Shakes looking for his shardmates.


  • GeorgeRules
    1580 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    Maybe if the raid gear was actually only available from the raid, like they said.... However that doesn't appear to be the case.
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    It's been fun guys, I'm taking to the shadows for a while. Have fun.
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    later bud, enjoy your endeavors, it's been a pleasure
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    Plissken...I think he is mountain time. He took first place with 22 minutes left. I was in third with only one battle left. I decided to let him have it. Click on 2, shakes, to take second.... but my team is being attacked. No one in range from behind in my timezone. And only guy that would do this to me is Drydin in 7.

    Wait 5 minutes. Still haven't moved. I know Drydin will beat me on offense almost always, so.... Snake? Haha, gloves are off. I wait and snipe Snake. .... and I am locked in battle, AGAIN.

    I eventually get the battle, I win, and I leave 10 seconds on the clock. Twice I was targeted and did not lose rank. And Drydin wouldn't lose twice. I think snake has some learning to do on how to lock up top spot. :)... like starting with don't lock me up, dude! Lock 4 spot. You would have gotten first place. :)
    Post edited by LastJedi on
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    Sorry if I blocked you, today. I seen it was the bottom of the hour and wanted to try new upgraded team/qgj against drydin. ( Figures only pulls I got from qgj were RG.)

    But I see Drydin was in #1 with just over 2 minutes left, and in hindsight I figure either u were already battling or gonna settle for 2, today, rather than buy a refresh. I got the battle, so I hope I didn't just happen to slip in there while u were attempting. I waited until after the hour to finish the battle, just in case Drydin is in ur timezone. ?

    I actually didnt even realize it was ur timezone until after I was done tbh. I saw u in 2 and figured u were already paid. Cuz u always win. Maybe Drydin sucker punched you and u didn't notice? I still dunno what his time is.
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    It's cool. Don't even stress, I forgot about payout actually. Thankfully I was #2 for about 40 mins.
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    It's been fun guys, I'm taking to the shadows for a while. Have fun.

    Laters dude.
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    Well, George has been as active in arena as ever, anyhow.

    Today, Shakes also didn't finish his arena. He stopped at 4. (And yesterday, he went from teens to 1 in the last nine minutes of his hour, lol. I am counting 3 refreshes, at least.) What's the world coming to?
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    Yeah I got started late the other day. Had to rush. But as long as I took first I'd profit for the expense. And yesterday I was in the battle with Ozzy for first but I had ordered pizza since I was going to have the house to myself for the evening and, of course, it shows up during the fight and the dog was barking its head off. So that one timed out.
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    Ack sorry man

    Mmmm. PIZZA
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    Meh. I'm not really bothered. lol
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    No? Then why do you taunt me with this Pizza?!?
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    Just getting that jaded with the game feeling lately. Starting to feel like a job and not a fun time killer.
  • Aral
    36 posts Member
    @Robbe and Wester: So today we all neatly took our places on ranks #1-3, acting like gentlemen and all was good in this world ... until suddenly Caminero takes #1 a few minutes before our payout, and then chaos ensues.
    What the hell is wrong with this guy? There's no way we can tolerate this B) His payout is one hour after us: We should try and teach him a lesson or he will do this again. Just saying.
  • RobbeRobbeRobbe
    60 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    Yeah, strange things hapend.
    I won against Sindevil and was very happy. I wanted to block you and started the fight then wester told me i'm at 5. I beat you understand you beat me.

    I couldn't win against you and sindevil the last couple of days. Now I beat you both but took 5. Because of caminero :'(

    Edit: I can't win against him his je is faster...
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    @GeorgeRules Your day has came. Time to use them jawas you farmed haha.
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    Yeah, strange things hapend.
    I won against Sindevil and was very happy. I wanted to block you and started the fight then wester told me i'm at 5. I beat you understand you beat me.
    Just FYI, I had no intention to fight you for #1, there was no need to block me. I've decided to leave you and Wester alone as long as you don't push me out of top 3; there's enough room for us 3. (I'm usually up there before you because I do my fights in the morning; there's no competition outside of Sindevil until our payout, that's why I position myself at #2, Sin likes his #1 spot).

    So basically, if not for Cami you would have finished #1 instead of #5.
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited October 2016

    Don't use JE droids. I had a peek at your bench.

    Hk lead, magna, 5s, rg, St han. U win. 100%.

    Kill order
    1. Stun 86
    2. Kill 88, twice.
    3. Kill JE, finally
    4. Kill b2 while 86 is permastunned.
    5. Kill 86
    6. Kill hk.

    Don't waste rg stun on je or b2.

    I don't have 5s. I use biggs. I bet 5s works fine, too. Even cams droids fall to this setup... I dont lose.

    I dont bother to change wiggs out to beat ur team. But I still pull out all the stops for cam. And this setup doesn't lose but once in a blue moon maybe if hk gets blasted off the bat and doesn't rez.:)

    U don't need any special mod setup, unless ur hk is super weak. U might want to swap speed arrow out.
    Post edited by LastJedi on
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    Happy cry!
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    Looking for two new guildies!! Cough... shakes.... cough, vinch???
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    Sounds like a pretty good idea to guild? Good guys. But they lack in power
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    A lot of guilds will be breaking up to beat tank raid.
  • GeorgeRules
    1580 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    Tank raid is super hard. Shakes. We communicate via line. download it if you don't already have it and I will invite you to the group then coordinate from there if your serious. Vinch would also be very welcome. And anyone else given we have space.
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    Ugh I shoulda thought of it first, I'd kill several hordes of baby seals to snatch Shakes up
  • GeorgeRules
    1580 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    How are you finding the raid Oz??? we are mid p2 on heroic. Trying to get +2% without wiggs/jawa is impossible.
  • OzwaldEMandius
    1032 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    Yeah having damage issues too. We're slow as hell but getting there. About 30% are strong, 50% are meh and 20% are.. Collecting coins
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    Oh and we're no where near Heroic

    Don't have nearly enough Wiggs squads to clear normal P1 never mind heroic
  • LastJedi
    3047 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    Looks like Cam fights at all hours. After beating him at 8 in my hour, he fought back, lol. I had already switched my team trying to get a battle on drydin when I got the notification I was being attacked. So when I beat him down, AGAIN, I made an error putting back my droid killer squad. I left Lando in instead of ST Han.

    Lando was wiped in the initial attack. And I still won. lol. The only reason it was even close, at all, was because I missed my first 3 RG stuns after starting with a 4 on 5. And it was still a decisive victory compared to how I beat Shakes (That battle comes down to the wire, every time!). So instead of the 5 to 0 victory I had the first time, I won 2 to 0, with Magna and RG finishing the beat down of HK. At no point was I in any real danger/fear of losing, aside from the initial realization of my squad mistake and watching Lando get fried.

    So go ahead and give Cam a beatdown with the squad I suggested. Now I'm almost positive it will work with 5's subbing for Biggs. He may soon feel the futility of defending with droids.

    On another note, Cam didn't stop there... he did two more battles in my hour. But I noticed he avoided drydin, who I left in 8, and he attacked 9 spot (George) instead. So he has a pact with Drydin, or uber droid teams don't beat everything. Then from 9, he avoided battle for 5, who was Shakes, and he picked on Robbe @6, instead. So our resident droid whale avoiding Rex on offense, even?

    Finaly note. if mo-mo's like cam didn't fight back at all hours, we would all use less time and crystals on arena. Sorry, but George and Durability, you two guys are annoying, too. lol.
    Post edited by LastJedi on
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    I tried your team against Cami and got whiped out i didn't kill one of camis toons. And got Pushed back 5 ranks.

    My team is to weak (IG100 is only 5* G8) .

    How is your success with the AAT? Heroic or Normal?

    We are at 15% P2 at normal.
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    Normal is going to get nerfed IMO. We have some weak fish but also a top 5 collection and about 15 TI walk ins.

    Jmo though
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