Come Feel The Force and recruit your Padawans here! Basic Guilds Only Please!


  • JavinVigil777
    33 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    8 spots left!!!!!!

    Hi I am the Leader of Lampkins97. We do tier 4,5 and 6 raids and accept people of all levels. Right now we are doing a tier 6 raid to build up our raid tickets and then we will do a tier 5 raid.

    We are a casual guild that doesn't require an external chat program. All members are allowed to vote on what tier will be attempted next. We like to joke around and help each other out with strategy and squad development in our guild chatroom. We have 20+ active players and donate frequently.

    If you are a lower level player we would love to help you in leveling up and gaining experience.

    Please PM me or add me as an ally(711-934-256 make sure you do not belong to a guild so that I can add you).

    We are open to join so you can also just find us and join.
    Post edited by JavinVigil777 on
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    Team Explicit is looking for active members to fill up our roster. We're also open for acquiring a small (sub 20) guild or guilds as well.

    Information to know about Team Explicit:
    Team Explicit is currently a casual group, previously reformed from a poorly ran guild. We decided to branch off and reform with new leadership and actual active members. Our current raid pattern is a snake with T4-T6 Rancor raids. We will eventually work up to only T6 then only T7.

    What Team Explicit is seeking:
    We are seeking players at all levels and experience to join our team. We have no strict requirements other than to be active and helpful. As mentioned above, we're a casual guild so you won't find any elitist attitudes, only friendly and helpful ones.

    We are also open to acquiring smaller sized guilds, anywhere between 5-15 members in an effort to reach our goal of 50 active members. We are also not looking to leave and join other guilds.

    In respect to guild acquisition, our leadership team will work with your guild in order to come to an agreement on goals and raiding.

    If interested, please PM me your ally code, or simply send me a request in-game via 578-282-917.
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    I am the leader of an active but casual guild, looking for 15 active extra members.

    We currently do Rancor raid levels 5 and 6. Hopefully building to T7 in the new year.

    The guild has no stipulation on the amount of raid tickets required each day, but we do expect people to contribute at least something each day.

    Please PM me if you are interested in joining or you can find us as an open guild called Dark Zone Dons (not my choice for guild name. I inherited the leadership after the founder stopped playing).
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    Join our fun and established guild. We have lots of experienced players but we are open to all levels....including beginners. Best way to join is by searching our guild in game. OR use my ally code: 449 516 916
    Please don't send a friend request if you aren't willing to wait for us to accept it.
    Merry Christmas everyone.
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    I am in a guild called outcast revolution. We are actively seeking player of all levels. We are a part of a bigger guild. Start at outcast revolution and we will train you and you will have many opportunities to advance to the higher guild. My player ID is 419-286-755
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    xJHUNDOx here
    leader of guild xJediMindTricksx
    line chat id: xjhundox
    t5 raids, normal tank raid (but looking for players to push us to next level, we are easily taking down t5, and are consistent on normal tnk raid.)
    Active everyday competitive level 70-85
    Must have a 2 7* teams
    Must absolutely be at minimum 500 in Squad arena but prefer top 200
    Power range 36-45k power in squad
    Squad Gear 9 or higher
    Helping members with donations and advice, not trying to tell them how to play just give them ideas
    Constant and Consistent donations in purple salvage
    Officer rank upon proving loyalty/knowledge of game/ and guild integrity
    Constant ongoing raids and top rewards. We only have 5-7 members that can do total 1 million damage in T5, think of the rewards you can get if above that.
    Active guild and chat also line app communication.
    Once we get 2/3 more members that are heavy hitters in raid we will be doing T6, we might even start T6 before you any of you guys join. We have a total of 11 spots open and we are only accepting higher players. Our lower and middle base is strong just need more top players.
    If you are interested in our guild add me and send me a message on line app
    Line id: xjhundox
    Line group chat xJEDIMINDTRICKSx
    player id: 951-524-637
    Contact me and we will receive higher members with welcoming arms.
    Thanks again
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    Mamasita's jedis is a new, small guild with experienced players, looking for active players. All levels welcome and no question is silly, come look us up!
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    Shard Awakens needs YOU!

    Hey everyone,
    we are a T7 EU guild looking for active members. We are a quite relaxed guild, with only a few rules to follow. A few people left our guild in order to join Heroic AAT guilds, which is why we are recruiting new blood!

    - nice guild members
    - usually 3 T7 rancors /week with 1 day registration (0 Damage), usually starting at 11 GMT.
    - AAT normal in about 4-5 days, preparing for Heroic AAT
    - chat on discord with strategies, team comps etc.

    - at least one 7* toon (so you can get the T7 rewards :smile: )
    - 600/600 daily energy contribution
    - be nice and kind
    - participation in raids

    Please send me a PM and add ally code 343-191-699 if interested. Happy to hear from you!
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    45/50 U.S. Central time zone
    Very casual laid back bunch of guys that use discord as main way of communication.
    Mostly level 80+
    Need atleast 1 super team for aat raid. Plan to start heroic Jan 1st
    All we ask is for 600/600 on energy and help with guild activities that reset at 6:30 central us time
    We are completing 3 heroic raids a week
    Also doing tank raid
    Ally code is 752-957-179 if you send invite please don't be in a guild so i can send you an invite asap
    Central time zone guild
    message on here for questions
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    We are "Sabre de luz Brasil" a Brazilian guild with members from many countries. We are on T7 raid now and looking for new active members from anywhere in the world! Also, we are doing the AAT raid normal lvl, moving to heroic soon!
    There is no level requirements! We just ask to achieve 600 guild coins daily and respect the raid rules!
    We organize in a way so everyone gets the raid prizes! If u are interested reply this post with ally code so we can invite u!
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    People need to stop trying to recruit for higher level guilds. The whole point of this thread is to recruit new players and help them learn. This is not the place to find players for heroic raids and anything above T4. If you are actually looking for a lower level friendly guild mine is currently open. My ally code is 472-568-142. Im also on LINE. Just search dil_domee. We are doing the lower end tiers to help everyone get the gear thats not available in the harder tiers.

    I like this post, this is exactly the post that should be here.
    After a few guild glitches we started again and within 2 weeks we have a full guild. We do have a policy that if you don't log in (after 14 days) we look for someone else and within 2 hours we have a new guild member.
    We are now raiding 3-5 as we are a mixed bag of levels but it works! Good luck to you and you'll do it.
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    Hey everybody, our guild The Ninja Turtles is looking to fill our last spot and are a T6/T7 Guild

    We recently started purging guild members that were inactive and now we have 3 spot open for players. Just a few things about us:

    1.- We are looking for lvl 75+ if you’re active we would love to have you. We do T6/T7 raids and will switch to full T7 Jan 1
    2.- Both F2P and paid players are welcome.
    3.- We encourage all our players to raid daily and strive to contribute to the daily guild challenges but understand life happens just do your best to get 600/600.
    4.- You are active… plain and simple we want people who open the app and are interested in having fun and talking.
    5.- We do not have any chat requirements and mainly communicate in game at this point.

    Feel free to PM me or add me in-game with no guild and ill add you right away: Ally Code 821-985-367
    Or if you are interested post your ally code here and we will add you as an ally first and then to the guild.
    Looking forward to having you on our guild!
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    Eastern standerd time zone guild.
    New guild, just working on building our strength and numbers. We plan to raid soon.
    We accept all levels and plan to start on low tiers.
    We ask to take part in daily guild activities.
    Ally code 589-882-672
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    Dark Empire Indo is recruiting!

    We are welcoming any active player to help us achieve our goals; do raids daily. This guild is for all Lv. especially new players that need guidance to the force as we will help you to understand the game better.

    Add me:

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    SW:GOH *ULTIMA ONLINE* guild is recruiting new members.
    GMT +2, no requirements, friendly community and advises on characters, modules, game for each member. Raids T3-T5+.
    Add me in game 445-455-669 or pm me with your ally code.



    mess with the best die like the rest
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    Shard Awakens needs YOU!

    Hey everyone,
    we are a T7 EU guild looking for active members. We are a quite relaxed guild, with only a few rules to follow. A few people left our guild in order to join Heroic AAT guilds, which is why we are recruiting new blood!

    - nice guild members
    - usually 3 T7 rancors /week with 1 day registration (0 Damage), usually starting at 11 GMT.
    - AAT normal in about 4-5 days, preparing for Heroic AAT
    - chat on discord with strategies, team comps etc.

    - Around Lvl 80, at least one 7* toon
    - 600/600 daily energy contribution
    - be nice and kind
    - participation in raids

    Please send me a PM and add ally code 343-191-699 if interested. Happy to hear from you!
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    We are a small guild with a pretty strong core member team
    Trying to some progressing raids and giving advice for our younger members

    PM me if you are interested
    312-115-414 Kyuui Ekibyoo
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    TriHards 4 Us is Under New Management
    New 4 Star guild run by veteran player is recruiting active members!
    We are a casual but active guild. What that means is there are no daily minimums, no one telling you to play more, no need for a 3rd party chat app, but also that we like to play everyday.
    We are free to play friendly and welcome pay to play players as well. Send me a message with your ally code for an invite!
    314-187-745 || Event Suggestions | Bounty Hunting || #JuhaniNextJune #PadméPlease
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    Hey everybody, our guild The Ninja Turtles is looking to fill our last spot and are a T6/T7 Guild
    We recently started purging guild members that were inactive and now we have 1 spot open for players. Just a few things about us:

    1.- We are looking for lvl 80+ if you’re active we would love to have you. We do T6/T7 raids and will switch to full T7 Jan 1
    2.- Both F2P and paid players are welcome.
    3.- We encourage all our players to raid daily and strive to contribute to the daily guild challenges but understand life happens just do your best to get 600/600.
    4.- You are active… plain and simple we want people who open the app and are interested in having fun and talking.
    5.- We do not have any chat requirements and mainly communicate in game at this point.

    Feel free to PM me or add me in-game with no guild and ill add you right away: Ally Code 821-985-367
    Or if you are interested post your ally code here and we will add you as an ally first and then to the guild.
    Looking forward to having you on our guild!
  • Mercwithnomouth
    2 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    New guild recruiting all levels! Clan 0rdo is looking for active players new and old alike. PM me or search for the guild...0rdo with a zero.
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    Looking for last few members.

    We're a more casual, non hardcore guild.

    47/50 active players. Mostly level 70-83. tier5-6 raids every 2-3 days. Everybody donates gear too.

    So yea, not hardcore T7 guild, just active players.
    No strict daily coin requirements.

    Looking to add to our team. All welcome!

    Add me as ally. Code: 893-763-397
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    Outcast Revolution - little brother of Outcast Evolution Click Here

    Guild Leader: Barry (419-286-755)

    line id: darth_barris

    Guild Officer: Cigarette Smoking Man (153-567-613)

    Guild Officer: Jatha (921-978-627)

    Time Zone: EST

    Raid Start Time 2pm (EST) / 7pm (GMT)

    We are promoting players from here to Outcast Evolution when their teams become ready for heroic..

    Our members are powerful enough to finish heroic rancor.

    We are looking to fill our ranks with normal AAT ready members, we are open for merge (absorption).

    Please contact us from here, line or add us in-game if you wanna join..

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    Hey all - 46 and 2 can use more members, we have plenty of slots open and don't have any restrictions. We're still a really young guild with all levels ranging from level 84 all the way down to level 31. The only thing I ask is that you try to contribute and be active.

    We're doing raids as often as we can, usually T4 and we encourage all members to get in there and participate so everyone gets rewards and we donate gear all the time.

    We use in-game chat, nothing special.

    I'm the leader, so you can PM me here if you're interested.
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    US Central time zone Tier 7 Guild 44/50
    Very casual laid back bunch of guys that use discord as main way of communication and are looking to always progress!
    Lvl 80s with 10 Gear 9 characters and higher
    Need atleast 1 super team for aat raid.
    All we ask is for 600/600 on energy and help with guild activities that reset at 6:30 central us time
    We are completing 3 heroic raids a week and aat
    Ally code is 752-957-179 if you send invite please don't be in a guild so i can send you an invite asap
    Central time zone guild
    message on here for questions
  • BOT
    55 posts Member

    I am the leader of a brand new active but casual guild.

    Based on the members I can recruit will depend what Tier of raids we do. But hopefully can just grow as a guild and eventually topple some Heroic tanks.

    The guild has no stipulation on the amount of raid tickets required each day, but do expect people to be active

    Please PM me if you are interested in joining or you can add me as an ally 638-632-689
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    Leader of Gutsy Hawks a guild of three active players who would like to add to our ranks.

    We are extremely casual you can PM me if interested or just join. The group is currently open to all players.


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    Hi everyone-

    I'm the leader of a Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes guild called, "The Knights of Ren 10". The guild is only two weeks old, but we already have 29 members in the 1st Tier of the game. Our members range from levels 25 to 56 and we occupy 11 of the top spots in the top 50 of our tier; over 1/5th of the PvP (or server).

    The group is structured, but not overly demanding. The only thing I am not looking for is mercenaries, or people who don't contribute, but reap the benefits of everyone else's game time.

    Ultimately, the goal is to continue to build a guild that is productive for everyone, fun to be a part of, and active in using strategy and chat.

    If this sounds like the type of guild for you, The Knights of Ren 10 welcomes you with open arms!

    My player "Ally Code" is 166-274-764. My name on the game is listed as KyloRen.

    The Knights of Ren 10
    The Knights of Ren 10
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    Hey everybody, our guild The Ninja Turtles is looking to fill our last spot and are a T6/T7 Guild
    We recently started purging guild members that were inactive and now we have 2 spot open for players. Just a few things about us:

    1.- We are looking for lvl 80+ if you’re active we would love to have you. We do T6/T7 raids and will switch to full T7 Jan 1
    2.- Both F2P and paid players are welcome.
    3.- We encourage all our players to raid daily and strive to contribute to the daily guild challenges but understand life happens just do your best to get 600/600.
    4.- You are active… plain and simple we want people who open the app and are interested in having fun and talking.
    5.- We do not have any chat requirements and mainly communicate in game at this point.

    Feel free to PM me or add me in-game with no guild and ill add you right away: Ally Code 821-985-367
    Or if you are interested post your ally code here and we will add you as an ally first and then to the guild.
    Looking forward to having you on our guild!
  • Options
    Very casual laid back bunch of guys that use discord as main way of communication and are looking to always progress!
    Lvl 80s with 10 Gear 9 7* characters and higher
    Need atleast 1 super team for aat raid.
    All we ask is for 600/600 on energy and help with guild activities that reset at 6:30 central us time
    We are completing 3 heroic raids a week and aat
    Ally code is 752-957-179 if you send invite please don't be in a guild so i can send you an invite asap
    Central time zone guild
    message on here for questions
This discussion has been closed.