Shakes looking for his shardmates.


  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    Fwiw, the only rex squad in top ten I can beat with wiggs is shakes/sin, and last I fought shakes I lost 3 in a row. I assume that will change when I finish wedge and can ohko toons. But that is already better than what I can do on offense with my max droids. People complain all they want about wiggs ohko, but I don't see any other way wiggs or anyone else will reliably beat rex....on offense even. Well super fast evasion lead is probably good, too, I imagine.

    I dunno what ur payout looks like, but mine usually involves 3 or 4 Rex squads in top 8. And a few wiggs. And cam. Droids don't work against any of that. Droids are especially hopeless against rex and faster droids btw. And only rng against wiggs.
    Post edited by LastJedi on
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    Bumped Drydin out of first in case he was on St John time for being a **** to you guys
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    Bumped Drydin out of first in case he was on St John time for being a **** to you guys

    War of rexes. Great. We all suffer, now, lol.

    I'm done complaining over arena. Will be in the B league until **** happens.
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    Think, I'll be joining you too. Pvp is just plain annoying. I've been moaning about it for 6 months. Think I'm ready to hang up my coat.
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    You guys finish top ten every day. Considering how deep some other shards are that's an achievement alone.

  • GeorgeRules
    1580 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    It's not that that's frustrating. It's the fact that they full on nerfed my squad to death. And I'm being all out punished in pvp because I chose not to farm anakin, rg or rebels. I was too caught up with getting anti droid toons.
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    Dude if your not investing in them, and your still going top five daily, that's kinda
    better then 95% of the players :)
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    P.s. Why the HELL am I putting Anakin in against a Rex team?!? Do I completely have the dumbs?
  • GeorgeRules
    1580 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    Yeah, It's just annoying to be so far behind the meta because while I was trying to find something caminero couldn't beat the devs were building toons to destroy my squad and i was so focussed on cam that i ignored the warning signs that the door was going to be shut on rey and ob. It's entirely my own fault... I'll get back I just don't like that we get herded like sheep because of how unbalanced the toons are.

    P.S looks like jeunesse is at your payout???
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    Cam's more screwed than anyone. His roster is droids, more droids, with a dash of droids on the side and a sprinkle of droids on top.
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    Yeah Cam has great mods, not great toons.

    Dunno with J, he's either mine and not aggressive or something in the middle of the Atlantic time slot between us. He seems to peak around 8p GMT or so.
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    You say that yet I bet he has a stash of crystals bigger than any of us.
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    You say that yet I bet he has a stash of crystals bigger than any of us.

    Well considering he has lvl 80 when I was 72, I am sure he bought a lot. And he hasn't spent much.... so maybe he can gear a new team fast. But the only other meta toon he has, practically, is a gear 8 anni. Even his RG is still gear 8.

    When wiggs comes to roost alongside rex, he will be struggling. And when other people have no one else they can beat, they will learn to beat his droids same as I do. 99% win rate with 4 or 5 toons standing. Cam and robbe, free advance for me.
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    He doesn't spend them though George. I've seen his droids and they are meh, I beat them almost religiously.
    He may HAVE the crystals, I have a guildy with 20k+ crystals but his squad is still horrible...
  • GeorgeRules
    1580 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    Think the moral of the story is that ftp caught up... most likely why they are raising the cap.
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    He has to be farming GG. His bench is so light, there's no other explanation. Unless new droids are released that are uber amazing, he is up **** creek without a paddle.
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    You guys been chatty today lol
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    George u got a paddle but ur heading up **** creek, lol.
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    I've seen his droids and they are meh, I beat them almost religiously.
    His droids are by far the best on the shard. And I light up if I can fight him. Will be awhile before I'm even that high, again, lol. There's almost no way to lose against droids, with the right setup. Even without Rex.

    Guildie with 20K crystals? That is nothing. Now maybe Cam has a huge stockpile of purple gears hoarded up, along with 200K crystals. That would be something. With the bench he has, that is what it will take to get him a new team within a month.
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    I almost dropped the game the other day tbf. Told my guild I had had enough at how unbalanced the game was, that only a few toons are actually worth having at end game as a result and that I didn't see the point in farming the exact same squad as everyone else just to wait for the next reset. It's tiring. They convinced me to wait it out till the next raid. I've been bored for a long time. Don't even know why I still play. The jawa squad was my final project. Then they drop a lvl cap increase and now I'm just slowly detaching myself. Wiggs is more of an excuse to leave than anything. This level cap grind will just wear me out even further. I just find no fun in any aspect of the game anymore.
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    Good advice. If not working on meta toons, i would at least stop with the droid nonsense and hoard crystals and gears. Wait for the raid. Maybe new droid reward will be good. Maybe something else. See what lvl cap brings.
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    Lol, Sindevil just pushed me back... It must be 3/4am where he is.
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    Droid highway was dry today. I started at 22. Ended at 21. I won a single battle, against droid team. :)
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    Yeah it's been boring as heck, even exploiting exploiters in the tourney.
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    I think the only reason I'm still here is because I spent so much on it.
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    It's been boring for awhile. Truth be told it was pretty boring from day one. It's Star Wars. That's why I play. But it's definitely become more autopilot for me. Check it a few times a day. Fight if I gotta. Do daily things. Bank energy and crystals. With the tourney thing over it's back to not spending the beyond the two 50 refreshes and 1 100 refresh on cantina in prep for the increase.
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    Rank 39 today with double taunt... Interesting.
  • Wester
    13 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    Hi guys,

    Will be back next sunday. 4 weeks with playing 10-15 minutes per day really messed up my team, need to farm some propper mods :) - btw Universal Studios was great.

    @george hm, our shard is totaly boring/uninspired by buildng teams for pvp. My guildmates showed me tarkin-lead-Team, some use poe, even boba seems to be an option etc ..

    @aral heya ;) always thought you were gmt+3 or somewhere from russia

    @all line-ID: wester1234 (george, Robbe, ozwald and me rightnow)
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    Glad Florida was great :)

    Glad to hear you're safe as well :)
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    Wester wrote: »
    @all line-ID: wester1234 (george, Robbe, ozwald and me rightnow)

    Robbe? DJ Robbe? THE DJ Robbe? Your GMT+2 guildmate with the droid team? That guy?
    Oh God, please ask him if he targets me specifically constantly because he really really really hates my guts, or if it's just because I'm the only team he can beat in the top5? I'd like to set up a parley, a non-aggression pact, a comprehensive 5-years economic collaboration plan, anything really. I'm offering sexual favors.
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