Come Feel The Force and recruit your Padawans here! Basic Guilds Only Please!


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    I have a guild currently with 23 members who are looking for anyone who may want to merge into our guild. We currently do T6 Rancor and Normal Tank Takedown. We are hoping to start up T7 "Pit" and Heroic Tank Takedown in the near future. If anyone is interested please message me on here and I will give you more details.
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    Tier III Rancor Raid Running Now!
    We are a casual but active guild. What that means is there are no daily minimums, no one telling you to play more, no need for a 3rd party chat app, but also that we like to play everyday.
    We are free to play friendly and welcome pay to play players as well. Send me a message with your ally code for an invite!

    Tags: T3, T4, 30+, 40+, 50+, 60+
    314-187-745 || Event Suggestions | Bounty Hunting || #JuhaniNextJune #PadméPlease
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    Friendly, relaxed guild. Have two spots just open up as I cut the inactives.

    48/50 active players. Mostly level 75-85. tier5-6 raids every 2-3 days. Taking about 1 weeks to clear AAT. Everybody donates gear too.

    So yea, not hardcore guild, just active players.
    No strict daily ticket requirements or raid rules.

    We're growing in strength exponentially, looking to add to our team. You'll be most welcome!

    Add me as ally. Code: 893-763-397
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    CactusFly thank you for the invite to your guild Rocinante, I will be able to accept it as soon as the game lets me. I've switched guilds to many times in a day I guess. That's why I came to this site to find an active guild that fits my skills and is very active in raids because I'm online every day. Thanks for the invite and I really look forward to doing my part to help the guild.

    Ally ID: 541-563-713
  • ramahgold
    2 posts Member
    edited January 2017
    Just created a brand new friendly guild: Ramah
    Looking to recruit active players who want to do Tier III and IV raids.
    Recommended player level: 55 to 68

    To join send me a PM with ally code and I will send you a guild invite!
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    BHG Dreadmasters is a casual guild looking to refill its roster after several members moved onto BHG's heroic rancor divisions. We do not have a level requirement and no demand for 600 energy daily; however, we expect you to remain active while in the guild. We have several smurfs players trying to level up to compete in the previously mentioned Heroic Rancor guilds. If you would like to join an active and friendly guild while trying to improve your team and knowledge of the game, look no further.
    Quick Summary of Info:
    Timezone: EST centered
    Daily Reset: 4 am GMT/11 pm EST
    Guild Reset: 6:30 pm GMT/ 1:30 pm EST
    Current Rancor Tier: 6
    Current AAT Tier: 6
    Must have Line app(its free to download)
    If interested please send a message to dpool on Line.
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    Outcast PreEvolution - newborn member of Outcast Community

    Outcast Evolution Click Here - Outcast Revolution Click Here

    Guild Leader: 24kilates (331-591-976)

    line id: J24kilates

    Guild Officer: xxxbtd7001xxx (877-962-231)

    Guild Officer: Tbourn (111-156-273)

    We welcome everyone especially all newstarters to our community.
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    We have a guild of 15-18 players (3 people haven't logged in a while) looking to join up with another. Currently doing T6 Rancor and Normal Tank. My ally code is 487-864-717.
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    The Silent Rebels have a few spots that just opened. Looking for active players of any lvl to join our cassual guild. We currently run t4/t5 raids. addme for invite code is 739-523-977
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    Looking for padawan and apprentice for a growth of the guild.
    We conducted a raid to match the members level. Join us!
    Ally Code: 366-661-232
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    STARTING RAID TOMORROW so join Mysterious Strangers now while slots are still available!

    Very active participation daily from all 20+ users so if you love the game like us then it's the guild for you.

    My Ally code is 329-173-858 so add me and I'll then invite you to become one of the Mysterious Strangers. Hope to see you guys soon so we can get our raid on!
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    I am building a t3 t4 guild for lower level players as a farm guild for a strong t5 t6 guild.

    Line app recommended but not required.

    We are a casual guild interested in helping lower lvl players grow, however we do have a handful of rules.

    1. 5 days of inactivity without notifying an officer or guild leader will result in a ban.
    2. Min. raid ticket contribution of 600 tickets per WEEK, not per day.
    3. Racism, bullying and harassment of any kind will NOT be tolerated and will result in a permanent ban.

    Other then that we just have a few rules for raiding.

    1. Only one person in the raids at a time, this is to ensure all dmg is counted and none gets wasted.
    2. Depending on what tier the raid is there will be a lvl cap for the first reset to ensure everyone gets a chance to get on the board.

    If you are interested comment with your ally code and I will send you an invite
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    SithLordAssassins is looking for players of all skill and levels to join our ranks! All are welcome, all we ask is that you're active players!
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    STARTING RAID TODAY so join Mysterious Strangers now while slots are still available!

    Very active participation daily from all 20+ users so if you love the game like us then it's the guild for you.

    My Ally code is 329-173-858 so add me and I'll then invite you to become one of the Mysterious Strangers. Hope to see you guys soon so we can get our raid on!
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    Our guild is looking to expand our numbers and help some casual players prepare for heroic raids.

    Presently we are completing 6* Pit raids rather quickly and launch new raids every couple of days. We will launch a t7 at the end of the month. AAT raids are at 6* for now.

    Currently recruiting lvl 80+.
    We have only 6 spots open.

    We donate gear frequently, engage in casual but active chat, and help each other out.
    Discord is strongly recommended, but not required. We actively chat in-game, but raid plans are made over Discord.

    About us: it's not just about the gear and the rewards, but about the group. A few of us are friends IRL, some of us have known each other a long time. That said, we love completing raids in a timely manner, and work together to do so. We are hoping to boost recruitment so we can cruise through them even faster.

    Refresh is EST 17:30.

    What we are looking for in a member:
    • Daily activity. While we would really like 600 tickets a day, we know that not everyone can commit to that. We ask for daily participation and engagement.
    • Positive attitude. No meanies.
    • Level 80 with room to grow.
    • There are plenty of T7 guilds out there who are recruiting. We are looking for someone who wants to grow with us, not pick up our scraps (tasty as they may be).

    If any of this sounds good, send me a PM or friend add.

    Ally Code: 446-837-327
    Player Name: San Holo
    Discord: Carbonari#2228
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    I'm looking for a guild. I'm an old player, but I've created an alternate F2P account. I still don't have 7-star heroes on this new account, but I can make 600 a day every single day. I will only enter guilds that manage to make close to 30k offensive tickets every day. I prefer RAIDS at 0:00 UTC (GMT). I use any communication app like Line, Discord, Telegram. For now, new proposals send by personal message to this user. Thank you.
  • Y4Z
    2 posts Member
    Team AFK is a newbie casual guild looking for members, all are welcome :smile:
    Aleck 736-954-414 Hope to see you in game.
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    Knights of Boom is a newer guild looking for newer players for any interested, please send me a PM.
    IGN: l l BOOM l l
  • Boots
    55 posts Member
    edited January 2017
    "Barrens Chat" is recruiting for some active players. We have 11 members currently. Looking for helpful, friendly members, any level is welcome. If interested add me and I'll invite you. 498 466 568.
    Post edited by Boots on
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    SithLordAssassins is looking to grow its ranks with new and experienced players. If you actively play the game and want to start raiding we are for you! Leader is experienced player who donates gear. Ally code is 567-619-763, add me up and I'll send you an invite! See you out there.
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    Fast growing new guild (Mysterious Strangers) open to all players as we have high medium and low level players.

    Very active participation daily from all 20+ users so if you love the game like us then it's the guild for you.

    Many members top 50 in PvP and tournaments.

    My Ally code is 329-173-858 so add me and I'll then invite you to become one of the Mysterious Strangers. Hope to see you guys soon so we can get our raid on!
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    More friendly, relaxed guild. We understand people have lives apart from this game, but we're still active. We're just a few weeks away from doing heroic rancor.

    48/50 active players. Mostly level 75-85. tier6 raids every 3 days. Taking about 2 weeks to clear normal AAT. Everybody donates gear too.

    So yea, not hardcore guild, just active players.
    No strict daily ticket requirements or raid rules.

    We're growing in strength exponentially, looking to add to our team. All welcome!

    Add me as ally. Code: 893-763-397
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    TalentedPadawans is a relatively new guild. We are currently working at a Tier 3 raid. We all donate gear where we can and we play for fun and to keep boredome away. Of course we also play to conquer the galaxy. There are 23 of us now, so please join up! This guild accepts players of all levels.
    My ally code is 998-893-178
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    Hey everyone! "Padawans of Chaos" is a new guild currently recruiting all level of players who want to have fun and contribute. We are currently growing in numbers and would love to have you join. We do raids according to our members and depending on how many guild coins we generate we will raid as much as often. We are pretty laid back and dont need to enforce many rules until we grow and get stronger together!

    PM me if you are interested or add me in game.
    My all code is 345-515-711
  • ThatsNoMoon
    50 posts Member
    edited January 2017
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    The Rocinante is a guild created in the New Year which has grown from its four founders to 30 active members in little over a week. It is definitely not one of those "silent" guilds like perhaps the one you've found yourself in, which may be why you're here scrolling down this page looking for a good fit.

    We don't have daily quotas and we all have lives outside the game, but we're active players. We encourage new members of any level to use the gear request system even if they can't yet donate in return, and asking for help is encouraged and happens often as we have a lot of members new to the game in our ranks.

    Most of our members average at levels 40-70 which makes us a levelling guild right now, although we will no doubt transition into a heroic guild given time. Our latest rancor raid was a T4, and we've also kicked off a normal Tank raid to give the few high-levels we have something to chip away at while everyone else catches up.

    So, if a newbie-friendly, chatty guild sounds like a good fit we welcome you to join up, whether you're a day-old lvl 3 or a geared 85 - all are welcome. My ally code is 561-766-648 so add me in-game or PM me on here if you're interested and I'll send you an invite.
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    If you are interested in joining a very laid back group that just really enjoys playing this game, hanging out and chatting join us. We have a 4 very advanced players that are helping out lower level friends. If you are any level, but especially lower level, join us.
    Add me-189-973-268
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    Koltoholics Anonymous is a new guild currently 4 members . Looking for players of all lvls. Looking forward to starting a pit raid soon. Our sessions are more fun than the average"AA" meeting ;)
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    Good afternoon!

    We have recently combined two guilds to form a larger guild of around 40 active players. We have about 15 players between level 70 and 85 and the rest between 55 and 70. We run a Rancor raid very two days alternating tiers to five lower levels a chance as well as regular tank raid.

    We use the Line app for chatting and helping each other out on game questions and strategy. Everyone is very nice and helpful and contributes requested equipment. Looking for additional levels 70-85, but lower levels welcome. Would also be able to accommodate smaller guilds of less than 10 and take you all.

    We are building up to do tier 7 Rancor and heroic tank.

    My line is is MichaelRahl.


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    Fast growing new guild (Mysterious Strangers) open to all players as we have high medium and low level players.

    Very active participation daily from all 20+ users so if you love the game like us then it's the guild for you.

    Many members top 50 in PvP and tournaments.

    My Ally code is 329-173-858 so add me and I'll then invite you to become one of the Mysterious Strangers. Hope to see you guys soon so we can get our raid on!
This discussion has been closed.