Come Feel The Force and recruit your Padawans here! Basic Guilds Only Please!


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    Looking for newcomers, :)

    My guild Strachatella Troopers are looking for members.
    There are no duties as to separate separately Messengers like Line.
    It is also not necessary to reach 600 tickets daily.
    I and my current members are great Swgoh fans and we have fun.
    Anyone looking for a guild is welcome at the Troopers. We are a German / English speaking guild.Raid regularly by arrangement between 7pm and 8pm.
    Time zone: UTC + 1: 00
    We are still very young as a guild, I hope there still exist newcomers in the Star Wars universe.:)
    Who you click on the link.
    Get my allied code. :)
    From stage 22 onwards is an advantage.
    I hope & look for new members. We are 4 players altogether already.
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    We are a new guild. There are only a few of us, but we range from mid 30's to 40's... Each of us broke away from the big guild play, to form a more fun group, without all the crazy requirements. All we ask is you contribute to raids, and toward the guild any way you can, level permitting of course
    Join Society of Ghosts, Send me an invite (794-946-857)
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    General Kenobi,

    Years ago you served my father in the Clone Wars, now he begs you to help him in his struggle against the Empire. I regret that I am unable to present my father's request to you in person. My ship has fallen under attack and I am afraid that my mission to bring you to Alderaan has failed. I have placed information that is vital to the survival of the Rebellion in the memory systems of this R2 unit. My father will know how to retrieve it. You must see this droid safely delivered to him and his guild, Allies of the Force.
    This is our most desperate hour.

    Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope.

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    For those looking to join an up and coming guild of daily players, eager to grow and assist our fellow guild-mates, i present The Order of Ossus, we may be new and thus small, but we intend on growing fast and with your support can make that happen!
    We are Australia based but mind not your location. (more for those concerned with time-zones)
    We also manage to complete our daily guild activities everyday despite our small number of members thanks to the efforts of each and every member, and with your help we can make load that little bit lighter for everyone :)

    if your interested in joining us my ally code is 619-628-376
    once sent you will be able to find our guild by going into guilds, then ally guilds and scrolling down till you see me :)
    though i shall also be sending an invite upon my log in to all who have friended me, to make their job that little bit easier.

    Thanks for reading, i hope to see some of you there!
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    Nuova gilda italiana. Sons of Galaxy SOG
    Cerchiamo giocatori appassionati di questo gioco.
    Ora siamo 8 giocatori tra livelli 30_70.
    Mio codice alleato 286-859-893
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    Spaceballs the Lunchbox
    Active guild seeking Schwartz sensitives and starwars buffs, new balls welcome!! We have guides knowledge and a few top heroes in our chat room, we provide advice, assistance, and encourage all character selections, even the less popular builds. All about raids and catching up to our top players is still possible, were a group of friends that have been playing games for years!
    We use line chat app!
    Contact in game or on "line"
    Contact or apply to
    Dark Helmet, OsirisReborn, Saunis, and Samgribbles
    "and i will show you ... where the iron crosses grow..."
  • NimkeMooMoo
    73 posts Member
    edited January 2017
    MooMoobrothers are recruiting discord server is all are welcome need more active members for raids and such if you don't want to use discord its fine just be active thx for joining and replying if you want to be my ally pm me on the forums
    Post edited by NimkeMooMoo on
  • DarthMerlon
    4 posts Member
    edited January 2017
    The new guild "Arthas" is coming top 1 (why not;). We are at the start of our journey and open for everyone! Good attendence is in priority! W/ me or find us in the game to join! May the 4 th be with u! Also my game code is 182 - 688 - 987 Darth Merlon
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    Hi Galaxy of Heroes,

    My name is Evergoo, Guild Leader of The Guild Raiders (Heroic AAT) and Guild Officer of Room 249 (non-Heroic guild). We recently merged with two other guilds to form a 3-guild coalition: 1 Heroic Rancor + Heroic AAT, 1 Heroic Rancor + Normal AAT, and 1 Non-Heroic. Whenever we have spots open, we try our best to promote players from within our system.

    If you are active and interested in receiving guidance for Arena, Galactic War, Ships, Raids, and farming, my Guild Officers (also running alt accounts) and I would love to give you advice. We have been together since May 2016 and are very knowledgeable about metas.

    My Ally Code is 422-932-927 and we do T4-T5 Rancor Raids. Thank you for listening and please don't hesitate to ask questions (Line ID: evergoo) or shoot me a PM! :)

    Heroic Account:
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    "Shad0w Collectiv3" recruiting members now!! New players are welcomed to join. We will be doing pit raid tier 5/6 but we will do tier 4 from time to time to help new players to gear up and we're doing tank raid aat normal mode. My ally code 838-635-548
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    The new guild "Arthas" is coming top 1 (why not;). We are at the start of our journey and open for everyone! Good attendence is in priority! W/ me or find us in the game to join! May the 4 th be with u! My nick in game DarthMerlon , my code is 182 - 688 - 997 . Now we have 4-5 players with the highest attendence and wanna do amazing things! So what are u w8in for? Lets roll!
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    The grand First Order is searching for active members :)

    We are playing 5* raids(and looking forward to beat the heroic raid...But this will take a long time:)), are really active and want to help every player with gear donations:)
    Our guild contains german and english speaking members and we are currently creating a line group(work in progress)-Discord is also a possibility:)
    If you want to grow with our guild please join the grand first order:) We look forward to welcoming you aboard :)

    My ally code is: 657-518-343 or you can send me a Pm :)

    May the force be with you :)

    P.S.: We launched a normal tank takedown raid just for fun and we almost finished phase 1^^
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    "Cave Raiders" is a new guild looking for any level players to help build it up. We will start with low level raids and work our way up as we grow. No daily requirement other than staying active as best as possible.

    Ally Code: 118-283-357

    Guild Name: Cave Raiders
  • NimkeMooMoo
    73 posts Member
    edited January 2017
    Join moomoobrothers community today
    Line name is NimkeMooMoo
    Discord server is
    I need active and friendly people for my community for raids and stuff fair for everyone raids help me and gain my trust for ranks
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    The guild name is AlphaMerica we are a guild that is solely there to help the new comers. Once you are at a higher level you will have the option to stick around and help other new comers or transfer to our higher tier guild if you want to do the higher raids. Also accepting friend requests if you have trouble finding the guild. 383-656-443
  • NimkeMooMoo
    73 posts Member
    edited January 2017
    Join moomoobrothers today
    If you want too join read this page it will tell my contract info and stuff
  • Theodeus
    32 posts Member
    edited January 2017
    New Guild, Alderaanian Rebels is recruiting members. Small Guild with only 2 members BUT extremely well versed in SWGOH. I'm Theodeus, leader of AD and Im asking for your help to make a fun and enjoyable guild that works together like family. No requirements, no high expectations. Enjoy the game, ask questions and woop some @****! I've been playing since Febuary of 2016 and have a solid roster. Im not interested in being the best or having the best guild to brag about. I just wanna enjoy the game and create a close knit team of players who'll do anything for their squad mates. I'm willing to help you! Are you willing to help me? ;)

    Good luck! And May the Force Be With You!

    Leader: Theodeus (Ally Code #267-324-343)
    Officer: Resmi Hardin (Ally Code #335-139-455)
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    Hi we are recruiting new players! We are 3 76s connected in Rl. We are fair, helpful, and understanding! Will start out on lower raids and work our way up! Give me a message, friend request, or post your ally code for an invite. Join AnnsFeedStore today!
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    We are looking for active members to fill our guild. Easy laid back bunch who are very talkative and share strategy about the game and just life in general.

    Minimum requirements:
    600 daily raid tickets
    Player level 70+ prefered but will accept lower levels
    Follow raid rules
    Be active and have fun!

    We raid Heroic rancor which we beat in 2 hrs. Currently raiding basic tank but will be doing Heroic tank shortly. Most of our core players are top 10 in their servers in arena and ships. We are a single guild focused on progressing and helping our lowers strengthen their toons. Very active in gear donations. If this sounds like the guild you have been looking for then send me a pm.

    Ally code: 351 752 114

    We use Line app but it is not required. My Line ID kadenryken
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    Hi Galaxy of Heroes,

    My name is Evergoo, Guild Leader of The Guild Raiders (Heroic AAT) and Room 249 (non-Heroic guild). We recently merged with two other guilds to form a 3-guild coalition: 1 Heroic Rancor + Heroic AAT, 1 Heroic Rancor + Normal AAT, and 1 Non-Heroic. Whenever we have spots open, we promote players from within our system to the next highest guild.

    If you are active and interested in receiving guidance for Arena, Galactic War, Ships, Raids, and farming, my Guild Officers (also running alt accounts) and I would love to give you advice. We have been together since May 2016 and are very knowledgeable about metas.

    My Ally Code is 422-932-927, my Line ID is evergoo, and we do T4 Rancor Raids. Thank you for listening and please don't hesitate to ask questions or shoot me a PM! :)

    Heroic Account:
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    We're a relaxed guild, great chatty bunch. All are active. half Australian, half American.

    48/50 active players. Mostly level 80-85. Currently tier6 raids every 2 days. Taking about 1.5 weeks to clear AAT. Everybody donates gear too.

    So yea, not hardcore guild, just active players.
    No strict daily ticket requirements or raid rules.

    Add me as ally. Code: 893-763-397
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    After a successful filling our third guild, we are starting our fourth guild in the community for new players up to lvl 50, Outcast PreRevolution! It doesn't matter if you are casual or not, but we accept you and we help you to grow in the game! Just send me a private message or add me in LINE chat, J24kilates

    Oh, and when you get to lvl 50, you can get promoted to our guild C with other players between lvl 50 and 80
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    I currently have a guild of 38 members. We are looking for a possible small guild merge to get us to 50 members. It's a very chill guild who looks to be active in raids and daily guild activities. We currently run T7 "Heroic Pit" and Normal Tank Takedown. If anyone is interested please message me on here.
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    The Grave Yard is a chill group of UK/US based players looking to recruit some fresh blood.

    We have a core group of players that easily gets through heroic pit, and normal tank raid in a few days. But we're lacking enough bodies to keep raids going! We're happy to take low level players and guide them, it's how most of the people in our family started out and we've had more success helping players grow compared to recruiting late game players. We're very chatty on LINE and are always trading tips and advice.

    We've been hit hard by a group of leavers recently (down to 39/50) and are hoping to find some eager players looking for a nice place to call home and help guide their journey.

    Add Dudemk3 or Cuzzins on LINE if you're interested in joining us :)
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    We're a relaxed guild, great chatty bunch. All are active. But we understand real life commitments.

    48/50 active players. Mostly level 80-85. Currently tier6 raids every 2 days. Soon to be heroic. Taking about 1.5 weeks to clear AAT. Everybody donates gear too.

    So yea, not hardcore guild, just active players.
    No strict daily ticket requirements or raid rules.

    We're growing in strength exponentially, looking to add to our team. All welcome!

    Add me as ally. Code: 893-763-397
  • Options
    We are looking for active members to fill our guild. Easy laid back bunch who are very talkative and share strategy about the game and just life in general.

    Minimum requirements:
    600 daily raid tickets
    Player level 70+ prefered but will accept lower levels
    Follow raid rules
    Be active and have fun!

    We raid Heroic rancor which we beat in 2 hrs. Currently raiding basic tank but will be doing Heroic tank shortly. Most of our core players are top 10 in their servers in arena and ships. We are a single guild focused on progressing and helping our lowers strengthen their toons. Very active in gear donations. If this sounds like the guild you have been looking for then send me a pm.

    Ally code: 351 752 114

    We use Line app but it is not required. My Line ID kadenryken
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    Our guild is looking for over L65 players with at least 1 x 7* toon preferably 5 x 7* toons. heroic rancor and normal tank*
    We don't have lots of rules
    1. 600 daily
    2. Line app
    3. Pitt raid- one team every 24hours**
    4. Tank raid - at the moment it is free for all
    If you're interested in joining please private message me with your details we would love to hear from u. We are a great friendly bunch spread across the world USA/U.K./AUS.
    Thanks for taking the time to read this post.
    *We do have an alliance with another guild who does HEROIC AAT so when you do become strong in your own time we can give you the offer to go HEROIC
    **during phase 1 we select 2-3 people to kill pigs to minimise wasted damaged these people are alternated every raid
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    Just started a new guild "Wraiths of Mustafar". Open guild w/ focus on character development and advancement. No required play time, just have fun. ID 416-167-974. Thanks
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    J'di recruiting

    The W'est R'en J'di a t6 guild and the E'ast R'en J'di a t2-t3 guilds are recruiting active players to join our active friendly guilds. Line app is strongly suggested but not required.
    W'est R'en J'di;
    Must be active
    Online daily
    Lvl 75 or higher
    Good rancor team
    AAT teams in progress
    We are looking for strong players to help us make heroic rancor. We raid t6 rancor 3-4 time weekly. AAT in about 7 days. Need strong players.
    E'ast R'en J'di;
    Must be active
    Online daily
    All lvls welcome
    We are looking for players of all lvls to help build the second guild. If you have a small guild 10-15 members and would like to join our community of the J'di this is the place for you as well. All are welcome to join. Lots of higher lvl players to answer questions and help you build your teams.
    W'est R'en J'di
    Guild leader: D'Air R'en
    Ally: 727-314-666
    Line id: papaduck240
    E'ast R'en J'di
    Guild leader: imtelekinetic
    Ally: 275-395-882
    Line id: imtelekinetic
    Also open to small guild merger.
    All are welcome
This discussion has been closed.