The Jedi Knight Anakin changes ***Megathread***



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    @JherenKharr I working on boosting my Aayla right now I like here with Ani so far I don't have SF though so who would be next best you think RG or no because then I don't have a dispel. I'm still playing around with Teams ATM. I like

    Anakin (L)

    But It is lacking damage out a little bit so I try swaping out Aayla for CS or Ashoka and they are both a decent fit but then I feel like the team is to squishy. Haven't tried Rey yet And I miss Rex being on the team lol

    @TrevorTheWookie I think you'd get more mileage by swapping Fives out for Ahsoka or Rey as your primary team. Fives will probably serve you better siutationally if/when you need his counter. If you are not using Sun Fac then yes definitely keep RG there.
  • Darth_Jay77
    3163 posts Member
    I've been brainstorming different ideas and I keep coming back to this one.
    JKA, Aayla, 5s, Rey, SunFac. It's pretty good so far as the squad is pretty tanky and hits pretty hard, Rey is the only soft point. Won't hold up against stun squads, probably sub Rex for Rey.
    160 posts Member
    There is a leader advantage bug: if a character has advantage and gets DOGED he Loose advantage instead of getting another one for the turn afterwards
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