Come Feel The Force and recruit your Padawans here! Basic Guilds Only Please!


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    We're a more casual, non hardcore guild. Have two spots just open up as I cut the inactives.

    48/50 active players. Mostly level 75-85. tier5-6 raids every 2-3 days. Everybody donates gear too.

    So yea, not hardcore T7 guild, just active players.
    No strict daily ticket requirements.

    Looking to add to our team. All welcome!

    Add me as ally. Code: 893-763-397
  • Options
    We are one with the force, the force is with us.

    THE IMMORTAL 50 are a very active and friendly guild looking for similar members level 75+ who can help boost daily raid tickets.

    We communicate on LINE chat but this is not a requirement.

    Heroic rancor raids have a 24 hour 0 score rule to allow everyone to participate, then a free for all afterwards. We finish within a few hours.

    We are also running normal AAT Raids. Guild members are encouraged to build AAT specific raid teams, with the intention of moving to Heroic.

    We encourage all our players to strive to contribute to the daily guild challenges but understand life happens just do your best to get 600/600.

    if you are under level 75 and looking to improve join IMMORTALITY ACADEMY. leader is level 85 and keen to help people get to a stage to compete with the big boys. If we are struggling to finish a raid we can call in some muscle to finish it off. getting gear and leveling up the correct toons fast will be easier with us.

    To join IMORTAL 50 contact xWarHound
    Ally code: 541-352-411
    Line I.D: xWarHound

    To join IMMORTALITY ACADEMY contact Eddy
    Ally code: 944-514-285
    Line I.D: eddy5767

    don't be with a guild and ally with us, we will invite you in as soon as we see you.
    or add us on line if you want more info.
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    Wanna rise through the ranks. Come Join LiVeeeViL
    Skassy Yeagos
    LiVeeeViL Guild
    853-388-377 #Ally Code
  • Choil34
    1 posts Member
    edited January 2017
    Padawans are welcome on 'Team Wind'! No need to ask, just join. We are new and will be conducting raids that benefit everyone. If levels between players vary, then we will alternate raids, some days tier 1 or 2 and then others tier 4 or 5. Everyone contributes and everyone gets rewarded. We're friendly and active. Right now we have 6 members and are looking for our next 44
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    Join our new guild!
    We are a casual but active guild. What that means is there are no daily minimums, no one telling you to play more, no need for a 3rd party chat app, but also that we like to play everyday.
    We are free to play friendly and welcome pay to play players as well. Send me a message with your ally code for an invite!
    Tags: T3, T4, T5, 30+, 40+, 50+, 60+
    314-187-745 || Event Suggestions | Bounty Hunting || #JuhaniNextJune #PadméPlease
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    New guild looking for players

    I've just started a guild called Little Enigma
    Everyone is welcome. I will support players as much as possible. I look forward to talking to you all
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    Outcast PreEvolution - newborn member of Outcast Community

    Outcast Evolution Click Here - Outcast Revolution Click Here

    Guild Leader: 24kilates (331-591-976)

    line id: J24kilates

    Guild Officer: xxxbtd7001xxx (877-962-231)

    Guild Officer: Tbourn (111-156-273)

    We welcome everyone especially all newstarters to our community.
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    Hi padawans, me and some friends made a guild, mainly because we were in another guild that only made >T5 raids (so we couldn´t do much) as a consequence we got bored and started our own guild (Archfiends) we´re currently like 20 players (10 above or really close to 50s, also we´re in our first raid, a level 2 to be more specific..) and the rest members are in their 30s..

    So we were wondering if any of you would like to join us and start making <T3 raids
    if you´re interested reply or add me to: 552-854-579.
    We´re mainly from Costa Rica, but don´t mind talking in English

    Would you be interested ?

    Happy new year buds :)
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    New Year, hangover gone, new post:

    Brand new guild The Rocinante (about 4 days old) is looking for members of any level to join up so we can gift each other gear and collect enough tickets to basically always have a raid on. We play for fun not work but we're daily active players, and we're a chilled out, friendly, drama-free guild.

    I have 9, soon to be 10 7-stars and a bunch of 5-6's, but most of our members are in the mid-levels (40-60) so the mid-tier raids are going to be what we focus on to get everyone the gear they need to grow and strengthen their squads. We encourage people to ask for help in chat if they need it and to ask for gear even if they can't yet donate in return.

    We've had a few join up since I posted here last but we need more people to help get those raid tickets. The more that join, the faster we'll grow so if this sounds like your jam add me as an ally on 561-766-648 and you will get an invite within about 12 hours at the very most.
  • Darkjedi64
    95 posts Member
    edited January 2017
    Koltoholics Anonymous is a brand new guild looking for daily players . I've been playing since may and had some friends who just started playing want to start a guild so here it is with one of my alts . All lvls welcome .you can reach me on line darkjedi76
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    Come join the Mysterious Strangers (homage to KOTOR) for 1st ever raid against the Rancor! Looking for daily players so the raid can be summoned soon and rewards are paid out regularly. Add me to join the guild - 329-173-858
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    Happy New Years everyone!

    I am the leader of a small guild I created with my friends at the end of 2016. We currently have 12 members with 5 members between level 70-82, 5 members between level 50-70 and 3 members under level 50. The majority of us are very active in game. The top two of us just unlocked 7 star palpatine which is exciting. Instead of recruiting members to join our guild, I am wondering if there is a similar positioned new guild out there interested in merging our guilds together? you can email me to discuss a merger at


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    Shooters of the Galaxy just started a second guild that will be focused on helping lower levels, Rebels Inc intends to do a mix of T4,5 and 6 raids. No rules or requirements just looking for players who want to join a guild that will raid often
  • Rah
    10 posts Member
    Galactic Legions
    Ally Code: 721-832-392

    We are a new guild of low-mid range player levels. If you're a new or midlevelled player, we want you! We will be starting raiding shortly and need more players that need lower tiered equipment and want to experience beginning teir raids that most guilds will not do. Get gear that's relevant to your level, and contribute and be rewarded for being in a guild that actually suits you rather than joining the big boy loot hogs that's so prolific everywhere else. Our focus is even growth amongst a loyal group of members and consistent activity. We do -NOT- require 600/600 every day, just general player activity to be maintained. Choose a guild that actually fits your needs, choose Galactic Legions!
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    Chewwie on Dis is recruiting.
    No daily limits/targets required. We are a chill group looking for active members. Daily login is expected, we will boot after 2 weeks of inactivity. Our average player level is around 70-75. But will accept anyone on any level as long as they are active.
    Ally request 585-961-938 or PM me and I'll send you an invite.
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    BlackTowerKaladin is recruiting! We are recruiting players of all types. We regularly do 4 to 5 their raids. We are super social and friendly and always willing to help each other out.
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    We are one with the force, the force is with us.

    THE IMMORTAL 50 are a very active and friendly guild looking for similar members level 85 who can help boost daily raid tickets.

    We communicate on LINE chat but this is not a requirement.

    Heroic rancor raids have a 24 hour 0 score rule to allow everyone to participate, then a free for all afterwards. We finish within a few hours.

    We are also running normal AAT Raids. Guild members are encouraged to build AAT specific raid teams, with the intention of moving to Heroic.

    We encourage all our players to strive to contribute to the daily guild challenges but understand life happens just do your best to get 600/600.

    if you are a low level and looking to improve join IMMORTALITY ACADEMY. leader is level 85 and keen to help people get to a stage to compete with the big boys. If we are struggling to finish a raid we can call in some muscle to finish it off. getting gear and leveling up the correct toons fast will be easier with us.

    To join IMMORTAL 50 contact xWarHound
    Ally code: 541-352-411
    Line I.D: xWarHound

    To join IMMORTALITY ACADEMY contact Eddy
    Ally code: 944-514-285
    Line I.D: lord_eddy

    don't be with a guild and ally with us, we will invite you in as soon as we see you.
    or add us on line if you want more info.

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    "Let the Padawans Win" is looking for alt accounts, F2P, and especially Padawans of more advanced players!
    LtPW was formed as a guild where members of the parent guild (top 200 Venom of Vitiate) could let their IRL Padwans experience guilds and raiding. It is led by a VoV officer's alt account. It is also a place where F2P and people's alt accounts can chill and progress.
    LtPW is super casual, and super Padawan-friendly. The only requirement is to keep things clean, family friendly, and help the Padawans grow into renowned Knights!
    As an added bonus, members of LtPW whose rosters meet parent guild Venom of Vitiate membership requirements will receive special consideration when vacancies in VoV need filling.
    If you're interested, send me a PM (WarW1zard25) with the ally code, and we'll send an invite your way!
    To paraphrase the great Chris Farley...
    Help the Padawans start a raid!
  • SwitchOnefooter
    11 posts Member
    edited January 2017
    SW Galaxy of Zeroes is a casual guild looking for members! I'm a lvl 81 player who recently left a larger guild just for the kick of having my own. I'm happy to help newer players with advice and gear donations. My goal is to run regular raids of varying difficulty, depending on the needs of the team. You are not required to log in every day, but later if the guild fills up we'll remove people after extended inactivity. PM your ally code for an invite. Thanks :)
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    Outcast PreEvolution - newborn member of Outcast Community

    Outcast Evolution Click Here - Outcast Revolution Click Here

    Guild Leader: 24kilates (331-591-976)

    line id: J24kilates

    Guild Officer: xxxbtd7001xxx (877-962-231)

    Guild Officer: Tbourn (111-156-273)

    We welcome everyone especially all newstarters to our community.
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    We are one with the force, the force is with us.

    THE IMMORTAL 50 are a very active and friendly guild looking for similar members who can help us towards heroic tank raids.

    We communicate on LINE chat.

    heroic rancor raids have a 24 hour 0 score rule to allow everyone to participate, then a free for all afterwards. We finish it fast.

    We are also running normal AAT Raids. Guild members are encouraged to build AAT specific raid teams, with the intention of moving to Heroic.

    We encourage all our players to strive to contribute to the daily guild challenges but understand life happens just do your best to get 600/600.
    we monitor our members and will question anyone not contributing.

    if you are at any level and looking to improve join IMMORTALITY ACADEMY. leader is level 85 and keen to help people get to a stage to compete with the big boys. If we are struggling to finish a raid we can call in some muscle to finish it off. getting gear and leveling up the correct toons fast will be easier with us.
    also chat on Line app to get the advice you need from the veterans in immortal 50.

    To join IMMORTAL 50 contact xWarHound
    Ally code: 541-352-411
    Line I.D: xWarHound

    To join IMMORTALITY ACADEMY contact Eddy
    Ally code: 944-514-285
    Line I.D: lord_eddy

    don't be with a guild and ally the guild you want to join. we will invite you in as soon as we see you.
    or add us on line if you want more info.

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    ADD ME UP NEWBS! i have a guild for you, i can solo TIERS IV AND V so probably that can help you out a bit!

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    The Carbonite Consortium is North American based Tier 5, progressing to Tier 6, Pit raiding Growing Guild. Also we are running Normal Tank Takedown Raid for those with Tier 6(Star) Chars.
    We need a few more lvl 60+ Tier 5+(Stars) Welcome. Please send guild invite requests to any officer listed below!!

    Come join our Awesome, laid back, Gamorrean dropping, Rancor butchering and Grievious pestering team.
    If you don't have a Guild, we may take exceptions on reqs. Request your invite today!!

    Vozhak 85 // Ally Code: 573-111-574

    Bruinscrazy 85 // Ally Code: 783-512-592
    Raid Max Damage Hitman/Co-founder

    Pedme Lunlea 75 // Ally Code: 219-336-426
    Raid Launcher

    Chuckie Onesix 74 // Ally Code: 589-328-793
    Guild Activity Monitor

    (The Carbonite Consortium)
  • gpeeee
    126 posts Member
    I recently started a guild for my friends who recently started playing the game with the intent to help the level and gear quickly and have fun doing it. I can solo just about any Rancor tier and really just want to help out my friends and help out lowbies. We are a newer guild and hoping to grow to get in as much raiding as possible.

    Add me 189-973-268

    Hope to hear from you!
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    T7 H Rancor and NAAT training guild looking for a few more people to join.

    600 daily tickets and line are requirements. One 7* toon recommended to start earning reward right away, but will accept anyone working their way up still as well.

    PM or reach me on line (Gaaruck) for more info.
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    Hey everybody, our guild The Ninja Turtles is looking to fill our last 2 spot and are a T7 Guild
    We recently started purging guild members that were inactive and now we have 2 spot open for players. Just a few things about us:

    1.- We are looking for lvl 80+ if you’re active we would love to have you. We do T7 raids Monday Wednesday and Friday with a set lockout time each day to accommodate the whole guild. (we are mainly NA but have several Germans and Australians)
    2.- Both F2P and paid players are welcome.
    3.- We encourage all our players to raid daily and strive to contribute to the daily guild challenges but understand life happens just do your best to get 600/600.
    4.- Please be active… plain and simple we want people who open the app and are interested in having fun and talking.
    5.- We do not have any chat requirements and mainly communicate in game at this point but encourage our members to join our Facebook group.

    Feel free to PM me or add me in-game with no guild and ill add you right away: Ally Code 821-985-367
    Or if you are interested post your ally code here and we will add you as an ally first and then to the guild.
    Looking forward to having you on our guild!
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    Come join the Mysterious Strangers (homage to KOTOR) for 1st ever raid against the Rancor! Looking for daily players so the raid can be summoned soon and rewards are paid out regularly. Add me to join the guild - 329-173-858
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    Civil Galactic Empire is looking to fill its last 7 open spots
    We are looking for players level 60+
    Must be active daily and we do encourage you to 600/600 and participate in guild activities
    We have been crushing T3 everyday and plan to start T4 tomorrow.
    We do 1-2 raids a week
    We have also started the normal tank takedown
    My ally code is 589-882-672
    May the force be with you
  • dLow
    731 posts Member
    Our guild, TheKrakenForce, is looking for 1 more player level 83+ at this moment that does fairly well in raids. We are a fairly relaxed guild with members from all over the world. We don't require members to put up the max 600 points every day but do encourage to help out as much as possible. We generate around 25k guild points per day.

    In regards to raiding, we complete T6 Rancor very quickly and Normal AAT in about 3 days. Since the rancor raid is completed quickly, we usually launch the raid a day earlier (as soon as we have the coins for it) and have people do 0 dmg until 12pm pst / 3pm est / 8pm uk of the following day, at which point, it becomes a free for all. We will be starting Heroic Rancor very shortly.

    Since we have members from all over the world, we use GroupMe to communicate, to provide tips, to ask questions, etc.

    Send me a message or post here if you are interested. Please include your Ally Code.

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    I am xJHUNDOx
    Leader of xJediMindTricksx and xJediMindTricksxG2

    Recruiting through line messenger or ally invites
    (Active 80-85= Main guild) (79 and under = Sister guild)

    Line id: xjhundox (For recruiting in Main Guild)
    Ally id: 951-524-637 (xjhundox) For recruiting in main guild)

    Line id: birdofhermes or boomstick (For Sister Guild)
    Ally id: 752-218-135 (birdofhermes) or/and 845-461-965 (boomstick) for sister guild)

    For Main Guild:

    We are looking for new recruits. 80's+ with at least 15 maxed toons that are geared properly. We are a competitive/chill f2p guild that has stayed in Top 200 Rankings in Rancor Raids doing T7 Heroic Rancor Raids and will continue to get better. We currently do Normal Tank raids and run thru the pretty fast. We don't have the strength yet for Heroic Tank Raids but will do so whenever we are ready to do them. We communicate through Line Messenger app, have multiple guild chats, and encourage everyone to have Line Messenger to effectively communicate. We need guys that can follow the guild's strategy in Rancor/Guild Activities and get 600/600 a day, this is a must. We currently have a few (2-4) people who refuse to follow strategy and it is a problem. We are looking to replace those guys with members that are team players and follow the rules. There are rules in T7 Rancor raid but no rules currently for Normal Tank Raids til we move to T7 AAT. We are constantly active and all members need to have the same goal, to consistently progress and get better, not just as individuals, but as a guild as a whole. We donate the rarest gear and if you request gear you also need to donate gear as well. If you look at my account i have over 1500 donations just to lead by example and not be a hypocrite. We are a really friendly chill guild but we mean business, so don't get it twisted. We have fun and compete at the same time.

    For Sister Guild
    Recently, we have grown very rapidly in ranks and have decided to split the guild up slowly. As we bring in more higher members we will move lower levels to our sister guild. Our lower guys are **** because all we do is T7 Rancor and they felt left out. These guys have been with me from day 1 of guild start and making a new guild has made it a better experience for everyone. I DON'T JUST KICK PLAYERS. THOSE WHO ARE LOYAL TO GUILD, I WILL ALWAYS TRY TO TAKE CARE OF THEM. This guild is more of a family than it is "random guys" playing. We are accepting anyone level 79 and below that is active and plays daily and is still learning the game. We currently have 5 or so members in sister guild but it was just created today and will be growing quickly as well. The sister guild will be raiding soon as they get enough tickets and i have some of my best, trusted guys leading that guild who will run it like i have successfully ran our main guild. They also can help with any advice or questions you might have to better understand the game. These guys are awesome and very well informed. They also have a guild chat set up as well and prefer that you have Line Messenger for better communication. I also have my second account in there just to be sure things are running smoothly. We will also be be using the sister guild as a recruitment tool in future in case we have openings. The sister guild is there to perfect the game, understand how it works, understanding strategies, toons, synergies, develop as a player, etc. It is a tool to grow and once members are seasoned members we will bring them up in the "Big Dawg" guild, upon meeting requirements. I could go on and on and on in this post about what both these guilds are about but i think you guys get the picture and should contact us if interested.
    Thanks for reading and i hope to see you new guys in our guilds. Be apart of something that is in the making and serves a bigger purpose than just playing a game. We hope to achieve as much as some of the #1 guilds and are well on our way.

    Contact us
    xJediMindTricksx and xJediMindTricksxG2
This discussion has been closed.