Galactic challenges rewards [MERGE]


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    I was pretty sure that the rewards were one time only, for the whole week, not once per day.

    But we can find out soon!

    I thought that every reward will be refreshed each day thats why they have 3-5 pieces each that over a 7 day period you will get around 30 each,also they advertise that this GC will give as something to do daily which is **** if the event will just be completable once in 7 days.
  • DarthAsajj
    86 posts Member
    edited August 2020
    I'm trying to look at this reasonably, and I may have a theory for why the good rewards are only for the favored-team feat: I can beat all Tiers of this event with only SLKR + KRU (and on auto for all levels except the last one).
    I'm gonna assume that I'll be able to beat all Tiers of the other maps as well with just these two toons.
    Which means that if the events last 2 days, I'll get all the rewards from completing the Tiers + the two feats that are not team-specific three-four times a week with just 2 toons. If the rewards are too high, it would mean I'll get a TON of them very quickly without any effort on my part, and without ever using a different team.
    I totally understand why the devs don't want to create too much imbalance here. The goal is to give us a challenging event where we are motivated to level up new teams, not to give a ton of rewards every 2 days to people who have GL (even though I'd love that lol, and I did work hard to get that GL).

    Still, I think the rewards for the feats that are not team-specific are too low. They should be SOMETHING, not nothing. Right now they are nothing. Frankly I'd be happy with 5 stun guns or whatever, just not some crap equipment that I don't need and already have thousands or hundreds of.

    Also, as others said, the rewards for team-specific feats should be given without specifying a minimum Relic level. If people can complete the level with low Relic, congrats to them! They should get the rewards.

    Now on a more personal note, I hope that in the future they'll add maps where the team required is the FO, because it is very frustrating right now to be able to complete all tiers from probably all the maps, and yet not be able to get ANY of the good rewards on any map (because my only team with five Relic'd characters is the FO).
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    Why de rewards are for a level 2 player?

    I undertand than you are laughing at the players.

    Good Job, but the next time, please, reward potatoes! Sure it will be better than this.

    You can't be more miserable by "rewarding" the staff. Congratulations on your creeping awards policy.

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    oh and, random thought: if the problem from the devs' perspective is that people with GL can beat all the tiers with no effort, they could maybe add a Feat for completing a Tier without a GL?
    I don't know it's just an idea. At least I'd have something challenging to do that doesn't require getting Relics for 5 toons in each faction, and the devs could give good rewards for a Feat that's not team-specific without fear of giving too many rewards to people with GL.
  • yankeeh8er
    604 posts Member
    edited August 2020
    I keep running into a bug. On tier 5 my gas dazes magna guard and yet he still counters when attacked. While on the other hand my gas never counters any attacks.
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    Except for the first feat, rewards are unexistant. Not close to rubbish, just plain unexistant, so why bother to undersize?
    The rewards for the first feat are kind of ok, but hiding them behind relics again is just evil. I beat the last tier without the asked relics and I get nothing, while in fact I deserved it.
    The regular rewards are crap too. Ok, some slice materials and mods. But the rest? Zeta's? Omega's? Kyro's? G12 finisher pieces? Even normal valuable gear?
    So far, I'm not convinced.
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    I think it have a large potential to have something to do very often than before. Before we were waiting for one event every 2 months that last a a couple of days. Now there will be something new frequently where they can add easily something special. Actually they are testing the concept. So they give something not too high in reward and see if everything goes ok.

    The only point I hope in the future is that galactic challenge have some exclusive rewards ( like a toon exclusive to galactic challenge) It’s an important part of the excitement and the challenge of course.
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    I didn't expect any rewards to be any good...but what buggs me is that its Tatooine : Separatist challenge...shouldn't it be Tatooine: Scoundrel or Bounty Hunter...or Tusken Raiders even... doesn't anyone care that events have no logic behind character requirement/opponents or locations they take place in... somehow it seems that nobody cares...
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Iy4oy4s wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    ShaggyB wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    I understand about the rewards but lets also keep in mind we are working through a test run and there is a possibility that these event s could be running as frequently as every 2 days.

    I havent thrown all the reward together yet to look at it from that perspective, but it's a thought.

    No. This is hot garbage.

    If there is some frequency where it resets and gives more rewards tomorrow or different ones, that is something the in game messages should be telling us. Its something the devs should have come in here and stated.

    This is a drop in game mode that has trash rewards. If its going to be better later, perhaps level set what my expectation should be.

    The only thing i cant do is the middle feat of not losing a character in the last 3 tier difficulties. The reward to beef my r5 to r7 is laughable.

    The rewards do not refreah day to day, but they do refresh for each run of the event.

    And they stated they are testing the length of the event.

    So did the Beta testers provide any feedback? CG couldnt figure out that giving a MK1 Stun gun on the last tier that you can only get once in 6 days was a bad idea? Either the beta testers need to be relieved of duties or CG needs to actually listen to their feedback. How did that get past QA? Seriously!

    You would need to message CG_SBCrumb and discuss this with him directly, anyone in the Beta program cannot speak to what happens in the Beta program.

    Rule #1 of Beta program is don't talk about Beta program?

    I've heard it's also rule number 2.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    edited August 2020
    ShaggyB wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    ShaggyB wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    ShaggyB wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    I understand about the rewards but lets also keep in mind we are working through a test run and there is a possibility that these event s could be running as frequently as every 2 days.

    I havent thrown all the reward together yet to look at it from that perspective, but it's a thought.

    No. This is hot garbage.

    If there is some frequency where it resets and gives more rewards tomorrow or different ones, that is something the in game messages should be telling us. Its something the devs should have come in here and stated.

    This is a drop in game mode that has trash rewards. If its going to be better later, perhaps level set what my expectation should be.

    The only thing i cant do is the middle feat of not losing a character in the last 3 tier difficulties. The reward to beef my r5 to r7 is laughable.

    The rewards do not refreah day to day, but they do refresh for each run of the event.

    And they stated they are testing the length of the event.

    Then its hot garbage.

    I dont need 7 days to do this. If i did it would be for say gearing a faction up....

    But the rewards are not worth gearing up characters to get.

    Lets take me for example... my rebels suck as in they arent reliced. So when the rebel one comes i wont be getting the rewards for relic 3 or relic 5.

    The rewards from doing the gear 12 rewards is not gonna get me to relic 3 or relic 5. Giving me 7 days isnt going to make me whale. (Commenting on 0 tolerance cheating negotiation will make that happen).

    So again hot garbage. They know we need stun guns and stun cuffs badly... so we get none of those and a small amount of kyro.

    Shame. Drop way more and better rewards

    Correct we dont need 7 days, which is why this is an exhibition.

    We dont need it for that either. 2 days kyno. 2 days is all you need to figure this out and give a valid opinion on it.

    Rewards suck, dont lock the "best" rewards behind gear/relic level, 15 minute timer is not needed (just dont put a timer), challenge is a bit unbalanced in that sniper droid shouldnt be one shot sniping a r7 with requirments being r5, and this is not something id want to play multiple times a day for fun.

    Give me sandbox mode with these rewards and id be fine.... in fact id praise that

    That's good feedback, that's why they did it this way.

    Please remember this game mode is for everyone, so there are players out there that may need different amounts of time.
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    DarthAsajj wrote: »
    I'm trying to look at this reasonably, and I may have a theory for why the good rewards are only for the favored-team feat: I can beat all Tiers of this event with only SLKR + KRU (and on auto for all levels except the last one).
    I'm gonna assume that I'll be able to beat all Tiers of the other maps as well with just these two toons.
    Which means that if the events last 2 days, I'll get all the rewards from completing the Tiers + the two feats that are not team-specific three-four times a week with just 2 toons. If the rewards are too high, it would mean I'll get a TON of them very quickly without any effort on my part, and without ever using a different team.
    I totally understand why the devs don't want to create too much imbalance here. The goal is to give us a challenging event where we are motivated to level up new teams, not to give a ton of rewards every 2 days to people who have GL (even though I'd love that lol, and I did work hard to get that GL).

    Still, I think the rewards for the feats that are not team-specific are too low. They should be SOMETHING, not nothing. Right now they are nothing. Frankly I'd be happy with 5 stun guns or whatever, just not some crap equipment that I don't need and already have thousands or hundreds of.

    Also, as others said, the rewards for team-specific feats should be given without specifying a minimum Relic level. If people can complete the level with low Relic, congrats to them! They should get the rewards.

    Now on a more personal note, I hope that in the future they'll add maps where the team required is the FO, because it is very frustrating right now to be able to complete all tiers from probably all the maps, and yet not be able to get ANY of the good rewards on any map (because my only team with five Relic'd characters is the FO).

    I also used SLKR. I don’t know what options they have on the table. Personally I wouldn’t mind if the event was restricted to the useable factions to avoid people like you and me from breezing through effortlessly and not getting any meaningful rewards. I would feel incentivized to work on those factions. Bit maybe this is would be too similar to Assault Battles.

    Also the rewards should actually be better if you can beat it with a low gear squad. But since squads can’t be downgraded this doesn’t work. Also the low amount of gear you get for completing tiers is a joke. Many people can already see that the gear needed for conversion of relic material will be depleted in a couple of months. So they could give us reasonable amounts of this stuff.

    I really don’t know where they could go from here. I think the best option would be to make several GC available for a week or two and restrict them to the useable faction. Choosing sides could also be in interesting but doesn’t work for many combinations of player faction/opponent faction.
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    If I've read the community right we want one of two things.

    1) Decent rewards (stun guns / eyeballs / kyrotech, you know the sort of thing)

    2) Engaging content that's fun to play.

    Can you hand on heart say GC is either of these? I wouldn't mind it being a rehashed challenge battle if 1) was true. But it's not.
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    I think the concept is pretty good - it needs some tweaking though. I enjoyed having to alter my lineup to make things work. No, I wasn't able to 3 star the recommended level for my characters, and I'm okay with that.

    My suggestions:
    - Have rewards reset daily, especially if you're going to keep the low levels of reward rates.
    - Give some more for completing the mission instead of the better gear going for the gated feats - maybe just give crystal rewards or double the regular rewards for doing the gated feats.
    - Open up the rewards chest. I'm not expecting zeta materials, fully crafted gear, etc., but even a few of the needed carbanti, stun guns, stun cuffs, etc. would make it a bit more worthwhile.
    - Once rewards are achieved, allow us to "turn off" the special buff/debuffs to give us the ability to practice some without rewards.

    I think this is a good start and I hope the devs take some of the critique into consideration going forward. I'm glad they backed off the requirements they were hinting at in the first breakdown of the Galactic Challenges.
  • Sewpot
    2010 posts Member
    To get these rewards I had to invest a lot more resources this. A zeta or two and some actual needed gear would be a nice reward. But I did like the feats and difficulty was at a good level. I didn’t finish pretty but it was a win lol
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    While I generally think the rewards are fine, the "Flawless Victory" feat is absolute trash on the higher tiers compared to the "On Target" feat rewards. They should be reversed. If left as is, it certainly seems to indicate that CG is simply saying "relic up more extra characters for a handful of gear that barely competes with completing your dailies"....which they might be. But still - at least pretend to care about player experience.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    This is why we can't have nice things. OP, don't play the mode of you don't like the rewards as it's that simple. They are giving us something different to play and you all are already complaining about the rewards not even an hour after launch. The rewards are fine for what it is. Just received some mats I needed and my 40th +20 mod(with some slicing luck of course). Seriously people, know what battles to fight and which ones not to even engage.

    The poster is correct in their statement though telling them don’t do it if you don’t like it is just pathetic we have not got any new content besides characters in forever and then we get this? You don’t even get the rewards every day just once for an entire 7 day event after you beat it what’s the point in continuing to do it? You cannot even just use it to test counters because of all the modifiers that is added to the match
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    The rewards for having to have a relic 5 squad to complete the achievement needs to be worth having to relic those characters to do. I think you should get enough rewards to either G13 one complete character or get at least one character to R5 just like the requirement because unless you are a major whale most will not relic a squad up just for some rewards that are nowhere near worth what you have to put into a squad to do it.
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    The rewards for having to have a relic 5 squad to complete the achievement needs to be worth having to relic those characters to do. I think you should get enough rewards to either G13 one complete character or get at least one character to R5 just like the requirement because unless you are a major whale most will not relic a squad up just for some rewards that are nowhere near worth what you have to put into a squad to do it.

    Yep. Someone earlier in the thread basically calculated that it would take several years of playing this event to have a decent ROI of relic/gear needed if you need to gear/relic one or two more Sith. It's made worse by the fact that it would have to be on a very specific character or two to actually complete the feat, given the modifiers. Another Mark of a poorly executed release by CG lately.

    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Lozsta
    195 posts Member
    The fun of this game is beating the events with a team that might just scrape through. The relic gating of events including the GL releases and the most recent Galactic Challenge feats really takes away from the theory crafting and modding side of the game for a who spent more non game. 1 of the 5 Sith I used was R4 the rest over R5 so I don't get the only decent rewards from GC, I now have a relic Rose for no other reason than an arbitrary relic level was pulled out of the air to allow me to gain a GL. This needs to stop.
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    You could have not gone after GL Rey?
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    Lozsta wrote: »
    The fun of this game is beating the events with a team that might just scrape through. The relic gating of events including the GL releases and the most recent Galactic Challenge feats really takes away from the theory crafting and modding side of the game for a who spent more non game. 1 of the 5 Sith I used was R4 the rest over R5 so I don't get the only decent rewards from GC, I now have a relic Rose for no other reason than an arbitrary relic level was pulled out of the air to allow me to gain a GL. This needs to stop.

    As Kyno posted in another thread, this is simply relic-gating "expanding" into other game modes. There was a time when relic/gear gating was limited to powerful character acquisition (either through their event or through TB and getting their shards). Now we get "relic-gating" for standard gear-related events too! Isn't game evolution great!?!

    That (sarcastically) said, if they removed that single requirement from the feats, I think people would be MUCH happier with the event. But it's CG's ball to drop...continuously. And they oblige consistently.

    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    Duration should be 1-2 days.

    Why is there a 15 minute timer? Timer unnecessary.

    High tier rewards giving mark 1 items we have thousands of, really? Where are the stun cuffs, stun guns, carbs, golden eyeballs? Highest tier rewards should be commensurate with what highest tier players need. I do not need mark 1 anything.

    Gating the only useful rewards at highest tier behind relics is pay to play. Here's an idea, make the event challenging and fun enough that you don't need artificial gates.

    I don't see anything "new" with this event, it feels just like every single other event we've had for years, except that we can't sim this one.
  • LordDirt
    5125 posts Member
    This is a character and gear collecting game. Why should everyone be able to do everything day 1?
    Why wasn't Cobb Vanth shards a reward for the Krayt Dragon raid? Why wasn't Endor Gear Luke shards a reward for the Speeder Bike raid?
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    If these are daily rewards, I think they are pretty decent actually. Weekly, not so much. Like if we had one of these every day, that would be fun and worth doing for sure. People don't realize it yet, but they gray lvl 1 items are going to be a bottleneck for Relics once they get higher in account power.

    I have two gripes with the rewards:

    1. Please do not gate the best rewards behind relic levels. I beat the sith feat, but did it with R3 on BSF. So I didn't get the best reward for undergearing it which "should" be a method of rewarding players because it is harder doing it undergeared. A good idea for a feat would be along the lines of "Beat this with 5 sith with one being G12 or less". That provides challenge. There is no challenge in slapping extra relics on. I could even see a mild relic gate of "Beat this with 4 relic sith, and one G12 or lower". Offer a legit challenge!

    2. Stop giving us tank gear. Please stop. 97% of players don't need it, and you've thrown it in every pile of new content for 4 years. I'd rather level 1 grays, which are worth more in the scavenger. Please stop giving us tank loot.
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    Omg let me also clarify that my comment on tank loot does not include golden eyeballs. Just every other item.
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    Pay $100 to get $0.05 of rewards? no thanks. Does anyone at CG actually play the game and who thought this was a good idea?

    The is a carbon copy of everything that is bad for the game

    - Non playable Enemies one shot units on 1st move
    - rewards are locked being a pay wall (relics) not winning the battle.
    - makes rich richer without providing a part for progression to everyone else

    It really feels like no one is even trying to make the game fun and engaging anymore its just how can we convince people they need relics? (make it required for crystals as a reward)

    Trash all around
  • Azza
    245 posts Member
    The feats are really bad.

    They either gives no needed rewards (2 out of 3) or requires an impressive roster.

    Out of the 6 we have this months, we will need

    5 r5 sith
    5 r5 bounty hunters
    5 r5 rebel
    5 r5 old republic
    5 r5 separatist
    5 r5 empire

    So 30 r5 caracters, none of which comes from faction that where needed for GL.

    So, if this is a test, why can only a handful of player play it? Wouldn’t you want it to be accessible?

    Btw, my GP is 6,8m and there is only one of those six I qualify for.

    CG please fix the feats now before other faction event come in a week time.

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    I understand that they need to control the flow of higher end gear in the game but right now, we need to THIRTY-THREE characters at R3 or higher just to unlock the GLs + JKL...and now they are putting R5 requirements for the best rewards in this new mode. The flow of gear into the game needs to account for the fact that we now need to relic up so many characters.
    Jake0000 wrote: »
    The rewards? The rewards are terrible but what about the content? This got boring in half an hour max. Do CG developers come in for once a year throw up a re-skin and call it a day?

    Agreed. If they didn't have the stat/ability modifiers (or if you could play without them after beating the tier) then at least you could use it as a quasi-sandbox/test mode....they'd also need realistic teams though....nobody is putting Poggle into a GG team except maybe at lower levels with limited roster options.
    JamMaker wrote: »
    I didn't expect any rewards to be any good...but what buggs me is that its Tatooine : Separatist challenge...shouldn't it be Tatooine: Scoundrel or Bounty Hunter...or Tusken Raiders even... doesn't anyone care that events have no logic behind character requirement/opponents or locations they take place in... somehow it seems that nobody cares...

    Yeah, that bugs me too. We need to use Sith to fight Seps on Tatooine....makes no sense.
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    My feedback.

    1) Don't have specific gear tied to the tiers. Create gear boxes similar those found in raids but remove the unnecessary gear.

    BoxA: includes universal crunch gear 5-8 (e.g cuffs/carbs/holos)

    BoxB: G10-11 quantity 5-8 (e.g guns/callers t6)

    BoxC: G11-12 quantity 5-8 (e.g eyeballs/ callers t5)

    BoxD: G12+ and Low level relic supplies. Those gray stashes will eventually run out. (E.g 2-4 signal, syringes)

    2) Rotate the boxes throughout the week.
    When a box isn't in circulation add in mod salvage or other shop currency.

    3) The feats should be extras. The same way on a CD/Blu-ray movie, you bought it for the film and the behind the scene features are the bonuses. Put the requirements to take a mod from 5-6 dot in those. If you want a bonus for meeting the relic requirements make it a randomised finisher piece or kyrotech salvage.

    4) use our feedback from raids and use that gear in the lower tiers. Use the special events you have and randomise character shards such as holdo/visas/wamps/spirit

    5) if you don't like my feedback and reward suggestions, think about a roster progression, a character unfinished is a bad use of GP. At a basic level stars come first, then gear the zetas and mastery influencing pieces. With the hyperdrive bundle players can speed up their progression so what incentive do they have of leveling a team up all the way to r5 for some remotely useful items...? Especially when if you craft a team for assault battles the return on investment is greater.

    6) think before you implement. What is your USP
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