Poe Dameron is too powerful in Squad Arena. Nerf in the coming update?


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    I'm not a whale at all, but I am always in the top 5 in my battle group sometimes the top 10. I don't use him but almost every other person in the top 10 does. In my honest opinion I feel like hes broken, and that's because I've seen him work in so many types of teams that he is almost a character that can be placed in any comp and work really well. Don't misunderstand my intent when saying this, I don't think characters shouldn't be powerful, I just don't think they should be powerful in almost any scenario. Poe is one of those characters and he is extremely hard to deal with since his speed is so fast that he protects people that you need to kill before you get murdered.

    Couple that with the fact that most characters that can remove the taunt like my 7 Star Assajj Ventress are so unnecessarily slow (its common for an Darth Sid/C. Dooku to go twice before she goes once) that I cant do anything to stop it but pray I that the computer AI makes a dumb choice. It's not very balanced. The teams I see the most are basically Poe with bursters like FOTP, Leia, etc. The other teams have Poe with aoe comps with Kylo Ren, Darth Sid, etc. I'd say more than 60 percent of my matches start with me having 1 person dead before I can react. I have tried many comps (tenacity, hp, burst, etc.) to try and combat it but its not as effective as just running my own Poe but I refuse to do that.

    It's bad enough that most people feel like they have to run Darth Sid or the occasional Cap. Phasma as viable leaders to be very competitive. Now with Poe in the mix it's starting to get old. I play this game because I thought it would be super cool to make crazy combinations of dream teams that synergize well. Right now I don't really get to do that unless I love seeing myself get murdered haha!

    I don't like to bring up an issue without also bringing up a possible solution. The thing I thought of is mostly just lowering the chance of exposing players, and adjusting either his speed or raising the speed of characters that have a chance at removing buffs (cough* cough* Assajj Ventress haha). The other thing I liked at first but have come to loathe is that I have no idea what team I am about to encounter in pvp. Being able to see the team comp you are about to fight and having the option to set a specific team comp as your defense team only would be really beneficial. It would promote counter play and help incentivize people to branch out more and collect more characters. That helps people like me have fun making interesting teams, it helps curb some of the monotony, and it also promotes more shard farming and revenue for the creators of the game. I'm sure there could be more potential solutions, but this is all I could think of at the moment. What do you all think?

    TLDR: Poe needs a slight tweak, PVP needs some diversity. For the love of all that is holy give Assajj Ventress more speed.
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    I think Asajj or Mace Windu are the only counter to Poe, but both would need a buff for this to be viable.
    My name is cosmicturtle333, aka CT-333, aka Threes.
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    Qgj is also a counter, but he is a pack only toon.

    I honestly think the only thing that needs to change with poe is him taken turn meter away. That's it. That's the only issue with poe. His turn meter reduction on your team is what keeps anyone from actually countering him. Take that away then mace and asajj would be valuable counters. They are not right now due to them being slow AND the turn meter reduction against them.

    Besides that. I think poe is fine. It's just that right now there isn't a counter to him except another poe and yours going first.

    Also have to understand this game is new. And there really isn't that many "good characters" yet. I expect whenever a new characters are released, atleast one will always be op. Part is because maybe CG knows that characters they plan to release will trump these new ones, part because they didn't expect us to use the characters the way we do, and part so you'll spend money to get them ( it is a business after all and they need to make money to keep improving the game ).

    Also you have to figure that if/when poe gets nerfed, everyone will start yelling someone else is op ( my bet is on dooku at 7* ).
  • Telaan
    3454 posts Member
    I think Asajj or Mace Windu are the only counter to Poe, but both would need a buff for this to be viable.

    How are they a counter? Either the opposing Poe goes first and at least 2/5 of your team is dead, or yours does at least 2/5 of their team is dead. If you don't run Poe, their Poe will go first causing their entire team to go at least two turns before yours.

    Both of those toons are super slow. I guess if you're super lucky, maybe....just maybe.....you can land a Dooku stun on Poe and get a round in.
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    Dooku 7* will make you all cry harder than with poe, and i cant wait for that day to come. :D
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    Breetai wrote: »
    Qgj is also a counter, but he is a pack only toon.

    I honestly think the only thing that needs to change with poe is him taken turn meter away. That's it. That's the only issue with poe. His turn meter reduction on your team is what keeps anyone from actually countering him. Take that away then mace and asajj would be valuable counters. They are not right now due to them being slow AND the turn meter reduction against them.

    Besides that. I think poe is fine. It's just that right now there isn't a counter to him except another poe and yours going first.

    Also have to understand this game is new. And there really isn't that many "good characters" yet. I expect whenever a new characters are released, atleast one will always be op. Part is because maybe CG knows that characters they plan to release will trump these new ones, part because they didn't expect us to use the characters the way we do, and part so you'll spend money to get them ( it is a business after all and they need to make money to keep improving the game ).

    Also you have to figure that if/when poe gets nerfed, everyone will start yelling someone else is op ( my bet is on dooku at 7* ).
    agree, now everyone is using him, he broke the balance of entire game
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    Poe is op omg!!!
  • SlyBeats
    78 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    WhipiT wrote: »
    Any character combo that beats my crappy team I want nerfed. The whole thread summed up in one sentence.

    Pretty much it. Give it a rest Qeltar, WhipIt has contributed far more to these forums than you have. Your count dooku struggles to land a stun? is your dooku maxxed? Stun at low levels p isn't reliable at first but you must MAX him out. At max dooku has a potency of 220%!! The most in the game. I bet most of you here complaining aren't even level 70 yet (me too I'm 69). Please reach max levels and max toons before making nerf complaints. Dooku will have a 220% potency rate at max, definitely a good suggestion at stopping poe.
    Let me guess, your next complain to counter this and push for nerf is the dooku shards are hard to farm lol? Wait till level 69 to access his shards more reliantly.

    Seriously the people in this game.

    "Any character combo that beats my crappy team I want nerfed + because I keep losing right now and I don't want to wait till level 70 with max toons to make a difference. I also don't want to farm anyone else past my current teams"

    seriously devs? GW refresh change was a low blow for more $$$
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    Sakichan wrote: »
    Dooku 7* will make you all cry harder than with poe, and i cant wait for that day to come. :D

    A friend of mine is totally free to play. SW: GoH isn't her favorite game, but she's a true gamer who knows how to build heroes. She farmed Dooku, got him, and is now starring and gearing him. Another friend got Geonosian Soldier from 0 shards to 4 stars. They used the same farming strategy with Phasma, Poe, Sidious, JC, Lumi, Poggle, etc. Slow and steady building while enjoy the game and taking the wins along with the losses. Not too bad for a free, but smart player.

    And yes, getting Dooku to 7* is one of her goals. She'll get there, and hopefully many other players will as well.

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    It's actually quite uncommon for me to see Poe on a team in my arena (I'm usually top 3, mostly 1, in my timeslot). I can only think of one guy actually that I regularly have to deal with Poe on and he runs Phasma, Poe, Dooku, Lumi, Sid. I still beat him usually, but he's a tough nut to crack. Not because of Poe, though. Because of Dooku.

    Dooku is WAY more OP than Poe.

    I hate freakin' Dooku. But, you don't see me whining about nerfing him in these forums. I am only put off that he was available to purchase and suddenly was switched to Greedo (probably because devs saw his OPness and wanted to reduce his commonality).

    All will be fine as new characters are released and people have time to adjust.

    The only people whining and complaining are meta game folks at max or near max level that are hyper competitive in arena (and mostly appear to be significantly invested$$ into the game).

    99.9999% of the people playing this game don't care about Poe. I can promise you that.

    Nerfing him (and affecting all those people negatively), would be a pretty lame move.
  • Song
    863 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    POE + FOTP or POE + Leia is very OP.

    Can Dooku able to stun Poes before he can use taunt? but i tried many time it doesn't stun him at all...
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    Ptolemy wrote: »
    Ello_Asty wrote: »
    Grand Moff Tarkin - nobody asks for him to be nerfed. He has a chance to remove turn meter with his AoE. He also applies the damage debuff to the entire squad but it is resistible. That debuff could also wreck a team, believe me. He should be a model for Poe. Best comp I can think of. Poe can still go fast in my book but the turn meter thing should be resistible and only a chance to work to bring him in line with other characters. Make sense? Otherwise, leave him as is and put him with Han in speed.

    Tarkin has 102 max speed. Need i say more?
    CronozNL wrote: »
    Tarkin 102 speed, Poe 147, great comparison. Many people don't get the point or don't want to see the point (I understand ranking #1 each day with that comp and now having to defend your team in another nerfpost). I'm also going to consider the fact that not everyone has the intelligence to comprehend the problem. Seeing this topic hurts my eyes and the ignorance is great in this one. If you can't see the problem and think you need skill or strategy to overcome this.. well I rest my case. Also I only see pictures and vids of people making points why to nerf him, though I never see a picture or video where someone beats said team with "strategy". To all those defenders, post some proof or back up your theory with facts.

    @sephiroth198900 Told you said you would stop replying 3 pages back :p Stop replying, unfortunately you didn't experience the same we do at max lvl max gear in top 10 of arena.
    My 3 star Poe is also not a threat since his speed is low anyway. But ye internetdiscussions...

    My point was that Poe is so much more powerful than Tarkin by just a few tweaks that in reality they should be much more comparable. Turn meter debuffs should be resistible just like Tarkin's damage debuff. Funny that one of you missed the point and then said that others don't get the point.
    ☮ Consular ☮ Many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view. -Ben Kenobi
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    I tried 3 times to break into arena top 5 today and lost each time to a different team with Poe in it. I did have bad luck and he managed to expose my whole team twice and missed one char once.

    I currently use:
    Sid 6 star
    Lumia 6 star
    Poggle 6 star
    GS 6 Star
    Daka 5 star.

    I don't have a single Poe shard and am F2P but my question is: Should I stop working on Daka trying to get her 6 star and instead work on getting Poe? By the time I have unlocked him to even 4 star he may be nerves? I do 2 Cantina refreshes per day by the way.


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    Nerfed not nerves - silly auto correct.
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    Nerfed not nerves - silly auto correct.

    You know you can edit your post...
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    drdavee wrote: »
    Nerfed not nerves - silly auto correct.

    You know you can edit your post...

    I do now haha
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    It's not Poe that needs nerfing. It's the fact that battles are won in the first 10 seconds of every match. It makes no sense that every arena battle I do at lvl 64 lasts a total of 2 rounds. The high DPSers do waaaaay too much damage. You shouldn't be able to one shot everyone. When my sid and ig88 attack they normally kill 1-2 with their aoes and everyone else is near dead. This makes no sense.

    This is coming from someone who has been ranked first 95% of days since mid December.

    +1 but jot just nerf, bassically scale up HP or lower all damage. People should be ablt to fight. Arena has become like a SIM that resolves in 30 secs and you don't even use half the chars as they die before their turn
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    meanpride wrote: »
    Rheen wrote: »

    Because of his turn meter manipulation, he allows his team to go ahead of the other team, even if the characters are slower. Because of the current state of damage in the game, this often decides the match.

    Sometimes your guys or your Poe will get to go before their Poe. Sometimes they won't.

    I think what people are feeling is that too much of the outcome is decided by RNG. Here is a an example of what I mean. I put Dooku and some other fast characters in as an example of what people have been calling for as a "solution" to Poe. All of these characters that I used have a chance of going before Poe, except for Qui Gon Jin, who people claim is the ultimate counter to Poe because he "can" dispel Poe's taunt.

    I won't say any more--the video says enough.

    The problem here is not Poe but that Qui-gon and Fotp combo that dealt 13k damage. Holy crap. That would bring even Barris down in one go. Instead of changing Poe, fix all those ridiculous damage dealers.

    +1...actually Poe can be the only defense you have. Remive that and it's just a matternof which QGJ goes first and which assist he gets (although in honestly, it would one shot almost anyone barring Barris 7* (woah it rhymes)

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    CronozNL wrote: »
    You are right but that's also a thing with Poe, if he taunts he removes (20%?) of the enemies turn meter which means the entire enemy team goes first.
    No other tanks are as "good" as Poe is and if this is the new meta it will mean matches are decided within the first 15 seconds. I don't have a problem with this if it is intended but I highly doubt it is.
    FotP shooting a 16-17k hp Barriss is broken (that's just my opinion tho).

    The problem is at a different root. If the damage was reasonable (6k max) or HP double, then speed would matter, but much less. As you still need 3 shots to kill a char. Then if speed is less valuable, Poe's turn meter still matter but much less. Things are cascading due to the bad balancing of HP/dmg ratios.
  • CronozNL
    2869 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    So we actually agree that it's more of the high damage dealers than Poe himself or it's Poe being added that has the impact he currently does (by being the deciding factor in turn 1 with his speed and all protecting those high dmg dealers which reduces your win chance by a lot).

    And I'm not even taking synergy into account like QGJ who is fine, Sid fine, Phasma fine etc. But geo/fotp and in lesser extend Leia are the "problems".
    When I started using FotP in GW I had even less trouble than I had before with Barriss, Lumi, Sid, Phasma and Asajj. Swapped Asajj for FotP and blasting through GW in 20 mins.

    PS: sorry for the incoherence, english is not my native tongue so some details might get read differently than intended.
    439-259-888 I have a bad habit of editing my typo's after posting
  • Preemo_Magin
    1826 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    I think the devs have little understanding on how to auto-balance things. Speed should be an inverse function of HP+avg damage. If you have high damage and high HP, you should movenlike a turtle.

    One variable has to remain free, so that the balance can happen. Allowing things to get out of control and promising fixed stats (as opposed to trade iff) make balancing hard, irritate people and invite frustration.

    Remember, a huge reason for staying is that you had already invested a lot emotionally and $. But the devs should not confuse that Karma their earned with "nothing's wrong". Most non sposter will just not feel like opening the app tomorrow, remive the Energy Full notification, and with it goes their money. But more importantly, if you love making games and people are nit having fun, enjoy your Yatch but know you have failed.
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    Yea i have dooku at 5* he is quite good.. but i have faced a 7* one and he is just everywhere, he hits hundreds of times(as usual) but with great damage. Some characters need balance.
  • CronozNL
    2869 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    I think they know now how to balance this out, especially now where Jesse replied to all the fuzz. I agree with:

    "Speed should be an inverse function of HP+avg damage. If you have high damage and high HP, you should movenlike a turtle.
    One variable has to remain free, so that the balance can happen. Allowing things to get out of control and promising fixed stats (as opposed to trade iff) make balancing hard, irritate people and invite frustration."

    That should be the conclusion to all of it.
    One of the reasons I like this game is because of it's imperfections. It's fun to mess around with and be somehow part of helping to improve. After all we all invest more time at the forum than in the actual game ;)
    Last part of your post about Yatch and the Karma bit I didn't get.
    439-259-888 I have a bad habit of editing my typo's after posting
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    Well I have no problem beating Poe and the only toon I have that is not real easy to grind to 7* is Leia. ... it's called gear your DPS up and he dies in two shoots.. and then on the other hand I use Poe and kill other teams while they beat on him. The problem is everyone wants to be number one on the server but they either don't want to pay for it or work for it...
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    the most OP toons should be the light saber users like in the star wars movies not a guy in a jacket and a pilot.
  • CronozNL
    2869 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    @MousseTampi sounds legit :D

    I read the long part of your post when I got home and have to say I like those suggestions a lot. Seems to be a great solution especially if you can set a defense team and maybe see your oponents team. Would certainly feel more strategic.
    439-259-888 I have a bad habit of editing my typo's after posting
  • Preemo_Magin
    1826 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    Absolutely and terribly and unmistakenly broken Poe and game in general.

    But instead of explaining one again the same iver and iver, just a pic. I fired Sid, and when I got my next turn - and I was amazingly lucky to get a turn after Sid actually, things looked like this:


    If you back 4 seconds it looked like this...


    Any advice on who my FOTP should focus?

    My team was all 7* (except FOTP) max gear, max health, max abilities chars all at level 64. Only got to use Sid AoE.
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    All of the Force Awakens characters are way too strong, especially considering their mediocrity in comparison to the legacy characters. Poe, Rey, and Phasma are the worst. We will all be playing with the same team eventually or walking away altogether if this keeps up and that is a real shame. Oh, and if you don't like my complaint, feel free to quit using crutch characters anytime and I'll be happy to shut up.
  • Tak
    352 posts Member
    Absolutely and terribly and unmistakenly broken Poe and game in general.

    But instead of explaining one again the same iver and iver, just a pic. I fired Sid, and when I got my next turn - and I was amazingly lucky to get a turn after Sid actually, things looked like this:


    If you back 4 seconds it looked like this...


    Any advice on who my FOTP should focus?

    My team was all 7* (except FOTP) max gear, max health, max abilities chars all at level 64. Only got to use Sid AoE.

    Not very fun hey
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    Tak wrote: »
    Absolutely and terribly and unmistakenly broken Poe and game in general.

    But instead of explaining one again the same iver and iver, just a pic. I fired Sid, and when I got my next turn - and I was amazingly lucky to get a turn after Sid actually, things looked like this:


    If you back 4 seconds it looked like this...


    Any advice on who my FOTP should focus?

    My team was all 7* (except FOTP) max gear, max health, max abilities chars all at level 64. Only got to use Sid AoE.

    Not very fun hey

    that's exactly what happened in my sever every day :'(
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