Update on the Continued Territory Battle Issues [MEGA]

32087 posts Moderator
CG_SBCrumb wrote:
Hi Holotable Heroes,
We have had a variety of issues plaguing Territory Battles recently, and last week CG_Carrie discussed a larger make good intended to compensate players for all of these problems.
Once again I want to apologize for the recurring problems with Territory Battles. To have these issues - in addition to the issues in the past three TBs - is really unacceptable and we are taking a serious look at how we can avoid this in the future.
Tomorrow’s hotfix will be providing ALL players 65+ with the following:
20 Imperial Probe Droid shards
1,000 Guild Event Tokens
250 Crystals
Please note that the reward message will only be available for 5 days and will disappear from your inbox if not redeemed by 7/3

<<Dev Post>>


  • Rimzo
    120 posts Member
    “Significant makegood”
    245 posts Member
    There goes my post. Along with my faith...
  • ohgreatitsryan
    53 posts Member
    edited June 2018
    I guess their definition of "significant" is similar to their definitions dealing with communications.
    To get a refund:

    Always email. That way when you're confronted by the script reading garbage water people they employ refusing to help you, you can use a screenshot of the emails to show Google or Apple that the developer is failing at customer support, nearly guaranteeing you a refund.

    You always want a paper trail when dealing with useless **** s.
  • Jed_Eye
    177 posts Member
    Significantly disappointing
  • Vorgen
    254 posts Member
    I will first start by saying thank you for the freebies. The glitches did not really affect my guild’s TB progression so I am happy with anything for free. However, after a public apology and promised “significant make good” compensation, these aren’t exactly what I had in mind...

    Again, I don’t have a problem with what the compensations are, just maybe next time, learn to under promise and over deliver rather than over promise and under deliver?
  • Obi1_son
    656 posts Member
    edited June 2018
    The shards dont come close to covering the loss for some guilds due to the glitch.
    The get seems fair.
    Crystal amount is a bit of a joke for an apology
  • Byakuya
    392 posts Member
    significantly bad
  • IronRanger
    204 posts Member
    edited June 2018
    Last TB we got 52 IPD shards...this TB we got maybe 6. So 20 does not come close to making it a "significant make good". @CG_Carrie @Kyno @CG_SBCrumb
  • Broosh
    79 posts Member
    edited June 2018
    This is honestly pathetic. My guild alone lost out on 24 IPD shards (if we got the same amount as the prior TB, not counting the new ones we'd receive), and we're not even the worst off. It's almost funny that a compensation is less than what would have been earned.

    Not to mention the GET & crystals should probably be doubled. It's honestly laughable at this point.
  • Options
    Oh hush. The compensation is fine.
  • QJinX
    219 posts Member
  • Iy4oy4s
    2943 posts Member
    Byakuya wrote: »
    significantly bad

    Yes, was expecting more. It’s more like a “make ok” rather than good. Well, only one thing to do...chalk it up as a loss, like the other rewards that I’ve lost due to bugs and move on.....why? Because I’m a sucker for this blasted game.
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    I would be much less upset with these rewards if I hadn't just finished grinding 1% out of Nihilus in the garbage that is the Sith Raid, which always puts me in a foul mood.

    As it is... I'm wondering why I keep playing this game...
  • Amoliski
    106 posts Member
    That's just like day one of a multi-day make-good, right?
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    The straw is starting to get heavy on the camel's back...
  • Iy4oy4s
    2943 posts Member
    Amoliski wrote: »
    That's just like day one of a multi-day make-good, right?

    Ha! Joke of the day award goes to Amoliski!!
  • Aluxtu
    420 posts Member
    I think the use of the word significant is what threw people off. Had they said something like we will compensate people based on the average amounts lost plus a small crystal boost people would not be as surprised. The get is about what we lost, unless the ship battles in p6 were suppose to be that ramped up, then it might be slightly more. The ipd shards seem slightly less but it is what it is. The crystals are a nice little boost. I will buy 3 chewie shards with a bit extra to spend!
  • Obi1_son
    656 posts Member
    At least we could just lol if they did chewie shards.

    The lack of respect for the player base is just unreal.
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    “These aren’t the rewards you’re looking for”
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    Not sure this qualifies as significant, but to be fair, they could double it and add a full mk5 stun gun and people would still complain.
  • Obi1_son
    656 posts Member
    Not sure this qualifies as significant, but to be fair, they could double it and add a full mk5 stun gun and people would still complain.

    Some might... most would applaud after the initial shock.
  • Aluxtu
    420 posts Member
    Honestly I would just take a stun gun or 2. That would be amazing.
  • Foxer
    461 posts Member

    Mandy Patinkin says.... I’m not impressed!!!
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    Significant was always going to be relative. A lot more players in guilds that earn few IPD shards. This is a huge boost for them. Also, GET are the most impactful for quality gear. Good for everyone. These are fine.
  • KKatarn
    629 posts Member
    I would gladly exchange the probe for one or two stung gun gear. :D

    Liked the rest.
  • Ploosh
    565 posts Member
    Haha wow. They gave us back what we missed out on this past TB. I’m usually one to defend CG, but this i am at a loss for words lately. Significantly stingy.
  • Funderbolts
    223 posts Member
    edited June 2018
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    Not sure this qualifies as significant, but to be fair, they could double it and add a full mk5 stun gun and people would still complain.

    You are correct, in a sense. But the reason people explode on the forums is not because we are whining about minutiae (well, ok, yes, some are... But not all, or even most).

    It's because we are investing our time, energy, and money into the game, and continually being ignored, placated and disregarded. But CG is ignoring the impact it is having on the culture of the game... Driving a further wedge between the top 3% and the bottom 97%, with their ridiculous hSTR gear payouts, as well as the payouts of the lower tiers, and their insistence on releasing content that focuses entirely on revenue generation over game quality. And with no regard to the opinion of its player base.

    But when a minor complaint is entered about the number of mods in the payout of a Mythic event tier... That gets addressed immediately. For gods only knows why. And that is the real source of our frustration: The issues being addressed or even responded to are never really the ones that are the source of the problem.

    And that is what needs to change.
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