**Updated & Expanded** Game Update for 8/5/2016 - COMMENTS- ***MEGATHREAD***


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    Just updated on East coast too
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    I am in middle of raid. Update goes live and i don't get any rewards
  • Clanomadd
    122 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    @EA_Jesse @BentWookiee
    Why in the world could you not have pushed a guild timer reset with this update? For anyone (like me) who does not lurk for release notes regularly the 48 guild timer for rewards was a surprise that came too late to do anything about it. Alternatively, you could have chosen not to enforce the raid reward timer for the first 48 hours.

    Possibly half of our guild are not going to get rewards for the heroic raid we just ran. While you are giving out rewards to people who were denied legitimate rewards, why not include those who don't get rewards they earned for the next 48 hours?
  • The0n3
    984 posts Member
    I'm sorry, the word "mercs" goes for the scoundrels, right? If not, i apologize for the ignorance but can someone tell me what does it mean then?
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    The0n3 wrote: »
    I'm sorry, the word "mercs" goes for the scoundrels, right? If not, i apologize for the ignorance but can someone tell me what does it mean then?

    Merc= mercenary. So you'd not be tied down to only one guild. Youd switch guilds as and when needed. Hope it helps :)
  • The0n3
    984 posts Member
    OH i see... Thx for the info!
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    An update that's mostly bug fixes. Update is a strong word for this. This seems more like a patch with some minor new things.

    Don't get me wrong. Bug fixes were sorely needed and I'm glad this happened before releasing new content.

    Thank you.
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    Does that last point include when the AI is defending in arena? Or just auto on offense?

  • Benr3600
    1098 posts Member
    My god, I have tripled my data usage in this monthly cycle, starting six days ago. A quarter of a GB...and we can't even get a newsletter? I was sitting on the arena match screen, constantly getting spammed with 12-18 mb downloads. Really?
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    Get unlimited data or use wifi
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    T-Mobile Unlimited High Speed data FTW.
    No F-Bombs given!
    Seriously though, this could be (yet another) issue. Would really suck for those that don't have unlimited.
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    The game always warns me when it wants to do a major download if i am noy on WiFi
    "Speak softly and carry a big stick!" Theodore Roosevelt. "You know that's right!" Rey
  • Benr3600
    1098 posts Member
    The game always warns me when it wants to do a major download if i am noy on WiFi

    I work second shift, and so I have done about 95% of updates on network data...have never seen this before. It was about a dozen downloads, all within the two hours before my arena day ends ofc, not just the one download at the title screen.

    And frankly, this is one of the smallest updates I have seen.
  • Goride
    57 posts Member
    My game updated to show ST Han and others as scoundrels, but I still have yet to see the new daily data packs. That is what I was most excited for.

    Based on what I read in the forums so far, it sounds like I am not missing out on much. But it is odd that I still haven't got them in my data card store. (I am US EST)
  • ShaolinPunk
    3486 posts Moderator
    Thank you, Jesse!
    **Please tag me (@ShaolinPunk) if you need assistance.** My Collection. . My Poll.. Ally Code: 332-622-913 Discord: shaolin_punk#2107
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    Well.. Sounds like a problem with your cellphone provider. This game drains nothing! You should get t mobile. We at t mobile do not charge any overrage fees. And we take care of our customers ;).
  • Xenith
    267 posts Member
    Since thia **** update i downloaded like 23 mb then the game fi ally opens after loading for 10 mins then it says 2 mb out of 40 ****??? Since then id keep seeing 58 k/s instead of my ussual 0 when i m in the main pagge . its downloading and making my game soooo freaking laggy ... And i m using data got 500 mb left...
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    No I have Verizon and it was like 6 different downloads.
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    @EA_Jesse Cantina battles energy not showing in daily? Tested Cantina battle and Mod battle still shows 0/3
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    Update suggestions:
    Allow 6 in teams for arena, GW and raid.
    Display all event dates and required char lists persistently.
    Implement inventory sorting for char types (scoundrel etc)
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    I try repeatedly to keep my comments civil and constructive, but yet again. Another updated where areas of the game that were functioning well now are broken.

    When trying to donate gear, I now can't tap on the gear to see what characters of mine are looking for it or where to find the gear.

    The arena and GW freeze up and kind of stutter.

    We shouldn't be forced to get the update when it is junk.
  • Rumpelstilzchen
    1754 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    @EA_Jesse Cantina battles energy not showing in daily? Tested Cantina battle and Mod battle still shows 0/3

    Ok, just realized that is what the ooops reward was a little bit ago, so it must be a known issue. For anyone wondering, the final reward and cantina reward in the daily adds up to the ooops reward we just got.
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    @EA_Jesse Cantina battles energy not showing in daily? Tested Cantina battle and Mod battle still shows 0/3

    Same here. Anyone else with this issue? I did both manual and sim battles. Same results.
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    From the Bugs section of the forums:
    There's 'lotta buzz in regards to the "Battle Hardened" daily not tracking for players prior to today's game update, so I'll be merging threads pertaining to his here. Please note that this is currently being investigated.

    What we know
    • If you logged into the game prior to today's game update, the "Battle Hardened" daily would not track.
    • Once you begin your dailies for tomorrow (post update, 8/6), the battle hardened achievement should track as usual
    • the battle hardened achievement can now be completed via the following-
      • Cantina
      • Mod Battles
      • Mod Challenges

    UPDATE EDIT: The rewards you would've received for completing all daily activities have been delivered to your inbox. HOORAY!

    Players level 28 through 79 will receive the following:
    • 2 3star droids
    • 22 crystals
    • 225 XP
    Players that're level 80 will receive the above inbox message as well as the following:
    • 4 crystals
    • 1 omega
    • 750 credits
    • 25 sim tickets
    • 2 2star droids:
    Community Manager for Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes | Follow me on Twitter - Darokaz
  • Stormy
    951 posts Member
    Thanks you :)
  • HershBathens
    821 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    I am having tbe same issue. It is like the game is dumping cached files for different zones. Each time i load game or go to a different zone there is a repeated download.

    I have had this happen after i emptied my phones cached files. But not repeatedly like the game is doing now.
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    Nice update, game is getting better and better again
  • Djbz
    251 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Why you you make this more awkward?
    The number bar in LS/DS/Cantina/Mod battles now needs scrolling rather than all of them just being there.
    Less scrolling>more scrolling

    (Also why can't I post pictures all of a sudden?

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    I only got 22 crystals and 2 3 star training droids
  • Ultra
    11604 posts Moderator
    keep up the good work Jesse!
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