Reyia's Droids Helpline


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    VinceG wrote: »
    Has anyone tried a droid team at 7 stars with ig 100?

    There was one guy on my server who had him but he's switched him out.
    Ally Code: 945-699-762
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    Thanks Reyia

    Iv tried poogle lead but the benefits of hks turn meter gain and the chance for driods to run at 149 speed far outweigh poogles leader abilities.
    Good call on bariss and lumi would mean i can eventually get yoda, yoda with driods sounds interesting.

  • Bon_El
    435 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    My droid team is still in production so I can't play yet but I've enjoyed reading the thread. Thought I'd share something I just learned (I'm sure others already know). With the caveat that any team can be beaten with AI in charge, I've been having some trouble getting by the maxed droid teams with Poe. Better luck now though even without QGJ (had other priorities in Cantina)- my shiny new purple yoda firing battle meditation avoids the Expose and I can win now in @90 secs. Obviously a lot more ppl are going to have Yoda now which leads to my question: What's the best droid team (or droid hybrid team) makeup for AI defense against Yoda?
    ~ There is a great disturbance in the forum. ~
  • Eilar
    3 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Update from my earlier post on page 8 I think.

    I’m now at level 63 and 20,700 team power. My team is now as follows:

    Poggle 4* Lead, G7 (2 lvls from G8)
    IG 86 5* G7 (2 days from 6*, and 1 lvl from G8)
    IG 88 5* G7 (1 day from 6*, and 1 lvl from G8)
    Poe 5* G8 only the 2 easy pieces at 142 speed
    GS 7* G8 (7 lvls from G9)

    Before I asked for guidance on how to proceed and getting stars on the dps droids as well as adding poggle to the mix made a huge difference. I’m starting to understand how the team works now that I have a decent amount of bang on offence, even when someone goes down early due to speed teams. Most times I'm just hoping poe/poggle do their thing and outside of big dodges and decent expose rng the game is mine!

    Just wanted to let the thread know I got into rank 1 last night before rewards by beating a lvl 68 team with 25.4k power! The last second my little droid team got swapped to 2nd but it was my first time in the top 5 and now I know the 2 other members in my time slot (previously there was not much movement so it was hard to tell if they were fighting for it).

    Thank you all for the great advice on how to build up my team! Now my questions are

    1) should I move to QGJ from cantina shipments and JC in cantina nodes until bariss? Or should I stick with getting poe up?
    2)Also poggle is staying at 4 until 86 is done in arena. After that maybe 5* poggle, some stars into HK, then finish poggle?

    If anyone disagrees or has suggestions, please let me know!


    edit: spellcheck
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    A complete HK led 88 and 86 are a wonderf DPS trio to have for many reasons. You can do a lot with them:
    1. For arena put a taunter next to them( I have seen 2) and you allow more survival.
    2. Ds battles r ez if you bring Poggle with them and Talia or Daka
    3. Ewok elder Daka combo to rez ur dead droid. You will always be top 200 even on a great server, but you will no longer be rank 1 without 100-150 crystals on a great server. That's about it I guess.
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    Reyia wrote: »
    ZHunter99 wrote: »
    Reyia wrote: »
    ZHunter99 wrote: »
    I have a question. I want to start using a droid team in arena, but I'm not sure if I have the best setup. Currently I have:

    HK-47 (L) L68 5* Gear VIII

    Poggle L61 4* Gear VII

    IG-86 L56 5* Gear VI

    IG-88 L51 4* Gear VII

    GS L50 3* Gear VII

    Of course I still have a lot of farming to do, but is this team (once decently leveled) good for arena or do I need a tank? I don't have Poe, so that might be an issue.


    With your heroes you can make two different teams

    HK47 (leader)


    Poggle (leader)

    Those two teams are good for arena. I used the first team with Poe instead of Poggle for about a month and recently switched to Poggle leader. Because the IGs are very squishy it is recommended that you get a tank. The best tanks for a droid team are RG and Poe. Get either one or you can grind both as RG is only available in hard nodes and Poe is in cantina shipments and later on in LS 7-B and DS 7-A.

    Thanks for the reply! So I should replace IG-88 with RG/Poe? Also, I'm currently farming GS shards in Cantina; should I switch to Poe, or keep farming GS?

    Your IG88 is at 4* which has very low health. It would help if you have a high * RG or Poe. Droids need a tank to protect them while they dish out the awesome crits. Continue with GS till 7* and use the shipments to get Poe's shards. Poe is viable at 5* gear VIII. The gear VIII is important as that's where he reaches the maximum speed of 142.

    I thought Poe was from nodes, not shipments. That changes things. I'll start farming him instead of QGJ. Which member of my team (HK, IGs, Poggle, GS) should I drop in favor of Poe?
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    ZHunter99 wrote: »
    Reyia wrote: »
    ZHunter99 wrote: »
    Reyia wrote: »
    ZHunter99 wrote: »
    I have a question. I want to start using a droid team in arena, but I'm not sure if I have the best setup. Currently I have:

    HK-47 (L) L68 5* Gear VIII

    Poggle L61 4* Gear VII

    IG-86 L56 5* Gear VI

    IG-88 L51 4* Gear VII

    GS L50 3* Gear VII

    Of course I still have a lot of farming to do, but is this team (once decently leveled) good for arena or do I need a tank? I don't have Poe, so that might be an issue.


    With your heroes you can make two different teams

    HK47 (leader)


    Poggle (leader)

    Those two teams are good for arena. I used the first team with Poe instead of Poggle for about a month and recently switched to Poggle leader. Because the IGs are very squishy it is recommended that you get a tank. The best tanks for a droid team are RG and Poe. Get either one or you can grind both as RG is only available in hard nodes and Poe is in cantina shipments and later on in LS 7-B and DS 7-A.

    Thanks for the reply! So I should replace IG-88 with RG/Poe? Also, I'm currently farming GS shards in Cantina; should I switch to Poe, or keep farming GS?

    Your IG88 is at 4* which has very low health. It would help if you have a high * RG or Poe. Droids need a tank to protect them while they dish out the awesome crits. Continue with GS till 7* and use the shipments to get Poe's shards. Poe is viable at 5* gear VIII. The gear VIII is important as that's where he reaches the maximum speed of 142.

    I thought Poe was from nodes, not shipments. That changes things. I'll start farming him instead of QGJ. Which member of my team (HK, IGs, Poggle, GS) should I drop in favor of Poe?

    If you run Poggle team drop HK. If you run HK lead then either 88 or GS.
  • Options
    Droid team is a giant target on your back in the arena to be attacked. Like the opposite of having an RG on your team. Man I can only imagine how many levels you guys drop on defense. Ai plays you okay but rarely do either IG get a shot. At least you have poggle poe and gs to try to beat my five guys... The meta has you guys until the engineer comes...
  • Options
    ZHunter99 wrote: »
    Reyia wrote: »
    ZHunter99 wrote: »
    Reyia wrote: »
    ZHunter99 wrote: »
    I have a question. I want to start using a droid team in arena, but I'm not sure if I have the best setup. Currently I have:

    HK-47 (L) L68 5* Gear VIII

    Poggle L61 4* Gear VII

    IG-86 L56 5* Gear VI

    IG-88 L51 4* Gear VII

    GS L50 3* Gear VII

    Of course I still have a lot of farming to do, but is this team (once decently leveled) good for arena or do I need a tank? I don't have Poe, so that might be an issue.


    With your heroes you can make two different teams

    HK47 (leader)


    Poggle (leader)

    Those two teams are good for arena. I used the first team with Poe instead of Poggle for about a month and recently switched to Poggle leader. Because the IGs are very squishy it is recommended that you get a tank. The best tanks for a droid team are RG and Poe. Get either one or you can grind both as RG is only available in hard nodes and Poe is in cantina shipments and later on in LS 7-B and DS 7-A.

    Thanks for the reply! So I should replace IG-88 with RG/Poe? Also, I'm currently farming GS shards in Cantina; should I switch to Poe, or keep farming GS?

    Your IG88 is at 4* which has very low health. It would help if you have a high * RG or Poe. Droids need a tank to protect them while they dish out the awesome crits. Continue with GS till 7* and use the shipments to get Poe's shards. Poe is viable at 5* gear VIII. The gear VIII is important as that's where he reaches the maximum speed of 142.

    I thought Poe was from nodes, not shipments. That changes things. I'll start farming him instead of QGJ. Which member of my team (HK, IGs, Poggle, GS) should I drop in favor of Poe?

    If you run Poggle team drop HK. If you run HK lead then either 88 or GS.

    Ok, thanks. HK's leader ability is really good, so I'll drop IG-88.
  • Options
    ZHunter99 wrote: »
    ZHunter99 wrote: »
    Reyia wrote: »
    ZHunter99 wrote: »
    Reyia wrote: »
    ZHunter99 wrote: »
    I have a question. I want to start using a droid team in arena, but I'm not sure if I have the best setup. Currently I have:

    HK-47 (L) L68 5* Gear VIII

    Poggle L61 4* Gear VII

    IG-86 L56 5* Gear VI

    IG-88 L51 4* Gear VII

    GS L50 3* Gear VII

    Of course I still have a lot of farming to do, but is this team (once decently leveled) good for arena or do I need a tank? I don't have Poe, so that might be an issue.


    With your heroes you can make two different teams

    HK47 (leader)


    Poggle (leader)

    Those two teams are good for arena. I used the first team with Poe instead of Poggle for about a month and recently switched to Poggle leader. Because the IGs are very squishy it is recommended that you get a tank. The best tanks for a droid team are RG and Poe. Get either one or you can grind both as RG is only available in hard nodes and Poe is in cantina shipments and later on in LS 7-B and DS 7-A.

    Thanks for the reply! So I should replace IG-88 with RG/Poe? Also, I'm currently farming GS shards in Cantina; should I switch to Poe, or keep farming GS?

    Your IG88 is at 4* which has very low health. It would help if you have a high * RG or Poe. Droids need a tank to protect them while they dish out the awesome crits. Continue with GS till 7* and use the shipments to get Poe's shards. Poe is viable at 5* gear VIII. The gear VIII is important as that's where he reaches the maximum speed of 142.

    I thought Poe was from nodes, not shipments. That changes things. I'll start farming him instead of QGJ. Which member of my team (HK, IGs, Poggle, GS) should I drop in favor of Poe?

    If you run Poggle team drop HK. If you run HK lead then either 88 or GS.

    Ok, thanks. HK's leader ability is really good, so I'll drop IG-88.

    With HK as lead it's hard to pick one. In theory you'd want IG-88 but he gets targeted first in almost any droid setup so he almost acts as a second taunt.
  • Options
    LordAlvert wrote: »
    Droid team is a giant target on your back in the arena to be attacked. Like the opposite of having an RG on your team. Man I can only imagine how many levels you guys drop on defense. Ai plays you okay but rarely do either IG get a shot. At least you have poggle poe and gs to try to beat my five guys... The meta has you guys until the engineer comes...

    Can you guys educate me..,.since I find droid teams scary (probably because my team sucks).....

    Seems the only way to beat them is to have a high DPS who goes before Poe (GS, Rey)?
  • Options
    LordAlvert wrote: »
    Droid team is a giant target on your back in the arena to be attacked. Like the opposite of having an RG on your team. Man I can only imagine how many levels you guys drop on defense. Ai plays you okay but rarely do either IG get a shot. At least you have poggle poe and gs to try to beat my five guys... The meta has you guys until the engineer comes...

    Can you guys educate me..,.since I find droid teams scary (probably because my team sucks).....

    Seems the only way to beat them is to have a high DPS who goes before Poe (GS, Rey)?

    Exactly. High DPS teams destroy droids. Especially QGJ (L) with GS and Rey it's game over.
  • Options
    LordAlvert wrote: »
    Droid team is a giant target on your back in the arena to be attacked. Like the opposite of having an RG on your team. Man I can only imagine how many levels you guys drop on defense. Ai plays you okay but rarely do either IG get a shot. At least you have poggle poe and gs to try to beat my five guys... The meta has you guys until the engineer comes...

    Can you guys educate me..,.since I find droid teams scary (probably because my team sucks).....

    Seems the only way to beat them is to have a high DPS who goes before Poe (GS, Rey)?

    Exactly. High DPS teams destroy droids. Especially QGJ (L) with GS and Rey it's game over.

    I guess choosing Luke over GS has doomed me:(
  • Anraeth
    536 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Claudey wrote: »
    Thanks Reyia

    Iv tried poogle lead but the benefits of hks turn meter gain and the chance for driods to run at 149 speed far outweigh poogles leader abilities.
    Good call on bariss and lumi would mean i can eventually get yoda, yoda with driods sounds interesting.

    This was my mentality I had a while ago myself. However in the top ten speed meta, it didn't work out for myself. With HK lead, you usually have to chose between Poggle, Poe, GS. If you drop Poggle, you lose out on the speed boost and buff and pray you get a crit hit with GS assist. Pulling GS, I lost a 149 turn OHKO character. Dropping Poe yielded the worst results losing my Droids before I got a turn. Other setups were too fragile and RNG based, I would drop a considerable amount of ranks over night. Keeping HK out and Poggle lead, gives 25% offense right off the bat. I can blow up opposing GS/Rey consistently even with a dreaded Poe assist. I've been greatly enjoying success at the number 1 spot with my Poggle lead Droid team, WHILE only dropping a few ranks a night.
  • Reyia
    1171 posts Member
    VinceG wrote: »
    Has anyone tried a droid team at 7 stars with ig 100?

    I haven't but considering of farming his shards in cantina when I'm done with Barriss and Dooku.
  • Reyia
    1171 posts Member
    @Reyia i have gs 6* atm, i have poe @5* and RG @4* going almost 5*, is it viable even hk-47 is at 4*?


    Yes HK47 is viable at 4* as he's support and he is mostly used for his leader skill.
  • Reyia
    1171 posts Member
    Claudey wrote: »
    Thanks Reyia

    Iv tried poogle lead but the benefits of hks turn meter gain and the chance for driods to run at 149 speed far outweigh poogles leader abilities.
    Good call on bariss and lumi would mean i can eventually get yoda, yoda with driods sounds interesting.

    I find that Poogle's lead makes my team better and I haven't changed since.

    I'm farming Jedis too and I'm considering a hybrid team of Jedis with droids.
  • Reyia
    1171 posts Member
    Bon_El wrote: »
    My droid team is still in production so I can't play yet but I've enjoyed reading the thread. Thought I'd share something I just learned (I'm sure others already know). With the caveat that any team can be beaten with AI in charge, I've been having some trouble getting by the maxed droid teams with Poe. Better luck now though even without QGJ (had other priorities in Cantina)- my shiny new purple yoda firing battle meditation avoids the Expose and I can win now in @90 secs. Obviously a lot more ppl are going to have Yoda now which leads to my question: What's the best droid team (or droid hybrid team) makeup for AI defense against Yoda?


    Any team can be beaten as AI controls your team on defence. Glad you enjoyed this thread and hope it can encourage more people to try droids out! There's no best droids team at the moment as the speed meta makes it easy for a team to go first and kill all the droids before their first moves. Now with more people acquiring Yoda it would even be much easier still. People who use droid teams use them offensively and not defensively. There are many people who get to high ranks with droid teams to get the arena prize. Currently the most viable droid teams are either lead by HK47 or Poggle. Depends on whether you like more turn meter or damage.
  • Reyia
    1171 posts Member
    Eilar wrote: »
    Update from my earlier post on page 8 I think.

    I’m now at level 63 and 20,700 team power. My team is now as follows:

    Poggle 4* Lead, G7 (2 lvls from G8)
    IG 86 5* G7 (2 days from 6*, and 1 lvl from G8)
    IG 88 5* G7 (1 day from 6*, and 1 lvl from G8)
    Poe 5* G8 only the 2 easy pieces at 142 speed
    GS 7* G8 (7 lvls from G9)

    Before I asked for guidance on how to proceed and getting stars on the dps droids as well as adding poggle to the mix made a huge difference. I’m starting to understand how the team works now that I have a decent amount of bang on offence, even when someone goes down early due to speed teams. Most times I'm just hoping poe/poggle do their thing and outside of big dodges and decent expose rng the game is mine!

    Just wanted to let the thread know I got into rank 1 last night before rewards by beating a lvl 68 team with 25.4k power! The last second my little droid team got swapped to 2nd but it was my first time in the top 5 and now I know the 2 other members in my time slot (previously there was not much movement so it was hard to tell if they were fighting for it).

    Thank you all for the great advice on how to build up my team! Now my questions are

    1) should I move to QGJ from cantina shipments and JC in cantina nodes until bariss? Or should I stick with getting poe up?
    2)Also poggle is staying at 4 until 86 is done in arena. After that maybe 5* poggle, some stars into HK, then finish poggle?

    If anyone disagrees or has suggestions, please let me know!


    edit: spellcheck


    Congratulations on getting to the top!! Very well done indeed!! I feel great to hear success stories like this.

    Now that you have an idea on how the team works you gain understanding on why it's better to have a synergy than not. The characters working together in harmony provides far greater benefits than having odd ones not helping each other. The best synergies for droids are turn meter gains from HK47 and the offense gain and speed up from Poggle.

    Droids team have low power but don't under-estimate them. They can easily beat those with a much higher power. Droids work best in offense but are kind of very bad on defense due to their low health/survivability.

    Poe is very viable at 5* but because I felt that droids needed more protection so I went ahead and 6* Poe. Now all my shipments go to QGJ. Do JC now till you can do Barriss. You will NEED three healers for Yoda 7*- Barriss, JC, and Lumi. For 6* and under you can get any Jedi team and still win easily.

    Poggle is from GW. Yes do IG86 exclusively from GW and you can also hit Poggle's hard nodes to bring him to 5*. My Poggle is still 5* but my IG88, IG86 are 7*. Poe is 6* and I just got HK to 7*. I'm level 70 already.

    Continue doing IG88 first to 7* before HK47 from arena. HK47 is like Poggle, viable at 4/5*. They can wait while you upgrade IG88 and IG86.

    Good luck and go droids!
  • Reyia
    1171 posts Member
    A complete HK led 88 and 86 are a wonderf DPS trio to have for many reasons. You can do a lot with them:
    1. For arena put a taunter next to them( I have seen 2) and you allow more survival.
    2. Ds battles r ez if you bring Poggle with them and Talia or Daka
    3. Ewok elder Daka combo to rez ur dead droid. You will always be top 200 even on a great server, but you will no longer be rank 1 without 100-150 crystals on a great server. That's about it I guess.


    True, one can use droids for more than just arena. As you mentioned DS battles become easy and with EE/Daka it will reduce chances of being attacked. I would expand it to say that droids can help in GW too, say a difficult node which cause grief to your normal team. With a droids team you can clear the node quickly. Great for a B team or a suicide squad.
  • Options
    So, got a question that's not directly droid-related, but at the very least droid-adjacent:

    Started an alt account and got the dark side starter pack and the droid pack with the intention of going for a droid team from the start. It's going pretty well, but starting to hit a gear wall because the droids aren't great for progressing in the dark side missions, and obviously completely out of the picture for light side.

    I'm doing daka from shipments to help with ds and gw, and diverted some resources to get at least a low star lumi without slowing down droid farming too much. Could use some tips for other useful early farms to progress both mission sides enough to gear up the droids, though. Especially light side as I have nothing but the starters and 4 star lumi and 3 star qgj for that. Should look into Poe, but he obviously competes with daka who helps with both dark side and gw.

    Account level is 55, droids, gs and poggle are around there too, most others lagging behind a bit.
  • Options
    Reyia wrote: »
    A complete HK led 88 and 86 are a wonderf DPS trio to have for many reasons. You can do a lot with them:
    1. For arena put a taunter next to them( I have seen 2) and you allow more survival.
    2. Ds battles r ez if you bring Poggle with them and Talia or Daka
    3. Ewok elder Daka combo to rez ur dead droid. You will always be top 200 even on a great server, but you will no longer be rank 1 without 100-150 crystals on a great server. That's about it I guess.


    True, one can use droids for more than just arena. As you mentioned DS battles become easy and with EE/Daka it will reduce chances of being attacked. I would expand it to say that droids can help in GW too, say a difficult node which cause grief to your normal team. With a droids team you can clear the node quickly. Great for a B team or a suicide squad.

    My HK 88 86 JC Lumi team is my GW Ateam. I clear it in less than 30 minutes
  • Options
    So, got a question that's not directly droid-related, but at the very least droid-adjacent:

    Started an alt account and got the dark side starter pack and the droid pack with the intention of going for a droid team from the start. It's going pretty well, but starting to hit a gear wall because the droids aren't great for progressing in the dark side missions, and obviously completely out of the picture for light side.

    I'm doing daka from shipments to help with ds and gw, and diverted some resources to get at least a low star lumi without slowing down droid farming too much. Could use some tips for other useful early farms to progress both mission sides enough to gear up the droids, though. Especially light side as I have nothing but the starters and 4 star lumi and 3 star qgj for that. Should look into Poe, but he obviously competes with daka who helps with both dark side and gw.

    Account level is 55, droids, gs and poggle are around there too, most others lagging behind a bit.

    I've got 3 maxed out droids for my DS missions (HK, 86 and 88) + 4 star level 62 gear 7 Daka and 5 star level 60 gear 7 Talia. 3 starred all DS missions, with only 3 nodes (2 lvl 7 normal and 1 lvl 7 hard) that took more than 1 try to 3 star.
  • Options
    Hyperalloy wrote: »
    So, got a question that's not directly droid-related, but at the very least droid-adjacent:

    Started an alt account and got the dark side starter pack and the droid pack with the intention of going for a droid team from the start. It's going pretty well, but starting to hit a gear wall because the droids aren't great for progressing in the dark side missions, and obviously completely out of the picture for light side.

    I'm doing daka from shipments to help with ds and gw, and diverted some resources to get at least a low star lumi without slowing down droid farming too much. Could use some tips for other useful early farms to progress both mission sides enough to gear up the droids, though. Especially light side as I have nothing but the starters and 4 star lumi and 3 star qgj for that. Should look into Poe, but he obviously competes with daka who helps with both dark side and gw.

    Account level is 55, droids, gs and poggle are around there too, most others lagging behind a bit.

    I've got 3 maxed out droids for my DS missions (HK, 86 and 88) + 4 star level 62 gear 7 Daka and 5 star level 60 gear 7 Talia. 3 starred all DS missions, with only 3 nodes (2 lvl 7 normal and 1 lvl 7 hard) that took more than 1 try to 3 star.

    Hmm, might follow your lead and pump up Talia a bit. Daka should help a lot too, 2-3 days to go to unlock her. Did you disregard light side early on?
  • Options
    Hyperalloy wrote: »
    So, got a question that's not directly droid-related, but at the very least droid-adjacent:

    Started an alt account and got the dark side starter pack and the droid pack with the intention of going for a droid team from the start. It's going pretty well, but starting to hit a gear wall because the droids aren't great for progressing in the dark side missions, and obviously completely out of the picture for light side.

    I'm doing daka from shipments to help with ds and gw, and diverted some resources to get at least a low star lumi without slowing down droid farming too much. Could use some tips for other useful early farms to progress both mission sides enough to gear up the droids, though. Especially light side as I have nothing but the starters and 4 star lumi and 3 star qgj for that. Should look into Poe, but he obviously competes with daka who helps with both dark side and gw.

    Account level is 55, droids, gs and poggle are around there too, most others lagging behind a bit.

    I've got 3 maxed out droids for my DS missions (HK, 86 and 88) + 4 star level 62 gear 7 Daka and 5 star level 60 gear 7 Talia. 3 starred all DS missions, with only 3 nodes (2 lvl 7 normal and 1 lvl 7 hard) that took more than 1 try to 3 star.

    Hmm, might follow your lead and pump up Talia a bit. Daka should help a lot too, 2-3 days to go to unlock her. Did you disregard light side early on?

    In my experience, LS missions are easier than DS because LS has excelent Jedi healers and I powered up my JC and Lumi early on. Notice that LS missions are actually of lower level (i.e. lower level enemies) and when combined with the greater focus on healing and surviving of LS characters in general, 3 star completions are easier to obtain. I'm currently running an all Jedi LS mission team.

    The DS missions require the opposite approach, requiring less focus on healing and more focus on firepower, with a good combination of strong AOEs and single target takedowns to hopefully kill all enemies before anyone from your team gets killed. DS has the issue of weaker healing, hence the need for a more offensive approach.

    In short:

    LS: Strong survivability and recoverability with decent DPS to steadily chip the enemy to rubble.

    DS: Maximize firepower to kill the enemy before they have a chance to cause major damage.

    For DS missions, a combo of HK47 lead with 86 and 88 leads to lots of crits and turn meter gain to compensate for their lack of speed. The droids have the problem of slow intiative, but with HK47 lead, once the crit train starts and momentum builds, it's a grand massacare.
  • Options
    Hyperalloy wrote: »
    Hyperalloy wrote: »
    So, got a question that's not directly droid-related, but at the very least droid-adjacent:

    Started an alt account and got the dark side starter pack and the droid pack with the intention of going for a droid team from the start. It's going pretty well, but starting to hit a gear wall because the droids aren't great for progressing in the dark side missions, and obviously completely out of the picture for light side.

    I'm doing daka from shipments to help with ds and gw, and diverted some resources to get at least a low star lumi without slowing down droid farming too much. Could use some tips for other useful early farms to progress both mission sides enough to gear up the droids, though. Especially light side as I have nothing but the starters and 4 star lumi and 3 star qgj for that. Should look into Poe, but he obviously competes with daka who helps with both dark side and gw.

    Account level is 55, droids, gs and poggle are around there too, most others lagging behind a bit.

    I've got 3 maxed out droids for my DS missions (HK, 86 and 88) + 4 star level 62 gear 7 Daka and 5 star level 60 gear 7 Talia. 3 starred all DS missions, with only 3 nodes (2 lvl 7 normal and 1 lvl 7 hard) that took more than 1 try to 3 star.

    Hmm, might follow your lead and pump up Talia a bit. Daka should help a lot too, 2-3 days to go to unlock her. Did you disregard light side early on?

    In my experience, LS missions are easier than DS because LS has excelent Jedi healers and I powered up my JC and Lumi early on. Notice that LS missions are actually of lower level (i.e. lower level enemies) and when combined with the greater focus on healing and surviving of LS characters in general, 3 star completions are easier to obtain. I'm currently running an all Jedi LS mission team.

    The DS missions require the opposite approach, requiring less focus on healing and more focus on firepower, with a good combination of strong AOEs and single target takedowns to hopefully kill all enemies before anyone from your team gets killed. DS has the issue of weaker healing, hence the need for a more offensive approach.

    In short:

    LS: Strong survivability and recoverability with decent DPS to steadily chip the enemy to rubble.

    DS: Maximize firepower to kill the enemy before they have a chance to cause major damage.

    For DS missions, a combo of HK47 lead with 86 and 88 leads to lots of crits and turn meter gain to compensate for their lack of speed. The droids have the problem of slow intiative, but with HK47 lead, once the crit train starts and momentum builds, it's a grand massacare.

  • Options
    Maximize your droids in DS missions by taking a borrowed Sidious with HK as leader. Daka is a must-have for DS missions going forward. The only times I struggled were when I went against OP AoE teams in DS. 3*'d the last node by the grace of Daka's revive at the last second.
  • Options
    Maximize your droids in DS missions by taking a borrowed Sidious with HK as leader. Daka is a must-have for DS missions going forward. The only times I struggled were when I went against OP AoE teams in DS. 3*'d the last node by the grace of Daka's revive at the last second.

    Have they fixed the 3 star thing? Last time someone died and Daka revived them I was still only given 2 stars.
  • Options
    Maximize your droids in DS missions by taking a borrowed Sidious with HK as leader. Daka is a must-have for DS missions going forward. The only times I struggled were when I went against OP AoE teams in DS. 3*'d the last node by the grace of Daka's revive at the last second.

    Have they fixed the 3 star thing? Last time someone died and Daka revived them I was still only given 2 stars.

    So, I finished the node with all 5 toons alive having just Rez'd 88 and it displayed a 2-star win at the victory screen. I was, however, credited with 3-stars after exiting the battle.
  • climax
    16 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    As I wrote before in this topic, I use a classic droid team made of Poggle, GS, IG86, IG88, Poe. All maxed. On offense is awesome and I manage to take top3 spot daily. My question is, what do you think is the best droid team for defending in Arena? (Or that, in your opinion, might defend better than this one)
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