Come Feel The Force and recruit your Padawans here! Basic Guilds Only Please!


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    Hey everybody, our guild The Ninja Turtles is looking to fill about 15 spots doing T6 but would like to push to Heroic soon

    We recently started purging guild members that were inactive and now we have 15+ spots open for players. Just a few things about us:

    1.- We prefer lvl 70+ but if you’re active we would love to have you. Ideally we would like you have at least one full 7 star team. We currently finish T5 in 1 refresh and will do this level from time to time to spend surplus credits, but primarily do T6 raids.
    2.- Both F2P and paid players are welcome. We have mainly F2P players but a few spend some cash.
    3.- We encourage all our players to raid daily and strive to contribute to the daily guild challenges but understand life happens.
    4.- You are active… plain and simple we want people who open the app and are interested in having fun and talking.
    5.- We do not have any chat requirements and mainly communicate in game at this point.

    Feel free to PM me or add me in-game with no guild and ill add you right away: Ally Code 821-985-367

    Looking forward to having you on our guild!
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    Knights of the Old Dragoons is a group of people that just formed a new guild due to the fact that the old guild leader went AWO. We currently have about 25 players that range between level 77-83. We run T6 raids often and sometimes T5 but are hoping to move to T7 sometime in the near future.

    We are on Pacific Standard Time and are a great mix of F2P and P2P from the US and Europe. We have a Line chat as well as a forum for our members. We don't mind what level you are, as long as you are active. We have a great group of experienced players that are willing to help share that experience with any of our active members.

    If you are interested, you can find me on Line under the ID: notker or feel free to send me an ally invite at ally code: 814-161-864
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    Deathstix is recruiting. We have 40 members. Do tier 6 raids, use in game chat, and are on US PST. PM me any questions or ally codes. Thank you.
  • DoubleDown
    131 posts Member
    edited November 2016
    Team Explicit, is now recruiting lvl 40+ players. We're a casual guild for now but have our sites on T7 Rancor in the near future.

    If interested or have any questions:

    -Search for "Team Explicit"
    -PM me or respond to this thread
    -Ally invite me in-game at 578-282-917 (DoubleDown)

    Post edited by DoubleDown on
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    Revolution Co-Op recruiting:

    Welcoming all levels, just need to be active daily (or as close as reasonably possible). We currently do Tier 5 rancor mostly, and are trudging thru tank raid.

    We are laid back, and love to joke around. We take the game seriously, but have fun above all else.

    Looking for a few good people to get thru raids more quickly.

    add 854-382-782 and I'll send invite.


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    Looking for last few members.

    We're a more casual, non hardcore guild.

    46/50 active players. Mostly level 65-80. tier5-6 raids every 2-3 days. Everybody donates gear too.

    So yea, not hardcore T7 guild, just active players.
    No strict daily requirements.

    Looking to add to our team. All welcome!

    Add me as ally. Code: 893-763-397
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    Hey everybody, our guild The Ninja Turtles is looking to fill about 15 spots doing T6 but would like to push to Heroic soon

    We recently started purging guild members that were inactive and now we have 15+ spots open for players. Just a few things about us:

    1.- We prefer lvl 70+ but if you’re active we would love to have you. Ideally we would like you have at least one full 7 star team. We currently finish T5 in 1 refresh and will do this level from time to time to spend surplus credits, but primarily do T6 raids.
    2.- Both F2P and paid players are welcome. We have mainly F2P players but a few spend some cash.
    3.- We encourage all our players to raid daily and strive to contribute to the daily guild challenges but understand life happens.
    4.- You are active… plain and simple we want people who open the app and are interested in having fun and talking.
    5.- We do not have any chat requirements and mainly communicate in game at this point.

    Feel free to PM me or add me in-game with no guild and ill add you right away: Ally Code 821-985-367

    Or if you are interested post your ally code here and we will add you as an ally first and then to the guild.

    Looking forward to having you on our guild!
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    Team Explicit, is now recruiting active members to fill in the remaining slots. We're currently a casual guild that runs T5-6 Rancor raids, but eventually T7 when we have the crew to do so.

    We currently have no strict requirements other than being active.

    If interested ally invite me in-game for an invite at 578-282-917 (DoubleDown)

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    TheKrakenForce, a guild made up of many great, wonderful, helpful, chatty people from all over the world, is looking for 1 more active member level 70+.

    We currently alternate between T5 and T6 Rancor Raids with the only rule for T5 is not to score any points within the first 24hrs since we complete it very quickly and want everyone to have a chance at getting rewards. T6 on the other hand takes us between 4 and 5 days to complete at the moment, hence the reason why we alternate between T5 and T6 in order to burn thru the guild tickets we accumulate while doing the T6. As soon as we get to below the 3 day threshold, we will only do T6 from that point forward which hopefully shouldn't take us long to get to.

    We also use a third party chat tool called GroupMe but is not a requirement, more like a recommendation as the majority of our teammates are on it.

    If you would like to join us, please send me a message.
    dLow (463-964-523)
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    Hey everybody, our guild The Ninja Turtles is looking to fill about 15 spots doing T6 but would like to push to Heroic soon

    We recently started purging guild members that were inactive and now we have 15+ spots open for players. Just a few things about us:

    1.- We prefer lvl 70+ but if you’re active we would love to have you. We currently finish T5 in 1 refresh and will do this level from time to time to spend surplus credits, but primarily do T6 raids.
    2.- Both F2P and paid players are welcome. We have mainly F2P players but a few spend some cash.
    3.- We encourage all our players to raid daily and strive to contribute to the daily guild challenges but understand life happens.
    4.- You are active… plain and simple we want people who open the app and are interested in having fun and talking.
    5.- We do not have any chat requirements and mainly communicate in game at this point.

    Feel free to PM me or add me in-game with no guild and ill add you right away: Ally Code 821-985-367

    Or if you are interested post your ally code here and we will add you as an ally first and then to the guild.

    Looking forward to having you on our guild!
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    Deathstix is looking for 10 players to fill out our ranks. We are casual, no pressure (do whatever energy you can do), we do tier 6 raids, are willing to work with newer players. Are on US PST. PM questions and ally codes. Thank you.
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    We ARE the guild you've been looking for. I ran a top 100 guild until last week. Left for something as successful but more casual. We raid heroic rancor every other day at 7:30 pm cst. Anyone with a 7* han stays out of top 10 to let others progress. Currently takes us just 6 days to beat normal tank. We use line and discord but we do not require it. (although feel free to join) do your 600 and we leave you alone. 4 days ago we needed 10. Now we need 5. Filling up quickly and depending on who we get will be heroic tank ready. This is me please message me if you are interested. Good luck regardless.
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    I'm the leader of the guild Berserkers, we are looking just for anyone who wants to be active and have fun. We run raids whenever we can and are all friendly. We have lost some people recently but we want to rebuild our guild back up to what it use to be!! Come and JOIN look for the guild leader Spelchure with the guild symbol being a maroon and grey mandalorain symbol!!
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    Hey everybody, our guild The Ninja Turtles is looking to fill about 15 spots doing T6 but would like to push to Heroic soon

    We recently started purging guild members that were inactive and now we have 15+ spots open for players. Just a few things about us:

    1.- We prefer lvl 70+ but if you’re active we would love to have you. We currently finish T5 in 1 refresh and will do this level from time to time to spend surplus credits, but primarily do T6 raids.
    2.- Both F2P and paid players are welcome. We have mainly F2P players but a few spend some cash.
    3.- We encourage all our players to raid daily and strive to contribute to the daily guild challenges but understand life happens.
    4.- You are active… plain and simple we want people who open the app and are interested in having fun and talking.
    5.- We do not have any chat requirements and mainly communicate in game at this point.

    Feel free to PM me or add me in-game with no guild and ill add you right away: Ally Code 821-985-367

    Or if you are interested post your ally code here and we will add you as an ally first and then to the guild.

    Looking forward to having you on our guild!
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    Galactic Security wants you! We are a semi-casual guild looking for a few new, active members. We currently run T7 Rancor (limit damage to get everyone a chance), and are also working on T6 AAT.

    If you are level 79+ and want to raid (have at least 5 7* so you can get involved in T7), we would be glad to bring you in. While we do want active members, we do not require full daily contributions and we have no problem with people taking vacations or brief time off (as long as they give us a heads up).

    Our chat is always helpful, and we do offer tips and advice on how to maximize your game enjoyment. We use Discord for game discussion and raid scheduling; we also have a Line channel.

    Our time zone is EST (GMT-4), with reset at 930pm EST. Most of our members are US, but we have members from around the world.

    If this sounds right for you, please send me a pm. You can also shoot me an Ally request at 879-417-165.

    Good hunting!
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    Team Explicit is now looking for active members to fill up our roster. We're also open for acquiring a small guild or guilds as well, to reach 50 active members.

    Information to know about Team Explicit:
    We are a newly reformed group that's composed of daily active members, yet we consider our group casual. We originated from a guild that had an absent leader and half-active roster. We decided to branch off and reform the guild with new leadership and members that are active daily and are helpful. We were, and plan on continuing to, raid Tier 5 and Tier 6 Rancor raids for now.

    As with most other guilds, we will formulate a plan of attack for Tier 7 Rancor raids and ATT when we have the group to do so. In the mean time our goal is to run Tier 5 or Tier 6 raids depending on the roster. We plan on raiding as much as possible.

    What Team Explicit is seeking:
    We are seeking players at all levels and experience to join our team. We have no strict requirements other than to be active and helpful. We are also open to acquiring smaller sized guilds in an effort to reach 50 active members, we are not looking to leave and join other guilds. In respect to guild acquisition, our leadership team will work with your guild in order to come to an agreement on goals and raiding.

    Team Explicit member expectation:
    The only expectation that Team Explicit has with it's members is that they're helpful and active. We expect you to be an active participant, yet won't hold you to playing every day. Being helpful can come in many forms, from gear donations to active discussion. We always invite fun discussion and theory-crafting.

    If interested, please PM me your ally code, or simply send me an invite in-game via 578-282-917.
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    Guild name: JÖIN US
    Guild capacity: 90% full
    Pit raids: 5-6
    Time zone: MST
    3rd party chat: LINE (optional)
    Line ID: gregor587
    Min entry level: 60
    Min contribution: 2400 per week
    Leader: level 83, ally code 699-543-935
    Raid schedule: yes, raids start every day at 4:00pm MST pending coins
    Donations: generous
    Apply: request me as an ally, through LINE or private message me. We are an active guild looking to fill some slots. As long as you are active and can contribute 2400 in spent energy per week we would like you to join us!
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    Hi there, My ally code is 779346618. I'm looking for a lower level guild so that i can participate in the raids and such I'm level 32, started 2 days ago and I play daily. Thanks!
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    We're a more casual, non hardcore guild.

    47/50 active players. Mostly level 65-80. tier5-6 raids every 2-3 days. Everybody donates gear too.

    So yea, not hardcore T7 guild, just active players.
    No strict daily requirements.

    Looking to add to our team. All welcome!

    Add me as ally. Code: 893-763-397
  • Fowb
    6 posts Member
    edited November 2016
    We're a new formed guild, with only few member at the moment, but we are looking to form a nice and active guild to do tier 3 and 4 rancor raids for a while until everyone get all the needed items to progress past gear level 7 and 8.
    Minimum requirements: lvl 40, be active everyday and have at least a team of tier 3(gear level 5)

    add me as ally if you are interested: 913-649-736
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    We have 18 member in our Guild. I formed to help my sons play and level up. Our members are lvl 30 to 55. I am 83 but really only put in 1 low level team a day in rancor. I mainly just donate gear. If you guys want to be absorbed hit me up. SpiderBrack 589-249-511
  • Talisen
    39 posts Member
    edited November 2016
    The Silent Rebels are now recruiting new players to come grow with us. We're casual guild that only requires you to be active at least a few times a week. Ally code 739523977
    Post edited by Talisen on
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    The Old Republic Honour Guards are looking for new recruits
    We are an active and social guild of mainly level 70 and above. We are looking for any players who need a guild and want to grow, all we ask is that you can contribute the daily guild coins. Currently we are doing tier 4 raids because we lack the numbers with only 25 members.
    Additionally we are not a strict guild with heavy rules however we do try and make thing s fair for lower levels to help them progress. This is just one thing you will need to take into account when you join as we may ask you not to attack in a raid to allow others to achieve a higher reward.
    If you're interested in joining PM me or add my ally code 337-427-667.
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    We are "Bal Val's GuNz" and are recruiting new players.

    We have members from lvl 22 through to lvl 83.

    We are dedicated to training new players.
    We donate gear to everyone every day
    We rotate rancor raid from T3 to T6 so everyone gets a go and gets gear they need.
    We give sound advice on all aspects of the game.

    Want to join? Whether you are new to the game or an experienced campaigner wanting to help new players we have spots open.

    You can mail me in here or add me as ally in game for an instant invite.

    Ally code : 466-286-355 : Panamax.

    Look forward to hearing from interested parties.
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    We are "Bal Val's GuNz" and are recruiting new players.

    We have members from lvl 22 through to lvl 83.

    We are dedicated to training new players.
    We donate gear to everyone every day
    We rotate rancor raid from T3 to T6 so everyone gets a go and gets gear they need.
    We give sound advice on all aspects of the game.

    Want to join? Whether you are new to the game or an experienced campaigner wanting to help new players we have spots open.

    You can mail me in here or add me as ally in game for an instant invite.

    Ally code : 466-286-355 : Panamax.

    Look forward to hearing from interested parties.
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    Are you a new player looking for a casual guild to grow with? Then come join The Silent Rebels, add me for instant invite ( 739523977 )
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    Hello everyone!

    I'm representing the guild named Third Empire and we're looking new active players to help us finish raids faster and completing daily guild activities etc.

    We're casual guild and accept all lvl players though it would be nice if you'd be lvl 50+ and it doesn't matter if you're f2p or p2w player.

    We're currently doing T4 raids so that's why would prefer lvl 50+

    Especially me but also everyone else too will help you via guild chat / donation in anything you might need help with.

    If you're interested hit me with an ally invite 938-946-541 (Thoodin) and I'll invite you to our guild.

    Hopefully I'll be seeing a lot of new members to join our ranks

    Best regards,
    Leader of the Third Empire, Thoodin
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    My guild is open to everyone that's active right now. Looking to form a strong team of warriors... My ally code is 571-959-673(OmegaRed). Guild name: OmegaRed Squadron.
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    Looking for Some new players to join my new guild just started it today but have lots of expirience
    My ally code:
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