Proving Grounds


  • Looooki
    1045 posts Member
    NicWester wrote: »
    JackedJedi wrote: »
    This was supposed to be a catch up event for new/lower gp players?

    No it's not. It's supposed to be a source for people to finish farming her and a source for people in the future to farm without using Conquest Tickets for old, old, old characters. It's not a catch up for new or low gp players. New players should focus on building a roster and low-gp players should focus on increasing their gp.

    There is a progression. These characters and ships are the current tail end of progress. You don't get to skip roster development just because a character at the end of the line is good. You still have to go down that line.

    Really wanna know where u get ur idea from. Here is my source:

    Also to proof another flaw in their announcement. They said you can farm 20 shards. But so far only able to farm 10. (Unless they meant refreshes with crystals)

  • Looooki
    1045 posts Member
  • Options
    Looooki wrote: »
    And not forgetting that the 4 mil is not the only gate. At 4 mil u only get to do the event.... For 10 shards!!! U want more shards? Spend more crystals!!!!

    And not forgetting that some time has passed before they tell us where to get cat.

    Not forgetting that they didn't tell us abt the gp gate or the crystal refresh during initial announcement

    Not forgetting that for a time they kept silent about where cat is going to be placed

    Heck if this is the event we are expecting, we might as well be buying CAT shards for the last 6 months. We would had probably completed it by now

    You actually get 20 shards per attempt, not 10. As for the crystal refreshes, it ends up being 110 crystals per shard.

    Did you honestly think it was going to be free refreshes?…
  • Looooki
    1045 posts Member
    edited May 2022
  • ne_alenska
    135 posts Member
    edited May 2022
    Standard CLS team can do both, what a super easy event.
    4M GP gate is needed for CAT, she worth it.
  • HKFactory
    375 posts Member
    I’m using a relic level 7 supreme leader Kylo against tier two and I still can’t beat maul.
  • DMG_SW
    216 posts Member
    Looooki wrote: »
    They said you can farm 20 shards. But so far only able to farm 10. (Unless they meant refreshes with crystals)

    I don't want to crush your brain too much, but at a risk, I'm gonna throw this out there. The numbers 10 and 20 look different from each other. It's subtle, yes. But if you focus you can tell the difference. Now look at this: 10. Do you see how it is different than the number in your screenshot? Now look: 20. OMG! It looks just like the number in your screenshot! How exciting.

  • Antario
    996 posts Member
    HKFactory wrote: »
    I’m using a relic level 7 supreme leader Kylo against tier two and I still can’t beat maul.

    Add Daka & Zombie to the line up to draw fire. And Wat if you want to feel extra safe. Then it's a cake walk.
  • LordDirt
    5125 posts Member
    edited May 2022
    Lumiya wrote: »
    LordDirt wrote: »
    This is a character collecting resource management game. Just do everything you can to boost up your roster. The more this game goes on the more CG wants everyone to have a huge well developed roster. If you want the new things faster you will have to always grow your roster to be ask big as you can.

    Sorry, but what you say is a contradiction. Either you manage your resources and use them wisely so you can build your roster effectively and get the best out of it or you have to bloat it to "grow" as fast as possible for a specific GM. To achieve that you use your resources for toons or ships that you will not be needing in the near future or ever.
    If you have a focused roster and use the resources where they are needed, you don't waste gear or credits on toons that are not helpful for your next goal. But that way your GP grows a lot slower as if you just level not needed toons to 50 just so you can slap mods on them etc.

    You would think so but it isnt. You need a well rounded roster to get max rewards in daily challenges, squad arena, fleet arena, fleet challenges, galactic challenges (lots of versions), omega battles (lots of versions), assault battles (lots of versions), fleet mastery, mod challenges, mod battles, GA, 4 different raids, TW, TB, conquest, heroic events, etc. The bigger your roster the more rewards you will get.
    Why wasn't Cobb Vanth shards a reward for the Krayt Dragon raid? Why wasn't Endor Gear Luke shards a reward for the Speeder Bike raid?
  • Screerider
    1444 posts Member
    I see nothing in Meathead's post about Proving Grounds being specifically for new or low GP players. It also doesn't mention the 4M GP requirement, but that would preclude the former if it had.

    That we're getting SSC does seem to be a mistake.
  • NicWester
    8928 posts Member
    Looooki wrote: »
    NicWester wrote: »
    JackedJedi wrote: »
    This was supposed to be a catch up event for new/lower gp players?

    No it's not. It's supposed to be a source for people to finish farming her and a source for people in the future to farm without using Conquest Tickets for old, old, old characters. It's not a catch up for new or low gp players. New players should focus on building a roster and low-gp players should focus on increasing their gp.

    There is a progression. These characters and ships are the current tail end of progress. You don't get to skip roster development just because a character at the end of the line is good. You still have to go down that line.

    Really wanna know where u get ur idea from. Here is my source:

    I really wanna know where you get your idea from. Here's what that post says, since I'm not convinced you ever read it--
    Howdy Holotable Heroes,

    The 1-year mark for Commander Ahsoka Tano in Galactic Conquest is here! Much like Razor Crest, she will be moving out of the mode and relocated to a brand new game Event!

    Where will she go?

    Commander Ashoka Tano will be heading to a new Event called “Proving Grounds.” This Event will have a monthly cadence and will allow you to earn her shards for FREE, so long as you have the prerequisite to enter.

    Must not already own the unit at 7*
    Must not already own enough shards to 7* the unit
    Once you obtain the unit at 7* or have enough shards to 7* the unit, they will no longer be accessible.
    This is not meant to be a source for Shard Shop Currency, this is an opportunity to get characters that were once exclusive to Conquest.
    Will other Units be in Proving Grounds to farm?
    Yes! Razor Crest will also be in Proving grounds and no we will not be removing it from Fleet Shipments.

    How many Shards can I earn per event?
    Players can earn 20 shards for the character or ship by beating the appropriate tier each time the event comes up. While the event is up they can spend crystals to refresh and clear it a limited amount of times.

    Which units can I use in Proving Grounds?

    The base requirement to participate for a Unit is Relic 3, but you will be able to use any unit you own that meets that requirement.

    Will more units be added to Proving Grounds?

    Yes! It is our intention to use Proving Grounds as a location for players to earn specific Units over time, but at the initial release Commander Ahsoka Tano and Razor Crest will be the two available Units.
    Post edited by CG_Tusken_Meathead on April 14

    I mean, sure, the post was edited on 14 April and I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that maybe it was edited out. But also maybe it wasn't and you just convinced yourself it was. Regardless, even if it was, it's been over 6 weeks.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
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    NicWester wrote: »
    Looooki wrote: »
    NicWester wrote: »
    JackedJedi wrote: »
    This was supposed to be a catch up event for new/lower gp players?

    No it's not. It's supposed to be a source for people to finish farming her and a source for people in the future to farm without using Conquest Tickets for old, old, old characters. It's not a catch up for new or low gp players. New players should focus on building a roster and low-gp players should focus on increasing their gp.

    There is a progression. These characters and ships are the current tail end of progress. You don't get to skip roster development just because a character at the end of the line is good. You still have to go down that line.

    Really wanna know where u get ur idea from. Here is my source:

    I really wanna know where you get your idea from. Here's what that post says, since I'm not convinced you ever read it--
    Howdy Holotable Heroes,

    The 1-year mark for Commander Ahsoka Tano in Galactic Conquest is here! Much like Razor Crest, she will be moving out of the mode and relocated to a brand new game Event!

    Where will she go?

    Commander Ashoka Tano will be heading to a new Event called “Proving Grounds.” This Event will have a monthly cadence and will allow you to earn her shards for FREE, so long as you have the prerequisite to enter.

    Must not already own the unit at 7*
    Must not already own enough shards to 7* the unit
    Once you obtain the unit at 7* or have enough shards to 7* the unit, they will no longer be accessible.
    This is not meant to be a source for Shard Shop Currency, this is an opportunity to get characters that were once exclusive to Conquest.
    Will other Units be in Proving Grounds to farm?
    Yes! Razor Crest will also be in Proving grounds and no we will not be removing it from Fleet Shipments.

    How many Shards can I earn per event?
    Players can earn 20 shards for the character or ship by beating the appropriate tier each time the event comes up. While the event is up they can spend crystals to refresh and clear it a limited amount of times.

    Which units can I use in Proving Grounds?

    The base requirement to participate for a Unit is Relic 3, but you will be able to use any unit you own that meets that requirement.

    Will more units be added to Proving Grounds?

    Yes! It is our intention to use Proving Grounds as a location for players to earn specific Units over time, but at the initial release Commander Ahsoka Tano and Razor Crest will be the two available Units.
    Post edited by CG_Tusken_Meathead on April 14

    I mean, sure, the post was edited on 14 April and I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that maybe it was edited out. But also maybe it wasn't and you just convinced yourself it was. Regardless, even if it was, it's been over 6 weeks.

    did you spot the 4 mil gp req in there perchance? No? Interesting. No gp req. Which would mean it's for everyone who doesn't have her, including lower GPs so long as they have 5 r3 toons.
  • Options
    Looooki wrote: »
    I don't see how a GP gate is relevant at all for a simple event

    I do… it’s called forced roster development. Want to do Hard Mode Conquest? Get 4m GP.

    For example, the Heroic Tank raid was extremely difficult to beat when first introduced. Heroic Sith and Challenge Rancor both were extremely difficult as well at the beginning. For many guilds, impossible. For the guilds that couldn’t, they were forced to go for the lower tiers to get lower rewards. Sound familiar?

    So to clarify, you think normal mode players shouldn't even get character shards in Conquest. Well that's delightfully entitled of you. Finding an awful lot of exclusionary players in the forums recently bending over backwards to defend CG's awful decision making. Show me where in the original Proving Grounds announcement, or any of them actually, 4 mil GP is described as the minimum to access the event (spoiler- it isn't. all you would need is a team of r3 units, according to CG). And then please explain why you would give people shards of a character you will not let them be able to complete for over 2-3 years and, in a resource management game, NOT TELL THEM THAT!!

    This isn't even about CAT. This is about CG baiting and switching. This is about making conquest characters harder to obtain than GLs. This is about seriously neutering 2 of those GLs by engaging in this awful practice. (also they clearly lie in Journey Guide by saying Executor is something to work towards at 2 mil gp)

    One last question- what do you care if ppl can unlock CAT that aren't 4 mil GP? Was a one year special exclusionary period not good enough for you?
  • Options
    Looooki wrote: »
    And not forgetting that the 4 mil is not the only gate. At 4 mil u only get to do the event.... For 10 shards!!! U want more shards? Spend more crystals!!!!

    You’ve made this claim in 2 separate threads, and on both occasions have posted a screenshot proving you get 20 shards, not 10.

    Why do you persist in spreading misinformation?
  • Options
    So to clarify, you think normal mode players shouldn't even get character shards in Conquest

    When did I say that? You may need to get some glasses if you read that.

    CG’s communication (or lack thereof) is not something anyone would defend. That being said, I’m not surprised the 4m GP threshold was added in the end since that is Hard Mode Conquest’s minimum as well.

    Now in regards to the length of time needed to get a brand new Conquest character, if you have a well developed roster it should take 3-6 months. If you’re going for Proving Grounds after your GP has grown past 4m GP, at 20 shards a month it’ll take someone just under 1.5 years to unlock a specific reward character (assuming no refreshes). I don’t know where you get 3 years from…
  • emoore123
    261 posts Member
    edited May 2022
    Thorvald85 wrote: »
    The people in my guild could only beat it with their GLs. And I don’t appreciate sarcastic **** comments either.
    emoore123 wrote: »
    Thorvald85 wrote: »
    You know, if you are going to make the game just as hard to beat as it would be in Conquest, maybe give us power ups like in Conquest cause my R7 squads can’t even beat these rounds and I have them packed with speed and turn meter and all sorts of top mods.

    What'd you expect? An event that requires R3 characters to be tuned to R3 characters? 🤣

    As was pointed out by another, my post wasn't a knock on you, sarcasm or not. You must be new to this game if you think events with requirements are tuned to those requirements. CG always sets the gateway for entry, then tunes the event much harder so that you're inclined to spend to increase your character levels/relics.

    Regardless, R7 squad doesn't give you a free pass in events. You still have to have the right teams/strategy. The fact you can't beat it tells me you either don't have the proper team to beat it, or your strategy is wrong. 🤷

  • Options
    Thorozar11 wrote: »
    I agree with all the above, the GP gate is dumb, let people have a go. Just saying the maul battle is conquest version hard, and you have no disks or consumables to help.

    I linked Gar and Maul. Not sure it reduces Mauls damage but it gets the Ult fast. Then linked two super commandos and killed the third. Job's a good 'un. Like I said though, high health definitely doesn't hurt.
  • Wed_Santa
    1023 posts Member
    Ghost666 wrote: »
    Wed_Santa wrote: »
    Mohrg wrote: »
    Wed_Santa wrote: »
    Well that was depressingly easy. No need for a 4m gp cap

    Really? what teams are you using?
    GL Luke at Relic 7, with R7 GAS, R7 JKL, R7 Shaak and R5 Hoda got wiped against Gideon.

    JML jkr gas JKL GMY- no worries (for Gideon) SEE for Maul. First go 3 stars both
    So...patronizing it is (last comment was before i read this)...
    Of course it is easy...if you have the top teams for the game...i would guess MOST players with high level teams like the ones you describe are above 4M...way above.
    Of course you can have them with lower GPs, if you went the optimal route...but "easy" would mean using "average" teams for the 4M requirement...and these would mean no GL...

    Sorry but how is that patronising? I posted that it was depressingly easy a few moments after the event launched - after I’d 3 starred both tiers with my first attempt & very little thought - as a case for the 4m gate being unfair. I didn’t know other people were going to post about how hard it is so at best it’s pre-emptive patronising (which is above my pay grade, Sport). But as you don’t like being patronised, I will be straight - this is a very beatable event if you use the right teams and strategies. You don’t need GLs (although they make it much easier) and in my opinion there is no just reason for a GP gate. If anything, cG are denying themselves crystal income from the refresh.
  • Mohrg
    204 posts Member
    Looooki wrote: »
    I don't see how a GP gate is relevant at all for a simple event

    I do… it’s called forced roster development. Want to do Hard Mode Conquest? Get 4m GP.

    For example, the Heroic Tank raid was extremely difficult to beat when first introduced. Heroic Sith and Challenge Rancor both were extremely difficult as well at the beginning. For many guilds, impossible. For the guilds that couldn’t, they were forced to go for the lower tiers to get lower rewards. Sound familiar?

    My alt at 1.5mgp clears normal conquest with the 2mgp requirement, while it isn't getting red crate on hard mode it could get a decent reward, certainly crate 3 or 4. gp walls are ****, it punishes tight rosters with no bloat and forces you to spend to up the number plain and simple.
  • Lumiya
    1575 posts Member
    So to clarify, you think normal mode players shouldn't even get character shards in Conquest

    When did I say that? You may need to get some glasses if you read that.

    CG’s communication (or lack thereof) is not something anyone would defend. That being said, I’m not surprised the 4m GP threshold was added in the end since that is Hard Mode Conquest’s minimum as well.

    Now in regards to the length of time needed to get a brand new Conquest character, if you have a well developed roster it should take 3-6 months. If you’re going for Proving Grounds after your GP has grown past 4m GP, at 20 shards a month it’ll take someone just under 1.5 years to unlock a specific reward character (assuming no refreshes). I don’t know where you get 3 years from…

    Then it is absolutely a really unfair move of CG to make those shards available in normal/for normal players.
    We were told after a year those shards will be more available, people spent valuable in game currency(and maybe real money) to obtain more of her shards only to be then told: Nah, git gud... I mean bigger!
    We are constantly told that this is a resource management game and if our account lacks good mods or toons etc, that it is our fault for not managing our resources correctly. And yet here we are, with countless numbers of people whom now practically get told, they wasted those resources at that point in their roster developement, because until they can continue what they started or finish it, their roster will look totally different. And if they had known that a year ago they might have made a different choice concerning the usage of their valuable currency. It would have been better invested in something else, instead of something they will only be able to finish 2+ years after it came out/they started the farm.

    "It'll take someone just under 1.5 years..."

    Just? Even a GL farm is faster than this and on top of that you forgot those minimum 2 years before, for a new player to even get to 4M GP before they will be able to start. 3 1/2 for a character is absolutely stupid!

    As for your argument about 4M GP being needed for hard Conquest:
    1st - then normal players should not get any shards, because they were not exclusive to hard mode players.
    2nd - I somewhere posted my opinion about this, don't know if you've read it. Short version: No! The moment CG decided to match us in GAC with everyone, no matter the GP, how long they play or what characters they have, the reasoning was GP doesn't matter or reflect a roster's strength.
    And yet all of a sudden we are not allowed to get certain characters to give us a fairer chance against our opponents who may have certain characters and the reasoning is GP matters.
    Aaah, yeah...

    Last but not least: I think it's quite sad to see players trying to hog a character that was exclusive for at least a year and begrudge them. Why exactly?
    We are all made of star-stuff
  • Lumiya
    1575 posts Member
    crzydroid wrote: »
    I think Traya lead can work for the Maul one, if you have Traya at r3.

    Thought there would be more outrage over the fact that players with them at 7* can still get shards. Huh.

    Easy: Why should it bother me if people get some shards they can exchange for SSC?
    Rius wrote: »
    Lumiya wrote: »
    Rius wrote: »
    Lumiya wrote: »
    Rius wrote: »
    Lumiya wrote: »
    What is the GP gate for, if it is so difficult you need a GL? Isn't the difficulty already gate enough?

    People under 4M with a GL could beat it and those over without a GL can't.
    Sure, more available... /s
    Well colour me surprised.

    People have completed it without a GL this just shows what GAC has been showing for months, GP is not a measure of skill 3-4M GP can out match 6M in GAC so why do we expect everyone >4M to be able to complete the event. CAT would be exclusive enough without the arbitrary cut off, just from the difficulty level this appears to be. Would much rather try my squads and lose than not be allowed in.

    I think you misunderstood me, that's basically what I just said. I am all for the same.
    I am under 4M yet I have SLKR and other good squads and I would like to be able to play it.

    I agree I have strong squads people are using, I am just so frustrated. I got my GP to 3.7M from 3.5M but I am focus farming JMK so I can not waste too many resources at the moment. Looks like I will have JMK before CAT. It’s a joke.

    I feel you. I am almost in the same situation. I bloated my roster from 3.5M to 3.7M but I need my resources for what I am working on right now and don't want to waste them any more. And to be honest I also find it stupid to pump anything in toons or ships that I won't need in the near future or that are total crap.

    What do you think of the chance of CAT returning to weekly shipments in next few weeks or do you think that was just while we waited for proving grounds?

    Good question. At this point I have no idea. They might plan on having her rotate so everyone with not enough GP or those who want her faster spend crystals for her.
    On the other hand if they do that, they might devalue PG and enable smaller players to get her, which they seem not to want.
    We are all made of star-stuff
  • JackedJedi
    110 posts Member
    edited May 2022
    Screerider wrote: »
    I see nothing in Meathead's post about Proving Grounds being specifically for new or low GP players. It also doesn't mention the 4M GP requirement, but that would preclude the former if it had.

    That we're getting SSC does seem to be a mistake.

    I double checked and you're right that it didn't mention new players specifically but there was no GP requirement, meaning everyone who doesn't have her can get it.

    They allow lower gp people to earn shards in normal conquest, they allowed people to farm her with crystals recently, so logically, this event should have been for everyone.

    Why make it the same GP requirement as conquest hard mode, when you can get her shards out of side of hard mode?

    Regardless, the event is still going the opposite of their original announcement, why are players like me who already have her/RC at 7 stars, still allowed to not only play it but earn shards?
  • Legend91
    2441 posts Member
    1) wrong team (comp)
    2) too low gear level
    3) wrong/bad mods
    4) wrong strategy / lack of skill

    It's always one or a combination of the above. The event is challenging but more than doable. No GL needed.
    Legend#6873 | YouTube |
  • Krjstoff
    634 posts Member
    edited May 2022
    I'm starting to get a little bored with people being salty and expecting to be able to get everything at once ... some of the toons are locked behind steep requirements, because they are considered "later game"-stuff.

    If you don't have 4m GP, sorry, CAT is not for you yet. You probably wouldn't have been able to unlock her from Conquest, when she was there anyway.

    Don't have teams that can beat the proving ground events? Sorry, but you wound't have been able to unlock from Conquest either.

    I'm not saying that you have to be able to get her "the original way" to be able to get her now, and that's not the case either. It requires a lot less to get her from proving grounds in terms of roster, than getting her from her sojourn in Conquest. You only need ONE good team to get her now, and not a whole plethora of teams to get all the feats during Conquest. That's already a huge relief.

    Also; yes, refreshes are expensive, but shars are still cheaper than when her shards were available for crystals in weekly shipmens (550 for 5 instead of 600 for 5).

    Keep calm and grind/whale on. You'll all get the PG toons eventually. But it'll take a while - like everything else in the late and/or end game.
    Post edited by Krjstoff on
  • Rius
    382 posts Member
    LordDirt wrote: »
    Lumiya wrote: »
    LordDirt wrote: »
    This is a character collecting resource management game. Just do everything you can to boost up your roster. The more this game goes on the more CG wants everyone to have a huge well developed roster. If you want the new things faster you will have to always grow your roster to be ask big as you can.

    Sorry, but what you say is a contradiction. Either you manage your resources and use them wisely so you can build your roster effectively and get the best out of it or you have to bloat it to "grow" as fast as possible for a specific GM. To achieve that you use your resources for toons or ships that you will not be needing in the near future or ever.
    If you have a focused roster and use the resources where they are needed, you don't waste gear or credits on toons that are not helpful for your next goal. But that way your GP grows a lot slower as if you just level not needed toons to 50 just so you can slap mods on them etc.

    You would think so but it isnt. You need a well rounded roster to get max rewards in daily challenges, squad arena, fleet arena, fleet challenges, galactic challenges (lots of versions), omega battles (lots of versions), assault battles (lots of versions), fleet mastery, mod challenges, mod battles, GA, 4 different raids, TW, TB, conquest, heroic events, etc. The bigger your roster the more rewards you will get.

    Not correct newer players with 3-4M rosters have been developing them for success in C-Pit, Geo TB, normal conquest fleet arena and GAC, where I just beat a 6.2M (well rounded?) roster easily with my 3.6M roster. We had the opportunity to focus our rosters to these challenges and maximise rewards after they released with a lot of information out there so our rosters are leaner but many are just as good. I can get Wat and KAM shards in TB and Relic 8 mats in guild events. We didn’t do it to prevent bloat we just managed our resources well. Have good mods instead of a-lot of mods, have ticked of the journey guides we wanted instead of all as they come out with new content because as a newer player there is a lot of choice. And we do not need people to boss us around like a dinner lady telling us what order we are supposed to get characters in. If they are in a game for over a year they should be up for grabs.
  • TargetEadu
    1634 posts Member
    Is there anyone who unlocked CAT ftp who’s below 4M GP?
  • Lumiya
    1575 posts Member
    TargetEadu wrote: »
    Is there anyone who unlocked CAT ftp who’s below 4M GP?

    I know there are players who used every Conquest currency and crystals to unlock her, whom have been in normal mode/under 4M.

    But that is also something that bothers me. I, and I am sure many others, thought after a year I will be able to further farm her so I did not farm her that way, knowing it would take longer but eventually I would be able to after a year.
    If I would have known beforehand that it would be gated by GP, I might have considered farming her the same way. But I didn't have the necessary info to be able to make that/an informed decision. CG made it impossible for us to really be able to plan our strategy, eventhough in this game it is essential to have this kind of information. In games like these things can't be changed from one day to another and if you start something it takes several months to be finished. All the crucial information needs to be provided in a time that accounts for that.
    We are all made of star-stuff
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    Guild mates have had success with padme and also JKL led jedi for your non-GL teams
  • Options
    crzydroid wrote: »
    I think Traya lead can work for the Maul one, if you have Traya at r3.

    Thought there would be more outrage over the fact that players with them at 7* can still get shards. Huh.

    I think people generally don't care if someone else can get something. People get angry when they can't get something that others can, or can't experience the same content that others can. Honestly I was a bit salty that I'd be locked out of the content for having unlocked CAT during her conquest run (thankfully that wasn't the case at least for this PG) but I'm more bothered by the GP gate. What's to stop them from creating a 10m GP gate in the future for something else? That's what bothers me the most about all this.
    F2P since the last time I bought Kyros, Crystals, or the Conquest Pass.
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    ok, my main accounts aside, this is what I used on my just turned 4m account not yet done hard conquest:

    1star RC, 3star CAT

    I only had 13 eligible characters
    This is the Way
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