Come Feel The Force and recruit your Padawans here! Basic Guilds Only Please!


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    Born from the ashes of an awesome guild that died (went inactive)

    Southern Echo

    Our old guild basically went inactive, so the active folks broke away and are forming a new guild. The name: Southern Echo

    Southern Echo

    If you are an active player stuck in a lame inactive guild, we want you in our guild.

    If you are an up-and-comer we want you in our guild. We will lay off raids to help you develop.

    We are small right now, but we will be big with your help! Join now and bring friends.

    Currently led by an every day level 85 player with 21, 7* characters. Two officers at level 85 and 84. Everyone very active, will help you out with armor donations, especially the up and comers.

    Southern Echo

    Our rules are simple:
    Officers will only be selected above level 75.

    Officers are expected to log in every day. At 14 days automatic demotion. Repeat 7 day no login will result in demotion.

    Automatic removal for everyone at 21 days with no login.

    Our goal is to primarily run tier 4 raids and above, but we will start off running less to help new members gain experience.

    Any disrespectful conduct on the chat or perceived cheating of the game will result in removal.

    If we have the currency, we will be raiding!

    Plenty of open spots! Look us up and join. It is an open guild! If you can't figure it out send me an ally request and I will invite. 147-962-593.

    Southern Echo
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    Barren Chat is looking for members. Looking for all levels. More so of lower levels so we can all level together.We are a helpful, relaxed guild. Add me 498 466 568 and I'll send an invite.We have a couple 80's but some lower levels. We would love to have you.
  • Options
    Hi guys, I recently created a guild for very new players (raids lvl 1 to 4) named "Must Kill Moe"

    Everyone is welcome!

    Send message or add me to join: 336-127-668
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    Galatic Civil Empire is now looking for players level 40 and up.
    It will help you in T4 raids if you had some 4*s
    Join this guild and build strength to be the strongest in the galaxy.
    My ally code is 589-882-672
    If you have any further questions pm me.
    May the force be with you
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    Do you watch Rebels?
    Join our new guild!

    We are a casual but active guild. What that means is there are no daily minimums, no one telling you to play more, no need for a 3rd party chat app, but also that we like to play everyday.
    We are free to play friendly and welcome pay to play players as well. Send me a message with your ally code for an invite!
    Tags: T2, T3, T4, 3-Star, 4-Star, 5-Star, 20+, 30+, 40+, 50+
    314-187-745 || Event Suggestions | Bounty Hunting || #JuhaniNextJune #PadméPlease
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    On Saturday, I´ve made a brand new guild and we´re looking for active players regardless their level, (we´re mainly from costa rica but everyone is welcome and we don´t mind speaking English). I´ve made this guild in order to start from the bottom and be part of T3+ raids ASAP, most of our people are mid lvl (between lvl 30 and 60). I´d be glad if some padawans want to join and have an awesome time with us :smile: we´re currently 10 in the guild looking for more
    Ally code: 552-854-579.
  • Kantholz
    23 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    Hi Guys, this is Kantholz from the guild Knüppeltruppe,

    we are a small guild who is looking for new members. I founded this guild to finally do a few Raids that don't require Level 6 or 7 characters. If you want to join pn me your allie code or simply ad me (871-872-167).

    As soon as we have enough Raid Tickets we will start with the first few Raids.

    Have a great day
    Post edited by Kantholz on
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    Lil Adventurers Inc is a beginners/intermediate level guild looking for members. We are a newly formed sister guild of a t7 guild and primary focus on helping new players advance in the game and move up to the sister guild. pm me for details and may the force be with you.
  • Cactusfly
    10 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    Brand new guild looking to get new members, level 10 or higher.

    The guild is called The Rocinante, we are very few in numbers due to being so new, so join up and get in on the ground floor. We are active but pretty laid back, the only stipulations we would ask are:

    - be able to speak English (it doesn't have to be your first language, it's just that it's the one we all can speak)
    - don't be afraid to ask for help in chat
    - use the gear request and donation functions (not just request). Edit: lower levels don't worry if you cannot donate! That was aimed mostly at the 60-70+ players!
    - be chill. We're playing for fun, not work.
    - be reasonably active. We're not going to be all strict "must earn this many coins a day" or anything but let someone know if you won't be on for a week or so
    - don't be a d*ck. Or if you must be, make sure you're doing it in a hilarious way, or are drunk. We're lenient towards drunken guild chat :) In fact we positively encourage it.

    That's pretty much it really. Whether you're really new and still learning and levelling, or are a geared 85 looking for somewhere new to drift to, all are welcome. We will be tailoring our raids to the lower levelled players to get them up to speed quicker, so if it's end-game stuff you're after this may not (yet) be the guild for you, unless you don't mind being patient.

    Please quote this post with your ally code if you're interested and I'll add you, or here's mine: 571-766-648 if you'd rather just add me in-game and I'll invite you from there. My in-game name is the same as this one, Cactusfly.

    Post edited by Cactusfly on
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    New guild Ip Man is looking for new active/casual members at any levels, especially those new to the game.

    We currently have 12 friendly members (Level 20+ to 55) and are looking for new bloods to join us. We are finishing our first T1 raid in 12 hours time, and you may still be able to get in on the action if you're L30+.

    Looking to start a T2 raid in the next few days once we have enough currency.

    Ally code: 391-122-387, guild is open for all.

    Come join us as we level up together, we'll start raids that can be participated by majority of the members.
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    502 Bro is currently accepting new members, level 60-80. We are conducting both Rancor Raids and Tank Takedowns. Join in the fun! 502 Bro
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    Outcast PreEvolution accepts all kind of players. We are looking especially new players in the game to help them to grow up. There is no pressure. Casual/active, everything is ok. The most important thing is having fun! Send me a pm or send me a message in line: j24kilates
  • Rhyolith
    3 posts Member
    edited January 2017
    'Please Sith On My Face' ("Come Honor Chest" was somehow inappropriate) is recruiting - fun, laid back, active, casual or fast dev peeps.

    Starting at Tier 1 raids so that people may actually benefit from being in the guild at a lower level to get the items they need to upgrade characters. - You will survive long enough to do damage and receive your upgrade rewards.

    Have some higher levels as well when you need a friend to wreck a mission you're stuck on. We actually talk to each other, which I have yet to see anywhere else.

    Throw me an invite and we'll take care of you.
    Ally Code: 155-613-364

    Tags: T2, T3, T4, 10+, 20+, 30+, 40+, 50+
    Post edited by Rhyolith on
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    Wookiee Assault Team is looking for new early game members. We are around level 40 and are trying to start with the first raids and work our way up. Open to join!
  • Rah
    10 posts Member
    Galactic Legions
    Ally code: 721-832-392
    We are a brand new guild leader looking specifically for new active players in the levels 40-60 range. We will be starting on low tier raids and do not need monster players hogging all the loot. Therefor if you are a new player looking to actually benefit from a guild rather than just watch others take in all the gear while you stagnate to never catch up, this is the place for you. High end players need not apply.
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    I have a small guild that I would like to gain members for. Looking for any level characters, no activity requirement, just fun with semi low levels. Join for fun

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    Still searching ?
    TeamSky has 10 places left.
    We are very active and at level 50. I am level 79 and we also have other high level 80+.
    We are also interested in new arrivals with level 50 (minimum).
    English and German are written in the guild.It is always funny, harmonious and, above all, very active.
    Raids usually start after arrangement at 5.30pm.
    T2 to T5.
    If you have questions and you do not know where, TeamSky is the answer.
    Time zone: +1: 00
    My alliance code: 993-814-476
    Leader: DarthMira
  • Anathien
    107 posts Member
    edited December 2016
    Outcast PreEvolution - newborn member of Outcast Community

    Outcast Evolution Click Here - Outcast Revolution Click Here

    Guild Leader: 24kilates (331-591-976)

    line id: J24kilates

    Guild Officer: xxxbtd7001xxx (877-962-231)

    Guild Officer: Tbourn (111-156-273)

    We welcome everyone especially all newstarters to our community.
    Post edited by Anathien on
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    Hey everybody, our guild The Ninja Turtles is looking to fill our last 5 spot and are a T7 Guild
    We recently started purging guild members that were inactive and now we have 5 spot open for players. Just a few things about us:

    1.- We are looking for lvl 80+ if you’re active we would love to have you. We do T7 raids and require a 22 hour lockout so all can participate
    2.- Both F2P and paid players are welcome.
    3.- We encourage all our players to raid daily and strive to contribute to the daily guild challenges but understand life happens just do your best to get 600/600.
    4.- You are active… plain and simple we want people who open the app and are interested in having fun and talking.
    5.- We do not have any chat requirements and mainly communicate in game at this point but encourage our members to join our Facebook group.

    Feel free to PM me or add me in-game with no guild and ill add you right away: Ally Code 821-985-367
    Or if you are interested post your ally code here and we will add you as an ally first and then to the guild.
    Looking forward to having you on our guild!
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    We are one with the force, the force is with us.

    THE IMMORTAL 50 are a very active and friendly guild looking for similar members level 75+ who can help boost daily raid tickets.

    We communicate on LINE chat but this is not a requirement.

    Heroic rancor raids have a 24 hour 0 score rule to allow everyone to participate, then a free for all afterwards. We finish within a few hours.

    We are also running normal AAT Raids. Guild members are encouraged to build AAT specific raid teams, with the intention of moving to Heroic.

    We encourage all our players to strive to contribute to the daily guild challenges but understand life happens just do your best to get 600/600.

    if you are under level 75 and looking to improve join IMMORTALITY ACADEMY. leader is level 85 and keen to help people get to a stage to compete with the big boys. If we are struggling to finish a raid we can call in some muscle to finish it off. getting gear and leveling up the correct toons fast will be easier with us.

    To join IMORTAL 50 contact xWarHound
    Ally code: 541-352-411
    Line I.D: xWarHound

    To join IMMORTALITY ACADEMY contact Eddy
    Ally code: 944-514-285
    Line I.D: eddy5767

    don't be with a guild and ally with us, we will invite you in as soon as we see you.
    or add us on line if you want more info.

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    May the force be with you!!! A True Shinobi. Our guild is growing together and slowly at a pace which we can all communicate with each other. If you are looking for a guild to be a part of a growing force than this is the best choice for you. We are starting with level one rancor raids soon and will be upgrading from there. As a team player we can all benefit. Please feel free to request me or double oh seven a few posts before myself. My ally code is 449-796-169.
    Double oh sevens ally code is 121-368-695. Thanks. Veskasa 127-483-971 mjolnir 729-719-315 Nico 737-377-151 incom 765-956-431 jasso 178-729-137 all my promoted officers. Loyal and active. Thanks.
  • Options
    Boots wrote: »
    Barren Chat is looking for members. Looking for all levels. More so of lower levels so we can all level together.We are a helpful, relaxed guild. Add me 498 466 568 and I'll send an invite.We have a couple 80's but some lower levels. We would love to have you.

    We are mostly around 50 i myself am 60 we are recruiting active members with the same intention. May the force be with you!!! A True Shinobi. Our guild is growing together and slowly at a pace which we can all communicate with each other. If you are looking for a guild to be a part of a growing force than this is the best choice for you. We are starting with level one rancor raids soon and will be upgrading from there. As a team player we can all benefit. Please feel free to request me or double oh seven a few posts before myself. My ally code is 449-796-169.
    Double oh sevens ally code is 121-368-695. Thanks. Veskasa 127-483-971 mjolnir 729-719-315 Nico 737-377-151 incom 765-956-431 jasso 178-729-137 all my promoted officers. Loyal and active.
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    ITZALIKHAN wrote: »
    Hey I need a guild that I can actually participate in that has active players I am level 42 and basically have two characters that have 4 stars just started out and an active player so if this fits your guild and you have an active sport please pm me I want to participate in the raid wars and have a guild that has raids often my ally code is 159-833-613

    May the force be with you!!! A True Shinobi. Our guild is growing together and slowly at a pace which we can all communicate with each other. If you are looking for a guild to be a part of a growing force than this is the best choice for you. We are starting with level one rancor raids soon and will be upgrading from there. As a team player we can all benefit. Please feel free to request me or double oh seven a few posts before myself. My ally code is 449-796-169.
    Double oh sevens ally code is 121-368-695. Thanks. Veskasa 127-483-971 mjolnir 729-719-315 Nico 737-377-151 incom 765-956-431 jasso 178-729-137 all my promoted officers. Loyal and active.
  • Options
    Kyber3p1 wrote: »
    Rebels Inc is looking for new players or vets. Open officer positions for experienced players!!! We are just getting up and started so come one come all for a casual fun experience!
    975 541 144

    May the force be with you!!! A True Shinobi. Our guild is growing together and slowly at a pace which we can all communicate with each other. If you are looking for a guild to be a part of a growing force than this is the best choice for you. We are starting with level one rancor raids soon and will be upgrading from there. As a team player we can all benefit. Please feel free to request me or double oh seven a few posts before myself. My ally code is 449-796-169.
    Double oh sevens ally code is 121-368-695. Thanks. Veskasa 127-483-971 mjolnir 729-719-315 Nico 737-377-151 incom 765-956-431 jasso 178-729-137 all my promoted officers. Loyal and active.
  • Options
    Galatic Civil Empire is now looking for players level 40 and up.
    It will help you in T4 raids if you had some 4*s
    Join this guild and build strength to be the strongest in the galaxy.
    My ally code is 589-882-672
    If you have any further questions pm me.
    May the force be with you

    May the force be with you!!! A True Shinobi. Our guild is growing together and slowly at a pace which we can all communicate with each other. If you are looking for a guild to be a part of a growing force than this is the best choice for you. We are starting with level one rancor raids soon and will be upgrading from there. As a team player we can all benefit. Please feel free to request me or double oh seven a few posts before myself. My ally code is 449-796-169.
    Double oh sevens ally code is 121-368-695. Thanks. Veskasa 127-483-971 mjolnir 729-719-315 Nico 737-377-151 incom 765-956-431 jasso 178-729-137 all my promoted officers. Loyal and active.
  • Options
    gbranden wrote: »
    I have a small guild that I would like to gain members for. Looking for any level characters, no activity requirement, just fun with semi low levels. Join for fun


    May the force be with you!!! A True Shinobi. Our guild is growing together and slowly at a pace which we can all communicate with each other. If you are looking for a guild to be a part of a growing force than this is the best choice for you. We are starting with level one rancor raids soon and will be upgrading from there. As a team player we can all benefit. Please feel free to request me or double oh seven a few posts before myself. My ally code is 449-796-169.
    Double oh sevens ally code is 121-368-695. Thanks. Veskasa 127-483-971 mjolnir 729-719-315 Nico 737-377-151 incom 765-956-431 jasso 178-729-137 all my promoted officers. Loyal and active.
  • Options
    Rah wrote: »
    Galactic Legions
    Ally code: 721-832-392
    We are a brand new guild leader looking specifically for new active players in the levels 40-60 range. We will be starting on low tier raids and do not need monster players hogging all the loot. Therefor if you are a new player looking to actually benefit from a guild rather than just watch others take in all the gear while you stagnate to never catch up, this is the place for you. High end players need not apply.

    May the force be with you!!! A True Shinobi. Our guild is growing together and slowly at a pace which we can all communicate with each other. If you are looking for a guild to be a part of a growing force than this is the best choice for you. We are starting with level one rancor raids soon and will be upgrading from there. As a team player we can all benefit. Please feel free to request me or double oh seven a few posts before myself. My ally code is 449-796-169.
    Double oh sevens ally code is 121-368-695. Thanks. Veskasa 127-483-971 mjolnir 729-719-315 Nico 737-377-151 incom 765-956-431 jasso 178-729-137 all my promoted officers. Loyal and active.
  • Options
    Hi guys, I recently created a guild for very new players (raids lvl 1 to 4) named "Must Kill Moe"

    Everyone is welcome!

    Send message or add me to join: 336-127-668

    May the force be with you!!! A True Shinobi. Our guild is growing together and slowly at a pace which we can all communicate with each other. If you are looking for a guild to be a part of a growing force than this is the best choice for you. We are starting with level one rancor raids soon and will be upgrading from there. As a team player we can all benefit. Please feel free to request me or double oh seven a few posts before myself. My ally code is 449-796-169.
    Double oh sevens ally code is 121-368-695. Thanks. Veskasa 127-483-971 mjolnir 729-719-315 Nico 737-377-151 incom 765-956-431 jasso 178-729-137 all my promoted officers. Loyal and active.
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    New-Ish guild KnightTerrors is looking for members, all welcome, current members are level 30-50, but anyone is welcome!
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    I am xJhundox
    Leader of xJediMindTricksx
    Recruiting through line app or ally invites
    add me
    line id: xjhundox
    Ally id: 951-524-637
    Currently recruiting 2, soon to be 3 members. Our guild is awesome, we have a good community of very knowledgeable players. We got the Meta teams we got the mixed teams. Doesn't matter as long as you can hold your own in a none braggadocios manner. We are a humble guild, our top players are always offering advice and ALL members are constantly donating. I started this guild and built it from the ground up from when i was level 80 and start with a second account just to recruit small timers and brought them up from lvl 30's to high 70's currently. My patience and these guys hard work has paid off. We are a very strong guild and only continue to increase overall strength. Another guild merge with us not to long ago and can't be more pleased with our guild and how we operate.We are not top 100 guilds but we have the potential, heart, and passion that A LOT of guilds lack, and we continue to move up in guild ranks at a good pace. We do T7 raids and regular tank raids(we will soon switch to heroic tank raids). We aren't professional gamers or whales, we are everyday people that Love Star Wars and Love this game and play everyday and try to reach our fullest potential, which in essence, is infinite. I'm very proud of this guild and what track we are on but we can always increase power! That's where you come in, if you are an everyday player, love star wars, love this game, and share the same passion for competing as we do i ask you to join us! Get a hold of me on Line or through ally code. Line preferably, but will extremely vet every applicant. If at first i ignore your ally request, send another ally request(get tons of ally requests per day hard to weave out people wanting in guild and people who just want to be ally), it shows me that you are willing to be patient to have a place among some of the coolest people i have ever gamed with. Until i hear from you Let The Force Be With You! :)
    Get ahold of me.
This discussion has been closed.