The Jedi Knight Anakin changes ***Megathread***

314 posts Member
edited June 2016
Wasn't anakins unique suppose to add up to 100% on next attack. It doesn't give you the option to omega the unique . It's stuck at level 7
Post edited by BentWookiee on


  • Egor
    86 posts Member
    Ive seen a few ppl on the boards discussing upcoming changes to anakin....

    Where are they finding this information at? I appear to be blind cause im not seein it anywhere.

  • Salgado9
    529 posts Member
  • kbonifay
    392 posts Member
    any idea on the update going live today? dev response stated that tuesday would be the release. can we get some early clarity on that. :) #muchexcite
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    kbonifay wrote: »
    any idea on the update going live today? dev response stated that tuesday would be the release. can we get some early clarity on that. :) #muchexcite

    I believe they said next tuesday.
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    They said on June 28. But that the it may shift slightly.
  • Salgado9
    529 posts Member
    If it doesnt come today, i'll cry
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    Keep your eyes peeled for unmentioned changes and nerfs!
  • kbonifay
    392 posts Member
    cool. thanks for the info peeps. ill keep my fingers crossed for today.
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    Id imagine it will be with the aurodium update in 2 days
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    Keep your eyes peeled for unmentioned changes and nerfs!

    That's a definite positive almost maybe, but don't quote me on this.
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    I believe they said the scoundrel event would be of the 28th (may shift)
    Anakin rework was non specific. I'm hoping sooner but I'm imagining Friday with him being the July toon of the month
    UK/Euro guild - GrievousGenerals recruiting - lv85+ Discord @Starjumper#8384
  • Khai
    81 posts Member
    Got to test out new Anakin :3
    He hits hard which is nice and applies the debuffs most of the time. Pretty good offensively. I'm just worried about Anakin on the defense. His AI always saves his special till one of the enemy is low, just like how he was before the update. Is this intentional or a glitch? :/
  • vitoonto
    95 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    I just put him in as leader in my last fight to take first. See how I hold.
    Post edited by vitoonto on
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    He definitely his harder with his aoe. My initial reaction was holy ****.
  • SlyGambit
    1246 posts Member
    He's been out for 5 minutes and you are worried about his defense AI? Jesus. The ADD is real.
  • VeridianShakes
    1118 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    ...can we get Ahsoka to not be a nightsister anymore? Let the clones have her evasion bonus instead. Do nightsister need evasion even? Doesn't one of them already do that? If one cares anyway lol.
    Post edited by JohnnySteelAlpha on
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    Jedi knight Anakin = Hercules bigger cousin. I'm sure he's about to shake the meta upside down now. Is his damage good? What about hp and protection? I know that was already high
  • irvvri
    152 posts Member
    I'M SO LIT ABOUT THE NEWS. Thank the lord for this rework tbh. I'm not really diggin the whole "expose yourself" schtick but hey, it's better than he was hahaha

    This man is incredibly tedious and slow to farm so the 30 shards will be a blessing

    Mine is currently only 4* gear 6, how far are you on your farm?
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    6* Maxed Gear, Lvl, Abilities. He hits extremely hard now.. just need to figure out the synergy
  • Daezl
    177 posts Member
    Extremely hard is generous. QGJ still hits significantly harder than Anakin does on basic.
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    9k-11k crits?? thats pretty good if you ask me.
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    Jedi knight Anakin = Hercules bigger cousin. I'm sure he's about to shake the meta upside down now. Is his damage good? What about hp and protection? I know that was already high

    21k total at gear 8 7 star, his aoe crit for 8k against a g10-11 qgj while ani was lead, omega'd btw. No offense up. And his basic was hitting for like 3k.. I think no offense up or crit. So that was a big jump from yesterday lol
  • SlyGambit
    1246 posts Member
    Now if only I didn't need to have G10 toons to farm him in cantina. That final stupid battle and 3*... Grumble grumble grumble.
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    6* maxed everything else.. 9k-11k crits on basic.. good stuff
  • irvvri
    152 posts Member
    SlyGambit wrote: »
    Now if only I didn't need to have G10 toons to farm him in cantina. That final **** battle and 3*... Grumble grumble grumble.

    Agree completely that last node is a pain in the ****
  • Khai
    81 posts Member
    Jedi knight Anakin = Hercules bigger cousin. I'm sure he's about to shake the meta upside down now. Is his damage good? What about hp and protection? I know that was already high

    His damage is pretty good! Not like extremely good but good enough where he's a solid char!
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    Anakin skywalker one of the best jedi ever to use the force but yet he only has 2 abilities which i never understood. I definitely feel like he should have more than just 2 abilities i mean come on we are talking about Anakin skywalker he should have at least 3 or 4 different attacks especially like the force push or throwing the lightsaber. How does everyone else feel about his lack of attack abilities?
  • RogueHS
    148 posts Member
    I can't believe on the day of a rework making Anakin MORE than viable you're complaining about something else on him lmao
  • Hendiju
    370 posts Member
    ☮ Consular ☮
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