**Updated & Expanded** Game Update for 8/5/2016 - COMMENTS- ***MEGATHREAD***


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    Djbz wrote: »
    Why you you make this more awkward?
    The number bar in LS/DS/Cantina/Mod battles now needs scrolling rather than all of them just being there.
    Less scrolling>more scrolling

    (Also why can I no longer seem to be able to post pictures?)
    Here's the good part, mission start where your last active, i seen it when simming at main table and cantina.
    No argue about more scrolling maybe that was intended for phone screen version
    the cake is a lie
  • frankrizzo12
    237 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    Did u guys get the xp?

    Post edited by frankrizzo12 on
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    Thanks for the update. We are so ready for theATT tank.
    Yes Yoda is worth farming
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    @EA_Jesse when assault event empire strikeback re-run?
    the cake is a lie
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    Is any one else's face wet from all the spit cus There's not a thing in there about them fixing gw thats ALL WE WANT TO SEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE BTW THE ALL CAPS IS SO MAYBE JUST MAYBE YOULL NOTICE probably not how could you when you don't care
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    After the update, the cantina battles completed doesn't count in the daily activities. This means that I won't be able to get the daily activities bonus of completing all activities.
    Please check this ASAP.
    @EA_Jesse thanks for the update but pls check the minor issues.
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    So many bugs fixed. Really Insane :)
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    @EA_Jesse Cantina battles energy not showing in daily? Tested Cantina battle and Mod battle still shows 0/3

    Same here - Oops reward is compensating this

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    @EA_Jesse Cantina battles energy not showing in daily? Tested Cantina battle and Mod battle still shows 0/3

    Same here - Oops reward is compensating this

    I didn't receive it yet

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    Cantina for daily is bugged, is this happening to anyone else? tried relog and did nothing
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    Great update, guys!
  • Cloud9
    62 posts Member
    Yes indeed it is bugged, it doesn't count cantina battles nor mod battles.
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    I hope they fix this before the end of the day or give us the rewards of the daily activities completion. I want my omega mat :/
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    I have used more than 100 Cantina energy and yet i am not getting the daily achievement for the same. Is anyone else facing this issue since the last update?
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    It's starting to do my head in now. They clearly don't test anything before putting it into the game. Sort it out.
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    Yes it is a bug for sure, i experience it as well.
    Hope they fix it or we will lose 24 crystal and 1 omega material.
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    4am PT on Aug 6th and still don't see any packs in store...
    *in game: MC3P0 - The Ewoking Deads
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    I've read in reddit, with this update defenses are up and chance to hit criticals is reduced? It's not on the list, is this true?
  • Jnbentzel81
    442 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    It's the armor stat increase. That's what's reducing the damage output. I'm so dumb I should've picked up on that last night.
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    Well they didn't tell us about it so it's only natural to first assume a damage nerf.

    I have no idea why they'd do this. To make arena battles longer so people time out?
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    Does the increase in armor, then raise the potential for Sidious to be viable again since his basic has a chance to ignore it?
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    Same here. I just wasted all my cantina energy for it not to count.
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    It is still happening this morning.
  • Josh_K
    1150 posts Member
    edited August 2016
    ClintAce wrote: »
    Does the increase in armor, then raise the potential for Sidious to be viable again since his basic has a chance to ignore it?

    Could be useful at the moment. If Sideous' armor ignore procs, the attack cannot crit. Damage reductions from armor need to exceed 33% on average for armor ignore to be better than a crit, for 150% crit damage.
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    As the armor rises, so does fives :D
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    So we have any sort of a list compiled with who all got a buff to armor? This is going to be the death of droids....
  • Josh_K
    1150 posts Member
    Everyone seems to have a buff across the board. Looks like the armor to reduction % has been increased. Again this may be unintended and could be temporary.
  • Troy
    21 posts Member
    Always remember: when finished playing Pokémon Go, close app and disable location gps. PG shreds data and battery.
  • Seknos
    306 posts Member
    Daily contribution is at 600 but shows only 324 in manage section.
    Which one will be taken into account 600 or 324 ?
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