The Jedi Knight Anakin changes ***Megathread***


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    SpeedRacer wrote: »
    Yeah, it happens to other toons like Lando. Other issue is when opponent team has taunt up, so your squad never use AeO.

    This is different, Anakin doesnt aoe regardless of taunts. Ill try out more scenarios to see when he is coded to do it - Having advantage up (as to prevent the expose), he still wont aoe. Ill doublecheck if he needs his unique to trigger first but doubt it.

    Thing the guy who that suggested that he still only aoe's when he can get a killling blow (and trigger offense up with his previous ability) is probably right. Changed aoe, forgot to update AI. But ill spend GW tomorrow trying different scenarios
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    Good on offense, but dodge is still meta for defense
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    I have a completely maxed out and Omega'd Anakin. AMA.

    So far I freaking LOVE him. It's such a nice change of pace from boring evasion leads and I'm actually holding fine in arena right now. Sitting in 3rd all day. If they fix his AI to use AoE, he's gonna be ridiculous on D.

    His AoE hits HARD and crits often enough to not expose you as often as you might think. It also gives him synergy with Phasma for second turn AoE and guaranteed OU/no expose.

    His debuffs now land somewhat reliably. So it makes for a fun game of "kill that guy or try to keep that guy from taunting?"

    Some damage numbers I have seen:

    Regularly crits for around 7k on his basic. 10k+ with his passive buff.
    Crits for 10k+ when called to assist by QGJ.
    AoE hits hard. With passive up and OU it will crit an entire team for 10k+. I've seen an 11k crit on an enemy QGJ.

    If a match is going south and Anakin is not being targeted, he can get multiple AoE attempts. I really...really...really like playing with him personally.

    I also have a 39k power arena team now...Anakin bolsters that a lot with his 8220 power. Sometimes just having a scary looking team makes for good defense.
  • DomLon
    64 posts Member
    Traygus wrote: »
    I have a completely maxed out and Omega'd Anakin. AMA.

    Did you noticed, his unique isnt omega'd since the update. It is on level seven and States 75% more damage.

    I used five Omega mats on him before his rework, they are gone now
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    Well I just fought a maxed out anakin. His AI never used the aoe, partly because I had taunt on, but I mean I left anakin for last with no problems.. His basic was doing 9k each attack on crit. In fact it crit every time lol. He seems competitive, but not overpowered. Unless paired with a nice squad, I don't think he's as good as a dodge leader for arena defense. I like how he syngizes with a lot of toons now. Clone teams, Jedis, even aoe teams with lando and Phasma could work(only on offense).
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    DomLon wrote: »
    Traygus wrote: »
    I have a completely maxed out and Omega'd Anakin. AMA.

    Did you noticed, his unique isnt omega'd since the update. It is on level seven and States 75% more damage.

    I used five Omega mats on him before his rework, they are gone now

    His unique is and was a level 72 unique that maxes out at level 7. You used purple mats to max it out. This is in line with many other characters who can upgrade a leader or unique ability rank at 72 like Phasma and Fives. The last rank only added 10% turn meter gain to make it 100% turn meter on ally death, up from 90%.

    I know this for an absolute fact because a lot of people were miffed about it being an increase in TM gain instead of more damage...because 90% turn meter is pretty much a free turn already because you are almost always going to have more than 10% turn meter when an ally is taking damage.
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    Toukai wrote: »
    So uhh... should I begin farming Count Doodoo to counter all the anakin's? Actually wait I have him 7 starred. Should I begin gearing up count Doodoo? I can see a good core stun team with him daka and RG, helping stop all this Jedi madness I see about to begin. Anakin will make Plo koon, really really good. As well as qui gon even better, I'm afraid of all the syngeries anakin now has actually.

    I main Dooku. I am not entirely worried. Although, there is so much meat to the JKA, Aalya, Rex, 5s, RG/Echo team that was posted as a video here. I dread having to burn through all of them.

    Dear god. Yeah that sounds like a very tough squad now. How are you liking Dooku? Is he maxed? I'm kinda debating on him getting either him and daka to gear 9... or Ackbar and Luke to gear 9. My only fear is that count Dooku has too little hp(he really needs his gear 11 to happen soon).. I feel as though this rework was well done, Anakin will be a monster in the arena. So many different syngeries.

    EscapeArtist up until today I used Dooku(L). Took him to G10 and fully omega'd him even though doing QGJ or someone else would have been better. I don't regret doing any of that stuff on count dooku. It made him less squishy and with offense up and call assist I seen him do 8k damage a ton of times. Others may say he isn't worth it but in my opinion he is. Old Daka too she is totally worth it. I had to make those same decisions and don't regret them. Easliy stayed in the top 20 with g10 dooku and Daka.
  • DomLon
    64 posts Member
    Traygus wrote: »
    DomLon wrote: »
    Traygus wrote: »
    I have a completely maxed out and Omega'd Anakin. AMA.

    Did you noticed, his unique isnt omega'd since the update. It is on level seven and States 75% more damage.

    I used five Omega mats on him before his rework, they are gone now

    His unique is and was a level 72 unique that maxes out at level 7. You used purple mats to max it out. This is in line with many other characters who can upgrade a leader or unique ability rank at 72 like Phasma and Fives. The last rank only added 10% turn meter gain to make it 100% turn meter on ally death, up from 90%.

    I know this for an absolute fact because a lot of people were miffed about it being an increase in TM gain instead of more damage...because 90% turn meter is pretty much a free turn already because you are almost always going to have more than 10% turn meter when an ally is taking damage.

    Oh okay, Thanks for clarification.
    I was pretty sure it was his leader ability that wasn't able to reach Level 8 before his rework, but then everything is fine
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    Toukai wrote: »
    So uhh... should I begin farming Count Doodoo to counter all the anakin's? Actually wait I have him 7 starred. Should I begin gearing up count Doodoo? I can see a good core stun team with him daka and RG, helping stop all this Jedi madness I see about to begin. Anakin will make Plo koon, really really good. As well as qui gon even better, I'm afraid of all the syngeries anakin now has actually.

    I main Dooku. I am not entirely worried. Although, there is so much meat to the JKA, Aalya, Rex, 5s, RG/Echo team that was posted as a video here. I dread having to burn through all of them.

    Dear god. Yeah that sounds like a very tough squad now. How are you liking Dooku? Is he maxed? I'm kinda debating on him getting either him and daka to gear 9... or Ackbar and Luke to gear 9. My only fear is that count Dooku has too little hp(he really needs his gear 11 to happen soon).. I feel as though this rework was well done, Anakin will be a monster in the arena. So many different syngeries.

    EscapeArtist up until today I used Dooku(L). Took him to G10 and fully omega'd him even though doing QGJ or someone else would have been better. I don't regret doing any of that stuff on count dooku. It made him less squishy and with offense up and call assist I seen him do 8k damage a ton of times. Others may say he isn't worth it but in my opinion he is. Old Daka too she is totally worth it. I had to make those same decisions and don't regret them. Easliy stayed in the top 20 with g10 dooku and Daka.
    Oh cool. Yeah I think I will invest in Dooku, and daka. It's just, I'm gonna need a ton of scanners. I know both of them need one for gear 10. And my Royal God needs one for gear 10 as well.. Just a hard choice. I need to be fully sure you know? I don't think I've ever seen anyone with a maxed out Dooku. I just think he's kinda meh, because like Toukai said, his AI plays him kinda horribly, and it's easy to work around, though I suppose that's true for most characters. How much damage does Dooku do on his basic on average?
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    I faced a max -geared/lvled team :
    Anakin (L)
    Sun Fac

    a droid fodder dare I say.
    Anakin needs some tank protecting him, or he's not worth being a leader
    I choose the Red Pill.
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    Toukai wrote: »
    So uhh... should I begin farming Count Doodoo to counter all the anakin's? Actually wait I have him 7 starred. Should I begin gearing up count Doodoo? I can see a good core stun team with him daka and RG, helping stop all this Jedi madness I see about to begin. Anakin will make Plo koon, really really good. As well as qui gon even better, I'm afraid of all the syngeries anakin now has actually.

    I main Dooku. I am not entirely worried. Although, there is so much meat to the JKA, Aalya, Rex, 5s, RG/Echo team that was posted as a video here. I dread having to burn through all of them.

    Dear god. Yeah that sounds like a very tough squad now. How are you liking Dooku? Is he maxed? I'm kinda debating on him getting either him and daka to gear 9... or Ackbar and Luke to gear 9. My only fear is that count Dooku has too little hp(he really needs his gear 11 to happen soon).. I feel as though this rework was well done, Anakin will be a monster in the arena. So many different syngeries.

    EscapeArtist up until today I used Dooku(L). Took him to G10 and fully omega'd him even though doing QGJ or someone else would have been better. I don't regret doing any of that stuff on count dooku. It made him less squishy and with offense up and call assist I seen him do 8k damage a ton of times. Others may say he isn't worth it but in my opinion he is. Old Daka too she is totally worth it. I had to make those same decisions and don't regret them. Easliy stayed in the top 20 with g10 dooku and Daka.
    Oh cool. Yeah I think I will invest in Dooku, and daka. It's just, I'm gonna need a ton of scanners. I know both of them need one for gear 10. And my Royal God needs one for gear 10 as well.. Just a hard choice. I need to be fully sure you know? I don't think I've ever seen anyone with a maxed out Dooku. I just think he's kinda meh, because like Toukai said, his AI plays him kinda horribly, and it's easy to work around, though I suppose that's true for most characters. How much damage does Dooku do on his basic on average?

    My dooku does about 4K on his basic. He can easily do 7K with offense up and crits. Over 8k w/offense up and call assist. I'm still missing 2 peices of gear for him. He's geared in G10 and full omegas at the moment. I noticed once I got into the G9-G10 gears the amount of gear needed gets pretty crazy. A lot of Nubians needed.
  • Traygus
    21 posts Member
    aerendhil wrote: »
    I faced a max -geared/lvled team :
    Anakin (L)
    Sun Fac

    a droid fodder dare I say.
    Anakin needs some tank protecting him, or he's not worth being a leader

    RG is really awesome with him. Someone drops below 50 and it procs Ani's turn AND the taunt to protect the character.

    The big problem with Anakin right now is that he's not using his AoE!! The AI will only use it if someone is in the red basically (to go for killing blow OU as if he still had his old kit).
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    So what kind of teams are you seeing that work well on offense and not too bad on defense (top-10 level Arena)? Anakin's leader ability is nice but not sure if he's worth being in the lead spot for certain teams yet. Lots of experimenting....
  • Kebab
    179 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    The anakin rework: from the weakest character ever to a new rey?
    Its the first time ever i saw him in the top 50 so i wanted to test how good he was after the rework, he hits 10000 with his basic now ....?!
    10000??? I have never sern a character hitting 10k with just their basic before not even a rey G10 + imune to healing + imune to buffs i think? I didn't see his aoe yet but he is one extremely powerfull character now ****
    Post edited by Vampire_X on
  • Telaan
    3454 posts Member
    Kebab wrote: »
    a new rey

    I lol'd.
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    Save water, drink champagne!
  • Smithie
    1427 posts Member
    Kebab wrote: »
    The anakin rework: from the weakest character ever to a new rey?
    Its the first time ever i saw him in the top 50 so i wanted to test how good he was after the rework, he hits 10000 with his basic now ....?!
    10000??? I have never sern a character hitting 10k with just their basic before not even a rey G10 + imune to healing + imune to buffs i think? I didn't see his aoe yet but he is one extremely powerfull character now ****

    Well he is the Chosen One
  • Quicksilver
    1175 posts Member
    Grievous crits for 10k on his basic
  • Kebab
    179 posts Member
    leef wrote: »
    I'm not someone who asks for nerfs i was just shocked at how powerfull he has become now
    Only team i lost to today was this anakin team but i will try to find a way around it no nerfs needed

  • Kebab
    179 posts Member
    Grievous crits for 10k on his basic
    Really? Good to know because i'm farming him

  • Mp44
    157 posts Member
    Rey consistently hits 10k on basic.

    But, glad to know I was farming the right person these last 4 months lol
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    I think you let him sit long enough and he gained the buff needed to land 10K crits.. My anakin doesnt hit that hard without a buff

    P/s or you hit one of his allies real bad that he got to attack you that hard
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    Was he lead? Because its offense AMD crit damage Jedi gets.
  • Palanthian
    1262 posts Member
    Sounds good, glad I'm cantina-ing him at the moment! I'll probably have him ready for the next time furnaces come around in shipments.
  • Telaan
    3454 posts Member
    For everyone excited to farm him and see this Rey like performance, he only hits that hard as lead, with offense up, on a crit. The op is exaggerating....big time.
  • Kebab
    179 posts Member
    Was he lead? Because its offense AMD crit damage Jedi gets.
    Yes he was in the lead so he got a 30% bonus

  • Toukai
    1822 posts Member
    Anakin clone team NAO!!!

    Anakin! Aayla! Rex! 5s! Echo!

    By their powers combined..... they have a ton of protection/hp/and damage!

    Seriously, probably the new meta soon :)
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    Toukai wrote: »
    Anakin clone team NAO!!!

    Anakin! Aayla! Rex! 5s! Echo!

    By their powers combined..... they have a ton of protection/hp/and damage!

    Seriously, probably the new meta soon :)

    too many chromium toons at this moment, dont see them adding echo and rex to gw/arena/cantina store any time soon.
    Save water, drink champagne!
  • Telaan
    3454 posts Member
    Toukai wrote: »
    Anakin clone team NAO!!!

    Anakin! Aayla! Rex! 5s! Echo!

    By their powers combined..... they have a ton of protection/hp/and damage!

    Seriously, probably the new meta soon :)

    I've run Rex with Anakin lead. He's super squishy dies in 0.5 seconds with no RG. Echo is a one trick pony that is also on the squishy side. 5s is good combined with Aayla though cause of high hp and painful counters.
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