Kit Reveal: General Skywalker


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    His kit seems VERY anti JKR. I wonder if they had difficulty with him in testing.
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    So Jolee is of no use under GAS?

    Jolee is of no use if GAS is in the match, period.
    Jolee is of no use if GAS is a leader on either team.
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    And we now have a character that can dispel undispensable buffs. Great.
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    and why has ashoka still synergies with JKA, because you said JKA is the anakin from episode III and GAS is the clone wars anakin and so far I have not seen ashoka in episode III
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    UdalCuain wrote: »
    And we now have a character that can dispel undispensable buffs. Great.

    How long until we have a character with undispensable undispensable buffs?
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    I have always tryed to defend the game and stop people from leaving, but no more, this time you have went completely overboard. Do you even play the game? Know how it works? Or even care? Stop breaking it, making it this unbalanced, please. Please. Is it really hard to try for once to make things diverse, funnier, and better?
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    Glidehook wrote: »
    I have always tried to defend the game and stop people from leaving, but no more, this time you have went completely overboard. Do you even play the game? Know how it works? Or even care? Stop breaking it, making it this unbalanced, please. Please. Is it really hard to try for once to make things diverse, funnier, and better?

    I don't think its going to be as bad as it looks. Not like it's going to be great, but it's not going to be the end of the world. I don't think it's going to be JKR status
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    So does his leadership negate Fives’s zeta? That seems like a pretty big problem.
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    So does his leadership negate Fives’s zeta? That seems like a pretty big problem.

    No???? I think the way 5's unique reads the other character doesn't actually die.
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    Can someone at CG explain to me why he has an anti-revive mechanic built into his kit? It makes no sense.

    Because he wasn't strong enough just negating all of the other game mechanics. 🥺
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    Can someone at CG explain to me why he has an anti-revive mechanic built into his kit? It makes no sense.

    I could be way off base, but when I read the kit, it reads very anti JKR to me. I think they had difficulty with him beating GS.
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    Can someone at CG explain to me why he has an anti-revive mechanic built into his kit? It makes no sense.
    Because he is pretty much a raid boss who can nulify EVERY SINGLE TEAM. Bringing the power creep to levels I bet no player ever thought it would be possible.

  • Ultra
    11602 posts Moderator
    Pre nerf zFinn can beat this team easy
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    I think everyone is missing the fact that if you survive long enough to do anything, you will still have to worry about timing out with his broken protection regen
  • UltimaChaser
    6 posts Member
    edited October 2019
    Sweet! Now we have that critical damage up for echo on his basic!! Wait....
  • Rogueleader711
    18 posts Member
    edited October 2019
    So GAS cant be hurt, cant be blocked and cant be stopped.. sure, why not
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    Sweet! Now we have that critical damage up for echo on his basic!! Wait....

    LOL what happened to that lmao
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    I love his kit, really great job! On the other hand, I'm a bit sad about his requirements as I prioritized Jedi Council / Clone members, not Separatists... I think I'll get this bad boi for the 3rd repeat of this event.
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    I quit
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    DoomeyEyes wrote: »
    So, the "Hero With No Fear" will constantly be feared by DR and Malek? Why? Padme is immune to fear but this guy isn't? Am i missing something?

    He'll likely cleanse it when he loses protection and takes cover. Fracture and Plague too probably. Otherwise he wouldn't be broken enough. "Removes all other status effects".
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    So is Anakin immune to Annihilate from Darth Nihilus? That seems like one of the few gaps in his kit right now (which is fair).

    Annihilate will defeat General Skywalker since it instantly defeats him and does not actually deal damage.

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    CG_SBCrumb wrote: »
    So is Anakin immune to Annihilate from Darth Nihilus? That seems like one of the few gaps in his kit right now (which is fair).

    Annihilate will defeat General Skywalker since it instantly defeats him and does not actually deal damage.

    And there is my next G13/R7 character.
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    Ultra wrote: »
    Pre nerf zFinn can beat this team easy

    It's too bad he doesn't exist anymore
  • Vertigo
    4497 posts Member
    So does his leadership negate Fives’s zeta? That seems like a pretty big problem.

    Fives' zeta isn't a revive. It simply stops death, the same way Savior stops death.
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    CG_SBCrumb wrote: »
    So is Anakin immune to Annihilate from Darth Nihilus? That seems like one of the few gaps in his kit right now (which is fair).

    Annihilate will defeat General Skywalker since it instantly defeats him and does not actually deal damage.

    @CG_SBCrumb Thank you for the clarification. Does his leadership skill prevent only his own units from reviving, or also the opponent's units?
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    Hold crap! I... Just.... Holy..... Crap
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    So, to sum up, his kit allows him to dispell all debuffs including "undispellable" ones even though he'll already have insane tenacity, he prevents every revive mechanic in the game, he negates every single massive damage or annihilate mechanic in the game, he counters 100% of the time ignoring Defence and can't be evaded, cannot drop below 100% health while any 501st allies are alive, prevents health damage to all 501st unless he's under cover...!?!
    So, umm, @cg_sbcrumb how exactly is this creating a "rock, paper, scissors arena" situation in the game? We finally got some semblance of arena variety recently so literally the first thing CG does is to utterly decimate that variety, wow, way to not read the player base!! SMH!!
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