technical errors in the game a slew of times and also make sure to rate the game 1 star...

    This is complete blasphemy against Star Wars as a brand.....

  • Meehigh
    4 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    I don't like your latest update. Especially the fact that the characters' lives have been devided into armor and health. Now it is only half the lives I can heal with healer characters. If a character loses armor in the first round, which can easily happen say in a squad cantina battle, it is predestined that you won't make that round with three stars if you need to. The enemies in challenges seem to have their full lives though, which is somewhat unfair, in case you were going for authenticity. Going into the final round against cad bane with four ot five health bars each character is suicide. He just needs one counter attack to kill each of my characters with one strike, because they don't have an armor anymore. You basically made some parts of the game unplayable with your latest update...
    Also my characters seem to do less damage since the update. Please look into that and maybe rethink that armor-health stuff. Maybe some characters could also have the ability to recharge armor?
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    Disappointed in the new release. Battles I could win, now I lose. Very frustrating. Almost feel like they are trying to push you to spend money in every way possible.
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    I got the update after I had finished GW and the challenges for 4/14, but, despite the horrendous reaction, I wanted to withhold judgement until after I had played it seriously for myself. After 2 hours I can neither win GW nor compete a single AGI challenge with 4, 7/8/72 and several other pretty good toons. Nerfing toons that are too strong is ok, but a 7/8/72 should always reliably beat a 6/7/64, for example and I believe it is more based on the abilities of a toon itself rather than the upgrades that we work so hard to earn. I have to agree with the other criticisms already posted. Protection not regenerating with each stage of GW and not being subject to heal is horrible. Challenge bosses are ridiculously hard. Game play is too slow. Health bars do not provide an intuitive indicator of remaining health. Given the countless hours I have invested so far, even a major update should not negate everything that players have worked so hard to build up to this point. I really thought players were just overreacting, but this update is as horrible as everyone says it is. I'm all for greater balance and the speed issue was a real problem, but not at the expense of fundamentally changing the game and making it nearly impossible to reasonably advance. If it is this hard for a somewhat advanced player, this version must be unimaginably hard for new players. Even if some characters must be nerfed for greater balance, having a maxed out squad should still count for something. Rolling back may seem drastic, but it's actually less drastic than the changes to the game that were just deployed.
  • CPMP
    974 posts Member
    Good job at ruining the game...
    Every update that been added so far was a pile of dung. This was the only update i was so hyped about because it would balance some heroes. And guess what? It didn't event balance them. Slow heroes do EVEN LESS damage! And damage now is a lot more important with protection....You need damage even for Challenges and GW now.
    You added an update which is only purpose was to balance some heroes. Instead, it broke everything, and didn't even balanced the heroes...0/10 at CG team...
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    After a few more hours With the new "update" i'm even more frustrated. As many others i also Loved the fact that i had time to progress in the game despite living my real life at the same time, fx. Clearing the challanges before work, but thats NOT possible any more. And all areas of the game now feels a lot more tidious. It's just not fun. Really what have you been smoking EA?
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    I can understand why the changes have been made, and I might get used to them if I don't delete the game over the next couple of days but what really irritates me is that I spent a lot of money to build a squad that was suited to the old version and now they're useless. I feel robbed.
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