4/14 Update: General Comments Megathread


  • Sparrow
    525 posts Member
    @CG_JohnSalera First off I wanted to say thank you for addressing those of us on the forums , it really is nice to know we are being heard.

    I also agree with most of what you said, it makes sense, and something had to be done to the speed meta or it would have crushed the game as time went on, you are 100% correct. And I really dont have anything negative to say about any of that. I want to see how it all works out and go from there.

    I do have two negative comments though.

    1) Galactic War, while I have not yet done it myself as id cleared it pre-update, I will say that the ball was dropped on this. many people had trouble with this before, and the addition of protection just makes GW harder than it was. Everyone could see it coming, yet it was basically ignored in the update. The simplest fix i can think of would be to have protection completely regenerate between battles. that removes the added difficulty of fighting squads with protection after the third node or so and having none of your own. It even makes things a bit easier for those times when one toon is low on health, they will now have a protection buffer so you can heal them.

    2) the challenges, lets call a spade a spade, its a gear grind, you leather rinse repeat 15 times per week to get the gear you need to play the game. There is absolutely no variety in the challenges, and because of that they ARE NOT FUN. no one likes doing the exact same thing over and over again. but before we could just farm up the right toons and hit auto and it was done in a short period. Now it takes twice as long, you have to manually play it, and you still may not win with a well developed squad........

    What was your end game here? what was your idea? you want people to play more, but its got to be fun, all you succeeded in doing here is taking something that was already a chore, albeit a light one cause of auto play, and made it repetitive work....

    If you want to fix the challenges, dial back the difficulty to what it was, and at least make it an easy chore, OR remove the first two encounters (they are time wasting fluff anyway) and dial back the difficulty a little. you dont want people to auto it, then remove the auto, dont make it feel like the yoda event that you have to win 15 times per week (hell im assuming 45 times per week cause i dont expect the others to be better)

    And just one final comment, i have no idea what the tank challenge will be like, but I am assuming like me most people have half farmed a bunch of tanks just for that challenge, i know most of mine are sitting in the mid 50's at 3-4 stars just for the tank challenge. and while the new meta seems to be making them relevant again, if i have to farm them all up to 7* level 70+ to have a hope of beating the challenge...... well i will probably throw int he towel at that point as im not sure i will want to spend the next 2 months doing that, for some gear materials....
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    Why can't I post a bad review on the appstore
  • bLz
    27 posts Member
    After playing a bit, I managed to complete the GW but it did end up taking almost an hour. My team was Barriss (L), QGJ, Lumi, GS and Yoda. All are level 73, 7* and max gear for as far as I can. I initially had JC instead of GS and QGJ as lead, but it worked better with GS and Barriss lead.

    Arena seemed a lot harder, I only won 2 matches. My Jedi squad with QGJ lead got wrecked and im still leveling up RG, FO chars and Rey.

    The challenges seemed about the same.

    Everything just ended up taking twice as long as before.
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    The new health bar system is **** my players now look like garbage. All money spend trying to farm feels wasted. Other then that i'm happy.
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    All these **** reviews in the App Store are driving me nuts! Completely one sided even though they've dropped to 3 1/2 stars
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    My first time on the forums, tho i"be been playing since the early days of the game. It will probably be my last as well. I only logged on to voice my hatred of the new balance changes and protection meters. Everything I have been building and working towards has been turned on it's head. My teams no longer work for getting all the way through the Galactic March because my former strong characters are about as useless as wet noodles in the battles now, and the healing powers have become useless unless I use a team full of healers . I'm goin to fall way back in the Squad battles while I have to rebuild all new teams with characters that I haven't spent much effort enhancing. I can easily see these recent changes causing me to get fed up and quit playing. I certainly won't be spending any more money, seeing as how the cash I have already spent has lost all it's previous advantages. I'm not gonna be screwed twice. These changes may be good for a new player starting fresh but have severely hurt my playstyle. Two thumbs down to the changes, way down!
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    FOTP is rubbish now thanks
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    It sucks big time. Too huge a nerf for too many characters. Players resist special abilities too much. It takes so long to finish a battle, the game is getting boring. the devs should have ignored all the whiners and kept it as it is.
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    So hello, i make acc on forum after updates. U delete whole 4/14 just because there was ton of negative commends of ur stupid work. Game is not fun anymore is time eater and harder Then before, u think ur dumbie protection is good ? Did u even play this game ? Or u are just boyz who gets order to destroy this game for F2P people even for $2P people? I think u just fuc* this game and make it so bad, enjoy ur trash game.
  • R4D4
    79 posts Member
    Wow, way to go EA, now the game is plain boring. Everyone is just plain the same, totally not like SW should be. Thanks for stopping my addiction.
  • ElGuapu
    190 posts Member
    taylorb wrote: »
    FOTP is rubbish now thanks

    He already was after the first nerf way back...he was hard as **** to get and impossible to farm which is what made him such a badass to have...players would come up against him and cry about it and that's where all this crap started...there will always be dominant teams and toons, but they change naturally as the game progresses while being copied all the way through...they did a good job setting things up then it seems like a handful of whiners (compared to this outcry) convince them to monkey with ****...
  • Vlados
    81 posts Member
    I can say one thing. That sux
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    I agree that change is good... but seriously, you work so hard to get some features, and they're all destroyed by an update, just because "change" is necessary? As most of us, I've been playing almost since day one, have learned things, learned how to do things, learned what I needed in order to succeed in missions or events, and now... well, I'm a disappointed. EA should have thought better.
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    I have just checked Playstore reviews.
    90% of ratings from last 12 hours are 1-star :)
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    They arnt even letting us post reviews in appstore
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    Why did you do this to a game that once was FUN to play?!?

    The last Update was bulls, and this one is even worse. Yes, you are merchants, you have to milk the cow. But this obvious?

    Challenges - Boring, but necessary. Started it, switched to Auto, put the phone aside and a few moments later I gained the result. Now I do this, too. But one level lower. It's 80.000 instead of 90.000 credits now. I'm smiling all the time, because of the fun I'm having from this.

    GW - I play GoH since last November. Finished GW 5 (!) times since then. Was close to my 6th one yesterday. End in the middle today. Yeah. Thank you.

    Character-balance - Why didn't you work on this? My team consists of five 7*-characters, all level 73/VIII, strength 28.893. Today I lost an Arena-fight against a team in Level 70, with two characters having 5*.
    This is nonsense.

    Yeah, I'm really ****. I did pay you 150 € to achieve something in the game. All wasted. Did I gain something? Yeah, well, I managed to finish 5 (!) GWs. I'm on #286 in the Arena now. Outplayed by people with weaker teams, but with the "right" characters. The ones you had to pay for.

    Why do I still play? If I wouldn't have paid 150 € over the months, I would quit. Now. But I don't like to delete 150 € from my phone for nothing.
    Do I think the game is fun? No. It was, in the beginning.
    Would I recommend it to others? No.
    Am I having fun? No. Quite the contrary. I'm really annoyed and ****. Really.

    Great job, guys.
    If George Lucas would know...

    Bugs: The health bar in the upper right corner isn't working any more.
  • Strikeface
    13 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Worst update ever. I was really hoping they would make it funner (like upping good gears frequency percentage and farm shards) but nope. They only made it harder because it adds about half the time to even get anything done.
    Savage is Savage alright on the AGI challenge, I can barely beat a 4 star Vader in pvp, QGJ is a pansy now, Finn is wrecked. The INT tier 4 challenge?? Omg.
    I might get 3 shards in 3 days on a character with only 2 nodes (Why could they not make those reset every 12 hours? Ughh the list goes on...LAME-O
    Post edited by Strikeface on
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    ElGuapu wrote: »
    taylorb wrote: »
    FOTP is rubbish now thanks

    He already was after the first nerf way back...he was hard as **** to get and impossible to farm which is what made him such a badass to have...players would come up against him and cry about it and that's where all this crap started...there will always be dominant teams and toons, but they change naturally as the game progresses while being copied all the way through...they did a good job setting things up then it seems like a handful of whiners (compared to this outcry) convince them to monkey with ****...
    I started playing from day one enjoyed playing it then. Grinded the players I 4rt were good back then got 10 shards to go to max out FOTP. they have changed the stats on a lot of characters what is the point on trying to get the best characters to suit your team and style of play then change them up every month. There trying to even the characters out which makes the game boring no team stands out anymore
  • Pstyle
    14 posts Member
    You ruined the game for a lot of people.
    I don't need to give it a week, it's pretty obvious to me how you messed up.
    You should think about a full roll back of this update.
    Then maybe do some testing yourself or get some beta testers.
    I'm livid you ruined my favorite game just like galaxies.
  • Maikel_Swe_85
    13 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    I have been playing everyday since day one, not sure I will continue now the protection "function" has destroyed the game the money and time I spent on this game have basically gone to waste.

    The game is no longer any fun, even simple challenges that were handled with Auto is becoming an issue....

    EA redo this you dropped the ball BIGTIME
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    Oh, btw, changed my 5* review on Google Play-Store to a 2* just minutes ago.
    Thank you.
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    Unimpressed with new update....

    If I'm honest, I'm rather disgusted by it...after spending so much time and money on this game

    Reminds me of the SWG update...sigh
  • ElGuapu
    190 posts Member
    taylorb wrote: »
    ElGuapu wrote: »
    taylorb wrote: »
    FOTP is rubbish now thanks

    He already was after the first nerf way back...he was hard as **** to get and impossible to farm which is what made him such a badass to have...players would come up against him and cry about it and that's where all this crap started...there will always be dominant teams and toons, but they change naturally as the game progresses while being copied all the way through...they did a good job setting things up then it seems like a handful of whiners (compared to this outcry) convince them to monkey with ****...
    I started playing from day one enjoyed playing it then. Grinded the players I 4rt were good back then got 10 shards to go to max out FOTP. they have changed the stats on a lot of characters what is the point on trying to get the best characters to suit your team and style of play then change them up every month. There trying to even the characters out which makes the game boring no team stands out anymore

    Preach it brotha! I can't believe it was originally mapped out to have all this level capping that clusters everyone up where it stagnates to the point the feel they have to mix it up when it would otherwise take care of itself...
  • Ego12Draconis
    251 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    GW is way too hard now. Did you even think about how those changes are affecting the GW-gameplay
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    Gratz to developers
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  • thee_pdx
    302 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    I agree. I don't like where this game is going. While right now everyone is complaining about damage nerfs and the disastrous challenges, I'm mainly concerned with protection. If you haven't noticed, protection can only be increased by upgrading a characters gear level. This creates a huge wall between whales/pre-crafters and f2p players. Whales and p2w are going to have ungodly advantages. The main reason behind why I got this game was because p2w players had advantages, but f2p could still compete. Now, that is gone.

    thats precisely what i was going to say.

    ive had a quick run, i got to level 10 on GW, which isnt unusual, i normally 50-50 win (im level 63)

    bit sad RP got nerfed, i was farming her.

    ive always thought the difficulty is all over the place, used to be able to auto every 'challenge', now i cant even finish.

    its now really tilted against ftp, unless youre on gear7 youre at a massive disadvantage, ive got literally hundreds of items to get before most of my toons are g7. RG is a lifetime of grinding away.

    Bit annoyed that i bought the 21 day crystal pack 2 days ago, thinking it would help me adjust, now im thinking i just cant be donkeyed with doing all the grinding.

    the main point is this game is so slow its not like we can all switch teams. Again, like an fool, i saw that JKG got a buff, so trained/geared her up, til i realised shes only 2* so will take a lifetime to get her anywhere near useful. blinking nora.

    ho hum.

    edit, and the health bar at the top is broken, not the one above the character, but the main one at the top right, stays green at all times.

    blimey, i diot is censored? sorry.
    Post edited by thee_pdx on
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    So sad this morning, I found this game back in December and have played every day since. I've patiently farmed and built teams capable of winning, I've literally today just finished building my Jedi team to finally unlock Yoda and I've become accustomed to doing fairly well (not brilliantly) in Squad Arena and Galactic War, daily challenges were a challenge as the name suggested but were worth my time and some were even fun. Today though, well...

    Daily Challenges are so hard, I've given tiers that I previously beat the vast majority of times a go and I've not even made it to the final round on most occasions. Given that it takes so long to actually run the challenges now , I've all but given them up as a bad idea and a waste of time.

    Galactic War, I've only ever completed entire run through 17 times or so. Now I feel like that number will not be growing. The characters I could rely on to do the donkey work have become toothless following the update and the 'protection' rarely lasts long enough to be of use. Teams that should be strong enough are being smashed because their health is terrible.

    Some characters I have that could have been useful before are going to remain in the 'do not bother' pile now, for instance I have Savage Opress. He's not fantastic but I kinda liked the idea of using him as a fifth Sith and now he's rendered pathetic because of the utterly ridiculous amount of farming needed to get him to gear level VII or VIII.

    I'm not an expert, just a player that had previously enjoyed the game and I just felt compelled to sign up and say that it's no longer fun. I've gone from being a daily player with an almost addicted compulsion to play the game (ask my wife who hates me wasting so much time on it hahaha) to a guy that doesn't want to play anymore. The rewards just don't match the effort. It's a poor update imho. No positives to add, just a whole lot of negatives.
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    It is not easy to ruin the best mobile game at the moment in just one update. But you made it.
    With deleting all the negative comments and reviews you are bringing only more negative comments and making more people to stop playing the game.
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    If a game FEELS wrong, it won't be played.
    Simple as that.

    Now, how do players FEEL about last update ?
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