Shakes looking for his shardmates.


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    Aral wrote: »
    Wester wrote: »
    @all line-ID: wester1234 (george, Robbe, ozwald and me rightnow)

    Robbe? DJ Robbe? THE DJ Robbe? Your GMT+2 guildmate with the droid team? That guy?
    Oh God, please ask him if he targets me specifically constantly because he really really really hates my guts, or if it's just because I'm the only team he can beat in the top5? I'd like to set up a parley, a non-aggression pact, a comprehensive 5-years economic collaboration plan, anything really. I'm offering sexual favors.

    This made my morning

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    here I am DJ Robbe.

    Aral I attack you because I can beat you.

    Most of the time I can't beat
    - our 2 Rex leads SindevilSix and Veridian Shakes.
    - Caminero 66 he is to fast.

    - Wester is in my Gild.
    - I tried to beat Durability yesterday with his new team and failed.

    I have to attack someone to get rewards...
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    lol! Foreign relations approach. Loving it.
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    i loved the offer of favors :)
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    Oh by the way male or female?
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    Lol @ Robb

    It beats American diplomacy where we hold a gun in one hand and a sandwich in the other and ask you which one you want.
  • Aral
    36 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    Oh by the way male or female?
    I am a very cute (some say attractive, other simply beautiful) young female. I'm also a human being of very high quality, always looking out for others. There's no way I'm lying to try and influence you in showing some compassion, I wouldn't do something like that.

    Anyway, I've taken to call myself "DJ Robbe's cleaning lady" since I'm always cleaning up those Rex teams for you in the top 5, and then when I'm done you send me back to my servants quarters down below.


    PS: If you read this: You can take #3 if you like I won't retaliate; but please do it now and unlock me as soon as you can so that I can try my luck with Sin afterwards. Or just go after Sin and I'll take #2, I can beat Cami.

    Edit: Well this forum is not really designed for real time communication, so I finally took #1 at :55 and locked myself there, because let's be honest I don't trust you to behave: THE CLEANING LADY IS ON STRIKE. B)
    Post edited by Aral on
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    Congratulation for #1.

    Do you have line or something else?
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    Lol that was good
  • GeorgeRules
    1580 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    Lol, Wow... Just wow. This made my day too. Wish I'd seen this earlier. parley ftw. Woke up at rank 44 today.. It appears OB was always easy to beat and people only just realised, will be saying goodbye to the old kodger soon. Not sure what I'll do without mindtricks.
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    Sadly mind tricks was always just a speed bump. It's Bens only card other than the annoying dodge. Other than that...he's just a beefy annoyance to save till last because his attacks are feeble and can be ignored.

    I was once leveling a Ben. I credit your team, George, with making me change my mind. lol
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    Hey peeps. Just FYI, in case I disappear off the forum without a word, it's most likely because I was banned.

    I have been a little lax with my filter, lately, and I'm racking up the points with the moderators. :)

    So just in case, G'bye for now. You guys all rock. Even you goat-humpin mother lovin Rex leads.

  • RobbeRobbeRobbe
    60 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    Hey Aral my lovley Cleaning Lady,

    Thank you for clearing the Rex Team from #1 for me.

    When you have something to comunicate outside the forum we for real time comunication.

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    I thought you beat sin devil... Was gonna congratulate you.
  • Aral
    36 posts Member
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    Lol @LastJedi

    Darn, I thought u droid teams with b2 could beat sin devil and shakes. Durability could, and his droids weren't even that good.
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    Better than yours THO
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    Ok, that came out wrong. Sorry. Yes my droids were the slowest of the slow, at the end. But I thought b2 was the big difference.
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    Lol np, yes b2 was key for me to start beating Rex + having 88 and 86 having 211% critical damage. (Triangle mod with critical damage)
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    Durability wrote: »
    Lol np, yes b2 was key for me to start beating Rex + having 88 and 86 having 211% critical damage. (Triangle mod with critical damage)

    Ok. I assume every top 10 droid team has crit 211%. I had that on all 4 droids. Only reason mine didn't at the end was cuz i already transferred a lot of good mods to my other squads. At that point I was mostly using droids on defense for whatever street cred they still had, lol.

    I admit I haven't checked robbed team in awhile, cuz it don't matter to me. I beat cams, urs, robbes, using tanks, and the mods don't matter at all.
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    My Droids don't have 211 Crit Damage
    i have no luck, i can't get the 5* crit triangles :-(
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    I don't have 211% crit damage toons either. Never bothered to farm Jawa scavenger until now lol. 40 shards from unlocking him.
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    Funny part is he's easy compared to Eng. I think they are all useless as **** on a bull but the mods are nice.
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    Engineer is who I meant. I have 4 of the jawas lol
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    Who will be the first one to hit 81?

    Any guesses?
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    Not me I'm conserving. Costs 10k to save 8 days..... I'll enjoy using those when I get there.
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    Apparently I've maxed out on energy you can bank. Can't buy anymore lol
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    Not Me, I'm down to like 6k and not willing to buy anymore atm
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    Thanks again Cleaning Lady. I like our arrangement <3

    I tried to beat sindevil and go for second and let you get first, but I lost 2 times in a row.
  • Aral
    36 posts Member

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