Come Feel The Force and recruit your Padawans here! Basic Guilds Only Please!


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    Amar Union is open to anyone, currently doing a tier 4 raid as that's what the others can assist in, with a Tier 6 AAT up that I'm not getting very far in if you are a higher level :P

    Let me know if you need help finding it.
  • EnDrX
    8 posts Member
    edited November 2016

    People need to stop telling to other people what to do or not ;)
    Has i said : " If you dont have both of these requirements but if you are active and motivated its ok!"

    Btw I refused an invitation by mistake, if you sees this message. Resend it to me. Sorry about that. I did not even had the time to see your name... A lvl 54 maybe.

    823-595-558 ;)
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    I am part of a moderately sized guild (20 members) comprising of mix of players between levels 30 and 85. When I started the guild, we were only 6 75+ players. Our guild is open to anyone and our motive is to help newbies grow. We are very successful so far. More than 10 new members under level 30 joined us and now they are above 70 with so many strong toons in their arsenal. 80+ players contribute a lot of gears to the padawans and also plenty of advice. Currently, we are doing T5 raids twice or thrice a week and occasionally T4 raids so that newbies can kick in. We want to strengthen our guild with more potential new players of all levels. If you are interested you can join us.

    Guild details:
    Name: SWGOH Guild Raiders
    Player Level: No restrictions (New players under Level 30 are preferred)
    Raids: T5 (T4 occasionally)
    Number of Players: 19 (6 80+ players)

    About me:
    I have been playing SWGOH for a year and I love this game. Now I have 22 7* toons of higher Gear tier levels. My arena rank is under 50. If you want to send me ally request (also join our guild), my ally code is 533-139-174.

    I believe I will be having lot of padawans to train soon(just like Master Yoda ;P)

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    Ally-Code: 616 852 181
    Line id: swag2017 Info:
    Player Level: 40
    Average Arena Rank: 1
    Type of Play: Dolphins

    Read Most of the starting guides on the Forum. Including the Zeus. Want to join a active Guild that has the majority of the member earn 600/600 daily. I have line and discord.

    Goal is to stay 1-5 on my shard and prepare for end game. Hit me up on line and tell me about your guild thanks
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    Hey folks. Short Stormtrupers is a small guild designed for the new player. We have about 12 active players ranging from 82 to 24. We frequently do tier III and even tier II raids and limit involvement from higher ranked players to allow newer members the chance to get higher payouts. If you are new, please send me a request and let us help you start. Make sure you aren't part of a guild when you send the request so I can immediately invite you to the guild.


    Great guild here. I just joined and they have their stuff together. If you are a newer player looking to grow and level up come here.
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    Hello all,

    Small guild with 4 active players looking for more active players. I'm not a stickler for every member getting 600/600 daily contribution, just looking for consistent players to help with the daily guild activities. We are currently doing Tier 6 raids because we simply don't have the members to do the heroic ones. Rancor takes a few days, and we are still working on our first AAT. If you have at least 1 6* character, the next 6 people to join are guaranteed top 10 rewards. We chat through Line, and although we are small, we help each other out.

    If you re interested in joining, my info:

    Line ID: twinturbo7
    Ally Code: 375-927-474

    About me: I've been playing since January 2016 and am a FTP player, as are my guild mates. I am currently able to get no.1 on my shard, and I think that shows you get out of the game what you put into it.

    Guild details:
    Name: TheWillOfTheForce
    Player levels: 84, 84, 84, 77
    Rancor difficulty: Tier 6
    AAT Difficulty: Tier 6

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    Hey everybody, our guild The Ninja Turtles is looking to fill 1 spot doing T6 but we begin our journey Heroic T7 Rancor Monday!
    We recently started purging guild members that were inactive and now we have 1 spot open for players. Just a few things about us:
    1.- We prefer lvl 70+ but if you’re active we would love to have you. We currently want to push to heroics and begin Monday.
    2.- Both F2P and paid players are welcome.
    3.- We encourage all our players to raid daily and strive to contribute to the daily guild challenges but understand life happens.
    4.- You are active… plain and simple we want people who open the app and are interested in having fun and talking.
    5.- We do not have any chat requirements and mainly communicate in game at this point.
    Feel free to PM me or add me in-game with no guild and ill add you right away: Ally Code 821-985-367
    Or if you are interested post your ally code here and we will add you as an ally first and then to the guild.
    Looking forward to having you on our guild!
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    Lvl 74

    Ally code: 937-479-279

    ID: Troy F

    Active every day

    Four 7* characters
    Four 6* characters

    Average arena rank: 25 (top 20 when im on a good sleep schedule)

    Have spent money but now im F2P

    Looking for a T5 raid guilds only
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    The Silent Rebels are looking for new members to come and grow with us. we're currently a t3 rancor guild but growing fast. If interested add me code is 739-523-977
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    Hi everybody,
    if you're a Telegram user (english or spanish speaking) and you want to chat/discuss about the game (looking or not for a new guild) we've created a general group named "Galaxyofheroes".

    Feel free to find the group, join and have fun with us.

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    Looking for a few good padawans

    The W'est R'en J'di are looking for a few good padawans that want to grow with us. We do a rotation of tier 4-5-6 so all can get rewards.

    Would like lvl 50 or higher but all are welcome
    We are a fun bunch that likes to play the game
    Come join us today
    If this sounds good to you please ally me at 727314666 or line at papaduck240
    Hope to hear from you all soon
    Guild leader D'Air R'en
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    TS13 is still open for recruitment! We are primarily looking for new players and also those looking for raid gear that doesn't come from T5 and higher. So if you're struggling to get specific pieces, come join us and we'll be doing more lower to mid tier raids. My ally code is 472-568-142. You can also add me on LINE under the username dil_domee.
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    Join "Mareks legacy" [30/50]

    We are a guild currently on T5/T6 Pit Raids aiming for T7

    We are mostly East cost but have people from all over

    You can message me on line at the id lukemchief117 (This is not a requirement)

    my ally code is 519 658 677

    We need people at least near lvl 70 with at least a few high Characters

    All that really matters is that you contribute daily
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    Hi, we are recruiting new members and after members 6 members. We had over 10 new members over a week who are happy n settled here. We are strong guild and great communication and guild donations. Our guild is called creators. My ally code is 355-788-754 if that helps. If you arent in a guild or wish for a change then please send us an invite. We have already recruited 6 new members n are all happy here. Thank you.
    All levels welcome. Not looking for allys unless wanting to join the guild, nearly at 50 allys and thts after removing players who just want to be an ally.
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    Guild name : TriHards R Us
    Ally code : 376-364-158
    In game name and irl name : hybrid53 and David
    Requirements : *Active* Over lvl 25
    Goal: Complete tier 3 raids and grow from there
    Lets have fun and chat not just about Star Wars. I love anime and big gamer
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    Jurassic Ops is recruiting for players if your interested add me by my ally code to join our guild. We raid at least twice a week and will take levels 50 or higher.

    My ally code is 537-175-848
    Add me and become a dino op.
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    Rancor Pack
    4 Spots open

    The Pit Tier 4
    (January 01, 2017 moving up to Tier 5)

    Tank Takedown Normal
    (About 60% left in Phase 1 and started raid October 27th so definitely room to grow.)

    We have players from level 84 down to mid 30's

    Rancor Pack started when guilds started. We like to say Rancor Pack Rules Supreme! Ooh Rah!!!

    No super strict rules. Just play, have fun, and contribute. Let me know if you will be gone a long time.

    Player name:
    Pack Leader C Villaird

    Allly Code:

    No rank restrictions currently as long as you want to join you're good to join.
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    Our Guild, **Tustin Raider** needs new recruits. We are based in California (reset times), but will vote as to what time is the next raid - very accomodative to all players.

    We have no level restriction and not aggressive, but are generally good players and understand the meta. Also, we are starting to do Tier 6 Raids, fyi.

    Some disclosures:

    - 20 Active members, rank 10-200 in the Arena. We are looking to fill to the max, 50 members.
    - Top 5 members have 10+ 7*, Gear 9-10, level 80+.(a lot of these obtained from the Guild raid and donations)
    - Other members are newer, on average rank 50-70, with a few 5,6,and 7* each - but they are growing!
    - We donate very well to others in the guild
    - We will do Rancor Raid Tier 6 in the next several raids. Although our membership is open to any rank, to take advantage of this, please have at least one 6* toon to at least score zero and get the rewards and rank.
    My guild leader is Micros, ally code 255-641-121. If you prefer PM, please ping me with your ally code and we will invite you to the Guild.

    Look forward seeing you there!
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    More casual, non hardcore guild

    Guild Australia.

    48/50 active players. Mostly level 60-80. tier5 raids every 2-3 days. Everybody donates gear too.

    So yea, not hardcore T7 guild, just active players.
    No strict daily coin requirements.

    Looking to add to our team. All welcome!

    Add me as ally. Code: 893-763-397
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    Hey everybody, our guild The Ninja Turtles is looking to fill our last spot and are currently in the middle of our first T7
    We recently started purging guild members that were inactive and now we have 1 spot open for players. Just a few things about us:

    1.- We prefer lvl 70+ but if you’re active we would love to have you. We currently want to push to heroics and begin Monday.
    2.- Both F2P and paid players are welcome.
    3.- We encourage all our players to raid daily and strive to contribute to the daily guild challenges but understand life happens.
    4.- You are active… plain and simple we want people who open the app and are interested in having fun and talking.
    5.- We do not have any chat requirements and mainly communicate in game at this point.

    Feel free to PM me or add me in-game with no guild and ill add you right away: Ally Code 821-985-367
    Or if you are interested post your ally code here and we will add you as an ally first and then to the guild.
    Looking forward to having you on our guild!
  • KevlarGolem
    74 posts Member
    edited December 2016

    I quit after mod-gate, but have recently been drawn back to the game by the new ships update. I recently decided to re-roll a new account as my old one can't compete on my shard or GW anymore. I plan to be very active, though FTP. I have a very good understanding of the game as it was pre-mods, but have much to learn regarding the modern meta, mods, the AAT raid, ships, etc.

    me: currently lvl 19(edit: now 27).
    looking for: Goldilocks guild (very active but not overbearing). Looking to do low-mid tier rancor. Good guild name is a big plus!
    NOT looking for: a dying guild looking to add any breathing player to refill its roster

    ally code: 254-344-138
    Post edited by KevlarGolem on
    (Dex Corso in game. Formerly Til Dais)
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    Hey guys. I'm at player level 77 and I play everyday. Im hoping to find a guild that's doing T4 or T5 raids my ally code is 713-913-714. My in game name is Jaszio
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    Jaszio wrote: »
    Hey guys. I'm at player level 77 and I play everyday. Im hoping to find a guild that's doing T4 or T5 raids my ally code is 713-913-714. My in game name is Jaszio

    I'm still in a guild btw but I am looking for one that's more active and doing T5 or T4 raids
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    Hi! I am an experienced player who lost all progress a few days ago. I started a new account 4 days ago and I'm lvl 38 now. I started my own guild 2 days ago. We intend to do T3 or T4 Rancor. Looking for active players (no matter the level) so if you are interested please join us and let's grow together! Ally code: 745-241-256
  • Jaszio
    3 posts Member
    edited December 2016

    I am part of a moderately sized guild (20 members) comprising of mix of players between levels 30 and 85. When I started the guild, we were only 6 75+ players. Our guild is open to anyone and our motive is to help newbies grow. We are very successful so far. More than 10 new members under level 30 joined us and now they are above 70 with so many strong toons in their arsenal. 80+ players contribute a lot of gears to the padawans and also plenty of advice. Currently, we are doing T5 raids twice or thrice a week and occasionally T4 raids so that newbies can kick in. We want to strengthen our guild with more potential new players of all levels. If you are interested you can join us.

    Guild details:
    Name: SWGOH Guild Raiders
    Player Level: No restrictions (New players under Level 30 are preferred)
    Raids: T5 (T4 occasionally)
    Number of Players: 19 (6 80+ players)

    About me:
    I have been playing SWGOH for a year and I love this game. Now I have 22 7* toons of higher Gear tier levels. My arena rank is under 50. If you want to send me ally request (also join our guild), my ally code is 533-139-174.

    I believe I will be having lot of padawans to train soon(just like Master Yoda ;P)

    Hey I am interested in joining your guild. My ally code is 713-913-714 I am a level 77 and I'm very active. Please add me and send me an invite!

    Thank you
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    Jhundo Leader of an awesome guild here called....
    my ally code is 951-524-637
    Whats makes our guild awesome you ask? Its a fun environment to enjoy a fan favorite game. SWGOH
    Not only is the environment good but we have some awesome members that are really active and constantly helping each other out. Still don't believe me? How many donations does your guild leader have??? Just in this guild alone i have over 1000+ donations to fellow members in guild. Dot believe me? just look up my ally code and see if i'm lying. Most members in guild are fairly good at donating as well. We currently do T% raids and will continue to progress because that is our number 1 goal. We also are currently in an AAT raid but are only in phase 1 because we are lacking heavy hitters. Remember i only started guild four months ago and recruited members at the bottom and boosted them to where we are now. Main goal is to constantly progress individually nd as a whole. Loyal active helpful members will always be rewarded with officer rank and thee is no limit to how many officers are allowed in guild. If you are interested add me as an ally and i will immediately send a guild invite. Hope to see you there.
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    Hey folks. Short Stormtrüpers is a small guild designed for the new player. We have about 25 active players ranging from 84 to 24. We frequently do tier II and tier III raids and limit involvement from higher ranked players to allow newer members the chance to get higher payouts. Because players are growing, we are dipping our toes into tier IV as well. If you are new, please send me a request and let us help you start. Make sure you aren't part of a guild when you send the request so I can immediately invite you to the guild. There are no requirements other than we ask that you stay active and keep up with the guild chat. We want to help you grow and enjoy this game! Hope to see your ally invite soon!

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    Im Ferran Halcyon. Ive started a new guild ! Any lvl, no req, all are welcome!!!

  • CitrusLemon
    68 posts Member
    edited December 2016

    I'm a really really really active player currently Lv.45 in Top 20 arena with Rebel squad looking for:

    1. A highly active guild with 45++ member
    2. Guild that do Rancor Raid Tier 1 or Tier 2 max.

    Kindly quote this message or PM.
    Desperately need a highly active guild in desperate time.
  • Red_Madness
    367 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    Post edited by Red_Madness on
    This is a signature.
This discussion has been closed.