Precraft gear gap has only worsened as time goes on



  • Ace5
    134 posts Member
    Resist entitlement. We are who we let ourselves become.

    It's not entitlement. Game is slowed down way too much and a group of players where given a head start equal to MONTHS of raiding. Seriously look how slow it is to get one peice of gear and some folks pre crafted multiple pieces.

    Game longevity is fine. Gear, credits, precrafting guild hopping and several other snafus from the devs are sinking the ship.

    Captain! @CG_JohnSalera @EA_Jesse

    Right the ship! We are sinking! Your players need help and you're only making the ship sink faster!
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    Asavanor wrote: »
    LeoRavus wrote: »
    Remorhaz wrote: »
    The gear is the end game content. You aren't supposed to be gearing everyone you want. In other games you'd be stuck with fully geared 4 and 5 star toons doing some horrid grind for the sixth and seventh star.

    Except precrafting put people ahead so all this "end game content" talk is nonsense. They either need to do something about the droid caller situation to close the gap or leave it broken long enough to lose players.

    This. Pre craft has rendered all talk of end game content rubbish. I maintain the only way to fix the problem is to remove all raid requirements for all current gear tiers and then open up gear tier 12 as the new raid only tier. Then the gap can start closing and the enormous advantage pre crafters have will eventually go away.

    Wouldn't opening up 12 just increase the gap? Letting everyone catch up to 10&11, and creating new gear for 12 that is just as difficult for p2p as it is for f2p to obtain would close the gap.
  • LeoRavus
    1165 posts Member
    Asavanor wrote: »
    How is it entitlement to request that the devs find a way to fix a gear gap that they created when they allowed people to create what became raid gear before the raids were even released?

    The gear gap is between people doing heroics and people doing T6, which is intended.

    Precrafting is an excuse used by people not doing heroics. They think others in arena precrafted when most likely they didn't.

    I'm doing heroics and precrafting is still an issue. I admit it's not as bad as it was and precrafters no longer have the top spots completely locked down, but there's still some catching up to do.

    People who can't do heroics shouldn't have to suffer because of it. It's putting the majority of the player base at a severe disadvantage.
  • Faroer
    246 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Asavanor wrote: »
    How is it entitlement to request that the devs find a way to fix a gear gap that they created when they allowed people to create what became raid gear before the raids were even released?

    The gear gap is between people doing heroics and people doing T6, which is intended.

    Precrafting is an excuse used by people not doing heroics. They think others in arena precrafted when most likely they didn't.

    Except my guild does heroics exclusively. One every 2 days because we also ban guild hopping. So far 5 droid caller salvage total from around 20 raids. Got a fully crafted furnace which was nice, but also get tons of drops of challenge or normal Map salvage.

    Doing heroics only opens up a small lead over those who do t5 or 6 because salvage drops still aren't pure. Heroics (without guild hopping) are Nothing at all compared to pre crafting 5 full pieces.
  • Asavanor
    197 posts Member
    Asavanor wrote: »
    How is it entitlement to request that the devs find a way to fix a gear gap that they created when they allowed people to create what became raid gear before the raids were even released?

    The gear gap is between people doing heroics and people doing T6, which is intended.

    Precrafting is an excuse used by people not doing heroics. They think others in arena precrafted when most likely they didn't.

    You are being naive. Plenty of people have admitted to pre crafting several pieces of gear. The gap started before the raids even began.
  • Asavanor
    197 posts Member
    Asavanor wrote: »
    LeoRavus wrote: »
    Remorhaz wrote: »
    The gear is the end game content. You aren't supposed to be gearing everyone you want. In other games you'd be stuck with fully geared 4 and 5 star toons doing some horrid grind for the sixth and seventh star.

    Except precrafting put people ahead so all this "end game content" talk is nonsense. They either need to do something about the droid caller situation to close the gap or leave it broken long enough to lose players.

    This. Pre craft has rendered all talk of end game content rubbish. I maintain the only way to fix the problem is to remove all raid requirements for all current gear tiers and then open up gear tier 12 as the new raid only tier. Then the gap can start closing and the enormous advantage pre crafters have will eventually go away.

    Wouldn't opening up 12 just increase the gap? Letting everyone catch up to 10&11, and creating new gear for 12 that is just as difficult for p2p as it is for f2p to obtain would close the gap.

    That's what I'm saying should happen. With guild hopping and pre crafting, the long gear grind the devs hoped to create has already been largely surmounted by the biggest whales and those who pre crafted the most gear. Opening tier 12 but making it truly a long grinding road to obtain would greatly help close the gap. If done right we could all be cought up in tier 10 and 11 through regular farming before anyone reaches much tier 12 gear let alone be full tier 12.
  • Options
    Asavanor wrote: »

    Precrafting is an excuse used by people not doing heroics. They think others in arena precrafted when most likely they didn't.

    You are being naive. Plenty of people have admitted to pre crafting several pieces of gear. The gap started before the raids even began.

    He's not being naive. He's being disingenuous.

    Literally every post he's made has either been fabrication or indicates he has no idea how this game works. He claims he's cleared so many heroics and has so many droid callers he can't even use them and at the same time claims you need a guild of people that have "deep benches" to beat a heroic lol.

    Even if by some miracle he had more droid callers than he can use, that would mean he has a fifth graders understanding of rng to be so adamant that it's definitely not a wide spread problem because everyone else should have just as much an abundance of droid callers that he does.
  • hhooo
    656 posts Member
    Asavanor wrote: »
    Lasserini wrote: »
    Asavanor wrote: »
    It is an enormous miscarriage of justice

    Easy tiger, you´re playing a casual mobile-game :)

    You are right. Which is why it shouldn't be a big deal to fix the problem.

    The real problem is people don't understand the problem.

    People expect end game gear from T5 or T6.

    Anyone doing heroics knows that precrafting is a non issue. Doing heroics you will average a raid piece every other day between salvages, guild currency, and full drops.

    One piece of gear every other day is a pretty reasonable rate.

    Ignorant people then day "precrafters had an advantage."

    Also false. Heroics reward based on the breadth of your roster. If you have 50 7*s at gear 8 you will destroy a precrafter with 3 good teams.

    10 whales can clear a heroic. If you are upset about gear find a guild with 10 whales and start swimming in gear.

    I am FTP and didn't precraft. I have 2 droid callers, 1 scanner, 1 design tech, and 3 furnaces I can't use.


    I'm still farming stun cuffs, hair dryers, and stun guns.
    Faroer wrote: »
    Asavanor wrote: »
    How is it entitlement to request that the devs find a way to fix a gear gap that they created when they allowed people to create what became raid gear before the raids were even released?

    The gear gap is between people doing heroics and people doing T6, which is intended.

    Precrafting is an excuse used by people not doing heroics. They think others in arena precrafted when most likely they didn't.

    Except my guild does heroics exclusively. One every 2 days because we also ban guild hopping. So far 5 droid caller salvage total from around 20 raids. Got a fully crafted furnace which was nice, but also get tons of drops of challenge or normal Map salvage.

    Doing heroics only opens up a small lead over those who do t5 or 6 because salvage drops still aren't pure. Heroics (without guild hopping) are Nothing at all compared to pre crafting 5 full pieces.

    The minimum salvage from a heroic is 15. There is no way you can do heroics exclusively and have 5 salvage.

    And how many guilds started out on Heroic on day one and never looked back? Zero. Don't be ridiculous. You start with a T5 or 6, get that under your belt, and now the guild does heroics. He got the five salvage from one of the early ones. Really not difficult to understand.
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    hhooo wrote: »
    The minimum salvage from a heroic is 15. There is no way you can do heroics exclusively and have 5 salvage.

    And how many guilds started out on Heroic on day one and never looked back? Zero. Don't be ridiculous. You start with a T5 or 6, get that under your belt, and now the guild does heroics. He got the five salvage from one of the early ones. Really not difficult to understand.

    Just more evidence that this slick dealer guy has no idea what he's talking about. The dude in question with 5 salvage could've also just bought the 5 salvage with guild currency
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    Sorry dude, everyone that actually does heroics knows that if you're on a one every two day schedule, you get one attempt in with a team of 5 before the rancors dead.
  • Asavanor
    197 posts Member
    Asavanor wrote: »

    Precrafting is an excuse used by people not doing heroics. They think others in arena precrafted when most likely they didn't.

    You are being naive. Plenty of people have admitted to pre crafting several pieces of gear. The gap started before the raids even began.

    He's not being naive. He's being disingenuous.

    Literally every post he's made has either been fabrication or indicates he has no idea how this game works. He claims he's cleared so many heroics and has so many droid callers he can't even use them and at the same time claims you need a guild of people that have "deep benches" to beat a heroic lol.

    Even if by some miracle he had more droid callers than he can use, that would mean he has a fifth graders understanding of rng to be so adamant that it's definitely not a wide spread problem because everyone else should have just as much an abundance of droid callers that he does.

    Good point.
  • Asavanor
    197 posts Member
    Not one word on the pre craft debacle in this weeks update. The devs obviously don't care one wit about their player base. We are just cash cows they want to milk.
  • Faroer
    246 posts Member
    Asavanor wrote: »
    Not one word on the pre craft debacle in this weeks update. The devs obviously don't care one wit about their player base. We are just cash cows they want to milk.

    Pretty much. They ignored the gear crunch and credit crunch. I don't plan to invest months per character anymore. Enter the death spiral! Lol
  • marydare
    117 posts Member
    So disappointed they didn't have the courtesy to address the droid caller/ precraft issue, even if only to say it was still in discussion. Not gonna lie, this is a big red flag for me as a newer player, because I've seen things handled like this in other games, and it did not end well for anyone. When you say you're going to communicate something, do it.
  • marydare
    117 posts Member
    P.S. Was this thread recategorized to feedback > gear/ ui? Wow. Instead of creating a general discussion precraft megathread, I guess the solution is to bury the issue.
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    marydare wrote: »
    P.S. Was this thread recategorized to feedback > gear/ ui? Wow. Instead of creating a general discussion precraft megathread, I guess the solution is to bury the issue.

    Forum moderators hard at work at trying to gloss over the fact that the week late update didn't even mention anything about what they said they would acknowledge.
  • Options
    How many heroics have you done? Most of my guild has gotten 3-5 full drops plus crafted another 3-5.

    If you aren't doing heroics, don't expect end game gear without doing end game content.

    My guild has completed 10 heroic raids and I've only received 5 caller salvage. I consistently finish too 10 and finished 3rd once. 3 members have received crafted callers. One of those is a precrafter and doesn't even need it. Why are furnaces available in shipments but not callers? I need so many and it takes so much guild currency to buy salvage. I just don't see the logic.
  • marydare
    117 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Why are furnaces available in shipments but not callers? I need so many and it takes so much guild currency to buy salvage. I just don't see the logic.

    This. I am now working on my second droid caller in a month and a half, & except for 15 salvage all were bought with guild currency. Meanwhile, precrafters have QGJ & RG at G10/11, can G10 raid essential characters like Teebo with their raid rewards, and can spend their guild currency on valuable 'next meta' character shards like JE.

    @CG_Dan @EA_Jesse This issue keeps compounding the longer you wait to address it. Substantive communication was promised over a week ago, and your silence in yesterday's communication spoke volumes. As does the recategorization of all pre-crafting threads into the underbelly of the feedback forum. Please at least explain the reasoning behind the lack of mk5 droid callers in shipments while the other G9 gate 'unobtainable' furnaces are plentiful.

    At this point, the mishandling of communication for this issue is almost worse than the issue itself. It is well within your power to correct this, and I really hope you do.

    Edit: fixed quote
  • Asavanor
    197 posts Member
    It does raise all kinds of red flags that they couldn't even mention it. Meanwhile, the release of Leia to arena seems like an attempt to placate the masses and make us forget. We won't forget.
  • Options
    One thing I think they can do is offer ALL gear in shipments too, not just furnaces.

    This would solve a lot. profile - Our guild, 3720 to 1, has 1 spot open! [49/50].
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