Come Feel The Force and recruit your Padawans here! Basic Guilds Only Please!


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    Stunt Cawks is looking for low level players for low raids
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    Exia Dark Matter are recruiting!

    We are a Heroic Rancor Raid/ AAT raid guild looking for New Players.
    We were started by a group of friends, and have a stable roster of everyday players. We are looking for players that can be on everyday, who enjoy a friendly group atmosphere, and who want to build their roster.
    Our members actively discuss raid comps, arena comps, how to 3* battles, and help each other gear their heroes through donations.
    We run T7 rancor raids 3 times per week, We just got true the AAT Raid Heoic.

    We have members from throughout the world. We require a third Party App such as Line.

    Minimum requirements:
    • Be active or get kick
    • 600 Guild activity Points per day[weekly 4200]
    • Do Raid if you can!!
    • Be nice to all our Guild Mates
    • Have Line installed, (if you from china contact me via We Chat)

    If this sounds like a guild that you could call home, please message me on here and I can answer any questions you have.

    Thank you and good luck,

    Game ID: 769-525-542
    Line (Kapsung Ahn) 555556698
    We Chat: A555556698
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    I was recently part of a guild and the leader was inactive and I wanted to start a new one becasue of that. I am looking for members who will actively participate in guild challenges and raids. The minimum level is 50 and probably will do Tier VI raids depending on who joins. If anyone is interested here is my ally code: 825-624-381
  • Mazz
    54 posts Member
    Looking for members Level 70+ for our guild, we have 2 members in our guild that can complete a Tier 5 raid alone, in just a few days. So we are looking for more players to expand and do bigger and better raids!
    My ally code is 795-383-279
    Request me as an ally, or post your ally code, or PM me.
    We are looking to grow very rapidly and become a top guild.
    Guild name= Nsanity

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    New guild with only 2 people. One level 59 other 39. Need some people to help out so we can start raiding. Wanna start at teir 2 and work our way up. So if you wanna grow with a guild and help out join Rackmasters or find me at HamRam alley code 426-581-531
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    Small guild looking to fill up spots vacated by numerous inactive players. Currently sitting at only 8 active players! Levels 81, 81, 81, 81, 63, 45, 42, 41.

    Seeking active players only. Not concerned with your level. Just that you're a part of the team.

    Add me!
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    CLAN NAME: TheForceAwake'N'Bakes
    JOIN UP 631-162-576
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    Need players for new guild name rackmasters help us make it to number 1 anyone welcome
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    Short Stormtroopers is a small guild (myself and 2 others) looking for more ACTIVE members to join the guild. If you are new but ACTIVELY contributing, lower tier raids will be done to help you grow. Right now we're at a 4 and want to grow and do higher tiers, but for new players, we will do lower tier raids. We will be glad to give advice and donate gear for those that are active in the guild. Please join us. ALLY CODE 325-664-438
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    Come job active and established guild

    More casual, non hardcore guild

    Guild Australia.

    48/50 active players. Mostly level 60-80. tier5 raids every 2-3 days. Everybody donates gear too.

    So yea, not hardcore T7 guild, just active players.
    No strict daily coin requirements.

    Looking to add to our team. All welcome!

    Add me as ally. Code: 893-763-397
  • RtG_Shadow
    59 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    Join the Mos Eisley Cantina Crashers

    We are a casual, mature, free to play guild with 20 very active members, almost all are lvl 80+ except a couple alt accounts. We recently migrated guilds to gain control of the leadership (no longer active leader) and we are looking to raise our numbers back closer to the cap. We are a friendly group that is currently getting through a T6 rancor raid in about 3-4 days. Our guild resets at midnight PST (GMT -8) and the activity reset is 6:30 (in the same time zone). Come help us take over the galaxy!

    Ally-code: 915-555-178
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    501st Wraiths looking for lots of lower ranked players who want to improve their game and toons by playing lower level tiers (3-4) and of course being active on a regular basis so as to help get those coins to start raids.
    You can pm me here if you want or just join up.
    My ally code is 637-826-633

    Also the new tank raid running.(for the next few months)

    Dont be shy come along and join.
    We will make sure the lower rannked players get a chance at the top places.
    501st Wraiths looking for lots of lower ranked players who want to improve their game and toons by playing lower level tiers (3-4) and of course being active on a regular basis so as to help get those coins to start raids.
    You can pm me here if you want or just join up.
    My ally code is 637-826-633

    Also the new tank raid running.(for the next few months)

    Dont be shy come along and join.
    We will make sure the lower rannked players get a chance at the top places.

  • Indigo386
    7 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    Hello Im Indigo..Leader of the Purveyors of Hope
    We started the guild back in June and have been a very active guild...
    We generate 20k+ Tickets a day and can open and finish the Tier VI raid every 2-3 days....We are just a few good members off from Tier7!!
    There is about 10 of us pushing out good dps at the moment..1 of them can solo a phase-while 4 of us can do 4 of us another phase and so on!
    Im on the forums trying to fill these last guild slots with well put together people so that we can start knocking out the Tier VII.
    We are laid back and chill really nice group of people! A lil home for all!
    My Ally Code is 426-638-922, Send me ally invite via game or a message on here!
    Hope you join! dont miss out!
    10 slots available...Only level 80+ please, we've come a long way :D
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    Galactic Security wants you! We are a semi-casual guild looking for two new, active members. We currently run T6, and planning to do Heroic T7 soon.

    If you are level 75+ and want to raid (have at least 5 7* so you can get involved in T7 soon), we would be glad to bring you in. While we do want active members, we do not require full daily contributions and we have no problem with people taking vacations or brief time off (as long as they give us a heads up).

    Our chat is always helpful, and we do offer tips and advice on how to maximize your game enjoyment. We also have a guild Line channel and use Discord for game discussion and scheduling.

    Our time zone is EST (GMT-4), with reset at 930pm EST. Most of our members are US, but we have members from around the world.

    If this sounds right for you, please send me a pm. You can also shoot me an Ally request at 879-417-165.

    Good hunting!
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    we are a little guild called "Alte Separatistische Ordnung".. Yes wie habe a german Name, but we also speak english.
    We want to recruit some low level players, to guid them. We are a very small guild at the Moment (only 2 players) but wie hope that we rise up.
    If you want to join, add me: 138-633-679
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    TheGreyJediCanada is recruiting. We are a low-mid level guild (now playing T2-T3 level raids) and we have now 13 active members. Every active player is welcome. If you want to join, add me : 919-527-161
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    Short Stormtroopers is a small guild (myself and 2 others) looking for more ACTIVE members to join the guild. If you are new but ACTIVELY contributing, lower tier raids will be done to help you grow. Right now we're at a 4 and want to grow and do higher tiers, but for new players, we will do lower tier raids. We will be glad to give advice and donate gear for those that are active in the guild. Please join us. ALLY CODE 325-664-438
    Why you and your friends join my guild we have just start a new guild

    Add me 867-822-993
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    New guild looking for daily players. Any level accepted. Contribute what you can. Raids at whatever level members can handle.
    Experienced leader can provide guidance. Friendly chat encouraged.
    Guild name is greyside mindtricksters. # 127-577-766
    Please check us out, all questions answered. Help build a new guild from the ground up!
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    Come join Rebel Alliance 1977. We are a friendly bunch looking for all levels of players. :)
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    Greetings summoner ,
    I'm AtschBetsch , leader of the guild (and several other games by the way..) and I'm just waiting for you and your skillpower ;) !
    We're a family guild which was built at the beggining. We discovered all of the raids..the tips etc... but we've got one problem, which is : you ! Why didn't you join us yet ?!
    More seriously ^^ , we 're looking for serious players who wants to part with us in raids etc ... currently we're 45 and around 30 active players , and we need more active players!!
    If you're interested in , don't hesitate to join us :) I'm sure we're gonna to make our guild a better future together !!
    For that you'll have to answer under the post and to add me in-game with my code 513-242-118
    PS : most of the players comes from baguetteland (France) so don't be scared about it , we'll enjoy to practice more English (or another language, it doesn't matter lmao^^)
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    Join the Mos Eisley Cantina Crashers

    We are a casual, mature, free to play guild with 20 very active members, almost all are lvl 80+ except a couple alt accounts. We recently migrated guilds to gain control of the leadership (old guild had a leader that was no longer active) and we are looking to raise our numbers. We are a friendly group that is currently getting through a T6 rancor raid in about 3-4 days. Our guild resets at midnight PST (GMT -8) and the guild activity reset is 6:30pm (in the same time zone). Come help us take over the galaxy!

    Ally-code: 915-555-178
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    Short Stormtroopers is a small guild (myself and 4 others) looking for more ACTIVE members to join the guild. If you are new but ACTIVELY contributing, lower tier raids will be done to help you grow. Right now we're at a 4 and want to grow and do higher tiers, but for new players, we will do lower tier raids. We will be glad to give advice and donate gear for those that are active in the guild. Please join us. ALLY CODE 325-664-438
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    QuiGon Jesus is looking for new blood. We're a guild that's running tier 3 raids and are looking for players in the level 50+ range. A guild that's slowly building and has moved from T1 to T3 in a week.

    Daily players only. Add ally code 287-612-425 and join us today!!
  • ThadCastle
    2 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    Stunt Cawks looking for members. Welcoming all low level players. We're currently running 2* raids and will continue to do so. Looking for active players.

    Ally code: 287-783-777
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    Discord Continuum is currently recruitment for any and all members.
    Who are we?
    Discord Continuum is a family-oriented online gaming community. We have an active presence across multiple mobile games, and pride ourselves on providing a friendly, social, and welcoming environment. We use a private Discord server that doesn't just serve as our primary line of communication, but offers lively and easygoing discussions about any topic.

    Within Galaxy of Heroes, we are a newly formed guild who is looking for more people who is looking for people to join us to help us build up our ranks.

    As anguild, we're committed to fostering a positive and productive community within Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes. We're a very active and motivated group of players, so anytime you see one of us feel free to ask for advice or game tips. We're always happy to help and love to chat.

    The only thing we ask of you is that you are respectful to your fellow guild members and have access to Discord.

    If you have any questions please contact me via either;
    - PM’s
    - Discord PM – Kakarot#6728
    I look forward to hearing from you.
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    Can I again kindly remind that this post is aimed at beginners! I'm sure you are being fair but asking a beginner to join a guild when you are raiding 5/6/7 is ridiculous. They cannot raid such a high tier when they first start no matter what gear you donate!
    Even if you say just have a one tiered character they gain something. They gain something when you gain a lot! You aren't being fair and helping them!
    To all padawans: This discussion post is for you, any guild who aren't conforming to this post ignore! Don't go there!!! I've said before I will quote all the good posts that are perfect for you :) I might get banned but this is about good people helping each other, having fun. Not trying to get one over each other. It's team work and it's fun work! You'll just get farmed for your raid currency so stronger players can raid and you'll be left out!

    Even if our guild is not suitable and you want a certain time zone etc then PM me and I've got a few guilds who would certainly you

    Our guild has classified itself into 4 raid squadrons: Blue, Red, Green and Gold. We do T7 Rancor all the time now, but rotate which squadron is allowed to do damage in Raids so that the lower level or weaker players get a chance to get good raid gear. We're full right now, but just dropping this suggestion out to any other guilds with strong players who might be listening.
  • TagoJedi
    1 posts Member
    edited October 2016
    Hey, new guild Mists of the Force recruiting lower levels, we have already few active players and we are on stand by to gather few more to start lower raids, currently we just work on t 5 for fun but after we gather more lower levels we start from T 1 . For more info PM me or just send an ally invite : 661-399-273

    My guild starting thread to read a bit more about the guild !
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    Im looking for some players who are playing for fun...rank is irrelevant, just add me 684-727-218

    Alle deutschen Spieler sind herzlich wilkommen
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    Please come join Rebel Alliance 1977. All levels welcome, English speaking friendly clan. Come have some fun and enjoy. :)
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    We are a friendly helpful tier 4,5,6 guild looking to fill a few spots. We raid every day with a scheduled start time. We are an ACTIVE guild with a very strong core of members from all over the world. Some of us use line app and most of the chat is on there, but it's not a requirement to join. Add me as an ally 699-543-935 or contact me through line@gregor587. ACTIVE MEMBERS ONLY PLEASE
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