Looking for a Guild? Check here! (Part 2)


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    BPC is a T7 raiding guild based on Europe.

    We currently rotate between 2 raiding times which are 3 PM and 8 PM CET.
    We have a 1 team attack rule the first 12 hours to allow everybody a chance to do damage on the raid.
    After the 12 hours, go nutz!!!

    We use Line as our communication platform for sharing tips and helping each other.
    We have a big variety of players from a whale with +75 x 7 stars to a few players who have not hit level 80 yet and is still learning.
    There is room for everybody as long as you fulfill the following requirements

    -600/600 coins every day (or very close to it, **** bug)
    -Line app
    -5 x 7 stars chars
    -Level 80

    With the new raid around the corner we have raised the bar for new recruits

    If this sounds like a guild for you, PM me.
    Or even better contact me on Line: Richardpedersen

    We have 4 people who are not contributing coins every day so on the lookout for 4 new active players.
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    "Too Old For This Sith" is a T7 Guild looking to fill 3 spots.

    We complete T7 about 3 times a week, but we need more active members to keep earning coins so we can continue raiding at a high frequency.

    Typically the top 3 spots go to our officers, so if you are OK with that and are looking for a steady flow of T7 raid loot, send me an ally invite and I'll send you a Guild invite.

    (We are GMT -04:00.)

    Line ID & Ally Code: 312-212-822
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    Owen Family BBQ

    Looking for those struggling with a small guild.

    Our guild is looking for serious players who want to have fun as a TEAM. We are in the process of one merge and it was very successful however some "fair weather" players keep us looking to fill spots after for serious players who contribute daily.

    We are a guild that believes in raiding as a group. All of us have left guilds with officers and leaders that didn't pay attention to the lower ranks. Some of us are high 70's & Level 80 players, however we value a fun guild over your level so if you are in a position to be a part of a guild running tier 5 and working t6 into the rotation while looking to be a part of building to a heroic level then we are your group!

    We expect all players to build their entire character list deep and even. Not looking for one team wonders. PM me or seek out Moh Pai player code 582-174-493 &/or PaiHuShih 951-953-995

    Our guild is a VERY positive atmosphere. Looking for those who want to enjoy the game but not take it too seriously. Guild hoppers need not apply. We have some (very few) people who don't take play as serious as we prefer. About 35 of 50 are solid consistent players. We are looking to fill the last spots and are ready to cut people from our roster for the right candidate.

    We want people to join who wish to grind until we make it to the top. Our goal is to take every person to T7 with 25 7* or above.
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    Child of Light is a casual T5 – T6 guild looking for about 7 new members. We just welcomed 4 new members to the guild and are grower stronger each day!

    Looking for levels 70+ to run T5 - T6 raids, but we welcome levels 55+ to grow with us as well. Running T5 or T6 guilds currently.

    We’re at 43/50 members with the majority being level 80 and the rest mid-levels working their way up.
    No requirements aside from being active and use the in-game chat. We love joking around on the in-game chat and helping our members progress.

    PM me or add me in-game.
    My Ally Code: 752-295-757. - Valerian
    Leader Ally Code: 331-889-214. – Exodio
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    Deutsche Gilde "arminos" sucht neue Mitglieder für T7 Raids, 7 Spots frei ... letztes mal haben uns 3 lausige Prozent gefehlt ...
    Meine ID 913-423-442 oder Kontra 876-125-531
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    Temos vagas disponíveis!

    A nossa guilda é comunicativa, organizada e participativa. Procuramos membros que se enquadrem no nosso perfil.

    Nivel 65
    Ser participativo.
    Se comunicar com os outros membros através da nossa ferramenta Slack.
    No momento estamos fazendo a T6 e nos preparando para a T7.

    Gostou? Procura por Brasil Alliance ou me adicione 446-331-315
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    Looking for a t5-6 raid guild. GMT time zone or close so raid time are way to do.

    Lv80 for a good squad. Top 50 arena and power over 40k. Few gear 11 and a handful of fear 10 toons!

    Don't message me about t7 guilds I'm not interested yet. Need more practice in lower raids.

    Thank you! Reply back with details and I'll reply I also use line! :)
  • ShatterlingPurslane
    493 posts Member
    edited September 2016

    members: 50/50
    Contact me on LINE for more info (shatterling.purslane) because a guild is never really done.

    We are:
    S t e ll a B e ll a
    and we are looking for players of level 50 or higher who play (almost) every day, who want to grow stronger with us. We currently have 50 players. Most of us are from other guilds that were friendly but less active. We value working together and being a team. Having a friendly atmosphere is even more important. As an example: during one raid, our entire guild stopped attacking the rancor to give one of us enough time to join.

    Rules and requirements:
    • We enjoy playing SWGOH. Most of the time :blush:
    • We respect each other's views and ideas.
    • We play daily. Missing one day a week (roughly) is no problem, if more: please say so.
    • All members must have game chat and read and follow guild announcements. You don't have to be active on the chat.
    • LINE app required for guild communication (and regular chat as an option). You may be read-only, we'll simply assume that you agree with proposals and decisions, unless you speak. We have organized our LINE groups so that you can set app notifications per message type (or switch them off).
    • All members spend at least 300 energy per day for coins.
    • No duplicate names. First one in the guild keeps the name, unless that person wants a name change.
    • All members must sync their squad on swgoh.gg (click).
    • Daily guild activities quota, if unlocked:
      • Light Side: at least 300 energy
      • Galactic War: at least 12 nodes (may be over multiple GW sessions)
      • Hard Mode: at least 150 energy
      • Challenges: at least 8 challenges
      • Dark Side: at least 300 energy
      • PVP Arena: at least 5 attempts
      • Cantina: at least 100 energy
    These quota can be easily met and are low enough to allow for competition. If you still have trouble, don't hesitate and talk about it. We shouldn't be playing guild activities to meet quota, but because we like to play them, even if only for the rewards... ;)
    These numbers may be adjusted as our guild grows. We'll talk about stuff like that, using LINE.
    Our raids are T4 and T3. T5 is around the corner. We are in GMT+2 or UTC+2 (daylight savings active during April-October, otherwise it's +1). Our guild resets at 6:30 pm UTC+2.
    My name in the game: Shatterling Purslane. My ally code: 629-157-873, but better send me a pm first, or contact me on LINE (id: shatterling.purslane).

    Post edited by ShatterlingPurslane on
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    Siths Out of Luck looking for active players that like to hunt Rancor. All levels welcome, have fun and please pick up after your Bantha. B)

    Ally Code: 276-479-897
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    We are Dead Man Ewoking, a semi-casual guild. We are active in chat, and with guild donations. We use a 3rd party chat app (kik) and have a forum for better communication. (neither of these are required, although highly encouraged)

    We are doing 3 T7 raids per week. We make an effort to ensure all members get rewards. There is great guild leader and officer communication, and we always look out for what is in the best interest of the entire guild.

    We are not a guild ran with crazy rules. We will not reject you because you are not running the most meta arena squad. We will not kick you because you go away for a weekend. This is a game, and will be treated as such.

    We are looking for 1 player that love this game as much as we do. We simply want every member to give as much as he or she is able to give. We think the best fit for the raids we are running is someone who has at least 1 full squad of 7* and player level 70+. But exceptions can and have been made.

    Raid times are Monday, Wednesday, Friday 11am est

    Current members 49/50

    Contact me here or in a PM if you would like to join us.
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    The Verdant Empire is a new guild but with active leadership! We welcome anyone that wants to play the game on a regular basis, no level requirements and no pressure to perform certain tasks, just an active playstyle. We have just started our first tier III raid, progressing to phase 4 quickly. What tier to spend guild bank coins is left up to a majority vote, we want to make sure everyone gets a chance to boost themselves in the game and eventually we'll reach the top together.

    Our communication is in English, but timezone/location does not matter.

    If you're interested shoot me a PM with your In-Game Nickname & Ally Code!
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    Parental Guidance Advised is looking to fill a few spots to start T7 raids, we are a very active group with mix of f2p & p2p players. A lot of us been gaming together for years now, and are very friendly group. We use Group Me chat app. Please contact me if interested, or come talk to us on Group Me...
    You're invited to my new group 'PGA - Room' on GroupMe. Click here to join: https://app.groupme.com/join_group/24239724/ccCo0L

    Grootmeester Vicious
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    Come join FoxHound V!

    We are currently participating in a T5 raid but looking for some additional firepower. No rules, regulations, etc. just easy going and enjoyable. Active members needed to help us progress as a team. Come check us out. Send me a PM or an ally request and I'll get you in.

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    "Too Old For This Sith" is a T7 Guild looking to fill 1 spot.

    We complete T7 about 3 times a week, but we need more active members to keep earning coins so we can continue raiding at a high frequency.

    Typically the top 3 spots go to our officers, so if you are OK with that and are looking for a steady flow of T7 raid loot, send me an ally invite and I'll send you a Guild invite.

    (We are GMT -04:00.)

    Line ID & Ally Code: 312-212-822
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    Galactic Security wants you! We are a semi-casual guild looking for five new, active members. We raid T4/T5 at least twice a week, and are looking to break into T6 soon, with heroic on the horizon.

    If you are level 50+ and want to raid (have at least 1 5* so you can get rewards immediately), we would be glad to bring you in. While we do want active members, we do not require full daily contributions and we have no problem with people taking vacations or brief time off. Our chat is always helpful, and we do offer tips and advice on how to maximize your game enjoyment. We also have a Line guild channel for game discussion.

    If this sounds right for you, please send me a pm. You can also shoot me an Ally request at 879-417-165.

    Good hunting!
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    Strontium Dogs now recruiting!

    We Recently had to remove a member and have one free space.

    We are a casual, mainly F2P guild, running T7 raids 3 times a week. We don't use any third party chat apps, or have minimum requirements for contributions, just trying to make progress in a relaxed atmosphere.
    Our time zone is GMT+1, majority of our members are UK based but we have members from all over.

    We are looking for anyone that's active and has at least one 7 star character so they can get the benefit of the raids.

    If we sound like a good fit for you, add me as an ally and I'll shoot you an invite. Or message me here if you have any questions :)

    My name on here is JamDev, ally code is 417-617-688
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    TL;DR - JOIN OUR GUILD BY SENDING ME A PM WITH YOUR ALLY CODE OR LEAVING YOUR ALLY CODE IN THIS THREAD (https://forums.galaxy-of-heroes.starwars.ea.com/discussion/65606/new-t4-t5-guild-domino-squad-legends-recruiting-active-players-complete-description-here#latest). YOU CAN ONLY BE INVITED BY THE GUILD LEADER OR OFFICERS IF YOU ARE NOT CURRENTLY IN A GUILD!

    Guild Description
    Once a group of clone trooper trainee misfits, Domino Squad produced legends like Fives and Echo.

    Time to create our own legends. Join Domino Squad Legends NOW!

    Our small band of core members just left our old guild. We were quite active and did a good job of getting daily rewards and finishing T4 raids quickly, despite the limited number of active members in the guild. Problem was, the guild leader was AFK, and so were all the officers, except one who kept the guild alive. We decided our set-up was unsustainable, and thus we decided to create a new guild instead. That's how Domino Squad Legends was born.

    Guild Vision
    With the help of a few more active members to grow our already active core group, we believe we can all progress from a T4 guild to one that finishes T5 raids just as quickly. And as we all do our part (while not forgetting to have fun), we can definitely aim beyond that. Cooperative and collective progress is our vision here.

    With hands on leadership aimed at ensuring the collective's progress, anything is possible.

    Strategies to Achieve the Guild's Vision
    • T4 raids will remain the bread and butter raids for now to ensure raids don't last too long.
    • T5 raids will be run once in a while to give more time for the guild to produce enough guild coins for future raids. (T5s will take longer to defeat, thus the greater amount of time to save up for the next raids). It will also give members the occasional opportunity to receive higher tier gear.
    • Guild leader to profile guild members' character inventory once in a while to check the progress of members. This will help determine if the guild is ready to move up in terms of the tier of the raids to be run. The goal is not to alienate lower-level players.
    • Guild members will be encouraged to give an opportunity to all players to get at least one attack in prior to going full blast with their squads trying to complete the raid. This will give everyone the chance to receive gear.
    • HAVE FUN PLAYING THE GAME. There's nothing like a guild that communicates, and has fun together. Our core group has managed to do that, and we are looking for more people willing to do the same!

    Why You Should Join the Guild
    • The guild will be run in such a way that it will be fun and enjoyable for casual (but active) and more serious players alike
    • Hands-on leadership by the guild leader and officers to ensure everyone benefits from being part of the guild.
    • Be part of a generous guild that actively donates gear to each other.
    • Enjoyable interaction among an international group of players. Some of our guild members are based in Asia, as far west as the Americas (north and south!), and everywhere in between.

    • Active membership will be encouraged. A bi-weekly clean up of inactive players will be done to ensure that there will be enough slots for ACTIVE players.
    • Minimum player level is set at 20, and having at least one four star character is highly encouraged, but BEGINNERS ARE WELCOME. We want everyone to enjoy and GROW with us.
    • This is and should always be a fun guild. Bullying and other forms of abuse will be dealt with quickly.
    • Communication via LINE is available for those who want "out of app" updates re: the guild (ex.: if a raid has been launched, reminders about getting at least one attack in before the raid ends, etc.). Details will be provided below.

    See you in Domino Squad Legends!


    Player ID: 269-344-472 (BGENV4)
    Level 73
    4 seven star toons
    4 five star toons (w/ 1 nearing promotion to 6*)
    9 four star toons (w/ 2 about a week from being promoted to 5*)
    26,693 arena power with Ackbar (L) - 7*, Leia - 7*, Phasma - 7*, Luminara - 7*, Fives - 4*; regularly in 250 and above Arena rank
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    Hey everyone!

    Cantina Barflys here @ www.swbarflys.com

    We are an active heroic T7 guild that is filled with many skilled and wonderful people from all over the world. We are currently looking for that next special individual to be part of the team!

    We have the following minimum requirements:
    • At least one 7* hero
    • Get 600 stamina everyday
    • Uses the LINE app

    If you feel like you are a potential candidate and can meet our minimum requirements, please feel free to PM me or add me on LINE at japwizard.

    Best wishes and may the force be with you,
    Check us out online at www.swbarflys.com
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    Drop It Like It's Hoth Blue is recruiting!

    We are a t7 guild that has been active since guilds were announced. We are well organized and only have two rules. You must contribute 600 daily guild currency and you can only attack once in the first 24 hours.
    We are not a whale guild. We have a few members with big rosters but most are ftp and just happy to have access to heroic gear.
    Our raid time is 4pm eastern. We raid every other day. Primary communication is on Line and we have a FB page.
    If you like the game but aren't looking to devote a ton of time DLH Blue is the right place you
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    Rancors end. Reformed from cookie club due to leader no longer playing and only 2 officers. Need players as only 6 in guild. All play most days. Looking at tier 3-4 raids and then 5 onwards once enough members in guild.
    My code is 987-969-239.
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    Hey guys, I just started a new guild its called DISBUISCUITS. Here is my Ally code if you want to join and give me some help :) 578-432-339.
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    JamDev wrote: »
    Strontium Dogs now recruiting!

    We Recently had to remove a member and have one free space.

    We are a casual, mainly F2P guild, running T7 raids 3 times a week. We don't use any third party chat apps, or have minimum requirements for contributions, just trying to make progress in a relaxed atmosphere.
    Our time zone is GMT+1, majority of our members are UK based but we have members from all over.

    We are looking for anyone that's active and has at least one 7 star character so they can get the benefit of the raids.

    If we sound like a good fit for you, add me as an ally and I'll shoot you an invite. Or message me here if you have any questions :)

    My name on here is JamDev, ally code is 417-617-688

    If you still have a spot I am namanooch 383-286-869. I am level 76 and play daily, f2p. Your guild sounds like a good fit for me and I look forward to contributing to it. Thanks.
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    327O to 1 is recruiting 1 active member!
    49/50, T7 only, Top 50 guild


    --- A Little About Us ---
    1. Looking for active players that want to have fun and run a boat load of raids
    2. We are an active and experienced guild that dish out a TON of dmg (making T7 raids a joke)
    3. Requirements to join are modest (lvl 80 and 7 x 7 Star Heros)
    4. Mostly EU/US based players (raids set for EU/US)
    5. We use LINE chat for announcements, to screw around and talk about how much we LOVE EA

    --- How To Join ---
    Add us as an Ally and we will invite you to guild (make sure you have left your guild)
    Vega: 998-343-338
    Startomsto: 141-669-831
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    We are an active T7 guild needing active player. Mix of international group.

    Guild name : TheThongs

    Raid is launch EST 12pm. One squad per member for first 24 hours to get everyone onboard. Our high hitters are understanding so they only hit phase 1 together to make the raid interesting for all.

    Only rule is daily 600 coin contribution.

    If you have one 7* toon, is active daily, and is willing to follow simple rules. You're welcome to join us.

    PM me or line me. Line ID : Tactyou
    Or me frostbitten421. :wink:

    Ally code : 535-912-627
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    League of Dead1y Slth has 1 opening.
    We are a fun laid back guild with a low turn over. We currently raid Tier 7 every 2 days as currency builds up. We are normally ranked 5-20 on the leader board depending on the day.
    We have a private forum and use Discord for out of game communication. We raid at 6pm pst every 2 days. If you have any questions please message me or send an ally request 998-277-556
  • Tokaholic
    3 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    Northern Garrison is recruiting active players of all levels. Leader abandonment forced us to create a new guild. Very active guild with around 30 members. For an invite, send me an ally request to 138-552-619
    Post edited by Tokaholic on
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    'Strontium Dogs' now recruiting!

    We recently lost a member and have one free space.

    We are a casual, mainly F2P guild, running T7 raids 3 times a week. We don't use any third party chat apps, or have minimum requirements for contributions, just trying to make progress in a relaxed atmosphere.

    Our time zone is GMT+1, majority of our members are UK based but we have members from all over. We are looking for anyone that's active and has at least one 7 star character so they can get the benefit of the raids.

    If we sound like a good fit for you, add me as an ally and I'll shoot you an invite. Or message me here if you have any questions :)

    My ally code is 417-617-688
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    Want to join a just starting t7 guild and be regularly in the top 3 contributors? We just tried our first t7 and are at 35% in p4. Looking for help to finish! Or a merc or whale that wants to test out clearing the rest? I'll donate $10 to your favorite charity as a thank you :) (or $20 to Doctors Without Borders which is mine :) ) PM me or add me 328 - 834 - 476. Join Uncle Owen's BBQ Ribs today!
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    Hello, I am an officer for the T7 guild Rogue1Reborn, leaders time zone is EST, but we have people from all over, and we make sure everyone gets a hit before we finish the raid. We have 44 members at the moment and are doing T7 raids every 2-3 days. We use Discord but it is not mandatory. Would like to have you over if you are interested. My ally code is 523-528-177
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    Fringerators is recruiting! We have 35/50 members and are a t4 guild starting t5 this week ... Players who hit their 600 coins daily are much appreciated . We constantly donate gear to one another to strengthen each other. We have a Line chat but not required . It does make communication easier though.Lower tier players are welcome too as we occasionally run a lower tier so everyone can participate ... My Line ID :darkjedi64
This discussion has been closed.