**Updated & Expanded** Game Update for 8/5/2016 - COMMENTS- ***MEGATHREAD***


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    tRRRey wrote: »
    Rubic06 wrote: »
    Another change negatively affecting the player base. Killing mercing means that guilds will not risk running T7 raids for lack of a safety net. The game has plenty of ways to slow progression. This one is simply unnecessary and punitive.

    @Rubic06 uh what? Mercs can still join guilds doing T7 raids and help them finish it off. They won't get any rewards, but I thought the point of mercing was helping your fellow players? :wink: Guess not huh

    But the merc would then also lose the next raid rewards in the home guild. I have merc'ed. I would help some guilds for no rewards. But i can't afford to lose my rewards with my home guild.
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    Bought two eight CR packs last night one double two triples. Based on the range advertised there should be a random amount within the range the only way was not disingenuous like the new way is. When is the update going to work? I downloaded it and still no additional scoundrel or seperatist tags.
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    [*] To incentivize players to remain in one guild and mitigate some known exploits associated with Guild Switching, there is now a 48 hour cooldown period where a player will not receive Raid rewards for a Raid completed within 48 hours of leaving the previous Guild.

    Poor change. You should have reduced the rewards so mercing would still be allowed rather than killing it all together.

    I've tried defending devs lately because I thought you might have a clue. I was completely wrong. Newsflash geniuses, you just punished small family casual guilds WAY more than you did the guild hoppers.

    How about you try something new around EA/CG, it's called THINKING FIRST, then acting. All of you combating me in the other thread are right, the dev crew is as completely clueless as a monkey pounding on a keyboard. I give up.
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    another galactic war not fixed update
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    Galatic War is only not fixed for weaker players. Once you get easy mode it's perfect risk/time vs reward. Unfortunately not being able to complete it as a weaker player means you will be weaker for longer.

    You aren't going to see a fix to this beyond nerfing easymode for stronger players. It's obvious at this point they have no plans to make it easier for those lower down the foodchain.
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    However if you spend money, you can get stronger and get to easy mode.

    I think that's all they want now. I used to laugh at all the cashgrab posts I read because honestly most of the time I didn't see it as a cashgrab, but now I'm thinking they are starting that strategy. Mods ran a lot of whales off into complete retirement, made a bunch more ftp. Even I cut down to $100 a week from $1k a week. And only if there's a good reason. I didn't bother last week. I think killing mercs will run more off. I will likely cut back on my play time now because there's no point and I will likely quit spending entirely. I don't want to join another guild just to progress, we just started using mercs and I was all good with that. They may be weaker but I like the group of people I'm guilded with.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    edited August 2016
    Laserbrain wrote: »
    another galactic war not fixed update

    I get ppl want it fixed directly but as you can see there is no direct fix that will make it better for everyone.

    The fixing of the power rating with mods is a step in the right direction to help GW be more manageable.

    We need to stop asking for the fix, they said they don't have plans to fix it directly so don't expect that. Let's keep the posts about GW in the GW mega thread and see what happens.

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    you know that it's been advised to not progress over your arena team over 36k because that's when node 11 or node 6 become the impossible node. it is so wrong to get punished for progressing further. but hey, havent touched node 12 for days now, because I know everything I try is futile.

    yes its meant to be a challenge. but it does scale to your team but it does not do it right.
    right now its a chore and unfun. one could make it easier and remove the abilitiy to restart as an example.
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    tRRRey wrote: »
    Spartamaj wrote: »
    tRRRey wrote: »
    Rubic06 wrote: »
    Another change negatively affecting the player base. Killing mercing means that guilds will not risk running T7 raids for lack of a safety net. The game has plenty of ways to slow progression. This one is simply unnecessary and punitive.

    @Rubic06 uh what? Mercs can still join guilds doing T7 raids and help them finish it off. They won't get any rewards, but I thought the point of mercing was helping your fellow players? :wink: Guess not huh

    Are you dumb or what? I'm all about going to help people, but you won't get rewards from your own raid either since there is a 48h wait period before getting reward. Meh

    Then wait until your guild is done doing its raids before helping out other guilds? I'm telling you it's called common sense, you should try it out sometime.

    And then next raid I won't get reward unless they wait for me.
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    NicWester wrote: »
    Sunday Guild activity “This Should Be Easy, Right?” has been changed from completing Cantina Battles to spending Cantina Energy.
    Um. Hasn't this always been the case?

    The mod battles or challenges didn't count, with it being cantina energy now it should.
    I am the Reaper
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    Anyone who is happy about the devs restricting mercing doesn't have a clue. Yes we receive rewards and credits. I can afford to train more chars because of it but it doesn't help my arena team any. It doesn't help me really craft any of the hundreds of pieces of raid gear I have because I am so short in other gear. All this update does and what it is designed to do is limit progression and introduce a stricter paywall for weaker players/guilds and the FTP player. Think about it! Of course I benefit, but I also paid. I was already further along than the FTP player. But with mercing, the FTP player received rewards they never would have without our help. Our team has heard time and time again how our services advanced their guild months in weeks. THIS is what they are stopping. They don't want FTP players advancing the way they were with our help. And to anyone who thinks this kills mercing? Not likely. Not unless the rules implemented differ from the description in the update. It will certainly make it more difficult but doable. To those who still stay around. The worst part of what's coming is what it does to guilds. What raid do you run? If the rewards are different and you have a diverse group, it will cause issues and guild fractions. Strong players will only want new raid. Others need Han shards and the current raid gear. Guess what? The ever busy recruiting threads are going to explode as player leave guilds/quit etc. This update and upcoming changes are a woeful misstep for this community.
  • HershBathens
    821 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    I agree with Chris.

    Prepare for major guild in-fighting as well as more alt farming so guilds can run more raids. I see many guilds brealkng apart.
  • DaniB32
    196 posts Member
    Scoundrel Tags havent been added yet?
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    This is a great update with numerous bug fixes and improvements. Appreciate the advance communication and update as well, like to see things heading in this direction.
    Thank You
  • Mynd
    233 posts Member
    There always needs to be a balance between F2P and P2P in games like this but the more they put behind paywalls, the worse it will be. You may have a few whales carrying the game, but you really want as many people playing as possible. Why are they whales going to keep spending if there's no one to play with?

    The game felt good when I started, now I feel bad for new players, and it is only going to get worse. Everything shouldn't be easy and free, but they're edging further and further behind paywalls.

    Also, in part, players set the paywalls themselves. If whales weren't blowing $1000 a week, things would be much different. Course, that's why I say there needs to be balance between F2P and P2P.
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    Arctosix wrote: »
    Ugluk wrote: »
    Datacards now have the ability to display a range for a particular item. For example the Credit Data Cards now display the full range of possible drops. The Credits earned from the Credit Data Cards were also rounded up.

    How large is the chance to get 1.68 million credits? It is this kind of shady advertisments for rng purchases that brings problems to freemium games.

    I believe there's a 5% chance to hit the max reward on each card. There's 8 cards in the pack. If that 5% chance is correct across the board and there's no other shenanigans going on, the chances of hitting the max reward on all 8 cards and ending up with 1.68M credits is 0.000000391%.

    Meanwhile, the chance of you receiving the base reward of 560k credits is 66.34%.

    In the immortal words of Lloyd, "So you're tellin me there's a chance. Yeah!"

    @Arctosix kDaf0d3.gif
  • YubNub81
    148 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    The0n3 wrote: »
    The0n3 wrote: »
    _Wong64 wrote: »
    The idea of having mercs or being mercs is fun even hiring mercs is fun i dont get it. This is not what everyone wants

    +1 - I'm just guessing here, but i don't think ppl start playing a SW game with the intention of farming mercs, ewoks and jawas... Just guessing though...

    What mercs are you thinking of?

    The non-classical secondary toons, wich is most of the scoundrel toons really... Of course we got some classic toons as Han and Lando, but the rest is just to fill the blanks and not funny to play with (imo). The same goes for all the other synergy teams as ewoks and jawas.

    But i'm not criticizing who likes playing with them or anything like that, just expressing my dislike about those inexpressive synergy teams...
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    +1 seperatists
  • HokieFiend
    445 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    A bunch of toon fixes and still no Teebo fix? Unbelievable
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    So is that why a vast majority of my toons are now just like the Magmatrooper as strong as a wet noodle?
  • tRRRey
    2782 posts Member
    Spartamaj wrote: »
    tRRRey wrote: »
    Spartamaj wrote: »
    tRRRey wrote: »
    Rubic06 wrote: »
    Another change negatively affecting the player base. Killing mercing means that guilds will not risk running T7 raids for lack of a safety net. The game has plenty of ways to slow progression. This one is simply unnecessary and punitive.

    @Rubic06 uh what? Mercs can still join guilds doing T7 raids and help them finish it off. They won't get any rewards, but I thought the point of mercing was helping your fellow players? :wink: Guess not huh

    Are you dumb or what? I'm all about going to help people, but you won't get rewards from your own raid either since there is a 48h wait period before getting reward. Meh

    Then wait until your guild is done doing its raids before helping out other guilds? I'm telling you it's called common sense, you should try it out sometime.

    And then next raid I won't get reward unless they wait for me.

    My guild does raids on the weekends and Wednesday so I would definitely have time in between then to go "help" other guilds. Maybe suggest that kind of schedule to your guild so you can keep "helping" other guilds
    https://swgoh.gg/u/trey 66/
    Make Zader Great Again!
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    So before they updated this list of changes in the update, there was the addition of scoundrel tags to some toons, but with this updated set of notes they have removed that section, so are we not getting that now even after the rather large proportion of positive comments about it... Correct me if I'm wrong but have they gone back on a decision that was widely popular??
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    Scoundrel tag note is still there
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